.Net and Visual Studio Courses
Learning Tree's .NET and Visual Studio courses equip learners with the skills to build web applications using ASP.NET Core and other .NET technologies, while also delving into advanced C# programming and .NET best practices. Students can expect to gain expertise in areas such as MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, and design patterns, ultimately learning how to create and deploy modern, multi-platform applications.
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Java Programming training course, you gain extensive hands-on experience writing, compiling, and executing Java programs.
Java programming, Java development, Java applications, object-oriented programming, reliability, maintainability, ease of development, hands-on experience, compiling, executing, Java features, Java training, Java course, Java basics, Java syntax, Java language, Java coding, Java fundamentals, Java syntax, Java classes, Java methods, Java variables, Java data types, Java control structures, Java loops, Java arrays, Java strings, Java exceptions, Java packages, Java libraries, Java API, Java virtual machine, Java runtime environment, JRE, JDK, JRE, JVM, Jave programming, Jave development, Jave applications, Jave training, Jave course. Java programming, Java development, Java applications, object-oriented programming, reliability, maintainability, ease of development, hands-on experience, compiling, executing, Java features, Java training, Java course, Java basics, Java syntax, Java language, Java coding, Java fundamentals, Java syntax, Java classes, Java methods, Java variables, Java data types, Java control structures, Java loops, Java arrays, Java strings, Java exceptions, Java packages, Java libraries, Java API, Java virtual machine, Java runtime environment, JRE, JDK, JRE, JVM, Java programming, Java development, Java applications, Java training, Java course.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Boost your Java coding skills with our Best Practices Training. Learn coding practices & design patterns to up your programming game!
Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview Jave, Bets Practices, Desgin Patterns, Traning, Progrmming, Sotware Develpment, Adaper Patterns, Comuter Programming, Comuter Scince, Singl-Instnce Progrmming Languges, Real-Word Software Develpment, Good Pratices, Jave Cod, Implmentation, Creatin, Aply, Skils, Undrstanding, Comprehnsive Oerview. Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview. No changes needed for UK English Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview. No changes needed for UK English
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn Java EE web application development in this course. Learn to integrate key components of Java EE 6 to create dynamic data-driven Web applications.
Java, web application development, training, high-performing, scalable, secure, Java Enterprise Edition, enterprise applications, Java programming, inheritance model, standard Java APIs, XML, intranet, internet development, HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, Java EE, web-based applications, state-of-the-art, experience, comprehensive approach, simple approach, programming experience, working knowledge, familiarity, APIs, classes, scalability, security, performance, internet technologies, web development, coding, software development, software engineering, programming languages, IT training, software training, computer science, application development, server-side programming, client-side programming, web services, network programming, database programming, front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, software architecture, software design, software testing, software deployment, software maintenance, software debugging, software optimization, software documentation, software project management, software development life cycle, software development methodologies, agile development, waterfall development, iterative development, object-oriented programming, functional programming, procedural programming, scripting, markup languages, style sheets, web standards, web accessibility, search engine optimization, user experience, user interface, responsive design, mobile development, cloud computing, virtualization, containerization, DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, version control, source code management, bug tracking, issue tracking, collaboration, teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, professionalism, ethics, career development, job skills, job market, job search, job interview, resume, cover letter, networking, professional associations, certification, online learning, e-learning, distance learning, classroom training, instructor-led training, self-paced training, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, internship, mentorship, coaching, consulting, freelancing, entrepreneurship, startup, business development, project management, product management, marketing, sales, customer service, technical support, IT operations, system administration, network administration, database administration, security administration, cloud administration, web hosting, domain registration, website management, content management, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, analytics, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, compliance, regulations, standards, best practices, industry trends, emerging technologies, innovation management, digital transformation, organizational culture, change management, leadership development, team building, employee engagement, performance management, talent management, human resources, diversity and inclusion, workplace wellness, work-life balance, time management, stress management, productivity, creativity, motivation, happiness, fulfillment, personal development, self-improvement, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, philosophy. Jave, Jawa, Javea, Jav, Javas Java, web application development, training, high-performing, scalable, secure, Java Enterprise Edition, enterprise applications, Java programming, inheritance model, standard Java APIs, XML, intranet, internet development, HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, Java EE, web-based applications, state-of-the-art, experience, comprehensive approach, simple approach, programming experience, working knowledge, familiarity, APIs, classes, scalability, security, performance, internet technologies, web development, coding, software development, software engineering, programming languages, IT training, software training, computer science, application development, server-side programming, client-side programming, web services, network programming, database programming, front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, software architecture, software design, software testing, software deployment, software maintenance, software debugging, software optimisation, software documentation, software project management, software development life cycle, software development methodologies, agile development, waterfall development, iterative development, object-oriented programming, functional programming, procedural programming, scripting, markup languages, style sheets, web standards, web accessibility, search engine optimisation, user experience, user interface, responsive design, mobile development, cloud computing, virtualisation, containerisation, DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, version control, source code management, bug tracking, issue tracking, collaboration, teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, professionalism, ethics, career development, job skills, job market, job search, job interview, resume, cover letter, networking, professional associations, certification, online learning, e-learning, distance learning, classroom training, instructor-led training, self-paced training, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, internship, mentorship, coaching, consulting, freelancing, entrepreneurship, startup, business development, project management, product management, marketing, sales, customer service, technical support, IT operations, system administration, network administration, database administration, security administration, cloud administration, web hosting, domain registration, website management, content management, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, analytics, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, compliance, regulations, standards, best practices, industry trends, emerging technologies, innovation management, digital transformation, organisational culture, change management, leadership development, team building, employee engagement, performance management, talent management, human resources, diversity and inclusion, workplace wellness, work-life balance, time management, stress management, productivity, creativity, motivation, happiness, fulfilment, personal development, self-improvement, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, philosophy. Jave, Jawa, Javea, Jav, Javas
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Spring training course & learn to build enterprise Java applications. Gain the skills to implement high-performance applications.
Spring training, enterprise Java applications, productivity, development, Spring, code complexity, ecosystem, tools, libraries, high-performance applications, development time, transaction-handling policies, hands-on exercises, Spring Boot, database access, transactions, Java web services, deploying Java applications, containers, Docker, Sprin, enterprize, Java appplications, developmnt, transacton, handlng, polices, Sprng Boot, data base, Java webservices, deployng, Java applicatons, containrs, Dockr. Spring training, enterprise Java applications, productivity, development, Spring, code complexity, ecosystem, tools, libraries, high-performance applications, development time, transaction-handling policies, hands-on exercises, Spring Boot, database access, transactions, Java web services, deploying Java applications, containers, Docker, Spring, enterprise, Java applications, development, transaction, handling, policies, Spring Boot, database, Java web services, deploying, Java applications, containers, Docker.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,860 -
Learning Tree
Attend this CSS course & learn to build accessible & responsive web apps featuring a rich UI that performs across a wide range of Internet-capable devices.
CSS3, Responsive Web Design, training, accessible, responsive, web applications, rich UI, internet-capable devices, design skills, collapsible navigation, liquid layout content, data tables, forms, WCAG, level A, level AA, level AAA, checkpoints, modern, mobile-first design, typography, flexbox, CSS3 functions, pseudo-selectors, pseudo-elements, CSS integration, JavaScript frameworks, Angular, jQuery, HTML, versions of CSS, CSS, Resposive Web Desing, accesible, WCAG level a, level aa, level aaa, Jquery, Angula, HMTL. CSS3, Responsive Web Design, training, accessible, responsive, web applications, rich UI, internet-capable devices, design skills, collapsible navigation, liquid layout content, data tables, forms, WCAG, level A, level AA, level AAA, checkpoints, modern, mobile-first design, typography, flexbox, CSS3 functions, pseudo-selectors, pseudo-elements, CSS integration, JavaScript frameworks, Angular, jQuery, HTML, versions of CSS, CSS, Responsive Web Design, accessible, WCAG level A, level AA, level AAA, jQuery, Angular, HTML.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build high-performance client-side apps with React, for both browsers and mobile, in this training course.
react18, react 18, 18, React, Hooks, Redux, Toolkit, client-side applications, browser, native mobile applications, Typescript, productivity, development process, application project, architecting, automated testing, React Testing Library, unit testing, end-to-end testing, deploying, Reacts, Hookes, Reduks, ToolKit, client side, mobile apps, Typescrip, productivty, develepment, architecting, deploy, autometed testing, unit tests, end to end testing, Reacting.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
This Full Stack JavaScript developer course will teach you to write & debug client-side JavaScript to create modern pages for a variety of modern devices.
JavaScript, web development, training course, interactive websites, code structure, interactivity, dynamic HTML5, best practices, progressive enhancement techniques, full stack developer, data asynchronously, web dev, web programming, web design, front-end development, back-end development, web applications, web tools, web technologies, web languages, web scripting, web coding, web frameworks, web libraries, web APIs, web servers, web hosting, web security, web optimization, web performance, web accessibility, web usability, web standards, web trends, web community, web resources, web tutorials, web documentation, web support, JavaScript training, web development training, front-end training, back-end training, web programming training, web design training, web development skills, web programming skills, web design skills, front-end skills, back-end skills, web application skills, web tool skills, web technology skills, web language skills, web scripting skills, web coding skills, web framework skills, web library skills, web API skills, web server skills, web hosting skills, web security skills, web optimization skills, web performance skills, web accessibility skills, web usability skills, web standard skills, web trend skills, web community skills, web resource skills, web tutorial skills, web documentation skills, web support skills, JavaScript course, web development course, front-end course, back-end course, web programming course, web design course, web development knowledge, web programming knowledge, web design knowledge, front-end knowledge, back-end knowledge, web application knowledge, web tool knowledge, web technology knowledge, web language knowledge, web scripting knowledge, web coding knowledge, web framework knowledge, web library knowledge, web API knowledge, web server knowledge, web hosting knowledge, web security knowledge, web optimization knowledge, web performance knowledge, web accessibility knowledge, web usability knowledge, web standard knowledge, web trend knowledge, web community knowledge, web resource knowledge, web tutorial knowledge, web documentation knowledge, web support knowledge, JavaScript skills training, web development skills training, front-end skills training, back-end skills training, web programming skills training, web design skills training. JavaScript, web development, training course, interactive websites, code structure, interactivity, dynamic HTML5, best practices, progressive enhancement techniques, full stack developer, data asynchronously, web dev, web programming, web design, front-end development, back-end development, web applications, web tools, web technologies, web languages, web scripting, web coding, web frameworks, web libraries, web APIs, web servers, web hosting, web security, web optimisation, web performance, web accessibility, web usability, web standards, web trends, web community, web resources, web tutorials, web documentation, web support, JavaScript training, web development training, front-end training, back-end training, web programming training, web design training, web development skills, web programming skills, web design skills, front-end skills, back-end skills, web application skills, web tool skills, web technology skills, web language skills, web scripting skills, web coding skills, web framework skills, web library skills, web API skills, web server skills, web hosting skills, web security skills, web optimisation skills, web performance skills, web accessibility skills, web usability skills, web standard skills, web trend skills, web community skills, web resource skills, web tutorial skills, web documentation skills, web support skills, JavaScript course, web development course, front-end course, back-end course, web programming course, web design course, web development knowledge, web programming knowledge, web design knowledge, front-end knowledge, back-end knowledge, web application knowledge, web tool knowledge, web technology knowledge, web language knowledge, web scripting knowledge, web coding knowledge, web framework knowledge, web library knowledge, web API knowledge, web server knowledge, web hosting knowledge, web security knowledge, web optimisation knowledge, web performance knowledge, web accessibility knowledge, web usability knowledge, web standard knowledge, web trend knowledge, web community knowledge, web resource knowledge, web tutorial knowledge, web documentation knowledge, web support knowledge, JavaScript skills training, web development skills training, front-end skills training, back-end skills training, web programming skills training, web design skills training.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Attend this introduction to angular training course & learn to build responsive, enterprise-strength applications for desktop and mobile.
Angular training, Learn Angular, build applications, desktop, mobile devices, robust framework, interactive applications, platforms, experience building components, creating directives, modularizing applications, building template-driven forms, virtual machine, hands-on exercises, develop, test, new code, experiment, software, older versions, angular, Angular.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
In this Blazor course, you will learn how to use Blazor and C# to create interactive single-page and multi-page applications without JavaScript.
Blazor, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML5 APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages, Blaser, C#, interactiv, singlepage, multipage, aplications, JavaScipt, .NET framewrk, clientside, serverside, logik, HTML APIs, geolokation, local storag, exend, existng, pges Blazor, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML5 APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages, Blaser, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on React 16 course & learn to build an application & create high-performance user Interfaces with JSX components. Attend in-class or online.
Building Web Applications with React 16, 16, React 16, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, Reak, Reduex, Javascrip library, Fcebook, HTML, web apps, User Interface, Uis, archetectural patterns, client-side app functionality. React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
The .NET programming course provides hands-on experience with C#, visual basic, Windows programming, ASP.NET & ADO.NET database access.
.NET, programming, Microsoft, Windows, Visual Studio, development, web application, user interface, business logic, data access layers, computer programming, Visual Basic, VB, C#, C Sharp, ASP.NET, Web forms, SQL Server, ADO.NET, Active Data Objects, design, code generation, testing, debugging, Active Server Pages, SQL, database. -.NEt, -Microsft, -Visual Studo, -web apllication, -Visul Basic, -C Sharp, -Actve Data Objects, -SQL Server database.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
In this .NET Best Practices & Design Patterns course, gain the skills needed to solve complex programming problems using design patterns & best practices.
.NET, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, software programming, Agile development, modern design patterns, architectures, lazy singletons, asynchronous adapters, separation of concerns, C# code, maintainable, flexible, resilient, .NET, Best Practises, Design Pattrens
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build modern Web apps with ASP.NET Core, including MVC, Razor Pages, and Web Services. Deploy microservice-based apps on multiple platforms.
Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, technologies, create, deploy, modern applications, microservice design, support, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Buildingg, Web Apps, ASP.NETCORE, MVC framework, Razorpages, web services, .NETCORE, tech, multiple platform support, Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, microservice design, deploy, modern applications, multiple devices, multiple platforms, ASP.NET, microservices, develepors, deply Byggnad, webbapplikationer, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, webbtjänster, .NET Core, mikrotjänstedesign, distribuera, moderna applikationer, flera enheter, flera plattformar, stavfel ASP.NET, mikrotjänster, utvecklare, distribuera.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
In this .NET Web Services course, you learn to create WCF services, develop RESTful Web services with ASP.NET Web API, & real time Web services with SignalR.
.NET, web services, WCF, ASP.NET, Web API, SignalR, C#, Visual Basic, enterprise applications, online access, business data, frameworks, technologies, distributed applications, isolated data, programming, training. -.NET, web servises, WFC, ASB.NET, Web AIP, SingalR, C#, Vusual Basic, entrprise applications, onine access, busines data, framworks, tecnologies, distrubuted applications, isolatd data, programing, traning.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Become a proficient ASP.NET Core MVC developer with our comprehensive training. Master the skills to build robust web applications.
core7, core 7, ASP.NET, MVC, Core, Core 5, microservices, modern applications, multiple devices, platforms, Web Services, Active Server Pages, Network Enabled Technologies, Model, View, Controller, .NET, training, developers, learning, deployment, technologies ASP.NET ASPNET, ASP .NET MVC MCV, MCVC Core Kor, Coar, Koor, kore Microservices Microservices, Micro services, micro-services Web Services Web Services, web-services, webservices .NET dot net, dotnet, ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, microservice design, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Web Services, ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, microservise design, Web Servises ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, mikrotjänst-design, flera enheter, flera plattformar, webbtjänster, stavfel ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, mikrotjänst-design, webbtjänster.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
This ASP.NET Web Forms course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to build dynamic web applications with ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2013.
ASP.NET, Web Forms, Visual Studio, rapid application development, n-tier web applications, databases, user interfaces, data-binding, model-binding, data-source controls, ASPNET, WebForms, VisualStudio, rapid app development, n tier web applications, data binding, model binding ASP.NET, Web Forms, Visual Studio, rapid application development, n-tier web applications, databases, user interfaces, data binding, model binding, data source controls, ASPNET, WebForms, VisualStudio, rapid app development, n tier web applications, data binding, model binding.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,395 -
Master the art of building ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web apps that effectively consume APIs with this intermediate, hands-on course. Learn to interact with APIs, implement HTTP operations, and render API responses dynamically.
applied skills, applied skill, az-2002, az2002, az 2002, ASP.NET Core Web App, API Consumption in ASP.NET, Razor Pages Development, .NET Core Programming, ASP.NET Core Webbutveckling, API-användning i ASP.NET, Razor Pages Utveckling, asp.net core razor pages, asp.net core minimal api, asp.net razor pages, razor pages syntax, razor pages web app, applied skills, api documentation, asp.net core web app, core programming, api consumption, programming language, var builder webapplication.createbuilder args, server side, net core, creating a new project, wide ranges, asp.net core mvc, api calls, api functional, model binding, method called, create apis, rest api, asp.net core web application, int id get set, web page, command line, web api, additional information, developer experience,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to build cloud-native, distributed applications with .NET Aspire. Gain hands-on experience with databases, caching, and messaging.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Enroll on this live C# training course and get an introduction to C# as an object-oriented language for application development. Attend in-class or online.
csharp, C#, C # , C, C#, programming, object-oriented programming, application development, .NET Framework Library, software development, language syntax, program structure, implementation, user interface, business logic, data access, object-oriented coding, coding, production-level programs, practical experience, introductory coverage C sharp, C-sharp, OOP, .NET Framework, programming skills, program structures, program syntax.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Julia Programming for Artificial Intelligence course, learn the fundamentals of coding in Julia.
CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Julia programming, machine learning, artificial intelligence, development environment, high performance, scripting environment, Python, compiled languages, C, Fortran, coding, programming techniques, cutting-edge, fundamentals, algorithms, AI, ML Julia programming, machine learning, artificial intelligence, development environment, high performance, scripting environment, Python, compiled languages, C, Fortran, coding, programming techniques, cutting-edge, fundamentals, algorithms, AI, ML.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
The Git basics training course provides a comprehensive understanding of basic Git concepts and looks at the different ways Git can be used and implemented.
Git, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending, get, basix, traning, cource, comphrehensive, understading, concpets, implimented, in-dept, suport, wroking, maintanance, envirnoment, intergrations, advansed, linix, interfaes, priior. Git, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending, get, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
The Git advanced training course provides an understanding of advanced Git concepts and looks at configuration and functionality.
Git, advanced, training, course, understanding, concepts, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending, GIt, adavnced, traning, courze, confuguration, functinality, basix, recomendded, atteding. Git, advanced, training, course, understanding, concepts, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending, Git, advanced, training, course, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Attend this C++ course & gain a foundation in C++ syntax & object-oriented programming. Learn how to use C++ functions & variables & advanced features.
cplusplus, C++, , C+, C++T, Introduction to C++ Programming, C++ syntax, C++ usage, object-oriented programming, C++ functions, C++ variables, constructors, destructors, inheritance, polymorphism, programming experience, compiled language, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, C, Java, HTML, SQL. Object-oriented programing, C plus plus, constructor, compile language, Pascale, Javaa, SQl, cplusplus, C++, , C+, C++T, C++ programming, syntax, usage, object-oriented programming, functions, variables, constructors, destructors, inheritance, polymorphism, greater ability, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, programming experience, compiled language, HTML, SQL. C plus plus programming, object oriented programming, polymorphisim, compilled language, HTLM, SQL experience. C++ programmering, syntax, användning, objektorienterad programmering, funktioner, variabler, konstruktorer, destruktörer, arv, polymorfism, större förmåga, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, programmeringserfarenhet, kompilerat språk, HTML, SQL. Vanliga felstavningar C plus plus programmering, objektorienterad programmering, polymorfism, kompilerat språk, HTLM, SQL erfarenhet.
Foundation4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Rust has a promising future for systems devs and data scientists working with large models. Develop applications that need to be fast and secure.
Rust, programming language, systems level, C/C++, cloud infrastructure, developers, tech companies, systems developer, learning path, data scientists, simulation, machine learning, accuracy, performance, fast, secure, industry, scale, growth, traditional, rosy future, aspiring, sweet-spot, demands, top-tier, models, applications, essentials, building better software, most loved language, Stack Overflow Developer survey, struggling, , . Rust, programming language, systems level, C/C++, cloud infrastructure, developers, tech companies, systems developer, learning path, data scientists, simulation, machine learning, accuracy, performance, fast, secure, industry, scale, growth, traditional, rosy future, aspiring, sweet-spot, demands, top-tier, models, applications, essentials, building better software, most loved language, Stack Overflow Developer survey, struggling, , s.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Prepare for the CSC-210 exam with this CertNexus Cyber Secure Coder certification training course.
Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, software quality, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus, CSC-210 exam, cybersecurity, secure coding, secure software development, privacy, security issues, security risks, security controls, security testing, security assessment, security audit, security compliance, security policies, security standards, secure coding practices, secure coding guidelines, secure coding techniques, secure coding principles, secure coding standards, secure coding best practices, secure coding training, secure coding certification, secure coding course, secure coding education, secure coding workshop, secure coding seminar, secure coding conference, secure coding webinar, secure coding tutorial, secure coding resources, secure coding tools, secure coding software, secure coding languages, secure coding frameworks, secure coding libraries, secure coding platforms, secure coding methodologies, secure coding principles. Cyper Secure Coder secuity devlopment vunerabilities remedate misconfiguation privcy certnexis CEC-210 exam cybersecurity secure codeing secure sofware development secutity securty securiy securty secuirty securiyt securit securtiy securti securty securiity securtiity securitity securtiity securty securiyty securecoding securecodeing securecodig securecodign securecding securecdoing securecodin securecodnig securecodning secure coing secure codng secure codig secure codign secure cdong secure cdoing secure codin secure codnig secure codning secure-coding Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, software quality, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus, CSC-210 exam, cybersecurity, secure coding, secure software development, privacy, security issues, security risks, security controls, security testing, security assessment, security audit, security compliance, security policies, security standards, secure coding practices, secure coding guidelines, secure coding techniques, secure coding principles, secure coding standards, secure coding best practices, secure coding training, secure coding certification, secure coding course, secure coding education, secure coding workshop, secure coding seminar, secure coding conference, secure coding webinar, secure coding tutorial, secure coding resources, secure coding tools, secure coding software, secure coding languages, secure coding frameworks, secure coding libraries, secure coding platforms, secure coding methodologies, secure coding principles. Cyber Secure Coder security development vulnerabilities remediate misconfiguration privacy CertNexus CSC-210 exam cybersecurity secure coding secure software development security security security security security security security security security security security security security security secure coding secure, CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, code, delivery, software quality, privacy issues, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus CSC-210 exam, Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, mjukvarusäkerhet, utvecklingsteam, kod, leverans, mjukvarukvalitet, integritetsproblem, mjukvaruutvecklingslivscykel, sårbarheter, åtgärda, säkerhetsdefekter, felkonfiguration, designa mjukvara, mänskligt element, integrera säkerhet, CertNexus CSC-210-examen, stavfel Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software.
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn to clean, analyze, and graph data using R in this course. Widely used in diverse disciplines for estimation and prediction.
R programming, statistical computing, machine learning, graphics, data analysis, data visualization, data cleaning, data manipulation, data science, data mining, data exploration, data modelling, R studio, R language, R packages, R functions, R libraries, R syntax, R code, R environment, R console, R community, R community packages, R community forums, R community resources, R courses, R tutorials, R workshops, R training, R certification, R job opportunities, R career, R salary, R market demand, R industry, R applications, R tools, R IDE, R GUI, R debugger, R compiler, R interpreter, R version, R release, R updates, R documentation, R manuals, R books, R blogs, R podcasts, R videos, R webinars, R conferences, R events, R user groups, R support, R consulting, R outsourcing, R freelancing, R projects, R challenges, R competitions, R datasets, R examples, R benchmarks, R best practices, R tips, R tricks, R hacks, R cheatsheets, R FAQs, R glossary, R wiki, R community guidelines, R code of conduct, R privacy policy, R terms of use, R copyright. R programing statstical computing machine leanring data vizualization data manupulation data scinece data mning R stduio R langauge R packeges R fucntions R libraris R sytax R envrionment R consol R cmmunity R corses R turorials R workshosp R traiing R cetification R job oppurtunities R carer R salry R market demnad R indutry R applicatons R tolos R ID R GUi R debbuger R compilier R interprter R versoin R relase R upadtes R documentaion R manulas R books R blgos R podcats R vidoes R webnairs R confrences R evnets R user grups R supprot R consuting R outsurcing R freelncing R prjects R challanges R competions R programming, statistical computing, machine learning, graphics, data analysis, data visualisation, data cleaning, data manipulation, data science, data mining, data exploration, data modelling, R studio, R language, R packages, R functions, R libraries, R syntax, R code, R environment, R console, R community, R community packages, R community forums, R community resources, R courses, R tutorials, R workshops, R training, R certification, R job opportunities, R career, R salary, R market demand, R industry, R applications, R tools, R IDE, R GUI, R debugger, R compiler, R interpreter, R version, R release, R updates, R documentation, R manuals, R books, R blogs, R podcasts, R videos, R webinars, R conferences, R events, R user groups, R support, R consulting, R outsourcing, R freelancing, R projects, R challenges, R competitions, R datasets, R examples, R benchmarks, R best practices, R tips, R tricks, R hacks, R cheatsheets, R FAQs, R glossary, R wiki, R community guidelines, R code of conduct, R privacy policy, R terms of use, R copyright. R programming statistical computing machine learning data visualisation data manipulation data science data mining R studio R language R packages R functions R libraries R syntax R code R environment R console R community R courses R tutorials R workshops R training R certification R job opportunities R career R salary R market demand R industry R applications R tools R IDE R GUI R debugger R compiler R interpreter R version R release R updates R documentation R manuals R books R blogs R podcasts R videos R webinars R conferences R events R user groups R support R consulting R outsourcing R freelancing R projects R challenges R competitions
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Master TypeScript and Node basics in our concise course. Acquire skills to create and deploy scalable apps.
learning tree, team training, application programming interface, typescript and node, team course #, node training, instructor - led training, functional programming, advanced typescript course, training delivery methods, software developers, training programs, pure functions, learning experience, problem solving, data structures, open source, static type, social media, side effects, delivery methods, higher order functions, typescript compiler, training delivery, api call, function call, operating systems, type checking, rest api, instructor led training ilt, TypeScript training, Node course, web development certification, JavaScript, back-end programming, TypeScript-utbildning, Node-kurs, certifiering för webbutveckling, JavaScript, backend-programmering
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Boost productivity with AI-driven Python programming tools. Learn code generation, debugging, and optimization in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Get pre-requisite Python skills development in just 2 days for data science, web dev, embedded systems & more. Join this Python Training now!
programming, beginners, software development, user interface, business logic, data access, code, Python, Java, C#, requirements, design, testing, debugging, data science, web development, embedded systems, real-time systems, programing, beginers, sofware development, user interface, bussiness logic, data aces, cod, phython, jav, csharp, testin, debuging
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
This Introduction to Python programming course provides hands-on experience using Python to rapidly develop feature-rich applications.
PCEP certification, Python training, Python course, Python development, Python programming, Python app development, Python coding, Python syntax, Python libraries, Python packages, Python modules, Python basics, Python fundamentals, Python for beginners, Python for dummies, Pyton, Pythin, Pythn Python training, Python course, Python development, Python programming, Python app development, Python coding, Python syntax, Python libraries, Python packages, Python modules, Python basics, Python fundamentals, Python for beginners, Python for dummies, Python, Python, Python.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Master Python at your pace with our On-Demand course. Learn coding, app development, and access content, labs, and videos anytime for a year.
ondemand, Python training, Python course, Python learning, Python coding, Python development, on-demand training, online training, self-paced learning, flexible learning, Python programming, Python apps, Python syntax, Python modules, Python libraries, Python beginners, Python for beginners, Python basics, Pythong training, Pythpn course, Pyhton learning, Pthyon coding, Python devolopment.
FoundationOn-DemandStarts from £1,420 -
Learning Tree
This advanced Python training course will expand your foundational Python programming skills to build reliable and stable applications.
Python training, advanced Python, Python programming, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, REST web service, Gang of Four, software design, reliable applications, stable applications, programming skills, GoF design patterns, recurring design problems, RESTful web services, Pythhon training, advenced Python, desing patterns, best practises, object-orientated programming, concurent threads, RESTful web servises, GOF design patterns. Python training, advanced Python, Python programming, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, REST web service, Gang of Four, software design, reliable applications, stable applications, programming skills, GoF design patterns, recurring design problems, RESTful web services, Python training, advanced Python, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, RESTful web services, GoF design patterns.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on course looks at techniques and tools for speeding up your Python apps.
Python performance, optimizing Python, speeding up Python, Python tools, performance tuning, Python optimization, Python speed, Python acceleration, Python efficiency, Pyton perfomance, optimizng Python, Python performace, Python performance, improve Python speed, optimize Python code, Python optimization, Python speed up, Python acceleration, Python tuning, Python profiling, Python benchmarking, Python efficiency, Python faster, Python high performance, Python parallelization, Python concurrency, Python multiprocessing, Python multithreading, Python GIL, Python JIT, Python Cython, Python numba, Python numpy, Python pandas, Python data analysis, Python scientific computing, Python machine learning, Python deep learning, Python AI, Python web development, Python Django, Python Flask, Python Pyramid, Python asyncio, Python Twisted, Python Tornado, Python network programming, Python socket programming, Python GUI programming, Python PyQt, Python Tkinter, Python wxPython, Python game development, Python Pygame, Python Raspberry Pi, Python embedded systems, Python microcontrollers, Python IoT, Python AWS, Python cloud computing, Python DevOps, Python testing, Python debugging, Python profiling, Python memory optimization, Python code optimization, Python code review, Python best practices, Python style guide, Python PEP8, Python refactoring, Python design patterns, Python software architecture, Python performance monitoring, Python performance tuning, Python performance analysis, Python performance testing, Python performance benchmarking, Python performance metrics, Python performance improvement, Python performance tips, Python performance tricks, Python performance hacks, Python performance challenges, Python performance issues, Python performance problems, Python performance pitfalls, Python performance trade-offs, Python performance tradeoffs, Python performance considerations, Python performance trade-offs and considerations, Python performance tuning checklist, Python performance tuning guide, Python performance tuning tips, Python performance tuning techniques, Python performance tuning best practices, Python performance tuning patterns, Python performance tuning strategies, Python performance tuning tactics, Python performance tuning methods, Python performance tuning approaches, Python performance tuning solutions, Python performance tuning examples, Python performance tuning case studies, Python performance tuning lessons learned, Python performance tuning experiences, Python performance tuning stories, Python performance tuning insights, Python performance tuning recommendations, Python performance tuning advice, Python performance tuning suggestions, Python performance tuning ideas, Python performance tuning directions, Python performance tuning roadmap, Python performance tuning plan, Python performance tuning project, Python performance tuning objectives, Python performance tuning goals, Python performance tuning milestones, Python performance tuning deliverables, Python performance tuning outcomes, Python performance tuning results, Python performance tuning impact, Python performance tuning benefits, Python performance tuning ROI, Python performance tuning challenges, Python performance tuning issues, Python performance tuning problems, Python performance tuning pitfalls, Python performance tuning trade-offs, Python performance tuning considerations, Python performance tuning trade-offs and considerations, Python performance tuning checklist, Python performance tuning guide, Python performance tuning tips, Python performance tuning techniques, Python performance tuning best practices, Python performance tuning patterns, Python performance tuning strategies Python prestanda, förbättra Python hastighet, optimera Python kod, Python optimering, Python snabbare, Python acceleration, Python inställning, Python profilering, Python benchmarking, Python effektivitet, Python högre prestanda, Python parallelisering, Python samtidighet, Python multiprocessing, Python multitrådning, Python GIL, Python JIT, Python Cython, Python numba, Python numpy, Python pandas, Python dataanalys, Python vetenskaplig beräkning, Python maskininlärning, Python djupinlärning, Python AI, Python webbutveckling, Python Django, Python Flask, Python Pyramid, Python asyncio, Python Twisted, Python Tornado, Python nätverksprogrammering, Python socketprogrammering, Python GUI-programmering, Python PyQt, Python Tkinter, Python wxPython, Python spelutveckling, Python Pygame, Python Raspberry Pi, Python inbyggda system, Python mikrokontroller, Python IoT, Python AWS, Python molnberäkning, Python DevOps, Python testning, Python felsökning, Python profilering, Python minnesoptimering, Python kodoptimering, Python kodgranskning, Python bästa praxis, Python stilguide, Python PEP8, Python refaktorering, Python designmönster, Python programvaruarkitektur, Python prestandaövervakning, Python prestandaoptimering, Python prestandaanalys, Python prestandatestning, Python prestandabenchmarking, Python prestandamätvärden, Python prestandaförbättring, Python prestandatips, Python prestandatricks, Python prestandahacks, Python prestandautmaningar, Python prestandaproblem, Python prestandafallgropar, Python prestandaavvägningar, Python prestandaavvägningar och överväganden, Python prestandaoptimeringschecklista, Python prestandaoptimeringsguide, Python prestandaoptimeringstips, Python prestandaoptimeringstekniker, Python prestandaoptimeringsbästa praxis, Python prestandaoptimeringsmönster, Python prestandaoptimeringsstrategier
Advanced1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn Python for data analytics: clean, manipulate, and mine data. Evaluate model performance with numpy, pandas, scipy, and scikit-learn.
Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, numPy, Pandas, sciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, pyton, dat analytics, programing, statstical computing, numpy, pandas, scypy, scikit learn, busines questions Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classBundleStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Learn data visualisation with Python using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn in this training course for better data analytics.
Data Visualization, Python, Training, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Pandus, Matplotlip, Seabourn Data Visualisation, Python, Training, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Jupyter Notebooks & Python course & learn Anaconda distribution libraries, explore machine learning models with real datasets & more.
data science, python, jupyter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualizations, prediction models, programming fundamentals, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, pyton, jupitor, anacondo, machin learning, datsets, reporducible, pipelins, vizualizations, predicion models, pandas, matlplotlib, scikit learn. data science, python, jupyter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualisations, prediction models, programming fundamentals, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, python, jupiter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualisations, prediction models, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £625 -
Learning Tree
This AI ML Data Science Python course teaches you how to use Python libraries to build, evaluate, & deploy Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence models.
Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning & AI using Python, CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, AI ML Data Science Python Course, Data Science, Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Course, Training, Libraries, Build, Evaluate, Deploy, Models, Insights, Data, Lifecycle, Manage, Transform, Visualize, Raw Data, Predictive Models, Future Opportunities, Mis-spellings Datascience, Pyton, Machin Learnin, Artifical Intelligance, Traning, Libaries, Insigts, Lyfecycle, Manag, Transfrm, Vizualize, Predective, Modles.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,830 -
Learning Tree
Learn Python Data Wrangling: Extract/transform data from databases & Excel tables. Discover the benefits of NumPy & Pandas for efficient data cleaning.
Python, Data Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Data, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas, Mis-spellings Pyton, Dta, Wranglng, Traning, Extrct, Trnsform, Souces, Databse, Vults, Exel, Finncial, Tabels, Cleening, Methds, Languags, Numpy, Pandass Python, Data Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Data, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas, Mis-spellings Python, Data, Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial, Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Attend this use case course for user & system requirements & learn how you can improve customer satisfaction & product delivery. Attend in-class or online.
Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document, USe Case, tranning, User Requirments, System Requirments, custumer satisfaction, produt delivery, tehcniques, diffrence, skils, caputure, softwere, IT busines neads, wite, usecases, spesify, drwa, ULM diagrams, modle, sytem, creat, data, interfase modles, devlop, IT requirments documnt. Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document, Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
This ISTQB foundation level certification course prepares you for the ISTQB-BCS Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) Exam.
ISTQB, ISTQB Foundation Level, CTFL, Certified Tester, exam preparation, test design, test management, static testing, accreditation, BCS, training course, syllabus, certification, pass, importance, organisation, activities, techniques, ISTBQ, ISTB, ISTQ, CTFL certification, Certified Testor, exam prep, test designing, test managing, statik testing, accreditiation, BCS certification, sylabus
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,460 -
Learning Tree
Learn SCM & create project-level controls to manage configurations, control change & release a product with our training.
Software Change, Configuration, Release Management, SCM, Training, Efficiency, Maintenance, Development costs, Configuration planning, Change control, System building, Version management, Release management, Application core processes, Software project, Mis-spellings Sofware, Chang, Configuraton, Realease, Managment. Software Change, Configuration, Release Management, SCM, Training, Efficiency, Maintenance, Development costs, Configuration planning, Change control, System building, Version management, Release management, Application core processes, Software project, Mis-spellings Software, Change, Configuration, Release, Management.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Software Testing course, learn to apply fundamental test processes, implement test levels & types to various software development models.
Software testing, testing approaches, software life cycle, static analysis, test-design techniques, testing methods, functional design, maintainable products, ISTQB Foundation certification, certified tester, Course 316, achieving certification, practical exercises, multiple domains. Softare testing, testing aprroaches, static analisys, test-design technique, ISTBQ Foundation certification, certifed tester, achiving certificatin.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
This introduction to microservices training course explains the benefits of microservices and provides hands-on experience in the most popular tools used.
Microservices, Architecture, Training, Introduction, Benefits, Hands-on, Experience, Tools, Designing, Building, Monitoring, Maintaining, Micro-services, Micro service, Microservices architecture, Micro-services architecture, Micro-services training, Microservice training, Micro-services tools, Microservices tools, Micro-service design, Microservices design, Micro-service building, Microservices building, Micro-service monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Micro-service maintenance, Microservices maintenance, Mis-spellings Microservices architechture, Micro-services architechture, Microservice architechture, Micro-services training, Microservices training, Micro-services tools, Microservices tools, Micro-service design, Microservices design, Micro-service building, Microservices building, Micro-service monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Micro-service maintenance, Microservices maintenance. Microservices, Architecture, Training, Introduction, Benefits, Hands-on, Experience, Tools, Designing, Building, Monitoring, Maintaining, Microservices, Microservice, Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices training, Microservice training, Microservices tools, Microservices tools, Microservice design, Microservices design, Microservice building, Microservices building, Microservice monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Microservice maintenance, Microservices maintenance, Mis-spellings Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices training, Microservices tools, Microservices tools, Microservices design, Microservices design, Microservices building, Microservices building, Microservices monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Microservices maintenance, Microservices maintenance.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Elevate your software testing skills with our Advanced Software Testing Analyst course. Master advanced techniques and methodologies.
UK, Advanced Level, test, Analyst, ISTQB, Software Testing Certification Training, test analysis, design, execution, hands-on, define, implement, strategy, system, user, quality expectations, evaluate, requirements, formal, informal, reviews, business domain, validity, risk, effort, priority, report, progress, evidence, system quality, testing effort, explicit, implicit, objectives, analist, sotware, testeng, execusion, stratagy, requirments, bussiness, domane, evidance, explict UK, Advanced Level, examination, Analyst, ISTQB, Software Testing Certification Training, analysis, design, execution, practical, define, implement, strategy, system, user, quality expectations, assess, requirements, formal, informal, reviews, business sector, validity, risk, effort, priority, report, progress, evidence, system quality, testing effort, explicit, implicit, objectives, analyst, software, testing, execution, strategy, requirements, business, domain, evidence, explicit.
Advanced3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn MBSE project processes & build robust models using SysML notation & diagrams in 3-day training.
Model Based System Engineering, MBSE, modern software engineering, systems engineering, engineering transformation initiatives, model-based, document-based, SysML, project processes, robust models, notation, diagrams, OCSMP, APMG certifications, system engineers, acceleration, understanding, confidence Model Bases System Engineering MBCE SisML projecy processenotaion OCSOMQ APMJ certificationsystm engineeraccelaration
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,675 -
Learning Tree
In this 1-day Software Testing Strategies course, you will learn to integrate high-level testing infrastructure activities into the software life cycle.
software testing, testing strategies, test processes, quality assurance, software development, testing infrastructure, product quality, monitoring, implementation, software life cycle, software engineering, bug detection, software validation, error checking, software evaluation, testing methodologies, automated testing, manual testing, performance testing, functional testing, system testing, regression testing, unit testing, acceptance testing, integration testing, code debugging, quality control, softwear testing, test stratgies, qualtiy assurance, softwere development, monitoringg, bug detection
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Open Group
Learn Enterprise Architecture Management based on the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition and prepare for the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 1 Exam.
TOGAF®, Open Group Architecture Framework, IT architecture, development, enterprise architecture, stakeholder needs, business change, legal compliance, PearsonVUE Testing Center, voucher, consistent architecture, future needs, simplify development, responsive system, TUAGF, legal compliant, business needs
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,146 -
Learning Tree
This 2-day Hands-On Simulation and Automated Testing course provides the knowledge to build more robust models.
Advanced MBSE, Simulation, Automated Testing, SysML Models, Model Based System Engineering, diagrams, testing, experimentation, digital twin, real-world entity, device, processes, IoT, Internet of Things, data monitoring, requirements, external documents, validation, robust models, requirements validation, data types, external programming scripts, modelling elements, course 3682, environmental conditions, theoretical situations, domain-specific date types, equations, formulas, parametric diagrams, structural diagrams, behavioural diagrams, external modelling tools, opaque behaviours, code blocks, fundamental understanding, systems engineering, Chapter 1, Fundamentals, Chapter 2, Data Types, Parameters, Chapter 3, Deploying, Chapter 4, Incorporating Add-Ons, Chapter 5, Writing Scripts, Chapter 6, Requirements Testing, Validation, Reporting, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python script, Systems Engineers, Software Engineers, Integration Engineers, Test Engineers, Project Managers, Systems Analysts, Quality Engineers, Technical Programme Managers, communications, automate analysis, system quality, enhanced architecture, analysis, design, development process, Advancd MBSE, Simultaion, Automted Testing, SysML Modles, Model Bsed System Engineering, diagramms, testng, experimentaion, digital twinn, real-world entitty, devic, proceses, IOT, Internet of Thigs, data monitring, requiremnts, external documentes, validaton, robust modelz, requirements validtion, data typs, external programming scriptz, modelling elementz, course 3683, environmental conditons, theoretical situatons, domain-specific date typs, equtions, formulaas, parametric diagrms, structural diagrms, behavioral diagrms, external modelling toolz, opaque behavoirs, code blockz, fundamental understaning, systems enginering, Chapter1, Fundamentls, Chapter 2, Data Typs, Parametrs, Chapter3, Deployng, Chapter4, Incorporating Addons, Chapter5, Writing Scriptz, Chapter6, Requirements Testng, Validaton, Reportng, OpenModelca, Simulnk, Python scripts, Systems Enginners, Software Enginners, Integration Enginners, Test Enginners, Project Mangers, Systems Analyts, Quality Enginners, Technical Programme Mangers, communicatons, automate analysi, system qualty, enhanced archtecture, analysi, desing, development proces, Avancerad MBSE, Simulering, Automatiserat Testning, SysML-modeller, Modellbaserad systemteknik, diagram, testning, experiment, digital tvilling, verklig världs-entitet, enhet, processer, IoT, Internet of Things, dataövervakning, krav, externa dokument, validering, robusta modeller, kravvalidering, datatyper, externa programmeringsskript, modelleringselement, kurs 3682, miljöförhållanden, teoretiska situationer, domänspecifika datumtyper, ekvationer, formler, parametriska diagram, strukturella diagram, beteendediagram, externa modelleringsverktyg, opaka beteenden, kodblock, grundläggande förståelse, systemteknik, Kapitel 1, Grundläggande, Kapitel 2, Datatyper, Parametrar, Kapitel 3, Implementering, Kapitel 4, Inkorporering av tillägg, Kapitel 5, Skriv skript, Kapitel 6, Kravtestning, Validering, Rapportering, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python-skript, Systemingenjörer, Mjukvaruingenjörer, Integrationsingenjörer, Testingenjörer, Projektledare, Systemanalytiker, Kvalitetsingenjörer, Tekniska programledare, kommunikationer, automatisera analys, systemkvalitet, förbättrad arkitektur, analys, design, utvecklingsprocess.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learning Tree
Join our 3-day course to master AI concepts, practical tools, and ethical practices for software engineering. Enhance your skills today!
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Learn to create a user experience (UX) that integrates the needs of the user with the application in this 3-day UX design course. Attend in-class or online.
User Experience, UX Design, User Interface, UI, functionality, usability, desktop, mobile, interaction scripts, information architecture, wireframes, interactive prototypes, application development, design process, designers, developers, project leads, business systems analysts. Use Experience User Experiance User Expeience Use Interface User Inteface User Inferface, User Experience, UX Design, User Interface, UI, Interaction scripts, Information architecture, Wireframes, Interactive prototypes, Desktop, Mobile, Functionality, Usability, Application development, Design process, Project leads, Business systems analysts, Web-based applications, Designers, Developers, Stakeholders, Input, Results, Satisfaction, Engagement. User Experiance Usability design Intaraction scriptInfomation architecture Wire frameInteractive prototipeDesk top Mobilee Funcionality Appication development Desing procesProject leedBussiness systems analyst Web based apllicationDesignreDevelperStakholderInputt ResutSatisfacshun Engagemint Användarupplevelse, UX-design, Användargränssnitt, UI, Interaktionsdesign, Informationsarkitektur, Wireframes, Interaktiva prototyper, Skrivbord, Mobil, Funktionalitet, Användbarhet, Applikationsutveckling, Designprocess, Projektledare, Affärssystemanalytiker, Webbbaserade applikationer, Designers, Utvecklare, Intressenter, Inmatning, Resultat, Tillfredsställelse, Engagemang. Användarupplevande Användbarhetsdesign Interaktionskript Informationsarkitektur Wireframes Interaktiva prototyper Skrivbord Mobil Funktionalitet Applikationsutveckling Designprocess Projektledare Affärssystemanalytiker Webbbaserade applikationer Designers Utvecklare Intressenter Inmatning Resultat Tillfredsställelse Engagemang
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
This HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript course will teach you to enhance the User Experience (UX) & build modern, feature-rich web pages with the latest standards.
HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training: Platform-Independent Web Development, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, web development, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, styling, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTLM5, CSS, Javascrip, web developement, user experiance, user expereince, UX, devies, deskop browsers, smartfones, tabelts, best practises, mark-up, programing, modren sites, feature-rich sites, site performence, accesibility, SE0, web standerds, site desine, HTML5 aplications, dynaimc images, multimedia featurs, Javascript experiance, HTM, CASS, Javascipt HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, web development, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, styling, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, web development, user experience, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to integrate strong security measures into web app development with our Securing Web Apps Training.
Web application security, web server security, web service security, cybersecurity, OWASP, web application development, security measures, secure architecture, best practices, critical security risks, remediation, hands-on experience, in-depth training, full stack cybersecurity, web-based applications, web apps and services, securing web applications, securing web servers, securing web services, cyber security, web app security, web server secruity, web service secruity, OWASP top ten. Web application security, web server security, web service security, cybersecurity, OWASP, web application development, security measures, secure architecture, best practices, critical security risks, remediation, hands-on experience, in-depth training, full stack cybersecurity, web-based applications, web apps and services, securing web applications, securing web servers, securing web services, cyber security, web app security, web server security, web service security, OWASP top ten.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day hands-on course for an introduction to creating web pages with HTML and CSS, designing tables, adding images, and styling pages.
HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing, HTLM, CASS, webpages, desing, tabels, dat, imagges, stile, dinamic webpages, foundashunal knowledge, refreser, baasics, tranning corse, intruduction, developping. HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing, HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Attend this computer hacking forensic investigator certification course to get prepped to successfully pass the EC-Council ECO-312-49.
v11, CHFI Certification | Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training, CHFI v11, Digital forensics, evidence analysis, cyber forensics, computer forensic, computer security, incident response, infrastructure support, DoD Directive 8140, DoD Directive 8570.01, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Infrastructure Support, searching and seizing, chain-of-custody, acquisition, preservation, analysis, reporting, digital evidence, EC-Council, certification course. CFI Certification Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training with variations of capitalization CHFIv11 Digital forensics with variations of spelling Cyber forensics with variations of spelling Forensic computer investigation Incident response with variations of capitalization Infrastructure support with variations of spelling DoD Directive 8140 with variations of capitalization and spelling DoD Directive 8570.01 with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Incident Responder with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Infrastructure Support with variations of capitalization and spelling Searching and seizing with variations of spelling Chain of custody with variations of capitalization and spelling Acquisition with variations of spelling Preservation with variations of spelling Analysis with variations of spelling Reporting with variations of spelling Digital evidence with variations of spelling EC-Council with variations of capitalization and spelling
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from £1,595 -
Learning Tree
Master version control with our 'Introduction to Git' course - ideal for developers, data scientists, and writers seeking Git & GitHub proficiency.
Introduction to Git, Version Control, Git Installation, Basic Git Commands, Git Branching, Git Stashing, Git Merging, Conflict Resolution, Git GUI, GitKraken, Git Rebasing, Git Collaboration, GitHub, Remote Repositories, Git Workflows, Undoing Changes, Git History, Git Version Management, Git Reflogs, Git Best Practices, Git Training, Online Git Course, In-Person Git Training, Private Team Training, Git for Developers, Git for Data Scientists, Git for Technical Writers, Git and GitHub Skills, Programming Basics, Command Line Interface, Coding Principles, Introduktion till Git, Versionskontroll, Git-installation, Grundläggande Git-kommandon, Git Branching, Git Stashing, Git Merging, Konfliktlösning, Git GUI, GitKraken, Git Rebasing, Git-samarbete, GitHub, Fjärrrepositorier, Git-arbetsflöden, Ångra ändringar, Git-historik, Git Versionshantering, Git Reflogs, Git Bästa Praxis, Git-utbildning, Online Git-kurs, Git-utbildning på plats, Privat Teamutbildning, Git för Utvecklare, Git för Dataforskare, Git för Tekniska Skribenter, Git och GitHub-färdigheter, Programmeringsgrunder, Kommandoradsgränssnitt, Kodningsprinciper
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build mobile apps with React Native. Gain hands-on experience in creating dynamic, cross-platform applications. Enroll now!
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579