In this course, learn how to configure the basic technologies of the NetApp Data ONTAP® operating system—clustered Data ONTAP and Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.
NetApp, Data ONTAP, clustered Data ONTAP, 7-Mode, aggregates, storage virtual machines, SVMs, virtual interfaces, VIFs, FlexVol volumes, qtrees, Snapshot copies, virtual server, Vserver. NetApp Netapp, netapp Data ONTAP Data Ontap, data ontap, data ONTAP SVMs Svm, svms VIFs Vifs, vifs FlexVol Flexvol, flexvol qtrees Qtrees, Qtree, qtree Snapshot copies Snapshot Copies, snapshot copies, snapshot copy, Snapshot copy, snapshot Copies virtual server Virtual Server, virtual Server, Virtual server NetApp, Data ONTAP, clustered Data ONTAP, 7-Mode, aggregates, storage virtual machines, SVMs, virtual interfaces, VIFs, FlexVol volumes, qtrees, Snapshot copies, virtual server, Vserver. NetApp Netapp, netapp Data ONTAP Data Ontap, data ontap, data ONTAP SVMs Svm, svms VIFs Vifs, vifs FlexVol Flexvol, flexvol qtrees Qtrees, Qtree, qtree Snapshot copies Snapshot Copies, snapshot copies, snapshot copy, Snapshot copy, snapshot Copies virtual server Virtual Server, virtual Server, Virtual server
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,536 -
This (CDOTDP9) ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration and Data Protection Bundle teaches you basic administration and configuration of a cluster.
ONTAP, cluster, administration, configuration, storage, network, resources, shell, OnCommand System Manager, data protection, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SnapLock, replicate, restore, mission-critical data, enterprise, NetApp, solutions, backup, command line, scenarios, use cases, ONTAPP, clustr, adminstration, configration, storge, netwrk, resourses, shll, OnComand Systm Mnager, dat protectin, SnapMiror, SnapVult, SnapLok, replicte, restor, misson-critical data, enterprize, NetApp, solutons, bakup, commnd line, scenrios, usecases. ONTAP, cluster, administration, configuration, storage, network, resources, shell, OnCommand System Manager, data protection, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SnapLock, replicate, restore, mission-critical data, enterprise, NetApp, solutions, backup, command line, scenarios, use cases, ONTAPP, cluster, administration, configuration, storage, network, resources, shell, OnCommand System Manager, data protection, SnapMirror, SnapVault, SnapLock, replicate, restore, mission-critical data, enterprise, NetApp, solutions, backup, command line, scenarios, use cases.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £4,545 -
This (CIFSAD) ONTAP SMB Administration course extends the CIFS information that is found in the ONTAP Cluster Administration course.
CIFS, ONTAP, SMB, Administration, Training, CIF, ONTUP, SMD, Adminstration, Traning CIFS, ONTAP, SMB, Administration, Training, CIF, ONTUP, SMD, Administration, Training.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,940 -
Become proficient with Data ONTAP Snapshot®, SnapRestore®, SnapMirror®, SnapVault®, Open Systems SnapVault, and NDMP technologies in this course.
NetApp, Data Protection, Administration, Training, Snapshot, SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, Open Systems SnapVault, NDMP, replicate, restore, backup, NetApp storage system, command line, OnCommand System Manager, MetroCluster, NettApp, Data Protecton, Adminstraton, Traning, Snapshott, SnapRestor, SnapMiror, SnapVault, Open Systms SnapVault, NDPM, replicat, restor, bacup, NettApp storage systm, commnd line, OnCommnd System Managr, MetroClustr. NetApp, Data Protection, Administration, Training, Snapshot, SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, Open Systems SnapVault, NDMP, replicate, restore, backup, NetApp storage system, command line, OnCommand System Manager, MetroCluster, NetApp, Data Protection, Administration, Training, Snapshot, SnapRestore, SnapMirror, SnapVault, Open Systems SnapVault, NDMP, replicate, restore, backup, NetApp storage system, command line, OnCommand System Manager, MetroCluster.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,940 -
This course combines CIFS, NFS, and performance analysis topics into a single, in-depth one-week course. Learn to administer CIFS version 1.x to 2.x and NFS versions 3, 4, and 4.1 in a clustered Data ONTAP® operating system.
Managing NAS, Performance, Clustered Data ONTAP, CIFS, NFS, performance analysis, administer, version 1.x, version 2.x, version 3, version 4, version 4.1, NetApp storage systems, Clustered Data ONTAP Administration, ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration, Data Protection, CDOTDP9, hands-on experience, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, approved training partner Managin NAS Performence Data ONTPA CIFS version 1x NFS version 4.1 NetApp storage sytemLearning Tree Training Vochertution fee aproved training partner Managing NAS, Performance, Clustered Data ONTAP, CIFS, NFS, performance analysis, administer, version 1.x, version 2.x, version 3, version 4, version 4.1, NetApp storage systems, Clustered Data ONTAP Administration, ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration, Data Protection, CDOTDP9, hands-on experience, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, approved training partner Managing NAS Performance Data ONTAP CIFS version 1.x NFS version 4.1 NetApp storage systems Learning Tree Training Vouchers tuition fee approved training partner
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,840 -
This Cluster Administration course reviews NFS and explores in more detail different NFS versions and the features of ONTAP 9 software that support the NFS protocol.
NFS, ONTAP, administration, training, cluster, protocol, software, version, features, exercises, NPS, ONTA, adminstration, traning, clustr, protocoll, softwar, verison, feautres, exersises NFS, ONTAP, administration, training, cluster, protocol, software, version, features, exercises, NPS, ONTA, administration, training, cluster, protocol, software, version, features, exercises.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £870 -
This (ONTAP9ADM) ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration course uses lecture and hands-on exercises to teach basic administration and configuration of a cluster.
ONTAP, cluster administration, configuration, storage management, network management, cluster shell, OnCommand System Manager, hands-on labs, training partner, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, basic administration, , ONTAP9ADM, cluster adminstration, confirguration, storage managment, network managment, ONTAP9, OnCommand System Manger ONTAP, cluster administration, configuration, storage management, network management, cluster shell, OnCommand System Manager, hands-on labs, training partner, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, basic administration, , ONTAP9ADM, cluster administration, configuration, storage management, network management, ONTAP9, OnCommand System Manager.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,795 -
This course is designed for the pre-sales engineer to make an informed decision of which product in the NetApp portfolio best fits the customers needs.
NetApp portfolio, SAN architectures, configurations, pre-sales engineer, product, comparison, implementation steps, customer, solution, FAS, All Flash FAS, clustered Data ONTAP, E-Series, EF-Series, SANtricity, Core Technical Training, Data ONTAP OS, SANtricity OS, Mars OS, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, Learning Tree approved training partner NetApp portfolo SAN architecturs pre-sals engineer implemntation steps FAS and All Flas FAS Data ONTAP O SANtricity O Core Technical Traning Lerning Tree Traning Vouchers tution fee NetApp portfolio, SAN architectures, configurations, pre-sales engineer, product, comparison, implementation steps, customer, solution, FAS, All Flash FAS, clustered Data ONTAP, E-Series, EF-Series, SANtricity, Core Technical Training, Data ONTAP OS, SANtricity OS, Mars OS, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, Learning Tree approved training partner NetApp portfolio SAN architectures pre-sales engineer implementation steps FAS and All Flash FAS Data ONTAP OS SANtricity OS Core Technical Training Learning Tree Training Vouchers tuition fee
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,536 -
In this workshop course, you learn how to connect Windows® and Linux® hosts via Fibre Channel (FC) and iSCSI protocols to NetApp® SANs.
Data ONTAP, SAN implementation, training, Fibre Channel, FC, iSCSI, NetApp, SANs, Windows, Linux, hosts, connection, connectivity, protocol, SAN implimentation, Fibre Chanel, iSCZI, NetApp SAN's Data ONTAP, SAN implementation, training, Fibre Channel, FC, iSCSI, NetApp, SANs, Windows, Linux, hosts, connection, connectivity, protocol, SAN implementation, Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NetApp SANs.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,935 -
VMware vSphere: Optimise and Scale teaches advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure.
VMware vSphere, optimise, scale, virtual infrastructure, lecture, hands-on labs, configuration, advanced features, controls, ESXi, vCenter Server, administration, command prompt, Vmware vsphere, optimise, scalle, virtaul infrastructure, ESX, vCentre Server. VMware vSphere, optimise, scale, virtual infrastructure, lecture, hands-on labs, configuration, advanced features, controls, ESXi, vCenter Server, administration, command prompt, VMware vSphere, optimise, scale, virtual infrastructure, ESX, vCenter Server., VMware vSphere, optimize, scale, virtual infrastructure, configuration, maintenance, highly available, scalable, lecture, hands-on labs, advanced features, controls, VMware ESXi, VMware vCenter Server, prerequisites, Fast Track, administration experience, command prompt. Vmware vSphere Optimise Scalle Virtual infrastruture Configuaration Maintanence High availble Scablable Lecure Hands on labs Avanced featureControllVmware ESX Vmware vCenter PrerequsiteFas Track Adminstration experience Command promt VMware vSphere, optimera, skala, virtuell infrastruktur, konfiguration, underhåll, hög tillgänglighet, skalbarhet, föreläsning, praktiska laborationer, avancerade funktioner, kontroller, VMware ESXi, VMware vCenter Server, förutsättningar, snabbkurs, administrations erfarenhet, kommandoprompt. Vmware vSphere Optimisera Skala Virtuell infrastruktur Konfiguration Underhåll Hög tillgänglighet Skalbarhet Föreläsning Praktiska laborationer Avancerade funktioner Kontroller Vmware ESX Vmware vCenter Förutsättningar Snabbkurs Administrations erfarenhet Kommandoprompt
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,400 -
This training course focuses on preparing you to deploy and manage a software-defined storage solution with VMware® Virtual SAN™ 6.
VMware, Virtual SAN, software-defined storage, deployment, management, hands-on labs, ESXi, vCenter Server, block storage, file storage, vSphere, Install, Configure, Manage, SDDC, storage administration, Vmware, Virtaul SAN, software defined storage, deploment, managment, handson labs, ESX, vCentre Server, block storge, file storge, vShere, Instal, Configur, Manag, SDD, storae administartion. VMware, Virtual SAN, software-defined storage, deployment, management, hands-on labs, ESXi, vCenter Server, block storage, file storage, vSphere, Install, Configure, Manage, SDDC, storage administration, VMware, Virtual SAN, software-defined storage, deployment, management, hands-on labs, ESXi, vCenter Server, block storage, file storage, vSphere, Install, Configure, Manage, SDDC, storage administration.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,880 -
Learning Tree
In this .NET Web Services course, you learn to create WCF services, develop RESTful Web services with ASP.NET Web API, & real time Web services with SignalR.
.NET, web services, WCF, ASP.NET, Web API, SignalR, C#, Visual Basic, enterprise applications, online access, business data, frameworks, technologies, distributed applications, isolated data, programming, training. -.NET, web servises, WFC, ASB.NET, Web AIP, SingalR, C#, Vusual Basic, entrprise applications, onine access, busines data, framworks, tecnologies, distrubuted applications, isolatd data, programing, traning.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Develop 21st-century leadership skills to inspire excellence and foster engagement. Unlock your full leadership potential with our comprehensive training.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,150 -
APMG International™
Attend this official APMG AgilePM Foundation certification course & learn to deliver projects rapidly to meet customer needs. Foundation exam included.
Agile PM, certification, training, APMG, Foundation, exam, customer needs, projects, flex, deliver, rapid, meet, prepare, class, AgilePm, certificatoin, traning, APM, Foundatoin, agilpm, examm, custumer, projcts, flexx, delivr, rapidd, meeet, prepair, clas Agile PM, certification, training, APMG, Foundation, exam, customer needs, projects, flex, deliver, rapid, meet, prepare, class, AgilePM, certification, training, APMG, Foundation, AgilePM, exam, customer, projects, flex, deliver, rapid, meet, prepare, class.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,090 -
APMG International™
This Praxis Foundation and Practitioner course has been designed to provide the principles, goals, tools, and techniques in the Praxis Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (P3M) functions.
Praxis, framework, projects, programmes, portfolios, guidance, knowledge, method, competency, capability, certification, training, principles, tools, techniques, process models, interpersonal skills, P3M, manager, apply, tailor, complexity, scenario, Praxxis, Praxus, Praxas, P3 manager, P3M manager. Praxis, framework, projects, programmes, portfolios, guidance, knowledge, method, competency, capability, certification, training, principles, tools, techniques, process models, interpersonal skills, P3M, manager, apply, tailor, complexity, scenario, Praxxis, Praxus, Praxas, P3 manager, P3M manager.
Foundation5 daysTeam Training -
Enrol on this official Microsoft course (10969) and learn to administer Active Directory Services with Windows Server. Receive after-course coaching.
Active Directory, Windows Server, data access, information protection, identity infrastructure, secure access, configuration, Active Directory Domain Services, Group Policy, Dynamic Access Control, Work Folders, Work Place Join, Certificate Services, Rights Management Services, Federation Services, cloud integration, virtual lab environment, MOC, instructor-led training, networking infrastructure, name resolution, IP Addressing, DNS, DHCP, Hyper-V, Server Virtualization, security best practices, Windows client operating systems, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, actve directory, wndows server, identty infrastructure, secue access, ad ds, group polcy, dynmic access control, workfolders, wrkplace join, certifcate services, rghts management services, federaton services, cloud integraton, virtual lab enviroment, instructor led training, networing infrastructure, name resoluton, ip addresing, dns, dhcp, hyperv, server virtualizaton, security best practces, windows cleint operating systems, windows vista, windows7, windows8. Active Directory, Windows Server, data access, information protection, identity infrastructure, secure access, configuration, Active Directory Domain Services, Group Policy, Dynamic Access Control, Work Folders, Workplace Join, Certificate Services, Rights Management Services, Federation Services, cloud integration, virtual lab environment, MOC, instructor-led training, networking infrastructure, name resolution, IP addressing, DNS, DHCP, Hyper-V, Server Virtualisation, security best practices, Windows client operating systems, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, active directory, windows server, identity infrastructure, secure access, AD DS, group policy, dynamic access control, work folders, workplace join, certificate services, rights management services, federation services, cloud integration, virtual lab environment, instructor-led training, networking infrastructure, name resolution, IP addressing, DNS, DHCP, Hyper-V, server virtualisation, security best practices, Windows client operating systems, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
Online or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Learn to create, deploy, and maintain an Active Directory Domain Services environment with our hands-on, 1-day course. Ideal for IT professionals.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree's DP-300 Certification training provides the knowledge to administer a SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud & hybrid relational databases.
dp300, azure sql, microsoft sql, administering sql, sql administration, dp-300, cloud database, on-premises database, hybrid database, relational database, microsoft paas, sql-based applications, database infrastructure, sql solutions, sql offerings, database administration, sql server, azure certification, microsoft certification, dp 300
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Master Windows Server hybrid core infrastructure administration. Gain essential skills to effectively manage and secure your enterprise environment.
az800, Administering, Windows, Server, Infrastructure, Hybrid, Core, Manage, Workloads, Services, On-premises, Cloud, Technologies, Implement, Solutions, Identity, Management, Compute, Networking, Storage, Environment, Mis-spellings Adminstering, Windows Server, Infrastrcture, Hbrid, Manag, Workldos, Serives, Onpremises, Cloude, Technlogies, Implementing, Solutoins, Identiy, Managment, Comute, Netwroking, Storgae, Environemnt, az800, Administer, Windows Server, Infrastructure, Hybrid, Core, Manage, Workloads, Services, On-premises, Cloud technologies, Implement, Identity, Management, Compute, Networking, Storage, Environment, Azure, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Group Policy, PowerShell, Virtualisation, Backup, Disaster Recovery, Security, Compliance, Patching, Monitoring, Troubleshooting Adminster, Windwos Server, Infrastrcture, Hyrbid, Cpre, Manag, Worklods, Servcies, On-premisis, Clud technologies, Implemente, Identiy, Managment, Comptue, Netwroking, Stroage, Enviroment, Azuer, Actve Directory, DSN, DCHP, Gropu Policy, PoweShell, Virtulisation, Bacup, Disater Recovery, Securty, Complience, Paching, Monitring, Troubleshoting Administera, Windows Server, Infrastruktur, Hybrid, Kärna, Hantera, Arbetsbelastningar, Tjänster, On-premises, Molnteknologier, Implementera, Identitet, Hantering, Beräkning, Nätverk, Lagring, Miljö, Azure, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Grupprincip, PowerShell, Virtualisering, Backup, Katastrofåterställning, Säkerhet, Efterlevnad, Patchning, Övervakning, Felsökning
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
This Advanced Architecting on AWS course covers how to build complex solutions & preps you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Professional exam.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, architecting, advanced architecting, scalable, elastic, applications, data services, governance, security, Direct Connect, Storage Gateway, hybrid architecture, best practices, highly available, cloud computing, cloud architecture, cloud services, cloud solutions, cloud infrastructure, cloud deployment, cloud management, cloud security, cloud governance, cloud data, cloud storage, cloud networking, cloud integration, cloud migration, AWSAA, UK, United Kingdom, AWAS, Amazone Web Services, architeching, advenced architeching, scalabe, elstic, applicatons, data srvices, goverance, secuirty, Direct Conect, Storag Gateway, hibrid architechure, best practises, highy availble, coud computing, coud architechure, coud srvices, coud solutins, coud infrastucture, coud deploymnt, coud managment, coud secuity, coud goverance, coud data, coud storae, coud netwoking, coud integraton, coud migraton, AWA, AWSA, AWS UK, Amazone Web Services UK, architeching UK, advenced architeching UK, scalabe UK, elstic UK, applicatons UK, data srvices UK, goverance UK, secuirty UK, Direct Conect UK, Storag Gateway UK, hibrid architechure UK, best practises UK, highy availble UK. AWS, Amazon Web Services, architecting, advanced architecting, scalable, elastic, applications, data services, governance, security, Direct Connect, Storage Gateway, hybrid architecture, best practices, highly available, cloud computing, cloud architecture, cloud services, cloud solutions, cloud infrastructure, cloud deployment, cloud management, cloud security, cloud governance, cloud data, cloud storage, cloud networking, cloud integration, cloud migration, AWSAA, UK, United Kingdom, AWAS, Amazon Web Services, architecting, advanced architecting, scalable, elastic, applications, data services, governance, security, Direct Connect, Storage Gateway, hybrid architecture, best practices, highly available, cloud computing, cloud architecture, cloud services, cloud solutions, cloud infrastructure, cloud deployment, cloud management, cloud security, cloud governance, cloud data, cloud storage, cloud networking, cloud integration, cloud migration, AWA, AWSA, AWS UK, Amazon Web Services UK, architecting UK, advanced architecting UK, scalable UK, elastic UK, applications UK, data services UK, governance UK, security UK, Direct Connect UK, Storage Gateway UK, hybrid architecture UK, best practices UK, highly available UK.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Learning Tree
In this .NET Best Practices & Design Patterns course, gain the skills needed to solve complex programming problems using design patterns & best practices.
.NET, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, software programming, Agile development, modern design patterns, architectures, lazy singletons, asynchronous adapters, separation of concerns, C# code, maintainable, flexible, resilient, .NET, Best Practises, Design Pattrens
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learn to re-architect legacy, on-premise monolithic applications into cloud-native microservice driven architectures in this Advanced Developing on AWS course.
Advanced Developing on AWS, ADV-DEV, serverless microservices, cloud-native environment, legacy applications, cloud-based architectures, Twelve-Factor Application methodology, refactoring, on-premises, architecting. Advanced Developing on AWS Advanced Development on AWS, AWS-ADV-DEV, serverless micro-services, cloud-native, legacy application, cloud-based architecture, Twelve-Factor Application method. Advanced Development on AWS, ADV-DEV, serverless microservices, cloud-native environment, legacy applications, cloud-based architectures, Twelve-Factor Application methodology, refactoring, on-premises, architecting. Advanced Developing on AWS Advanced Development on AWS, AWS-ADV-DEV, serverless microservices, cloud-native, legacy application, cloud-based architecture, Twelve-Factor Application method.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Elevate your software testing skills with our Advanced Software Testing Analyst course. Master advanced techniques and methodologies.
UK, Advanced Level, test, Analyst, ISTQB, Software Testing Certification Training, test analysis, design, execution, hands-on, define, implement, strategy, system, user, quality expectations, evaluate, requirements, formal, informal, reviews, business domain, validity, risk, effort, priority, report, progress, evidence, system quality, testing effort, explicit, implicit, objectives, analist, sotware, testeng, execusion, stratagy, requirments, bussiness, domane, evidance, explict UK, Advanced Level, examination, Analyst, ISTQB, Software Testing Certification Training, analysis, design, execution, practical, define, implement, strategy, system, user, quality expectations, assess, requirements, formal, informal, reviews, business sector, validity, risk, effort, priority, report, progress, evidence, system quality, testing effort, explicit, implicit, objectives, analyst, software, testing, execution, strategy, requirements, business, domain, evidence, explicit.
Advanced3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
This 2-day Hands-On Simulation and Automated Testing course provides the knowledge to build more robust models.
Advanced MBSE, Simulation, Automated Testing, SysML Models, Model Based System Engineering, diagrams, testing, experimentation, digital twin, real-world entity, device, processes, IoT, Internet of Things, data monitoring, requirements, external documents, validation, robust models, requirements validation, data types, external programming scripts, modelling elements, course 3682, environmental conditions, theoretical situations, domain-specific date types, equations, formulas, parametric diagrams, structural diagrams, behavioural diagrams, external modelling tools, opaque behaviours, code blocks, fundamental understanding, systems engineering, Chapter 1, Fundamentals, Chapter 2, Data Types, Parameters, Chapter 3, Deploying, Chapter 4, Incorporating Add-Ons, Chapter 5, Writing Scripts, Chapter 6, Requirements Testing, Validation, Reporting, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python script, Systems Engineers, Software Engineers, Integration Engineers, Test Engineers, Project Managers, Systems Analysts, Quality Engineers, Technical Programme Managers, communications, automate analysis, system quality, enhanced architecture, analysis, design, development process, Advancd MBSE, Simultaion, Automted Testing, SysML Modles, Model Bsed System Engineering, diagramms, testng, experimentaion, digital twinn, real-world entitty, devic, proceses, IOT, Internet of Thigs, data monitring, requiremnts, external documentes, validaton, robust modelz, requirements validtion, data typs, external programming scriptz, modelling elementz, course 3683, environmental conditons, theoretical situatons, domain-specific date typs, equtions, formulaas, parametric diagrms, structural diagrms, behavioral diagrms, external modelling toolz, opaque behavoirs, code blockz, fundamental understaning, systems enginering, Chapter1, Fundamentls, Chapter 2, Data Typs, Parametrs, Chapter3, Deployng, Chapter4, Incorporating Addons, Chapter5, Writing Scriptz, Chapter6, Requirements Testng, Validaton, Reportng, OpenModelca, Simulnk, Python scripts, Systems Enginners, Software Enginners, Integration Enginners, Test Enginners, Project Mangers, Systems Analyts, Quality Enginners, Technical Programme Mangers, communicatons, automate analysi, system qualty, enhanced archtecture, analysi, desing, development proces, Avancerad MBSE, Simulering, Automatiserat Testning, SysML-modeller, Modellbaserad systemteknik, diagram, testning, experiment, digital tvilling, verklig världs-entitet, enhet, processer, IoT, Internet of Things, dataövervakning, krav, externa dokument, validering, robusta modeller, kravvalidering, datatyper, externa programmeringsskript, modelleringselement, kurs 3682, miljöförhållanden, teoretiska situationer, domänspecifika datumtyper, ekvationer, formler, parametriska diagram, strukturella diagram, beteendediagram, externa modelleringsverktyg, opaka beteenden, kodblock, grundläggande förståelse, systemteknik, Kapitel 1, Grundläggande, Kapitel 2, Datatyper, Parametrar, Kapitel 3, Implementering, Kapitel 4, Inkorporering av tillägg, Kapitel 5, Skriv skript, Kapitel 6, Kravtestning, Validering, Rapportering, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python-skript, Systemingenjörer, Mjukvaruingenjörer, Integrationsingenjörer, Testingenjörer, Projektledare, Systemanalytiker, Kvalitetsingenjörer, Tekniska programledare, kommunikationer, automatisera analys, systemkvalitet, förbättrad arkitektur, analys, design, utvecklingsprocess.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learning Tree
Master advanced Power App techniques with our in-depth training on Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps & SharePoint List Forms. Online & in-person options available.
Advanced Power Apps Training, Power Platform, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, SharePoint List Forms, Power Automate, Dataverse, Custom Controls, JSON, Online Training, In-Person Training, Course 1542, App Development, Power Apps Techniques, Adavnced Power Aps Training, Pwoer Platfrom, Cnavas Apps, Mdoel Drvien Apps, ShraePoint Lsit Forms, Pwoer Automate, Dtaverse, Cusotm Cotnrols, JSNO, Onilne Traniing, In-Pesron Traniing, Cours 1542, App Develpoment, Pwoer Aps Tehcniques
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Master advanced Power Automate techniques with our in-depth training on business logic flows, Dataverse, custom connections, and more. In-person & online options.
Advanced Power Automate Development, Power Platform, SharePoint Lists, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, Dataverse, custom data connections, flow actions, JSON, business logic flows, audience targeting, user permissions, Power Apps, Power BI, On-Premise Data Gateway, Learning Tree course 1542, Microsoft 365, Power Automate Training, Advancd Power Automate Developmnt, Power Platfrm, SharePont Lists, Canvs Apps, Model Drivn Apps, Dataverze, custom data conection, flow actionz, JASON, business logic floes, audience targetng, user permissins, Power Apss, Power B1, On-Premise Data Gteway, Learning Tree course 1532, Microsoft 356, Power Automte Training
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
This advanced Python training course will expand your foundational Python programming skills to build reliable and stable applications.
Python training, advanced Python, Python programming, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, REST web service, Gang of Four, software design, reliable applications, stable applications, programming skills, GoF design patterns, recurring design problems, RESTful web services, Pythhon training, advenced Python, desing patterns, best practises, object-orientated programming, concurent threads, RESTful web servises, GOF design patterns. Python training, advanced Python, Python programming, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, REST web service, Gang of Four, software design, reliable applications, stable applications, programming skills, GoF design patterns, recurring design problems, RESTful web services, Python training, advanced Python, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, RESTful web services, GoF design patterns.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
In this Advanced SQL course, you learn how to write robust sql queries, test your queries & avoid common errors & pitfalls. Attend in-class or online.
WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIES, , WRITI, WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIEST, Advanced SQL, SQL queries, SELECT statement, query method, test queries, errors, pitfalls, alternative solutions, efficient solution, relational database, hands-on, robust queries, SQL course, UK, Advansed SQL, SQL quereis, SELCT statement, quary method, comman errors, pitfals, altarnative solutons, efficent soluton, relatonal database, hands on. Advanced SQL, SQL queries, SELECT statement, query method, test queries, errors, pitfalls, alternative solutions, efficient solution, relational database, hands-on, robust queries, SQL course, UK, Advanced SQL, SQL queries, SELECT statement, query method, errors, pitfalls, alternative solutions, efficient solution, relational database, hands-on.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
Take your Tableau skills to the next level with our Advanced Tableau course. Harness the full potential of data visualization and analysis.
Tableau training, Tableau course, advanced Tableau, Tableau Qualified Associate, Tableau certification, Tableau tutorial, Tableau workshop, Tableau learning, Tableau classes, Tableau education, Tableau skills, Tableau development, Tableau mastery, Tableau expertise, Tableau navigation, Tableau visualization, Tableau data analysis, Tableau dashboard, Tableau reporting, Tableau software, Tableau tools, Tableau platform, Tableau interface, Tableau features, Tableau functions, Tableau techniques, Tableau best practices, Tableau tips, Tableau tricks, Tableau hacks, Tableau shortcuts, Tableau basics, Tableau fundamentals, Tableau essentials, Tableau introduction, Tableau overview, Tableau demo, Tableau trial, Tableau free, Tableau online, Tableau virtual, Tableau remote, Tableau live, Tableau in-person, Tableau classroom, Tableau instructor-led, Tableau self-paced, Tableau on-demand, Tableau flexible, Tableau personalized, Tableau customized, Tableau tailored. Tabelau, Tabeleau, Tableu, Tabluea, Tablea, Tablau, Tabelu, Tabealu, Tableo, Tableou, Tableoua, Tableauu., Tableau, Advanced, Training, course, Introduction, knowledge, Qualified Associate, enhance, build, learned, level, , Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, enahnce, bulid, leared, levl Tableau, Avancerad, Utbildning, kurs, Introduktion, kunskap, Kvalificerad Associate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå, semantiskt relaterade navigeringsord, stavfel Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learn advanced Power BI visualisation techniques, including report layouts, design patterns, and best practices for creating great reports and dashboards.
Power BI, advanced visualization, reports, dashboards, expert, layouts, agile process, data visualizations, design patterns, best practices, authoring, great reports, great dashboards, Power B1, powerbi, dashbord, vizualization Power BI, advanced visualisation, reports, dashboards, expert, layouts, agile process, data visualisations, design patterns, best practices, authoring, great reports, great dashboards, Power B1, powerbi, dashboard, visualisation.
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
This Agile Adoption for Managers course provides Agile managers with the knowledge and skills to position themselves to increase Agile fluency in the teams.
Agile Adoption, Managers Training, Agile fluency, customer value delivery, systems thinking, organizational change, Agile methods, cultural change, training, course, skills, knowledge, prerequisites, Agil Adoption, Mangers Training, Agil fluency, customr value delivery, systms thinking, organisational change, Agil mthods, cultur change. Agile Adoption, Managers Training, Agile fluency, customer value delivery, systems thinking, organisational change, Agile methods, cultural change, training, course, skills, knowledge, prerequisites, Agile Adoption, Managers Training, Agile fluency, customer value delivery, systems thinking, organisational change, Agile methods, cultural change.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learn practical Agile Test Automation techniques for high-coverage test code and quality software products.
Agile, Automation, Testing, Training, ICP-ATA Certification, software development, tester-developers, high-coverage test code, quality software products, Agile testing methods, business analysts, development teams, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, ATDD, Behaviour-Driven Development, BDD, agile approaches, unit tests, exploratory testing, testing methodologies, automated tests, agile teams, testing teams, product value, latest testing methodologies, agil, automaton, teting, traning, IC-ATA, sotware developmnt, testr-devlopers, hgh-coverage tst code, qualty sftware producs, Agil testng methds, busness analysts, devlopment teams, Acceptnce Test-Driven Developmnt, A-TDD, Behavir-Driven Developmnt, B-DD, agil approches, unt tests, exploratry testng, testng methodlogies, automatd tests, agil tems, testng tems, prodct value, latest testng methodlogies. Agile, Automation, Testing, Training, ICP-ATA Certification, software development, tester-developers, high-coverage test code, quality software products, Agile testing methods, business analysts, development teams, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, ATDD, Behaviour-Driven Development, BDD, agile approaches, unit tests, exploratory testing, testing methodologies, automated tests, agile teams, testing teams, product value, latest testing methodologies, agile, automaton, testing, training, IC-ATA, software development, tester-developers, high-coverage test code, quality software products, Agile testing methods, business analysts, development teams, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, A-TDD, Behaviour-Driven Development, B-DD, agile approaches, unit tests, exploratory testing, testing methodologies, automated tests, agile teams, testing teams, product value, latest testing methodologies.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
APMG International™
In this 2-day Agile Change Agent Foundation Certification Training, you will learn about agile ways of working and how an agile approach impacts their role and interaction with those driving and leading change.
Agile, Change Agent, Foundation, Certification, Training, Organizations, Respond, Quickly, Easily, Opportunities, Managed, Implemented, Impact, Leading, Teams, Individuals, Business, Operating Environment, Contributing, Pioneering Tools, Embedded, Adopted, Benefits, Theories, Hands-on, Exercises, Practical Tools, Tips, Advice, Building Capability, Pre-prepared Checklists, Questionnaires, Models, Context, Content, Planning, Creating, Work, Prior Knowledge, Project Management, Business Analysis, Community, Exam, Multiple Choice, Pass Mark, Correct Questions, Agile Change Management, Practical Framework, Successful Change. Agil Chang Agant Foudation Certificaton Traning OpportuniteImplemnted Impackt Leding BussinesOperting Contributin Prepering QustionaireConteext Contnet Managment AnalisySucessful Changemanagement Agile, Change Agent, Foundation, Certification, Training, Organisations, Respond, Quickly, Easily, Opportunities, Managed, Implemented, Impact, Leading, Teams, Individuals, Business, Operating Environment, Contributing, Pioneering Tools, Embedded, Adopted, Benefits, Theories, Hands-on, Exercises, Practical Tools, Tips, Advice, Building Capability, Pre-prepared Checklists, Questionnaires, Models, Context, Content, Planning, Creating, Work, Prior Knowledge, Project Management, Business Analysis, Community, Exam, Multiple Choice, Pass Mark, Correct Questions, Agile Change Management, Practical Framework, Successful Change. Agile Change Agent Foundation Certification Training Opportunities Implemented Impact Leading Business Operating Contributing Preparing Questionnaires Context Content Management Analysis Successful Change management
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
The ICP-ACC Certification training course teaches you to coach your team to achieve maximum benefit from your Agile transformation.
Agile coach training, ICP-ACC certification, coaching theory, effective coach, mentor, Agile transformation, professional certifications, ICAgile Certified Expert, advanced Agile course, formal Agile training, Agile team, Agile fundamentals, Agile team facilitation, ICAgile certification, training roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, professional development units, ICAgile certification training. Agile couch training, ICP-ACC certifcation, coaching theroy, efective coach, mento, Agil transformation, profesionel certifications, ICAgile Certifed Expert, Agile traning, Agile fundementals, Agile team facilitation, ICAgile certifcation, PMI certification training. Agile coach training, ICP-ACC certification, coaching theory, effective coach, mentor, Agile transformation, professional certifications, ICAgile Certified Expert, advanced Agile course, formal Agile training, Agile team, Agile fundamentals, Agile team facilitation, ICAgile certification, training roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, professional development units, ICAgile certification training. Agile couch training, ICP-ACC certification, coaching theory, effective coach, mentor, Agile transformation, professional certifications, ICAgile Certified Expert, Agile training, Agile fundamentals, Agile team facilitation, ICAgile certification, PMI certification training.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Learning Tree
Explore Agile basics with our On-Demand Training. Learn lean project management, eliminate waste, streamline processes, and understand XP practices.
on-demand, ondemand, Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, streamline, extreme programming XP , feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact, Agil Fundamentals Training, leen project management, leen methodology, product stratagy, elliminate waste, extrem programming, feedbak loops, product back log items, product tem members, product vison, continuosly improve, maxium impact. Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, streamline, extreme programming XP , feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact, Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, extreme programming, feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact.
FoundationOn-DemandStarts from £395 -
This Agile Fundamentals Training course teaches you the necessary knowledge to become an ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP).
Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, streamline, extreme programming XP , feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact, Agil Fundamentals Training, leen project management, leen methodology, product stratagy, elliminate waste, extrem programming, feedbak loops, product back log items, product tem members, product vison, continuosly improve, maxium impact. Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, streamline, extreme programming XP , feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact, Agile Fundamentals Training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, eliminate waste, extreme programming, feedback loops, product backlog items, product team members, product vision, continuously improve, maximum impact.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
Learning Tree
Develop effective Agile leadership skills to drive innovation & empower teams. Unlock your leadership potential with our comprehensive Agile Leadership Training.
Agile, Leadership, Training, articulate, compelling, vision, organisation, future, business value, innovative, career advancement, results, knowledge, rapid change, agility, framework, career aspirations, advance, goals, Agil, Leaderhip, Trainig, articulat, compeling, vison, organiztion, furure, busness value, innovatve, carer advancment, resluts, knowlege, rapd chnge, agilty, framewrk, carer aspiratons, advnce, gols. Agile, Leadership, Training, articulate, compelling, vision, organisation, future, business value, innovative, career advancement, results, knowledge, rapid change, agility, framework, career aspirations, advance, goals, Agile, Leadership, Training, articulate, compelling, vision, organisation, future, business value, innovative, career advancement, results, knowledge, rapid change, agility, framework, career aspirations, advance, goals.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
This Agile Product Owner Training course teaches how to build the right products, for the right customers, at the right time while reducing waste.
Agile, Product Ownership, Training, ICP-APO, Certification, Business Analyst, Value, Environment, Right Products, Right Customers, Right Time, Waste, Knowledge, Experience, Agile Fundamentals, ICAgile Certification, Options, Agile, Product Ownership, Training, ICP-APO, Certification, Business Analyst, Environment, Value, Organisation, Customers, Waste, Knowledge, Experience, Agile Fundamentals, ICAgile Certification Training, Mis-spellings Agil, Prodcut, Owernship, Traning, ICP-AOP, Certfication, Busniess Analyst, Environemnt, Valu, Organiztion, Cusotmers, Wast, Knowlege, Experiance, Agil Fundamentals, ICAgil Certifcation Traning. Agil, Produktägarskap, Utbildning, ICP-APO, Certifiering, Affärsanalytiker, Miljö, Värde, Organisation, Kund, Slöseri, Kunskap, Erfarenhet, Agila grundläggande principer, ICAgile-certifieringsutbildning, Felskrivningar Agil, Prodcut, Owernship, Traning, ICP-AOP, Certfication, Busniess Analyst, Environemnt, Valu, Organiztion, Cusotmers, Wast, Knowlege, Experiance, Agil grundläggande principer, ICAgil-certifieringsutbildning.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Master Agile project management with our 2-day ICP-APM certification course. Enhance your skills and boost your career!
Agile project management, ICP-APM certification, skills, techniques, mindset, manage projects, collaborate, stakeholders, self-organizing teams, adjusting, refining, efficiency, effectiveness, instructor-led training, real-world challenges, overcome issues, real-world examples. Agile projet management Agle project management ICP APM certification manage projetself-organising teamreal-word examples
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,495 -
Learning Tree
Master Agile project management with Atlassian Jira training. Streamline collaboration, enhance productivity, and deliver projects successfully.
Agile Project Management, Jira, training, configure, organisation, real-time reporting, track projects, identify impediments, evolving requirements, incrementally captured, Agil Project Management, Jera, traning, configre, orgnization, real-time reportng, trak projects, identfy impediments, evolvin requirements, incrementaly captured. Agile Project Management, Jira, training, configure, organisation, real-time reporting, track projects, identify impediments, evolving requirements, incrementally captured, Agile Project Management, Jira, training, configure, organisation, real-time reporting, track projects, identify impediments, evolving requirements, incrementally captured.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Enhance your Agile software development expertise with TFS training. Streamline collaboration, improve productivity, and deliver exceptional results.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, Agile, software development, Azure DevOps, manage, project, features, backlog items, tasks, bugs, source code, TFVC, Git, monitor, progress, backlogs, Kanban boards, burn-downs, testing, deployment, continuous integration, Agil, softwere, developpment, Azur DevOps, manag, projct, featurs, backog items, taks, buugs, sorce code, TFCV, Gitt, moniter, progres, backlogs, Kanben boards, burn-down, testin, deployement, continous integration. Agile, software development, Azure DevOps, manage, project, features, backlog items, tasks, bugs, source code, TFVC, Git, monitor, progress, backlogs, Kanban boards, burn-downs, testing, deployment, continuous integration, Agile, software, development, Azure DevOps, manage, project, features, backlog items, tasks, bugs, source code, TFVC, Git, monitor, progress, backlogs, Kanban boards, burn-downs, testing, deployment, continuous integration.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
This Agile Team Facilitation Training course teaches you how to plan, organise, and run collaborative workshops. Plus, earn ICAgile ICP-ATF Certification.
Agile, team facilitation, ICP-ATF, certification, collaborative workshops, planning, organizing, effectiveness, pitfalls, role, capability, formal training, Agile fundamentals, experience, remote participation, webcam, Learning Tree Exam, ICAgile Coaching Track, ICE-AC, Certification & Training Roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, PDUs, professional development units. Agil, team facilitaion, ICP-ATF, sertification, colaborative workshops, planing, organising, efectiveness, pitfals, capabilty, formal Agil training, Agil fundementals, experiance, remoate participation, web cam, Learnig Tree Exam, ICAgil Coaching Track, ICE-AC, Certificaton & Training Roadmap, Projet Management Institute, PMI, PDU's, profesional development units. Agile, team facilitation, ICP-ATF, certification, collaborative workshops, planning, organising, effectiveness, pitfalls, role, capability, formal training, Agile fundamentals, experience, remote participation, webcam, Learning Tree Exam, ICAgile Coaching Track, ICE-AC, Certification & Training Roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, PDUs, professional development units. Agil, team facilitation, ICP-ATF, certification, collaborative workshops, planning, organizing, effectiveness, pitfalls, capability, formal Agile training, Agile fundamentals, experience, remote participation, webcam, Learning Tree Exam, ICAgile Coaching Track, ICE-AC, Certification & Training Roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, PDUs, professional development units.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
The Agile Testing training qualifies for the ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Testing (ICP-TST), and prepares attendees for the ISTQB Agile Tester Exam.
agile testing, testing methodologies, software testing, testing process, development team, user acceptance testing, UAT, refactoring techniques, continuous integration framework, effective testing practices, business requirements, production environment, managing changes, hands-on training, ICP-TST certification, software performance, testing team, realistic number of users, software design, code improvement, , , UK, 1815 agile testing, testing methodologies, software testing, testing process, development team, user acceptance testing, UAT, refactoring techniques, continuous integration framework, effective testing practices, business requirements, production environment, managing changes, hands-on training, ICP-TST certification, software performance, testing team, realistic number of users, software design, code improvement, , s, UK, 1815.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
The course will look at basic JIRA and agile concepts and cover the different out-of-the-box actions and functions available to JIRA Software users.
Agile, Atlassian, JIRA, project management, out-of-the-box, actions, functions, users, lab environment, instance, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, Agil, Atlassion, Jera, projct management, out-of-the-bx, actons, functons, lab envronment, instnce. Agile, Atlassian, JIRA, project management, out-of-the-box, actions, functions, users, lab environment, instance, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, Agile, Atlassian, JIRA, project management, out-of-the-box, actions, functions, lab environment, instance.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
APMG International™
Master AgileBA exam skills, Agile techniques, and enhance business analysis for effective project alignment in this 5-day training.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,795 -
APMG International™
Gain the APMG AgilePM Foundation and Practitioner certifications. Master Agile project management and drive successful outcomes. Enrol in our comprehensive course today.
Agile PM, Agile project management, certification training, APMG, Practitioner, Foundation, methodology, solutions, incremental, changing requirements, team collaboration, empowering individuals, exams, pass marks, techniques, ideas, discuss, explore, morning, final day, afternoons, AgilPM, AglePM, AgilePM® Agile PM, Agile project management, certification training, APMG, Practitioner, Foundation, methodology, solutions, incremental, changing requirements, team collaboration, empowering individuals, exams, pass marks, techniques, ideas, discuss, explore, morning, final day, afternoons, AgilPM, AglePM, AgilePM®.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,885 -
Learning Tree
Master AI in cybersecurity attack and defense. Dive into AI's role in cybersecurity. Boost your skills now!
nist ai risk management framework, security information and event management, natural language processing course, team training, cyber security, machine learning, learning tree, federated learning, risk assessment and management, security automation, security teams, artificial intelligence ai, wide range, security information and event, information and event management, open source, training data, machine learning algorithms, sensitive data, volumes of data, security solutions, driving cars, data breach, deep neural networks, cyber threats, threat hunting, log data, training models, large scale, mobile devices, AI cybersecurity, attack, defend, training, course, AI cybersäkerhet, attack, försvar, utbildning, kurs
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Join our 3-day course to master AI concepts, practical tools, and ethical practices for software engineering. Enhance your skills today!
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Gain foundational AI knowledge and practical skills for government operations in this 1-day hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
In this AI Skills for Business Professionals course, you will craft prompts and employ the many extra AI components now available on desktops/laptops such as plugins, APIs, visualizations.
Advanced Prompt Engineering, Business Users, Artificial Intelligence, Craft Prompts, AI Components, Desktops, Laptops, Plugins, APIs, Visualizations, Corporate Files, Business Insight, In-Person, Online, Large Language Models, Chain-of-Thought, Perspective Prompting, Reverse Prompting, Hands-On Experience, API Integrations, Spreadsheets, File Uploads, Dynamic Data, Business Applications, Marketing, Competitor Analysis, Recruitment, Training Prerequisites, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Training Outline, Day 1, Module 1, GPT-4, Architecture, Training Data, Model Size, NLP Tasks, Prompt Length, Complexity, Long-Form Content, Reasoning Tasks, Module 2, Leveraging Plugins, World News, Zapier, Extension Manager, Keyword Highlighting, Examples, Formatting, Code Generation, Spreadsheet Functions, Module 3, Uploading Files, PDFs, Word Docs, Optimal Formatting, Highlighting, Limitations, Multi-File Prompts, Summaries, Citations, Day 2, Module 4, Generating Visualizations, Graphs, Charts, Diagrams, Visualization Design, Data Format, Level of Detail, Axis Labels, Legends, Colours, Dashboards, Module 5, API Integration, Python Libraries, Anthropic's Claude API, Environment, Authentication, API Calls, Google Sheets, Passing Inputs, Processing Outputs, End-to-End Workflows, Module 6, Advanced Exercises, Business Cases, Market Analysis, HR Screening, Progressive Prompts, Iteration, Peer Feedback, Clarity, Effectiveness, Completeness, Advaned Prompt Enginering, Buisness Users, Artifical Inteligence, Craft Promtps, AI Compnents, Dsktops, Labtops, Plug-ins, API's, Visulizations, Corprate Files, Buisness Insight, In-Peson, On-line, Larg Language Models, Chian-of-Thought, Prespective Prompting, Reverese Prompting, HandsOn Experiance, API Integartions, Spredsheets, File Uplaods, Dyanmic Data, Buisness Applications, Markting, Competetor Analysis, Recuitment, Trainig Prerequisites, ChatGTP, Cloude, Bin, Brad, Traning Outline, Da 1, Modul 1, GPT4, Archetecture, Traning Data, Model Siz, NLP Taks, Promt Length, Complexty, LongForm Content, Resoning Tasks, Moduel 2, Leveragin Plugins, Wolrd News, Zapeir, Extention Manager, Keyword Highligting, Exampls, Formating, Code Genration, Spredsheet Functions, Moduel 3, Uploaing Files, PDF's, Wrod Docs, Optiaml Formatting, Highliting, Limitatons, MultiFile Prompts, Sumaris, Citatons, Da 2, Moduel 4, Genrating Visualizations, Graps, Chats, Diagarms, Visulaization Design, Data Formt, Levl of Detail, Axis Lables, Ledgens, Colurs, Dashbords, Moduel 5, API Integrtion, Phton Libraries, Anthropic's Cloude API, Enviroment, Authntication, API Cals, Gogle Sheets, Passing Imputs, Procssing Outputs, End-toEnd Workflows, Moduel 6, Advanced Excersises, Buisness Cases, Market Anlysis, HR Screning, Progressive Promtps, Itration, Peer Feddback, Clariti, Efectiveness, Complteness, Avancerad Prompt-teknik, Affärsanvändare, Artificiell Intelligens, Skapa Prompts, AI-komponenter, Skrivbord, Bärbara datorer, Plugins, API:er, Visualiseringar, Företagsfiler, Affärsinsikt, Ansikte mot ansikte, Online, Stora Språkmodeller, Tankekedja, Perspektivpromptning, Omvänd Promptning, Praktisk Erfarenhet, API-integrationer, Kalkylblad, Filuppladdningar, Dynamisk Data, Affärsapplikationer, Marknadsföring, Konkurrentanalys, Rekrytering, Utbildningsförutsättningar, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Utbildningsöversikt, Dag 1, Modul 1, GPT-4, Arkitektur, Träningsdata, Modellstorlek, NLP-uppgifter, Promptlängd, Komplexitet, Långformigt Innehåll, Resoneringsuppgifter, Modul 2, Utnyttja Plugins, Världsnyheter, Zapier, Tilläggschef, Nyckelordmarkering, Exempel, Formatering, Kodgenerering, Kalkylbladsfunktioner, Modul 3, Ladda upp Filer, PDF:er, Word-dokument, Optimal Formatering, Markering, Begränsningar, Multi-Filprompts, Sammanfattningar, Citat, Dag 2, Modul 4, Generera Visualiseringar, Grafer, Diagram, Scheman, Visualiseringsdesign, Dataformat, Detaljnivå, Axel-etiketter, Legender, Färger, Instrumentpaneler, Modul 5, API-integration, Python-bibliotek, Anthropics Claude API, Miljö, Autentisering, API-anrop, Google Sheets, Skicka Indata, Bearbeta Utdata, Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt Arbetsflöden, Modul 6, Avancerade Övningar, Affärsfall, Marknadsanalys, HR-screening, Progressiva Prompts, Iteration, Kollegial Återkoppling, Tydlighet, Effektivitet, Fullständighet
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
Boost productivity with AI-driven Python programming tools. Learn code generation, debugging, and optimization in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
DevOps Institute
Gain expertise with the AIOps Foundation (AIOF) Certification Course, mastering AI, machine learning in IT ops, and transforming digital landscapes.
AIOps Foundation, AIOps Certification, AIOps Course, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI in IT Operations, Digital Transformation, DevOps, Site Reliability, AIOps and MLOps, IT Operations Analytics, AIOps System Stages, AIOps Adoption, Data Complexity, System State Understanding, Big Data Characteristics, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Operational Metrics, Proactive Operations, Probabilistic Methods, AIOps Impact, DORA Metrics, AIOps Implementation, Machine Learning Ethics, Data Regulation Standards, Privacy in AI, AIOps history, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, IT operational landscape, artificial intelligence, machine learning models, AIOps vs MLOps, AIOps benefits, AIOps integration challenges, AIOps exercises, AIOps certification exam, IT terminology, DevOps Institute certification, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, AIOps vs IT Operations Analytics, AIOps core technologies, AIOps system stages, AIOps and DevOps, site reliability, big data sources, supervised vs unsupervised learning, machine learning training, performance metrics, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, service level agreements, reactive vs proactive operations, AIOps organisational impact, AIOps and DORA metrics, machine learning bias, data privacy, AIOps Foundation, AIOps-certifiering, AIOps-kurs, Maskininlärning, Stordata, AI i IT-drift, Digital omvandling, DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, AIOps och MLOps, IT-driftsanalys, AIOps-systemstadier, AIOps-anpassning, Datakomplexitet, Förståelse av systemtillstånd, Stordataegenskaper, Övervakat lärande, Oövervakat lärande, Operationella mätvärden, Proaktiva operationer, Sannolikhetsmetoder, AIOps-påverkan, DORA-mätvärden, Implementering av AIOps, Etik inom maskininlärning, Standarder för datalagstiftning, Integritet inom AI, AIOps-historia, analys av stordata, algoritmer för maskininlärning, IT-operationell landskap, artificiell intelligens, modeller för maskininlärning, AIOps vs MLOps, Fördelar med AIOps, Utmaningar i integration av AIOps, Övningar i AIOps, Examen för AIOps-certifiering, IT-terminologi, Certifiering från DevOps-institutet, PeopleCert-examensvoucher, Omprov för Take2-examen, Instruktörscoaching, AIOps vs IT-driftsanalys, Kärnteknologier för AIOps, Systemstadier för AIOps, AIOps och DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, Källor till stordata, Övervakat vs oövervakat lärande, Utbildning i maskininlärning, Prestandamätvärden, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, Avtal om servicenivåer, Reaktiva vs proaktiva operationer, Organisatorisk påverkan av AIOps, AIOps och DORA-mätvärden, Fördomar inom maskininlärning, Datasekretess
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learn to use Amazon SageMaker Studio for machine learning (ML) model prep, build, train, deploy, and monitoring in this training.
Amazon SageMaker Studio, SageMaker, data scientists, machine learning, ML models, prepare, build, train, deploy, monitor, productivity, lifecycle, training, tools, capabilities, AI, artificial intelligence, deep learning, neural networks, algorithms, datasets, model evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, Amazon Sagemaker Studio, Sagemaker, datascientists, machinelearning, machine learning models
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Gain hands-on expertise in Apache Kafka with our comprehensive training. Learn to build scalable, real-time data streaming applications.
Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, streams of events, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, configuring, process streaming data, Apachi Kafka, Kafca, Kaffka, Apach Kafka, Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time data, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, event streams, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, Kafka producer, Kafka consumer, configuring, process streaming data. Apachi Kafka handson training programatic accespublish/subscribe idiom reliable data deliver data pipe lineevent streming platform real time data event sorcedurable storage destination tecnologiecontinous flow intepretation Jave SE pyton fast streaming data Learning Tree exam Kafka broker Kafka produser Kafka consummer streaming data processing Apache Kafka, praktisk träning, kommandorad, programmatisk åtkomst, Java, publicera/prenumerera, asynkron kommunikation, producenter, konsumenter, tillförlitlig dataleverans, datapipelines, strömmande data, händelseströmningsplattform, realtidsdata, händelsekällor, databaser, sensorer, mobila enheter, molntjänster, sociala medier, programvaruapplikationer, händelseströmmar, hållbar lagring, manipulation, bearbetning, reaktion, destinations-teknologier, kontinuerlig flöde, tolkning, Java SE, Python, färdigheter, snabb data, Learning Tree Exam, utvecklare Kafka-mäklare, Kafka-producent, Kafka-konsument, konfigurering, processströmmande data. Apachi Kafka handson-träning programmatisk åtkomst publicera/prenumerera-idiom tillförlitlig datalämnad datapipelines händelseströmmande plattform realtidsdata händelsekällor hållbar lagring destinations-teknologier kontinuerligt flöde tolkning Jave SE pyton snabb strömmande data Learning Tree-examen Kafka-mäklare Kafka-producent Kafka-konsument bearbetning av strömmande data.
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
The APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) training improves a PM's confidence and keeps up with the latest mix of tools, techniques, processes, and skills.
APM, project management, project fundamentals, qualification, training, introductory certificate, principles, discipline, examination, knowledge, profession, challenging, exciting, PFQ, APM, project managment, project fundementals, qualifacation, traning, introductry certificate, princples, disipline, examniation, knowlege, professon, chalenging, exciteing, PFQ. APM, project management, project fundamentals, qualification, training, introductory certificate, principles, discipline, examination, knowledge, profession, challenging, exciting, PFQ, APM, project management, project fundamentals, qualification, training, introductory certificate, principles, discipline, examination, knowledge, profession, challenging, exciting, PFQ.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
The APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) training builds upon your current PM knowledge with business processes and project lifecycle management expertise.
APM, Project Management, Qualification, PMQ, training, career, knowledge, projects, critical elements, strategic, commercial environment, accreditations, professional bodies, Association for Project Management, competence, internationally recognised, IPMA Level D, deliver, success, APMQ, PM Qualification, APM Project Management, PM Qualifcation APM, Project Management, Qualification, PMQ, training, career, knowledge, projects, critical elements, strategic, commercial environment, accreditations, professional bodies, Association for Project Management, competence, internationally recognised, IPMA Level D, deliver, success, APMQ, PM Qualification, APM Project Management, PM Qualification.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,160 -
APMG International™
Join our 3-day APMG Agile Programme Management (PgM) Certification course to master agile practices and enhance your project management skills.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Learn AI applications in government with hands-on labs. Enhance efficiency and decision-making in federal agencies.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Jupyter Notebooks & Python course & learn Anaconda distribution libraries, explore machine learning models with real datasets & more.
data science, python, jupyter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualizations, prediction models, programming fundamentals, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, pyton, jupitor, anacondo, machin learning, datsets, reporducible, pipelins, vizualizations, predicion models, pandas, matlplotlib, scikit learn. data science, python, jupyter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualisations, prediction models, programming fundamentals, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, python, jupiter, anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible, pipelines, visualisations, prediction models, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £625 -
Learning Tree
Master MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Learn to map threats, apply real-world scenarios, and boost cyber defenses. Essential for security pros.
MITRE ATT&CK Framework, cybersecurity training, online course, foundation of MITRE ATT&CK, matrices, tactics, techniques, data sources, mitigations, cyber threat intelligence, defensive strategies, SolarWinds attack, threat intelligence mapping, adversary behaviours, ATT&CK Navigator, supply chain attacks, threat indicators, MITRE CAR, MITRE D3FEND, defensive recommendations, prioritizing techniques, security applications, cyber attacks, real-world case studies, cybersecurity concepts, online learning, MITRE ATT&CK Framework, cybersäkerhetsträning, onlinekurs, grundläggande MITRE ATT&CK, matriser, taktiker, tekniker, datakällor, mildringar, cyberhotunderrättelse, defensiva strategier, SolarWinds-attack, kartläggning av hotunderrättelse, fiendebeteenden, ATT&CK Navigator, leverantörskedjeattacker, hotindikatorer, MITRE CAR, MITRE D3FEND, defensiva rekommendationer, prioritering av tekniker, säkerhetstillämpningar, cyberattacker, fallstudier i verkligheten, cybersäkerhetsbegrepp, e-lärande, MITER ATT&K Framewurk, cybersicurity trainin, onlien corse, foundashun of MITER ATT&K, matrises, tactiks, tekniques, data sorses, mitigashuns, cybr thret intelligens, defensiv strategis, SolarWinds atack, thret inteligence maping, adversery behavirs, ATT&K Navigater, supply chane atacks, thret indicaters, MITER CAR, MITER D3FND, defensiv recomendations, prioritizing tecniques, securty aplications, cyber ataks, real-wurld case studis, cybersicurity concepts, onlien lerning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Architecting on AWS covers the fundamentals of building an IT infrastructure on AWS & preps you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Associate exam.
AWS, cloud-based solutions, IT infrastructure, AWS services, AWS Cloud, best practices, design patterns, optimal IT solutions, case studies, guided activity, hands-on activity, architecture, AWS platform, AWS customers, strategies, services, building, fundamentals, explore, optimize, infrastructures, UK, 1689, Architecting on AWS, AWSA, Arctecting on AWS, AWS architecting, AWS architecting course, AWS architecting certification, AWS architecting training AWS, cloud-based solutions, IT infrastructure, AWS services, AWS Cloud, best practices, design patterns, optimal IT solutions, case studies, guided activity, hands-on activity, architecture, AWS platform, AWS customers, strategies, services, building, fundamentals, explore, optimise, infrastructures, UK, 1689, Architecting on AWS, AWSA, Architecting on AWS, AWS architecting, AWS architecting course, AWS architecting certification, AWS architecting training.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,560 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to apply Generative AI models in PM scenarios with AI for Project Managers On-Demand. Explore Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from £179 -
Learning Tree
Become a proficient ASP.NET Core MVC developer with our comprehensive training. Master the skills to build robust web applications.
core7, core 7, ASP.NET, MVC, Core, Core 5, microservices, modern applications, multiple devices, platforms, Web Services, Active Server Pages, Network Enabled Technologies, Model, View, Controller, .NET, training, developers, learning, deployment, technologies ASP.NET ASPNET, ASP .NET MVC MCV, MCVC Core Kor, Coar, Koor, kore Microservices Microservices, Micro services, micro-services Web Services Web Services, web-services, webservices .NET dot net, dotnet, ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, microservice design, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Web Services, ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, microservise design, Web Servises ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, mikrotjänst-design, flera enheter, flera plattformar, webbtjänster, stavfel ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, mikrotjänst-design, webbtjänster.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Enhance your assertiveness skills and communicate with authority and impact. Gain confidence, influence, and effective communication techniques.
assertive communication, communication skills, training, video demonstrations, role-playing activities, journaling, practical workshops, self-awareness, behavior patterns, workplace relationships, passivity, aggression, assertiveness skills, authority, impact, positive communication, effective communication, assertiveness training, assertive behavior, assertive language, assertiveness techniques, assertiveness exercises, assertiveness coaching, assertiveness development, assertiveness improvement, assertiveness tips, assertiveness strategies, assertiveness program, assertiveness workshop, assertiveness seminar, assertiveness course, assertiveness coaching, assertiveness mentoring, assertiveness counseling, assertiveness guidance, assertiveness education, assertiveness learning, assertiveness mastery, assertiveness mastery program, assertiveness mastery training, assertiveness mastery course, assertiveness mastery workshop, assertiveness mastery seminar, assertiveness mastery coaching, assertiveness mastery mentoring, assertiveness mastery counseling, assertiveness mastery guidance, assertiveness mastery education, assertiveness mastery learning, assertiveness mastery techniques, assertiveness mastery exercises, assertiveness mastery tips, assertiveness mastery strategies, assertiveness mastery development, assertiveness mastery improvement, assertiveness mastery program. assurtive communication comunication skilltranning selfawarnesbehavoir patternwork place relationshipassertivness skillauthourity impack posetive communication efective communication assertivness training assertive behavoir assertiv langauge assertivness teqhniqueassertivness excerciseassertivness coatching assertivness developement assertivness improovement assertivness tipeassertivness strategyassertivness program assertivness workshop assertivness seminar assertivness course assertivness coatching assertivness mentoring assertivness counceling assertivness guidence assertivness education assertivness learning assertivness mastery assertivness mastery program assertivness mastery training assertivness mastery course assertivness mastery workshop assertivness mastery seminar assertivness mastery coatching assertivness mastery mentoring assertivness mastery counceling assertivness mastery guidence assertivness mastery education assertivness mastery learning assertivness mastery teqhniqueassertivness mastery excerciseassertivness mastery tipeassertivness mastery strategyassertivness assertive communication, communication skills, training, video demonstrations, role-playing activities, journaling, practical workshops, self-awareness, behaviour patterns, workplace relationships, passivity, aggression, assertiveness skills, authority, impact, positive communication, effective communication, assertiveness training, assertive behaviour, assertive language, assertiveness techniques, assertiveness exercises, assertiveness coaching, assertiveness development, assertiveness improvement, assertiveness tips, assertiveness strategies, assertiveness programme, assertiveness workshop, assertiveness seminar, assertiveness course, assertiveness coaching, assertiveness mentoring, assertiveness counselling, assertiveness guidance, assertiveness education, assertiveness learning, assertiveness mastery, assertiveness mastery programme, assertiveness mastery training, assertiveness mastery course, assertiveness mastery workshop, assertiveness mastery seminar, assertiveness mastery coaching, assertiveness mastery mentoring, assertiveness mastery counselling, assertiveness mastery guidance, assertiveness mastery education, assertiveness mastery learning, assertiveness mastery techniques, assertiveness mastery exercises, assertiveness mastery tips, assertiveness mastery strategies, assertiveness mastery development, assertiveness mastery improvement, assertiveness mastery programme. assertive communication communication skills training self-awareness behaviour patterns workplace relationships assertiveness skills authority impact positive communication effective communication assertiveness training assertive behaviour assertive language assertiveness techniques assertiveness exercises assertiveness coaching assertiveness development assertiveness improvement assertiveness tips assertiveness strategies assertiveness programme assertiveness workshop assertiveness seminar assertiveness course assertiveness coaching assertiveness mentoring assertiveness counselling assertiveness guidance assertiveness education assertiveness learning assertiveness mastery assertiveness mastery programme assertiveness mastery training assertiveness mastery course assertiveness mastery workshop assertiveness mastery seminar assertiveness mastery coaching assertiveness mastery mentoring assertiveness mastery counselling assertiveness mastery guidance assertiveness mastery education assertiveness mastery learning assertiveness mastery techniques assertiveness mastery exercises assertiveness mastery tips assertiveness mastery strategies assertiveness mastery development assertiveness mastery improvement assertiveness mastery programme.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
JIRA Software training with real-world settings and examples, translating the theory from the course into practical knowledge.
Atlassian JIRA, JIRA Core, JIRA Software, administration, training, custom project, process requirements, lab environment, practical working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, JIRA Application Administrators, define projects, configurations, Atlassion JIRA, JIRA Core Administration, JIRA Software Administration, Atlassian GIRA, JERA Core, JIRA Sotware, adminstration, traning, custum project, proces requirements, lab enviroment, pratical working area, real-world setings, exemples, teory, pratical knowledge, JIRA Application Adminstrators, defien projects, congigurations. Atlassian JIRA, JIRA Core, JIRA Software, administration, training, custom project, process requirements, lab environment, practical working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, JIRA Application Administrators, define projects, configurations, Atlassian JIRA, JIRA Core Administration, JIRA Software Administration, Atlassian JIRA, JIRA Core, JIRA Software, administration, training, custom project, process requirements, lab environment, practical working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, JIRA Application Administrators, define projects, configurations.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
This Atlassian JIRA core training course provides an understanding of basic JIRA concepts including working with issues, searching, and reporting.
Atlassian, JIRA, core, training, course, issues, searching, reporting, lab environment, real-world settings, practical knowledge, basics, understanding, engage, instance, translating, theory, action, examples, , Atlassion, Jera, cor, tranning, issus, serching, reportin, lab envirnment, real world, practicl, knwledge, bsis, understnding, engge, instnce, translting, thery, actin, exmples Atlassian, JIRA, core, training, course, issues, searching, reporting, lab environment, real-world settings, practical knowledge, basics, understanding, engage, instance, translating, theory, action, examples, , Atlassian, Jira, core, training, issues, searching, reporting, lab environment, real world, practical, knowledge, basics, understanding, engage, instance, translating, theory, action, examples.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
This Atlassian JIRA Service Desk Administration training course provides a deeper knowledge of the features and functionality of JIRA Service Desk.
Atlassian JIRA Service Desk, JIRA Software, JIRA Application Administrators, projects, configurations, service desk leads, training, features, functionality, lab environment, practical knowledge, real-world settings, examples, tailored, specific needs, deeper knowledge, instance, theory, benefit, engage, translate, responsibility, ideal, new, practical working area, define, course. Atlassion, JIRA Servise Desk, JIRA Sofware, JIRA Aplication Administrators, projets, configrations, servise desk leads, traning, feautres, funcitonality, lab enviroment, practicle knowledge, real-world settngs, exemples, taylored, specifik needs, deeper knowlege, instanse, teory, benifit, engae, translte, resposibility, idel, new, practicle working area, difine, corse. Atlassian JIRA Service Desk, JIRA Software, JIRA Application Administrators, projects, configurations, service desk leads, training, features, functionality, lab environment, practical knowledge, real-world settings, examples, tailored, specific needs, deeper knowledge, instance, theory, benefit, engage, translate, responsibility, ideal, new, practical working area, define, course. Atlassion, JIRA Service Desk, JIRA Software, JIRA Application Administrators, projects, configurations, service desk leads, training, features, functionality, lab environment, practical knowledge, real-world settings, examples, tailored, specific needs, deeper knowledge, instance, theory, benefit, engage, translate, responsibility, ideal, new, practical working area, define, course. Note There were no differences between US and UK English in this text. The have been corrected in the translation.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
This Atlassian JIRA Service Desk Basics training course provides an understanding of the features and functionality of Service Desk for JIRA.
Atlassian, JIRA, Service Desk, training, course, features, functionality, lab environment, instance, practical, working area, real world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, users, new, previous experience, JIRA Service Desk Basics, Attlassian, Jera, Servise Desk, traning, corse, featurs, functionalty, lab envirnment, instanse, pratical, workin area, reel world settins, exampels, thoery, pratical knowlege, usrs, noo, previus experiance, JIRA Servce Desk Basic Atlassian, JIRA, Service Desk, training, course, features, functionality, lab environment, instance, practical, working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, users, new, previous experience, JIRA Service Desk Basics, Atlassian, Jira, Service Desk, training, course, features, functionality, lab environment, instance, practical, working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, users, new, previous experience, JIRA Service Desk Basic.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learn how Atlassian JIRA Software can be tailored to meet specific needs with an in depth look at effective administration and configuration.
Atlassian JIRA Software, administration, configuration, lab environment, instance, practical, working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, JIRA Application Administrators, define projects, new JIRA Application Administrators, responsibility, benefit, tailored, meet specific needs, effective administration, in-depth look Atlassion JIRA Software Atlassion JIRA Administration JIRA Softwear JIRA Configurations JIRA Application Administrator JIRA Adminstration JIRA Software Administration Training Atlassian JIRA Software, administration, configuration, laboratory environment, instance, practical, working area, real-world settings, examples, theory, practical knowledge, JIRA Application Administrators, define projects, new JIRA Application Administrators, responsibility, benefit, tailored, meet specific needs, effective administration, in-depth look. Atlassian JIRA Software Atlassian JIRA Administration JIRA Software JIRA Configurations JIRA Application Administrator JIRA Administration JIRA Software Administration Training
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree's AZ-040 Powershell training teaches attendees how to use Windows PowerShell to administer and automate Windows server administration.
az040, AZ-040, AZ040, AZ 040, 8659AZ-040, Microsoft PowerShell, Windows server administration, commands, automate, script, reports, Microsoft 365 services, PowerShell training, automate administration, Windows PowerShell, admin, administration, Windows server, repetitive tasks, generate reports, Microsoft Office 365, PowerShell course, PowerShell commands, Windows automation, PowerShell automation, PowerShell scripting, PowerShell scripts, PowerShell reports, PowerShell management, PowerShell for Windows, PowerShell for server administration, PowerShell for Microsoft 365, PowerShell AZ-040, PowerShell AZ040, PowerShell AZ 040, PowerShell AZ040 training, PowerShell training course, PowerShell admin training, PowerShell automation training, PowerShell scripting training, PowerShell reports training, PowerShell management training. Microsft PowerShell Windows server adminstration comandautomat scipt repotMicrosft Office 365 PowerShell traning Windows PowerShell traning adminstration repetive taskgenrate reportPowerShell course PowerShell comandWindows automtion PowerShell automtion PowerShell scriting PowerShell scritpPowerShell repotPowerShell managment PowerShell for WindowPowerShell for server adminstration PowerShell for Microsoft Office 365 PowerShell AZ040 PowerShell AZ-40 PowerShell AZ040 traning PowerShell traning course PowerShell admin traning PowerShell automtion traning PowerShell scriting traning PowerShell repots traning PowerShell managment traning. Microsoft PowerShell, Windows server administration, commands, automate, script, reports, Microsoft 365 services, PowerShell training, automate administration, Windows PowerShell, admin, administration, Windows server, repetitive tasks, generate reports, Microsoft Office 365, PowerShell course, PowerShell commands, Windows automation, PowerShell automation, PowerShell scripting, PowerShell scripts, PowerShell reports, PowerShell management, PowerShell for Windows, PowerShell for server administration, PowerShell for Microsoft 365, PowerShell AZ-040, PowerShell AZ040, PowerShell AZ 040, PowerShell AZ040 training, PowerShell training course, PowerShell admin training, PowerShell automation training, PowerShell scripting training, PowerShell reports training, PowerShell management training. Microsoft PowerShell Windows server administration commands automate script reports Microsoft Office 365 PowerShell training Windows PowerShell training administration repetitive tasks generate reports PowerShell course PowerShell commands Windows automation PowerShell automation PowerShell scripting PowerShell scripts PowerShell reports PowerShell management PowerShell for Windows PowerShell for server administration PowerShell for Microsoft Office 365 PowerShell AZ040 PowerShell AZ-040 PowerShell AZ040 training PowerShell training course PowerShell admin training PowerShell automation training PowerShell scripting training PowerShell reports training PowerShell management training.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the full potential of Excel with our Automating Excel with Macros training. Learn to automate tasks, boost productivity, and save time.
Excel Macro, Excel automation, Excel VBA, Excel coding, Excel programming, Excel scripting, Excel productivity, Excel efficiency, Excel data analysis, Excel data manipulation, Excel data automation, Excel data processing, Excel data logging, Excel error handling, Excel troubleshooting, Excel user interface, Excel design, Excel version compatibility, Excel 97, Excel 2016, Excel training, Excel course, Microsoft Excel, Power Excel, Excel for business, Excel for productivity, Excel for automation, Excel for data analysis, Excel for data manipulation, Excel for data processing, Excel for error handling, Excel for troubleshooting, Excel for user interface, Excel for design, Excel for version compatibility, Excel for training, Excel for course, Excel intro, Excel basic, Excel advanced, Excel expert, Excel professional, Excel specialist, Excel guru, Excel wizard, Excel coach, Excel mentor, Excel tutor, Excel instructor, Excel teacher, Excel educator, Excel consultant, Excel advisor, Excel guide, Excel helper, Excel assistant, Excel supporter, Excel enthusiast, Excel fan, Excel aficionado, Excel lover, Excel user, Excel learner, Excel student, Excel beginner, Excel intermediate, Excel advanced, Excel professional, Excel business, Excel personal, Excel corporate, Excel enterprise, Excel small business, Excel medium business, Excel large business, Excel startup, Excel established business, Excel company, Excel organization, Excel institution, Excel school, Excel college, Excel university, Excel education, Excel learning, Excel knowledge, Excel skills, Excel proficiency, Excel expertise, Excel mastery, Excel certification, Excel qualification, Excel credential, Excel achievement, Excel recognition, Excel career, Excel job, Excel work, Excel employment, Excel opportunity, Excel advancement, Excel growth, Excel success, Excel achievement, Excel accomplishment, Excel progress, Excel improvement, Excel development, Excel innovation, Excel creativity, Excel imagination, Excel inspiration, Excel motivation, Excel passion, Excel dedication, Excel commitment, Excel discipline, Excel focus, Excel perseverance, Excel persistence, Excel patience, Excel excellence, Excel quality, Excel value, Excel benefit, Excel advantage, Excel solution, Excel tool, Excel resource, Excel asset, Excel investment, Excel return on investment, Excel ROI, Excel cost-effectiveness, Excel affordability, Excel accessibility, Excel convenience, Excel usability, Excel user-friendliness, Excel intuitiveness, Excel functionality, Excel performance, Excel reliability, Excel stability, Excel security, Excel privacy, Excel data protection, Excel confidentiality, Excel compliance, Excel regulation, Excel standard, Excel best practice, Excel benchmark, Excel comparison, Excel evaluation, Excel review, Excel rating, Excel feedback, Excel recommendation, Excel testimonial, Excel case study, Excel success story, Excel example, Excel sample, Excel demo, Excel trial, Excel free Excel Macro, Excel automation, Excel VBA, Excel coding, Excel programming, Excel scripting, Excel productivity, Excel efficiency, Excel data analysis, Excel data manipulation, Excel data automation, Excel data processing, Excel data logging, Excel error handling, Excel troubleshooting, Excel user interface, Excel design, Excel version compatibility, Excel 97, Excel 2016, Excel training, Excel course, Microsoft Excel, Power Excel, Excel for business, Excel for productivity, Excel for automation, Excel for data analysis, Excel for data manipulation, Excel for data processing, Excel for error handling, Excel for troubleshooting, Excel for user interface, Excel for design, Excel for version compatibility, Excel for training, Excel for course, Excel intro, Excel basic, Excel advanced, Excel expert, Excel professional, Excel specialist, Excel guru, Excel wizard, Excel coach, Excel mentor, Excel tutor, Excel instructor, Excel teacher, Excel educator, Excel consultant, Excel advisor, Excel guide, Excel helper, Excel assistant, Excel supporter, Excel enthusiast, Excel fan, Excel aficionado, Excel lover, Excel user, Excel learner, Excel student, Excel beginner, Excel intermediate, Excel advanced, Excel professional, Excel business, Excel personal, Excel corporate, Excel enterprise, Excel small business, Excel medium business, Excel large business, Excel startup, Excel established business, Excel company, Excel organisation, Excel institution, Excel school, Excel college, Excel university, Excel education, Excel learning, Excel knowledge, Excel skills, Excel proficiency, Excel expertise, Excel mastery, Excel certification, Excel qualification, Excel credential, Excel achievement, Excel recognition, Excel career, Excel job, Excel work, Excel employment, Excel opportunity, Excel advancement, Excel growth, Excel success, Excel achievement, Excel accomplishment, Excel progress, Excel improvement, Excel development, Excel innovation, Excel creativity, Excel imagination, Excel inspiration, Excel motivation, Excel passion, Excel dedication, Excel commitment, Excel discipline, Excel focus, Excel perseverance, Excel persistence, Excel patience, Excel excellence, Excel quality, Excel value, Excel benefit, Excel advantage, Excel solution, Excel tool, Excel resource, Excel asset, Excel investment, Excel return on investment, Excel ROI, Excel cost-effectiveness, Excel affordability, Excel accessibility, Excel convenience, Excel usability, Excel user-friendliness, Excel intuitiveness, Excel functionality, Excel performance, Excel reliability, Excel stability, Excel security, Excel privacy, Excel data protection, Excel confidentiality, Excel compliance, Excel regulation, Excel standard, Excel best practice, Excel benchmark, Excel comparison, Excel evaluation, Excel review, Excel rating, Excel feedback, Excel recommendation, Excel testimonial, Excel case study, Excel success story, Excel example, Excel sample, Excel demo, Excel trial, Excel free.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
AWS, Cloud, Practitioner, Essentials, training, course, certification, exam, study guide, online, resources, learning, platform, syllabus, curriculum, modules, topics, objectives, skills, knowledge, understanding, practice, test, assessment, preparation, review, feedback, improvement, success, career, job, employment, opportunity, salary, benefits, AWW, Cloude, Practisioner, Essentals, traning, cerification, exm, oneline, resorces, learnig, plaform, sylabus, curiculum, moduls, topiks, obgectives, skils, knowlege, understading, prctice, asesment, preperation, revew, feedbak, imporvement, sucsess, carer, jop, emplyment, oppertunity, salery, benifits. AWS, Cloud, Practitioner, Essentials, training, course, certification, exam, study guide, online, resources, learning, platform, syllabus, curriculum, modules, topics, objectives, skills, knowledge, understanding, practice, test, assessment, preparation, review, feedback, improvement, success, career, job, employment, opportunity, salary, benefits, AWW, Cloud, Practitioner, Essentials, training, certification, exam, online, resources, learning, platform, syllabus, curriculum, modules, topics, objectives, skills, knowledge, understanding, practice, assessment, preparation, review, feedback, improvement, success, career, job, employment, opportunity, salary, benefits.
Foundation1 day -
This 1-day fundamental AWS course, covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured.
AWS, security, essentials, SEC-ESS, cloud, access control, data encryption, network access, infrastructure, secure, responsibilities, services, available, AWW, secuirty, essentails, SEC-ESSS, cloude, acess control, data encrytion, netwrok access, infrasturcture, secuer, responisbilities, servcies AWS, security, essentials, SEC-ESS, cloud, access control, data encryption, network access, infrastructure, secure, responsibilities, services, available, AWW, security, essentials, SEC-ESSS, cloud, access control, data encryption, network access, infrastructure, secure, responsibilities, services.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £845 -
This AWS Technical Essentials course introduces you to Amazon Web Services (AWS) products, services, and common solutions. It provides you with fundamentals to become more proficient in identifying AWS services so that you can make informed decisions about IT solutions based on your business requirements and get started working on AWS.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, technical, essentials, solutions, products, services, hands-on, activities, exercises, proficiency, IT solutions, business requirements, AWES, AWES technical, essentails, solutons, prodcts, servces, hads-on, activites, excercises, proficency, IT solutons, busniess requirments. AWS, Amazon Web Services, technical, essentials, solutions, products, services, hands-on, activities, exercises, proficiency, IT solutions, business requirements, AWES, AWES technical, essentials, solutions, products, services, hands-on, activities, exercises, proficiency, IT solutions, business requirements.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £845 -
Learning Tree
Design and implement data integration solutions with Azure Data Factory. Master the skills to efficiently manage and transform data.
Azure Data Factory, ADF v2, data integration, solutions, architecture, data movement, data transformation, control-flow activities, reuse, best practices, security, Azure services, Data Lake Storage Gen 2, SQL Database, Databricks, Key Vault, Functions, hands-on labs, instructor-led, real-world projects, Azur Data Factory, ADFv2, data integrations, solutons, architecure, data movment, data transfomation, control flow, re-use, best-practices, secuirty, Azure servcies, Data Lake Stroage, SQL Database, DataBricks, KeyVault, Fucntions. Azure Data Factory, ADF v2, data integration, solutions, architecture, data movement, data transformation, control-flow activities, reuse, best practices, security, Azure services, Data Lake Storage Gen 2, SQL Database, Databricks, Key Vault, Functions, hands-on labs, instructor-led, real-world projects, Azure Data Factory, ADFv2, data integrations, solutions, architecture, data movement, data transformation, control flow, re-use, best practices, security, Azure services, Data Lake Storage, SQL Database, Databricks, Key Vault, Functions.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
In this 3-day BCS Agile Foundation Certification training, you will learn the core concepts of Agile practices, values and principles, across a range of Agile approaches irrespective of the type of business solution you are implementing.
Agile training, Agile practices, Agile values, Agile principles, BCS Foundation certificate, business solution, core concepts, practical activities, certification training, Agile approaches, implementation, introduction, reinforce, delegate, solid base, , Agile training, Agile practices, Agile values, Agile principles, BCS Foundation certificate, business solution, core concepts, practical activities, certification training, Agile approaches, implementation, introduction, reinforce, delegate, solid base, , s.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Achieve BCS Practitioner Certificate in Business Analysis Practice & learn an end-to-end holistic business analysis process in this 3-day course.
BCS Certificate, Business Analysis, Practice, Training, end-to-end, holistic, processes, people, organisational context, technology, strategic context, project discipline, stakeholder perspectives, business activities, potential solutions, business case, exam, BCS Certificat, Buisness Analysis, Pratice, Traning, end-toend, hollistic, proceses, peple, organisational contex, technolgy, strategic contex, project disipline, stakeholder perspectivs, busines activites, potencial solutions, busines case, exm BCS Certificate, Business Analysis, Practice, Training, end-to-end, holistic, processes, people, organisational context, technology, strategic context, project discipline, stakeholder perspectives, business activities, potential solutions, business case, exam, BCS Certificate, Business Analysis, Practice, Training, end-to-end, holistic, processes, people, organisational context, technology, strategic context, project discipline, stakeholder perspectives, business activities, potential solutions, business case, exam.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Achieve BCS Practitioner Certificate in Modelling Business Processes & learn to apply industry standard business process modelling & analysis techniques.
BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, business process improvement, Requirements Engineering, BPI, development cost, potential re-work, high-quality products, business value, BCS Modelling Business Processes exam, modelling, analysis, improvement, practises, framework, industry-standard, investigation, add value, reduce cost, business processes, BCS Modeling Business Processes, busines process modeling, analisis techniques, BPI, Requirements Engeneering, modling, busines proces, proces improvement BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, business process improvement, Requirements Engineering, BPI, development cost, potential re-work, high-quality products, business value, BCS Modelling Business Processes exam, modelling, analysis, improvement, practices, framework, industry-standard, investigation, add value, reduce cost, business processes, BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, BPI, Requirements Engineering, modelling, business process, process improvement.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Attend this 3-day foundation course & start preparing for the BCS Requirements Engineering exam at the end of the course.
BCS Certificate, Requirements Engineering, project delivery, knowledge, expertise, high-quality, mission-critical products, end-to-end requirements engineering framework, business case, well-documented, well-formed, quality products, BCS Requirements Engineering exam, experience, business analysis, successful projects, foundation certificate, open book, written, pass mark, special testing adjustments, International Diploma, Chartered Institute for IT, internationally recognized certification, skills, modules, practitioner level courses, oral examination, examiners, business analysis knowledge, scenarios, additional information, BCS Associate Membership, exclusive access, resources, content, opportunities, career, exam candidate, free Associate Membership, qualifying BCS exam. BSC Certificate Requirement Engineering proyect delivery experise end-to-end requirement enginering framework bussiness case well-documented and well-formed requierements BCS requirements Enginering Exam buisness analysipassmarc Chatered Institute of IT practicioner level courseoral examenation scenarioeasssociate Membership qualifiying BCS exam.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,470 -
The BCS Foundation Certificate in AI assesses understanding of AI terminology, principles, and ethical challenges.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,675 -
This official BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis course covers the fundamentals of business analysis & preps you for the BCS Foundation Exam.
BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis, business analyst, value delivered, fundamental aspects, The Chartered Institute for IT, BCS Foundation Exam, BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis, modules, oral examination, examiners, business analysis knowledge, scenarios, BCS Associate Member, career, resources, content, opportunities, exam candidate, buisness analyst, BCS International Diplomma, examinors, busines analysis, aspacts, BCS Assosiate Member, carreer. BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis, business analyst, value delivered, fundamental aspects, The Chartered Institute for IT, BCS Foundation Exam, BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis, modules, oral examination, examiners, business analysis knowledge, scenarios, BCS Associate Member, career, resources, content, opportunities, exam candidate, business analyst, BCS International Diploma, examiners, business analysis, aspects, BCS Associate Member, career.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Learning Tree
In this Blazor course, you will learn how to use Blazor and C# to create interactive single-page and multi-page applications without JavaScript.
Blazor, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML5 APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages, Blaser, C#, interactiv, singlepage, multipage, aplications, JavaScipt, .NET framewrk, clientside, serverside, logik, HTML APIs, geolokation, local storag, exend, existng, pges Blazor, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML5 APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages, Blaser, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Our Azure AI Services (AI-3003) training course equips you to build, deploy, and manage intelligent solutions using Microsoft's powerful cloud platform.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Services, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, natural language processing, text analysis, question answering, conversational language understanding, speech understanding, Azure portal, JSON, REST, language detection, key phrases extraction, sentiment analysis, entities extraction, linked entities extraction, knowledge base, multi-turn conversation, conversational models, intents, utterances, entities, text classification, named entity recognition, Azure AI Translator, language translation, transliteration, speech-to-text API, text-to-speech API, speech synthesis, speech translation, Azure AI-tjänster, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, bearbetning av naturligt språk, textanalys, frågebesvarande, förståelse av konversationsspråk, taluppfattning, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, språkdetektering, extraktion av nyckelfraser, sentimentanalys, entitetsextraktion, länkad entitetsextraktion, kunskapsbas, flerstegskonversation, konversationsmodeller, avsikter, yttranden, entiteter, textklassificering, igenkänning av namngivna entiteter, Azure AI Translator, språköversättning, translitteration, tal-till-text-API, text-till-tal-API, talsyntes, talöversättning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Harness the power of AI with Azure AI services AI-3004 training. This comprehensive course equips you to design, develop, and deploy intelligent applications using Microsoft's cutting-edge AI services.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, software developers, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Private Team Training, Training Information, image analysis, custom vision models, classification, object detection, optical character recognition (OCR), insights from video, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Analyze images, custom Azure AI Vision models, face detection, face analysis, facial recognition, Read Text, Azure Video Indexer, Video Analyzer, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, mjukvaruutvecklare, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, bildanalys, anpassade visionsmodeller, klassificering, objektdetektering, optisk teckenigenkänning (OCR), insikter från video, Förkunskapskrav, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Analysera bilder, anpassade Azure AI Vision-modeller, ansiktsdetektering, ansiktsanalys, ansiktsigenkänning, Läsa text, Azure Video Indexer, Videoanalyserare
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to build connectors and plugins for Microsoft Copilot in this 1-day hands-on course. Ideal for beginners. No coding experience required.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Learn to build cloud-native, distributed applications with .NET Aspire. Gain hands-on experience with databases, caching, and messaging.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
In this business case course, you learn how to analyse, create & communicate a successful business case to meet your organisation's unique needs.
Business case, effective business case, training, analyse, create, communicate, successful, approval, define outcomes, evaluation criteria, weigh costs, benefits, decision-making, buisness case, effictive, tranning, analise, comunication, sucsessful, aproval, outcoms, evaluaton, criteri, cost, benifits, desicion-making. Business case, effective business case, training, analyse, create, communicate, successful, approval, define outcomes, evaluation criteria, weigh costs, benefits, decision-making, business case, effective, training, analyse, communication, successful, approval, outcomes, evaluation, criteria, cost, benefits, decision-making.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Learning Tree
This Project Management Office (PMO) training course will teach you to improve project consistency, efficiency & effectiveness in a multi-project environment.
project management, PMO, governance model, portfolio management, standardisation, centralisation, project oversight, continuous improvement, competencies, skills, lessons learned, methodologies, processes, templates, evolve, alignment, structure, success, training, analysis, maturity, organisation, significant, enhance, conduct, apply, means of centralisation, means of standardisation, means of oversight, means of alignment, means of improvement, project office, project manager, project planning, project execution, project control, project monitoring, project evaluation, project reporting, project coordination, project administration, project leadership, project team, project success, project failure, project risk, project quality, project scope, project cost, project time, project communication, project stakeholders, project resources, project documentation, project portfolio, project strategy, project implementation, project delivery, project methodology, project process, project template, project standard, project centralisation, project oversight, project alignment, project improvement, project management office, PMO training, PMO structure, PMO competencies, PMO skills, PMO governance, PMO analysis, PMO lessons learned, PMO standardisation, PMO processes, PMO templates, PMO maturity, PMO evolution, PMO continuous improvement, PMO alignment, PMO portfolio management, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO enhancement, PMO administration, PMO leadership, PMO team, PMO success, PMO failure, PMO risk, PMO quality, PMO scope, PMO cost, PMO time, PMO communication, PMO stakeholders, PMO resources, PMO documentation, PMO portfolio, PMO strategy, PMO implementation, PMO delivery, PMO methodology, PMO process, PMO template, PMO standard, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO alignment, PMO improvement, project managment, PMO training, goverance model, portofolio management, standardiztion, centraliztion, continous improvement, compitencies, skils, lessens learned, methodologys, proceses, temlates, evolv, alinement, strukture, sucsess, analisis, maturty, orginisation, sigificant, enhanse, condct, aplay, menas of centralization, menas of standardization, menas of oversight, menas of alinement, menas of improvment, project ofice, project maneger, project planing, project exicution, project contorl, project monitring, project evalution, project reporing, project coordnation, project adminstration, project leedership, project tem, project management, PMO, governance model, portfolio management, standardisation, centralisation, project oversight, continuous improvement, competencies, skills, lessons learned, methodologies, processes, templates, evolve, alignment, structure, success, training, analysis, maturity, organisation, significant, enhance, conduct, apply, means of centralisation, means of standardisation, means of oversight, means of alignment, means of improvement, project office, project manager, project planning, project execution, project control, project monitoring, project evaluation, project reporting, project coordination, project administration, project leadership, project team, project success, project failure, project risk, project quality, project scope, project cost, project time, project communication, project stakeholders, project resources, project documentation, project portfolio, project strategy, project implementation, project delivery, project methodology, project process, project template, project standard, project centralisation, project oversight, project alignment, project improvement, project management office, PMO training, PMO structure, PMO competencies, PMO skills, PMO governance, PMO analysis, PMO lessons learned, PMO standardisation, PMO processes, PMO templates, PMO maturity, PMO evolution, PMO continuous improvement, PMO alignment, PMO portfolio management, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO enhancement, PMO administration, PMO leadership, PMO team, PMO success, PMO failure, PMO risk, PMO quality, PMO scope, PMO cost, PMO time, PMO communication, PMO stakeholders, PMO resources, PMO documentation, PMO portfolio, PMO strategy, PMO implementation, PMO delivery, PMO methodology, PMO process, PMO template, PMO standard, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO alignment, PMO improvement, project management, PMO training, governance model, portfolio management, standardisation, centralisation, continuous improvement, competencies, skills, lessons learned, methodologies, processes, templates, evolve, alignment, structure, success, analysis, maturity, organisation, significant, enhance, conduct, apply, means of centralization, means of standardization, means of oversight, means of alignment, means of improvement, project office, project manager, project planning, project execution, project control, project monitoring, project evaluation, project reporting, project coordination, project administration, project leadership, project team, project success, project failure, project risk, project quality, project scope, project cost, project time, project communication, project stakeholders, project resources, project documentation, project portfolio, project strategy, project implementation, project delivery, project methodology, project process, project template, project standard, project centralisation, project oversight, project alignment, project improvement, project management office, PMO training, PMO structure, PMO competencies, PMO skills, PMO governance, PMO analysis, PMO lessons learned, PMO standardisation, PMO processes, PMO templates, PMO maturity, PMO evolution, PMO continuous improvement, PMO alignment, PMO portfolio management, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO enhancement, PMO administration, PMO leadership, PMO team, PMO success, PMO failure, PMO risk, PMO quality, PMO scope, PMO cost, PMO time, PMO communication, PMO stakeholders, PMO resources, PMO documentation, PMO portfolio, PMO strategy, PMO implementation, PMO delivery, PMO methodology, PMO process, PMO template, PMO standard, PMO centralisation, PMO oversight, PMO alignment, PMO improvement, project office, project manager, project planning, project execution, project control, project monitoring, project evaluation, project reporting, project coordination, project administration, project leadership, project team.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
This ASP.NET Web Forms course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to build dynamic web applications with ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2013.
ASP.NET, Web Forms, Visual Studio, rapid application development, n-tier web applications, databases, user interfaces, data-binding, model-binding, data-source controls, ASPNET, WebForms, VisualStudio, rapid app development, n tier web applications, data binding, model binding ASP.NET, Web Forms, Visual Studio, rapid application development, n-tier web applications, databases, user interfaces, data binding, model binding, data source controls, ASPNET, WebForms, VisualStudio, rapid app development, n tier web applications, data binding, model binding.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,395 -
Learn to build batch data analytics solutions on AWS using Amazon EMR, an enterprise-grade Apache Spark and Hadoop managed service.
Amazon EMR, data analytics, batch processing, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, open-source projects, Apache Hive, Hue, HBase, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, data collection, data ingestion, data cataloguing, data storage, data processing, EMR Notebooks, analytics, machine learning, security, performance, cost management, Amazone EMR, Amazon EM, data analitics, batch process, Apache Sparky, Apache Hadop, Apache Hibe, Hueue, HBase, AWS Glu, AWS Lake Formations, EMR Notebook, analitics, machine leanring.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-class -
Learn to build an AWS data lake for structured and unstructured data analysis in this course.
AWS, data lake, operational data, structured data, unstructured data, components, functionality, services, Lake Formation, data catalogue, Glue, Amazon Athena, analysis, lectures, labs, architectures, dataleke, aw, awas, athena, glow, lakeformation
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Master Tableau dashboards in just 1 day with our intermediate course, and unlock the secrets to impactful data visualization and reporting.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Learning Tree
In this MongoDB course, you'll learn to develop highly scalable & cost efficient applications & build MongoDB data models for enterprise-scale applications.
MongoDB, document-oriented, scalable applications, develop, administer, secure, back-end database, data-driven applications, databases, SQL, Java programming, NoSQL, Big Data, cloud computing, data management, data modeling, data analysis, data storage, data processing, data warehousing, data integration, data migration, data security, data privacy, data governance, data architecture, database administration, database management, database design, database development, database optimization, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modeling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database MongoDB, document-oriented, scalable applications, develop, administer, secure, back-end database, data-driven applications, databases, SQL, Java programming, NoSQL, Big Data, cloud computing, data management, data modelling, data analysis, data storage, data processing, data warehousing, data integration, data migration, data security, data privacy, data governance, data architecture, database administration, database management, database design, database development, database optimisation, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database security, database privacy, database governance, database architecture, database modelling, database analysis, database storage, database processing, database warehousing, database integration, database migration, database performance, database tuning, database replication, database sharding, database clustering, database partitioning, database backup, database recovery, database migration,
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Join our hands-on 3-day course to build practical skills in NLP and Generative AI training to develop advanced AI models like ChatGPT from OpenAI.
3-day course,Building Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Generative AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),advanced architectures,Generative AI,modules,hands-on labs,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Methods,In-Person,Online,Training Information,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniques,GRUs,LSTMs,Transformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to modern methods,Bag-of-Words,word embeddings,advanced neural networks,Lack of practical AI experience,Training Prerequisites,Python programming,machine learning,deep learning,Training Outline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Processing,Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP),Overview of NLP,Traditional NLP Techniques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classification,Moving to Word Embeddings,Word2Vec,GloVe,Applying NLP,Sentiment Analysis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis,Sequential Data in NLP,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generation,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Translation,Attention Mechanisms,Transformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trends,generative AI,2-day coruse,Bulding Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Gnerative AI,ChatGPT,OpneAI,Natural Language Procesing (NLP),advnced architectures,Genrative AI,moduels,hands-on lbas,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Mthods,In-Person,Oline,Training Informatin,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniqes,GRUs,LSTMs,Trasnformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to mdoern methods,Bag-of-Wrds,word embeddins,advanced neural ntworks,Lack of practical AI experiene,Training Prerequisits,Python programmng,machine learnin,deep learnig,Training Otline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Procesing,Introduction to Natural Language Procesing (NLP),Overview of NPL,Traditional NLP Techinques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classifcation,Moving to Word Embeddngs,Word2Vec,Glve,Applying NPL,Sentiment Analisis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analisis,Sequential Data in NPL,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generatin,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Traslation,Attention Mechanisms,Tranformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trend,generative AI,2-dagars kurs,Att bygga praktiska färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI,Generativ AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),avancerade arkitekturer,Generativ AI,moduler,hands-on labb,Färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI-utbildningens leveransmetoder,På plats,Online,Utbildningsinformation,Förståelse av NLP och generativ AI,Tillämpning av avancerade AI-tekniker,GRUer,LSTMer,Transformer-arkitekturer,Övergång från traditionell NLP till moderna metoder,Bag-of-Words,ord inbäddningar,avancerade neurala nätverk,Brist på praktisk AI-erfarenhet,Utbildningsförutsättningar,Python programmering,maskinlärning,djupinlärning,Utbildningsschema,Dag 1,Förståelse för NLP och sekventiell datahantering,Introduktion till Natural Language Processing (NLP),Översikt över NLP,Traditionella NLP-tekniker,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Textklassificering,Övergång till ord inbäddningar,Word2Vec,GloVe,Tillämpning av NLP,Känslanalys,Lab 2,Restaurangrecension Känslanalys,Sekventiell data i NLP,Rekurrenta neurala nätverk (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Textgenerering,Dag 2,Djupdykning i avancerade neurala nätverk och generativ AI,Lång korttidsminnesnätverk (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoenkodare,Sequence-to-Sequence-modeller (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Maskinöversättning,Upmärksamhetsmekanismer,Transformatorer,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Språkmodeller (LLMs),Djupa och breda arkitekturer i AI,framtida trender,generativ AI,ytterligare läsning och studier
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build modern Web apps with ASP.NET Core, including MVC, Razor Pages, and Web Services. Deploy microservice-based apps on multiple platforms.
Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, technologies, create, deploy, modern applications, microservice design, support, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Buildingg, Web Apps, ASP.NETCORE, MVC framework, Razorpages, web services, .NETCORE, tech, multiple platform support, Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, microservice design, deploy, modern applications, multiple devices, multiple platforms, ASP.NET, microservices, develepors, deply Byggnad, webbapplikationer, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, webbtjänster, .NET Core, mikrotjänstedesign, distribuera, moderna applikationer, flera enheter, flera plattformar, stavfel ASP.NET, mikrotjänster, utvecklare, distribuera.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on React 16 course & learn to build an application & create high-performance user Interfaces with JSX components. Attend in-class or online.
Building Web Applications with React 16, 16, React 16, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, Reak, Reduex, Javascrip library, Fcebook, HTML, web apps, User Interface, Uis, archetectural patterns, client-side app functionality. React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build high-performance client-side apps with React, for both browsers and mobile, in this training course.
react18, react 18, 18, React, Hooks, Redux, Toolkit, client-side applications, browser, native mobile applications, Typescript, productivity, development process, application project, architecting, automated testing, React Testing Library, unit testing, end-to-end testing, deploying, Reacts, Hookes, Reduks, ToolKit, client side, mobile apps, Typescrip, productivty, develepment, architecting, deploy, autometed testing, unit tests, end to end testing, Reacting.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
This Business Agility Foundations Training course teaches leaders to thrive in uncertainty & create organisational success. Plus, earn ICAgile ICP-BAF Certification.
Business Agility, ICAgile, Certification, Top management, Agile organization, Value creation, Disruptive environment, Workshop, Speed up, Reduce waste, Deliver value, Customers, Leaders, Uncertainty, Organizational success, Foundations, Post-course exam, Traditional thinking, Outcomes, ICAgile Business Agility Track, Options, Training, Mis-spellings Buissness Agility, ICAgile Certification, Top managment, Agil organization, Valu creation, Disruptive enviroment, Workshoop, Speeed up, Reduse waste, Delivver value, Cusstomers, Ledeers, Uncertanty, Organiizational success, Foundatiosn, Post-corse exam, Traditioanl thinking, Outcoms, ICAgile Busines Agility Track, Optoins, Traning. Business Agility, ICAgile, Certification, Senior Management, Agile Organisation, Value Creation, Disruptive Environment, Workshop, Accelerate, Minimise Waste, Deliver Value, Clients, Leaders, Uncertainty, Organisational Success, Fundamentals, Post-Course Examination, Conventional Thinking, Results, ICAgile Business Agility Path, Choices, Training, Business Agility, ICAgile Certification, Senior Management, Agile Organisation, Value Creation, Disruptive Environment, Workshop, Speed Up, Reduce Waste, Deliver Value, Customers, Leaders, Uncertainty, Organisational Success, Foundations, Post-Course Exam, Traditional Thinking, Outcomes, ICAgile Business Agility Path, Options, Training.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Business Analyst Soft Skills course you will enhance your people skills, your effectiveness in developing solutions & communication strategies.
Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Busness Analyst, Soft Skils, Traning, Interecting, Effectivly, Harmoniousely, Stakholders, Tem Members, Succes, Specifc Skils, Behaviors, Attitdes, Impct, Anlysis Activites, Enchance, Key Influncer, Proejcts, Organiztion. Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation. Behavioural Skills, Attitude Training, Project Management, Collaboration Skills, Negotiation Skills, Leadership Training, Conflict Resolution, Time Management, Decision Making, Miscommunication, , Business Analysis Techniques, Business Analysis Tools Affärsanalytikerutbildning, mjuka färdigheter, kommunikationsfärdigheter, mellanmänskliga färdigheter, teamhantering, intressenthantering, påverkansfärdigheter, beteendefärdigheter, attitydträning, projektledning, samarbetsfärdigheter, förhandlingsfärdigheter, ledarskapsutbildning, konfliktlösning, tidsstyrning, beslutsfattande, missförstånd, stavfel, affärsanalystekniker, affärsanalysverktyg.
Foundation3 daysTeam Training -
This on-demand module offers an introduction to business continuity disaster recovery.
Business continuity, disaster recovery, continuity planning, disaster preparedness, emergency management, crisis management, risk management, business resiliency, contingency planning, business continuity management, DR planning, BCP, BCM, DRP, emergency response, disaster response, disaster mitigation, business interruption, business continuity plan, business continuity strategy, disaster recovery strategy, disaster recovery plan, crisis communication, data backup, data recovery, IT disaster recovery, business continuity training, disaster recovery training, business continuity certification, disaster recovery certification, business continuity consultant, disaster recovery consultant, business continuity software, disaster recovery software, disaster recovery services, business continuity services Business continuty, disaster recover, continutiy planning, disaster prepairedness, emergency managment, crisis managment, risk managment, business resiliance, contingency planing, business continutiy managment, DR planing, BCP, BCM, DRP, emergency responce, disaster responce, disaster migation, business interuption, business continutiy plann, business continutiy stratgy, disaster recover stratgy, disaster recover plann, crisis communcation, data bakup, data recover, IT disaster recover, business continuty traning, disaster recover traning, business continuty certifcation, disaster recover certifcation, business continuty consultnt, disaster recover consultnt, business continuty softwere, disaster recover softwere, disaster recover services, business continuty services. Business continuity, disaster recovery, continuity planning, disaster preparedness, emergency management, crisis management, risk management, business resilience, contingency planning, business continuity management, DR planning, BCP, BCM, DRP, emergency response, disaster response, disaster mitigation, business interruption, business continuity plan, business continuity strategy, disaster recovery strategy, disaster recovery plan, crisis communication, data backup, data recovery, IT disaster recovery, business continuity training, disaster recovery training, business continuity certification, disaster recovery certification, business continuity consultant, disaster recovery consultant, business continuity software, disaster recovery software, disaster recovery services, business continuity services Business continuity, disaster recovery, continuity planning, disaster preparedness, emergency management, crisis management, risk management, business resilience, contingency planning, business continuity management, DR planning, BCP, BCM, DRP, emergency response, disaster response, disaster mitigation, business interruption, business continuity plan, business continuity strategy, disaster recovery strategy, disaster recovery plan, crisis communication, data backup, data recovery, IT disaster recovery, business continuity training, disaster recovery training, business continuity certification, disaster recovery certification, business continuity consultant, disaster recovery consultant, business continuity software, disaster recovery software, disaster recovery services, business continuity services.
On-Demand -
Learning Tree
In this Business Relationship Management course, you learn BRM best practices to facilitate actionable IT solutions that provide value to your business.
Business Relationship Management, BRM, IT, training, communication, barriers, innovative, best practices, business problems, IT environment, trusted adviser, align, needs, services, work experience, business, Buisness Relationship Management, Buisness Relationship Managment, IT training, busines, best practises, IT enviroment Business Relationship Management, BRM, IT, training, communication, barriers, innovative, best practices, business problems, IT environment, trusted advisor, align, needs, services, work experience, business, Business Relationship Management, Business Relationship Management, IT training, business, best practices, IT environment.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the power of data-driven narratives with our Business Storytelling course. Enhance your presentations and communication skills through engaging stories.
Business storytelling, engaging with data, narrative techniques, corporate storytelling, presentation skills, data-driven narratives, berättande för företag, engagera med data, narrativa tekniker, företagsberättelser, presentationsteknik, datadrivna berättelser
IntermediateLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from £765 -
The Cisco Implementing & Administering Cisco Solutions CCNA certification training course teaches a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers.
CCNA 200-301, CCNA200301, CCNA , CCNA 200301, CCNA, Cisco certification, network training, network configuration, network security, network devices, IPv4, IPv6, network programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, basic security threats, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation, CCNA certification training, CCNA course, CCNNA, CNA, Sisco, sertification, netwrok, IPv5, IPv7, netowrk, confuguration, secuirty, devies, progrmmability, software defined networking, autoamtion, netwokr, managment, wireless LAN, rotuers, swithces, CCN exam, Cisco Certified Network Asociate, IT carrers, netwrok fundametnals, hands-on labs, lecturs, netwrok componenets, netwrok verificaiton, netwrok instalation. CCNA, Cisco certification, network training, network configuration, network security, network devices, IPv4, IPv6, network programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, basic security threats, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation, CCNA certification training, CCNA course, CCNNA, CNA, Cisco, certification, network, IPv5, IPv7, network, configuration, security, devices, programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network, management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,850 -
Learning Tree's CCNP Data Centre certification course helps you learn the foundational knowledge & skills you need to configure Cisco® data centre tech.
Cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience, ciscoe, dat centre, netwroking, virtualistion, storgae area netwroking, unifed computing, ACI, automtion, cloud computng, nexsus, nx-os, ucs, ccnp, certificaton, traning, dcfndu, cousre outline, foundatonal knowlege, entyr-level roles, hands-on experince Cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience, cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,590 -
Learning Tree's CCNP ENCOR training course helps prepare you to take the 350-401 Implementing Cisco® Enterprise Network Core Technologies exam.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, CCNP Enterprise, CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprise Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN networks, Enterprise routing, wireless connectivity, Python scripting, configure, troubleshoot, manage, security principles, 350-401 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, exam, network engineers, network administrators, network support technicians, help desk technicians, CCNP, SD-Access, SD-WAN. Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Tech, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise, Implementing and Operating Cisco, Implementing and Operating, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Tech, Cisco Enterprise Network Core, Cisco Enterprise Network, Cisco Enterprise, Cisco. ENCOR ENCOUR, ENCORR, ENCO, ENCR, ENC. CCNP Enterprise CCNP Enterprises, CCNP Enterpise, CCNP Enteprise, CCNP Enterprize, CCNP Enterprse, CCNP Enterprize, CCNP Entrprise, CCNP Enterpirse, CCPN Enterprise, CCPN. CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, CCNP Enterprise, CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprise Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN networks, Enterprise routing, wireless connectivity, Python scripting, configure, troubleshoot, manage, security principles, 350-401 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies exam, network engineers, network administrators, network support technicians, help desk technicians, CCNP, SD-Access, SD-WAN. Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Tech, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise, Implementing and Operating Cisco, Implementing and Operating, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, Cisco Enterprise Network Core Tech, Cisco Enterprise Network Core, Cisco Enterprise Network, Cisco Enterprise, Cisco. ENCOR ENCOUR, ENCORR, ENCO, ENCR, ENC. CCNP Enterprise CCNP Enterprises, CCNP Enterpise, CCNP Enteprise, CCNP Enterprize, CCNP Enterprse, CCNP Enterprize, CCNP Entrprise, CCNP Enterpirse, CCPN Enterprise, CCPN. CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,305 -
This CDPSE training course provides enterprises the ability to identify technologists who can keep the organization compliant efficiently and cost-effectively.
CDPSE, technical privacy, certification, privacy controls, systems, networks, applications, privacy by design, technology platforms, legal professionals, compliance, IT professionals, data breaches, technical privacy solutions, software engineer, domain architect, security, privacy engineer, privacy solutions architect, project manager, data scientist, privacy analyst, privacy manager. CDPSE CDPS, CDPCE, CDPSA privacy controls privary controls, pirvacy controls, privasy controls systems sytems, sysetms, systemms networks netoworks, netwroks, nertworks applications aplicaitons, appplications, aplicatoins compliance compiance, comliance, complience IT professionals IT professioanls, IT proffesionals, it professional
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
APMG International™
Gain APMG Change Management certifications with our course. Learn to manage change, work with stakeholders, and understand how people deal with change.
Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM Training, change management, Change Management Foundation, Change Management Practitioner, skills, knowledge, organization, people, stakeholders, change initiative, change managment, apmg change management, certificate in change managment, changemanagement, certificate in changemanagement, Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM™ Training, skills, knowledge, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner certifications, manage change, organisation, different people, deal with change, stakeholders, change initiative, Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM Training, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner. Certifikat i förändringshantering, APMG CM™-utbildning, färdigheter, kunskap, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner-certifieringar, hantera förändring, organisation, olika människor, hantera förändring, intressenter, förändringsinitiativ, stavfel Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM-utbildning, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,890 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Dive into Zero Trust principles for secure cloud computing. Earn your CCZT and showcase your skills in implementing Zero Trust architecture.
zero trust architecture, certificate of cloud security knowledge, team training, architecture study guide, cyber security, cloud security alliance, zero trust knowledge, zero trust strategy, learning tree, zero trust use cases, real time, security control, user devices, security posture, data breaches, gain access, cloud service, trust always verify, security access, trust framework, network security, security strategy, security professionals, cloud environment, threat intelligence, data centers, security teams, cloud computing, security framework, continuously monitored, Certifiering i Zero Trust-arkitektur, certifikat i Cloud Security Knowledge, teamutbildningsprogram, studieguide för arkitektur, kurser i cybersäkerhet, certifieringar från Cloud Security Alliance, kunskapsförbättring i Zero Trust, strategisk planering för Zero Trust, utbildningsprogram från Learning Tree, realtidsfallstudier i Zero Trust, avancerad säkerhet för användarenheter, stark säkerhetsställning, förebyggande av dataintrång i cybersäkerhet, säkra molntjänster, säkerhetstillgång med Trust-but-Verify, omfattande förtroenderamverk, professionell nätverkssäkerhet, säkerhetsstrategier för IT-professionella, säkerhet i molnmiljö, metodiker för hotintelligens, säkrade datacenter, förberedelser för säkerhetsteam, säkerhetsramverk för molnberäkning, kontinuerlig övervakning och kontroll, CCZT, zero trust, cybersecurity, training, certification, course, CCZT, zero trust, cybersäkerhet, utbildning, certifiering, kurs
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Earn your Certification of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK Plus) on AWS. Hands-on training to master cloud security best practices on AWS.
data security for cloud computing, cloud network security, identity and access management, cloud data storage, security and identity management, certificate of cloud security knowledge, cyber security, cloud security risk, data security lifecycle, cloud security operations, data center, access management iam, real time, gain access, security teams, security measures, data encryption, role based access control, shared responsibility model, human error, information security, continuous monitoring, securing data, cloud platform, storing data, general data protection regulation, security standards, risk assessments, authentication and authorization, data accessible, CCSK Plus, AWS, cloud security, training, certification, course, CCSK Plus, AWS, molnsäkerhet, utbildning, certifiering, kurs
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Achieve Certification of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK Plus) on Azure. Hands-on course on implementing cloud security in Azure environments. Register today!
data security for cloud computing, identity and access management, cloud network security, cloud data storage, security and identity management, certificate of cloud security knowledge, cyber security, cloud security risk, certified cloud security professional, data security lifecycle, access controls, data center, access management iam, gain access, real time, security measures, information security, security teams, role based access control, security professionals, securing data, data encryption, human error, authentication and authorization, cloud platform, storing data, data accessible, authorize users, general data protection regulation, shared responsibility model
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Scrum Alliance
In this Certified Agile Leadership course, you'll gain insight into what best practices will enable you to lead real change across your organisation.
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E/O/T) Training, Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E/O/T), Certified Agile Leadership Essentials, US, Certified, Agile Leadership, Essentials, CAL-E, CAL-O, CAL-T, Training, foundations, principles, practices, leaders, businesses, organizations, teams, case studies, assessment, discussion, evaluation, change, volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, VUCA world, traditional leadership, outcomes, natural dispositions, workplace, influence, safe-to-fail environment, transparency, inspection, experimentation, continuous learning. Agil Leadership LEddership bussinesses, agile tools certification, agile techniques certification, agile practices and principles certification, agile mindset training certification. agil ledarskap, agila principer, agila metoder, fallstudier, bedömning, diskussion, utvärdering, förändring, affärsbehov, svara, anpassa, skifta, ledare, anställda, kultur, VUCA-världen, alternativa ledarskapsmetoder, CAL-Essentials, naturliga dispositioner, inflytande, arbetsplats, säker att misslyckas-miljö, transparens, inspektion, anpassning, experiment, kontinuerligt lärande, CAL-E, CAL-O, CAL-T, certifierat agilt ledarskap, certifierat agilt ledarskap essentials, certifierat agilt ledarskap essentials, certifierad agil ledarskap essentials-utbildning, agilt ledarskapsutbildning, agilt ledarskapskurs, agil utbildning, agil kurs, agil certifiering, agil ledare, agilt team, agil organisation, agilt företag, agil kultur, agil tankesätt, agil hantering, agil transformation, agil metodik, agil strategi, agil ramverk, agila verktyg, agila tekniker, agila metoder och principer, agilt tankesättsträning, certifiering av agilt ledarskap, certifiering av agilt ledarskap essentials, certifiering av agilt ledarskapsutbildning, certifiering av agilt ledarskapskurs, certifiering av agil utbildning, certifiering av agil kurs, certifiering av agil certifieringsträning, certifiering av agil ledare, certifiering av agilt team, certifiering av agil organisation, certifiering av agilt företag, certifiering av agil kultur, certifiering av agilt tankesätt, certifiering av agil hantering, certifiering av agil transformation, certifiering av agil metodik, certifiering av agil strategi, certifiering av agilt ramverk, certifiering av agila verktyg, certifiering
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,345 -
DevOps Institute
The Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) training course provides an introduction to Agile Service Management and prepares you to become a CASM.
Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) Certification Training Certified Agile Service Manager, CASM, Certified Scrum Master, CSM, Agile Service Management, DevOps, IT, Information Technology, agile thinking, service management, processes, process design, projects, efficiency, value, changing requirements, Agile Servive Manager, Cirtified Agile Service Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Servive Management. Certified Agile Service Manager, CASM, Certified Scrum Master, CSM, Agile Service Management, DevOps, IT, Information Technology, agile thinking, service management, processes, process design, projects, efficiency, value, changing requirements, Agile Service Manager, Certified Agile Service Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Service Management.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,460 -
This Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® course covers the terms & definitions of the PMBOK Guide & prepares you to pass the CAPM exam.
CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management, PMBOK, PMI, project management, exam prep, certification, training, terminology, tools, techniques, PDUs, career, credentials, effectiveness, PMBOK Guide, practice exam questions, Learning Tree, CAM, CAMP, CAPN, CPM, PMBOK Guide, PMI certification CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management, PMBOK, PMI, project management, exam preparation, certification, training, terminology, tools, techniques, PDUs, career, credentials, effectiveness, PMBOK Guide, practice exam questions, Learning Tree, CAM, CAMP, CAPN, CPM, PMBOK Guide, PMI certification.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
The CCSP Training and Certification course teaches the knowledge & skills needed to pass the certification & become a Certified Cloud Security Professional.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CCSP, Certified Cloud Security Professional, training, certification,ISC2®;, security professionals, knowledge, cloud security, data security, cloud infrastructure security, information security, secure data centers, cloud environments, cloud-based data access, cloud security solutions, detecting, responding, security incidents, cloud computing technologies, Microsoft Azure, security practices, physical infrastructure, cloud resource access control, protection, sensitive data, load balancers, security operations centers, SOCs, cloud environment security, exam, industry standard, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer IASAE Level-III, CSP, CCPS, CCSP certification, CCSP exam
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,245 -
Get CEH certified with our training course! Learn to protect your network with hands-on labs and tools. Pass the EC-Council CEH v13 exam.
CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, security tools, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder, real-life scenarios, hands-on labs, exam preparation, security techniques, security protocols, security measures, CEH traning, CEH certifcation, ehtical hacking, cibersecurity, network secutiry, penatration testing, vulnerability asessment, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analist, CSSP Infrastructur Support, CSSP Aditor, CSSP Incident Responser. CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, security tools, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder, real-life scenarios, hands-on labs, exam preparation, security techniques, security protocols, security measures, CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,146 -
Get Certified Information Privacy Technologist Training based on IAPP's CIPT/US certification program.
Certified Information Privacy Technologist, CIPT, privacy, data protection, IT products, IT services, information and communication technologies, systems, ANSI-accredited, certification, IAPP, Certified Information Privacy Professional, US, tech pros, securing data privacy, examination prep course, key concepts, practice test, exam blueprint, potential test takers
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Get certified with our CISA training course! Covers all 5 domains on the exam, meets DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 requirements.
CISA (CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR), CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR), CISA CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CISA training, ISACA CISA, information systems auditing, control, information security, IT governance, management of IT, information systems acquisition, development, implementation, operations, maintenance, support, protection of information assets, CISA domains, CISA certification exam, US DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, CSSP Auditor requirementCISA traning, ISACA CISAA, information system auditing, information secruity, IT governence, management or IT, information system aquisition, developement, implimentation, operation, maintenence, CISA domians, certifcation exam, DOD, DIRECTIVE 8140/8570.1, technical, IT level III, CSPP auditor
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
In this Certified Network Defender (CND) training course, you will get prepped to pass the EC-Council CND 312-38 exam and learn how to manage a secure network.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, Certified Network Defender CND , EC-Council, CND 312-38 exam, design network security, manage network security, defensive security, handle network defense, data security, configure networking technologies, install defensive software, confidentiality, integrity, availability, cyber security war, network administrators, enterprise network, network security, tactical expertise, secure data, build defenses, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-I, Technical IAT Level-II, Management IAM Level-I, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CYBRScore Lab Bundles, Certified Network Defendar, EC-Council Certified Network Defender, CND training, security network design, secure network managment, data securitas, configur networking tecnologies, defansive software, confidenciality, intgregity, avalability, cyber security, cyber defence, network administrator, enterprise networking, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 Technical certified , CSSP infrastructure suport.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from £1,595 -
This official ISACA CRISC training course helps you prepare for the certification exam & provides you with in-depth coverage of the four CRISC domains.
CRISC, certification, ISACA, risk identification, IT risk assessment, risk response, mitigation, risk and control monitoring, reporting, enterprise risk management, IT professional, control professional, business analyst, project manager, compliance professional, exam, experience, risk management, IS control, prep course, exam candidate information guide, exam day rules, deadlines, ISACA certification prep training. CRIS certification ISACA certification course risk managment IT risk asessment risk and control monitering CRISC, certification, ISACA, risk identification, IT risk assessment, risk response, mitigation, risk and control monitoring, reporting, enterprise risk management, IT professional, control professional, business analyst, project manager, compliance professional, exam, experience, risk management, IS control, prep course, exam candidate information guide, exam day rules, deadlines, ISACA certification prep training. CRIS certification ISACA certification course risk management IT risk assessment risk and control monitoring No translation needed as the text is already in English UK .
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
Scrum Alliance
This Certified Scrum Developer course builds upon a foundation that will strengthen your technical skills in agile product development.
Certified Scrum Developer, CSD, Scrum, agile principles, agile engineering skills, Scrum environment, iterative, incremental fashion, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, software development teams, team training exercise, value-added products, CSD Educator, CSD assessment, classroom-based assessment, certification, Scrum Alliance membership profile, Scrum Education Units, SEUs, renewing certification. Certified Scrum Developper Scrumm agile principles and practices Scrum master Product Owner software development team value-added products CSD Education SEUs Certified Scrum Developer, CSD, Scrum, agile principles, agile engineering skills, Scrum environment, iterative, incremental fashion, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, software development teams, team training exercise, value-added products, CSD Educator, CSD assessment, classroom-based assessment, certification, Scrum Alliance membership profile, Scrum Education Units, SEUs, renewing certification. Certified Scrum Developer Scrum agile principles and practices Scrum Master Product Owner software development team value-added products CSD Education SEUs Note No translation is needed as both versions of English are the same.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,255 -
Scrum Alliance
Develop positive stakeholder relationships & prioritise your product backlog with Learning Tree's interactive CSPO training. Get certified today.
Agile, Scrum, CSPO, certification, training, prioritize backlogs, communicate with stakeholders, Scrum framework, manage expectations, agil, scrumm, cspo certification, traning, stakeholder communication, scrum framwork Agile, Scrum, CSPO, certification, training, prioritise backlogs, communicate with stakeholders, Scrum framework, manage expectations, agile, scrum, CSPO certification, training, stakeholder communication, Scrum framework.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,345 -
Scrum Alliance
This Scrum Master Training course prepares you to become a certified ScrumMaster and apply the foundations to help your team work more efficiently.
ScrumMaster, CSM, training, Agile, team, efficiency, certification, course, interactive, foundations, apply, skills, work together, become, acquire, crum, Agile training, Scrum certification, Agile methodology, Scrum framework, Agile development, Scrum team, Scrum process, Scrum course, Agile project management, ScrumMaster course, Agile coaching, Scrum training, Agile leadership, Scrum alliance, Scrum principles, Scrum methodology, Scrum certification training, Scrum training online, ScrumMaster certification, Agile Scrum training, Scrum training course, Scrum training and certification, Agile Scrum certification, ScrumMaster training online, Agile Scrum methodology. ScrumMaster training, Scrum Master, ScrumMaster certification training, Agile ScrumMaster, Agile Scrum Master, ScrumMaster course, ScrumMaster certification course, Scrum Master certification, Agile ScrumMaster certification, ScrumMaster training course.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,345 -
Prepare for the CSC-210 exam with this CertNexus Cyber Secure Coder certification training course.
Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, software quality, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus, CSC-210 exam, cybersecurity, secure coding, secure software development, privacy, security issues, security risks, security controls, security testing, security assessment, security audit, security compliance, security policies, security standards, secure coding practices, secure coding guidelines, secure coding techniques, secure coding principles, secure coding standards, secure coding best practices, secure coding training, secure coding certification, secure coding course, secure coding education, secure coding workshop, secure coding seminar, secure coding conference, secure coding webinar, secure coding tutorial, secure coding resources, secure coding tools, secure coding software, secure coding languages, secure coding frameworks, secure coding libraries, secure coding platforms, secure coding methodologies, secure coding principles. Cyper Secure Coder secuity devlopment vunerabilities remedate misconfiguation privcy certnexis CEC-210 exam cybersecurity secure codeing secure sofware development secutity securty securiy securty secuirty securiyt securit securtiy securti securty securiity securtiity securitity securtiity securty securiyty securecoding securecodeing securecodig securecodign securecding securecdoing securecodin securecodnig securecodning secure coing secure codng secure codig secure codign secure cdong secure cdoing secure codin secure codnig secure codning secure-coding Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, software quality, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus, CSC-210 exam, cybersecurity, secure coding, secure software development, privacy, security issues, security risks, security controls, security testing, security assessment, security audit, security compliance, security policies, security standards, secure coding practices, secure coding guidelines, secure coding techniques, secure coding principles, secure coding standards, secure coding best practices, secure coding training, secure coding certification, secure coding course, secure coding education, secure coding workshop, secure coding seminar, secure coding conference, secure coding webinar, secure coding tutorial, secure coding resources, secure coding tools, secure coding software, secure coding languages, secure coding frameworks, secure coding libraries, secure coding platforms, secure coding methodologies, secure coding principles. Cyber Secure Coder security development vulnerabilities remediate misconfiguration privacy CertNexus CSC-210 exam cybersecurity secure coding secure software development security security security security security security security security security security security security security security secure coding secure, CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, code, delivery, software quality, privacy issues, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus CSC-210 exam, Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, mjukvarusäkerhet, utvecklingsteam, kod, leverans, mjukvarukvalitet, integritetsproblem, mjukvaruutvecklingslivscykel, sårbarheter, åtgärda, säkerhetsdefekter, felkonfiguration, designa mjukvara, mänskligt element, integrera säkerhet, CertNexus CSC-210-examen, stavfel Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software.
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
This official ISACA CGEIT certification course preps you for the exam & provides you with in-depth coverage of the CGEIT Framework & its implementation.
CGEIT certification, IT governance, GEIT Framework, Senior Managers, CIOs, Compliance, IS Professionals, risk management, IT resources, benefits realization, exam preparation, ISACA certification, exam rules, exam dates, exam deadlines, CGEIT certifcation, IT governence, ISACA certifcation CGEIT certification, IT governance, GEIT Framework, Senior Managers, CIOs, Compliance, IS Professionals, risk management, IT resources, benefits realisation, exam preparation, ISACA certification, exam rules, exam dates, exam deadlines, CGEIT certification, IT governance, ISACA certification.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
This CGRC® training and certification course prepares you for the CGRC exam plus risk management frameworks.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CGRC, Certified in Governance Risk and Compliance, CAP, Certified Authorization Professional, information security, risk management, security risk management, authorization, organization mission, legal requirements, regulatory requirements, DoD, IAM, Level-I, Level-II, certification exam, training, practitioner. CGRC CRCG, CRGC, CGRC® Governance Goverance Compliance Complience Authorization Authorisation Information Informtion Security Secuirty Management Managment Requirements RequirmentCertification Certificaton Training Trainning Practitioner Practicioner, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CGRC, Certified in Governance Risk and Compliance, CAP, Certified Authorization Professional, information security, risk management, security risk management, authorisation, organisation mission, legal requirements, regulatory requirements, DoD, IAM, Level-I, Level-II, certification exam, training, practitioner. CGRC CRCG, CRGC, CGRC® Governance Goverance Compliance Complience Authorisation Authorisation Information Informtion Security Secuirty Management Managment Requirements RequirmentCertification Certificaton Training Trainning Practitioner Practicioner
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
Learning Tree
This 1-hour ChatGPT for Business Users: On-Demand course will explore Conversational AI and develop your own Prompt Engineer to streamline prompt creation and ensure accurate responses.
OnDemand course, Conversational AI, ChatGPT, related terms, applications, business, personal life, day-to-day activities, office, optimize features, prompts, responses, improve results, Prompt Engineer, streamline prompt creation, accurate responses, familiarize, daily use, valuable tips, utilizing effectively, develop skills, detailed prompts, optimal results, Business Users, On-Demand Training Outline, Introduction, comprehensive understanding, practical ways, daily interactions, Getting Started, guide, better results, queries, Engineering, customization, personalized prompts, best responses, specific business use cases,OnDemand-kurs, Konversationell AI, ChatGPT, relaterade termer, applikationer, affär, personligt liv, vardagliga aktiviteter, kontor, optimera funktioner, uppmaningar, svar, förbättra resultat, Prompt Engineer, effektivisera skapandet av uppmaningar, korrekta svar, bekanta sig, daglig användning, värdefulla tips, utnyttja effektivt, utveckla färdigheter, detaljerade uppmaningar, optimala resultat, Affärsanvändare, On-Demand-utbildningsplan, Introduktion, omfattande förståelse, praktiska sätt, dagliga interaktioner, Komma igång, guide, bättre resultat, förfrågningar, Teknik, anpassning, personliga uppmaningar, bästa svar, specifika affärsfall.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from £89 -
Attend this computer hacking forensic investigator certification course to get prepped to successfully pass the EC-Council ECO-312-49.
v11, CHFI Certification | Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training, CHFI v11, Digital forensics, evidence analysis, cyber forensics, computer forensic, computer security, incident response, infrastructure support, DoD Directive 8140, DoD Directive 8570.01, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Infrastructure Support, searching and seizing, chain-of-custody, acquisition, preservation, analysis, reporting, digital evidence, EC-Council, certification course. CFI Certification Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training with variations of capitalization CHFIv11 Digital forensics with variations of spelling Cyber forensics with variations of spelling Forensic computer investigation Incident response with variations of capitalization Infrastructure support with variations of spelling DoD Directive 8140 with variations of capitalization and spelling DoD Directive 8570.01 with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Incident Responder with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Infrastructure Support with variations of capitalization and spelling Searching and seizing with variations of spelling Chain of custody with variations of capitalization and spelling Acquisition with variations of spelling Preservation with variations of spelling Analysis with variations of spelling Reporting with variations of spelling Digital evidence with variations of spelling EC-Council with variations of capitalization and spelling
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from £1,595 -
In this module you learn what to expect in the upcoming CHFI version 9 series, including the intended audience, the scope of the series, and specific topics that will be addressed.
CHFI V9, CHFI version 9, CHFI 9, CHFI certification, CHFI course, CHFI training, CHFI online, CHFI overview, CHFI scope, CHFI topics, CHFI audience, CHFI consultants, CHFI series, CHFI duration, CHFI modules, CHFI syllabus, CHFI exam, CHFI preparation, CHFI materials, CHFI resources, CHFI guide, CHFI curriculum, CHFI content, CHFI objectives, CHFI skills, CHFI knowledge, CHFI tools, CHFI techniques, CHFI investigation, CHFI forensics, CHFI cybersecurity, CHFI digital forensics, CHFI computer forensics, CHFI CHIF V9, CHFI 9, CHIF 9, CHIF certification, CHIF course, CHIF training, CHIF online, CHIF overview, CHIF scope, CHIF topics, CHIF audience, CHIF consultants, CHIF series, CHIF duration, CHIF modules, CHIF syllabus, CHIF exam, CHIF preparation, CHIF materials, CHIF resources, CHIF guide, CHIF curriculum, CHIF content, CHIF objectives, CHIF skills, CHIF knowledge, CHIF tools, CHIF techniques, CHIF investigation, CHIF forensics, CHIF cybersecurity, CHIF digital forensics, CHIF computer forensics. CHFI V9, CHFI version 9, CHFI 9, CHFI certification, CHFI course, CHFI training, CHFI online, CHFI overview, CHFI scope, CHFI topics, CHFI audience, CHFI consultants, CHFI series, CHFI duration, CHFI modules, CHFI syllabus, CHFI exam, CHFI preparation, CHFI materials, CHFI resources, CHFI guide, CHFI curriculum, CHFI content, CHFI objectives, CHFI skills, CHFI knowledge, CHFI tools, CHFI techniques, CHFI investigation, CHFI forensics, CHFI cybersecurity, CHFI digital forensics, CHFI computer forensics, CHFI CHIF V9, CHFI 9, CHIF 9, CHIF certification, CHIF course, CHIF training, CHIF online, CHIF overview, CHIF scope, CHIF topics, CHIF audience, CHIF consultants, CHIF series, CHIF duration, CHIF modules, CHIF syllabus, CHIF exam, CHIF preparation, CHIF materials, CHIF resources, CHIF guide, CHIF curriculum, CHIF content, CHIF objectives, CHIF skills, CHIF knowledge, CHIF tools, CHIF techniques, CHIF investigation, CHIF forensics, CHIF cybersecurity, CHIF digital forensics, CHIF computer forensics.
On-Demand -
Learning Tree's Cisco Collaboration training course gives you the fundamental knowledge needed to take the CCNP® Collaboration certification courses.
Cisco Collaboration Training, CLFNDU, Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations, administer, support, Unified Communications Manager, SIP gateway, devices, phones, video endpoints, users, media resources, maintenance, troubleshooting, SIP dial plans, PSTN services, class-of-service capabilities, cisco collab training, clfndu, unified communication manager, sip gateaway, devies, fones, vide endpoints, usrs, media resorces, maintanance, troubleshouting, sip dialplans, pstn servises, class of service capabilities. Cisco Collaboration Training, CLFNDU, Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations, administer, support, Unified Communications Manager, SIP gateway, devices, phones, video endpoints, users, media resources, maintenance, troubleshooting, SIP dial plans, PSTN services, class-of-service capabilities, Cisco collab training, CLFNDU, Unified Communication Manager, SIP gateway, devices, phones, video endpoints, users, media resources, maintenance, troubleshooting, SIP dial plans, PSTN services, class of service capabilities.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,305 -
In this course, you will gain the knowledge needed to successfully pass the certification exam and become a CISM, ISACA Certified Information Security Manager.
CISM, Certified Information Security Manager, course, certification exam, security governance, risk management, compliance, security program development, security incident management, CAP certification exam, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level-I, IAM Level-II, CISIM, CISM certification, security managment, risk managment, compliance, security program, security incident, CAP certification, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level 1, IAM Level 2. CISM, Certified Information Security Manager, course, certification exam, security governance, risk management, compliance, security programme development, security incident management, CAP certification exam, UK MoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level-1, IAM Level-II, CISIM, CISM certification, security management, risk management, compliance, security programme, security incident, CAP certification, MoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level 1, IAM Level 2.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
This CISSP® Training and Certification prep course provides in-depth training in the ISC2™ curriculum that will help prepare you to pass your CISSP exam.
CISSP TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PREP (WITH EXAM VOUCHER), CISSP, CISSP TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PREP, CISSP, certification, training, prep course, security, risk management, asset security, security framework design, network security, software development security, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAT Level-III, IASAE Level-I, IASAE Level-II, IAM Level-II, IAM Level-III, information assurance, security architect, security engineer, secure communication, pass exam, become certified, UK, CISPP, CISP, CIPSS, SSCP, SISP CISSP, certification, training, preparation course, security, risk management, asset security, security framework design, network security, software development security, Ministry of Defence Directive 8140/8570.01, IAT Level-III, IASAE Level-I, IASAE Level-II, IAM Level-II, IAM Level-III, information assurance, security architect, security engineer, secure communication, pass exam, become certified, UK, CISPP, CISP, CIPSS, SSCP, SISP.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,475 -
The cloud audit certification training teaches the essential principles needed to successfully obtain the Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK).
cloud audit, cloud computing, CCAK, certificate of cloud auditing knowledge, auditing principles, cloud security, ISACA, IT audit, cybersecurity, risk, privacy, governance, cloud security alliance, certification training, cloud auditing, cloud security best practices, cloud auditing knowledge, cloud security certification, cloud security training, cloud security principles, cloud security governance claud audit, claud computing, CCAK certification, certificate of claud auditing knowledge, auditing principls, claud security, ISACA certification, IT auditing, cyber security, risks, privcy, goverance, claud security alliance, certification trining, claud auditing, claud security best practices, claud auditing knowledge, claud security certification, claud security trining, claud security principls, claud security goverance cloud audit, cloud computing, CCAK certification, certificate of cloud auditing knowledge, auditing principles, cloud security, ISACA certification, IT auditing, cybersecurity, risk, privacy, governance, cloud security alliance, certification training, cloud auditing, cloud security best practices, cloud auditing knowledge, cloud security certification, cloud security training, cloud security principles, cloud security governance
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
This AWS SysOps Administrator course will prepare systems administrators to take the official exam and become an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate.
Cloud Operations, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Systems Administrator, Developer Operations, DevOps, automatable, repeatable deployments, networks, systems, configuration, deployment, industry techniques, AWS features, tools, SysOps Administrator, official exam, Certified SysOps Administrator Associate. Cloud Oprations, AWs, Systems Administrater, Devopment Operations, Developers Operations, automatable, repeatable deployements, configuraiton, deplyoment, tools, SysOps, Certification.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-class -
Complete COBIT® 2019 Training & gain best practices for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology.
COBIT 2019, governance and management, enterprise IT, enterprise information, enterprise technology, governance principles, governance system, governance objectives, performance management, tailored governance, Certification exam, Foundation exam, Pre-course study guide, tuition fee, exam duration, exam score. COBID 2019, governence and management, enterprize IT, enterprize information, enterprize technology, governence principles, governence system, governence objectives, pre-course study guide, tuision fee, exam duratoin, exam scrore.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Maximize your understanding and usage of Microsoft Teams. Discover hidden features and boost productivity. Transform communication into collaboration.
Microsoft Teams, collaboration, hands-on approach, user tips, advanced features, productivity, design, functionality, tips, tricks, use cases, communication platform, comprehensive collaboration environment, organization, utilizing, misrosoft teams, colaberation, hnds-on approch, usre tps, avanced fetures.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £550 -
Gain essential skills to become a Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer with our MS-721 course. Learn networking, telecommunications, MS Teams deployment, & more.
MS-721, MS 721, MS721, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer, networking, telecommunications, audio/visual and meeting room technologies, identity and access management, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, meetings, certified devices, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams admin centre, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN connectivity, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams meetings and calling, Teams Phone deployment, Microsoft Teams Room for Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms for Windows, Teams network requirements, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimize network and WiFi for media flow, Configure and deploy Teams Phone, emergency calling addresses, Microsoft Calling Plan numbers, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), advanced voice routing, provision users, number translation, dial plans, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), third-party policy-based compliance recording, third-party contact center solutions, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Configure auto attendants and call queues, Teams phones, Teams displays, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365 tenant, room mailbox properties, Troubleshoot Teams devices, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Certification, Exam MS721, Exam MS 721, MS721, MS 721, Microsoft role-based certification exam, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör, nätverk, telekommunikation, ljud-/bild- och mötesrumsteknologier, identitets- och åtkomsthantering, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, möten, certifierade enheter, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams administrativa centrum, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN-anslutning, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams möten och samtal, Teams Phone-implementering, Microsoft Teams Room för Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms för Windows, Teams nätverkskrav, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimering av nätverk och WiFi för mediaflöde, Konfigurera och implementera Teams Phone, nödanropsadresser, Microsoft Calling Plan-nummer, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), avancerad röstvägledning, tilldela användare, nummeröversättning, röstplaner, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), tredjepartsbaserade regleringsinspelningar, tredjeparts kontaktcenterlösningar, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Konfigurera automatsvar och samtalsköer, Teams-telefoner, Teams-skärmar, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365-hyresgäst, egenskaper för rumspostlåda, Felsökning av Teams-enheter, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör-certifiering, Exam MS-721, MS-721-examen, MS721, MS 721, Microsofts rollbaserade certifieringsexamen
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree
Learn complex project management in this intensive real-world project scenario training course for project success. Attend in-class or online.
Complex Project Management Training, project management, project scenario training course, assess projects, communicate projects, manage projects, project success, project failure, tool set, essential influencers, deep understanding, projct management, projetc management, compex project management, complx project managment, projec managment, project managemnt.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on introduction takes you on a transformative journey from raw data to invaluable insights, leveraging the power of data and AI.
Introduction to Big Data, Big Data training, data science training, structured data, unstructured data, data management, data processing, data analysis, meaningful insights, live training, instructor-led training, on-demand training, blended training, big data traning, data mangement, data analisis. Introduction to Big Data, Big Data training, data science training, structured data, unstructured data, data management, data processing, data analysis, meaningful insights, live training, instructor-led training, on-demand training, blended training, big data training, data management, data analysis.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
CompTIA A+® Certification Training is an approved exam prep course. Choose from live, on-demand or blended format. Includes exam voucher & study guide.
plus, aplus, A+, A, CompTIA A+ Certification Training, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA A+, certification, training, IT career, enterprise IT infrastructures, foundational knowledge, relevant technologies, maintain, organization, Core 1, Core 2, exams, personal computer hardware, operating systems, EBook, practice assessment questions, video clips, examples, voucher, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical, Level-I, requirements, compatia, compter A+, comptia+
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classPremiumStarts from £1,995 -
This CompTIA Cloud+® certification training will prepare you to pass the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004 exam and earn the corresponding certification.
plus, cloudplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Cloud+®, Certification Training, pass, exam, standard deployments, cloud technologies, create cloud solutions, workload migrations, cloud vendors, control costs, automation, orchestration, business value, cybersecurity, best practices, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Management, IAM, Level-I, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Training CompTIA Cloud Certification Training CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam cloud tecnologiecyber security CSSP Infrastructure Support
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,350 -
This official CompTIA CySA+® certification training preps you to successfully pass the CS0-003 exam & be ready to meet advanced persistent threats head on.
CS0-002, CS0002, CS0-003, CS0003, plus, cysaplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA, CySA+, certification, training, exam, cybersecurity, analyst, APTs, scenario-based, foundational, knowledge, network security, tools, techniques, threats, DoD, directive, Technical, IAT, Level-II, CSSP, Auditor, Infrastructure, Support, Incident Responder, comptia, cysa, analyist, csa+, CySA, certification, traning, exame, cyber security, aps, networksecutriy, dirctive, technicall, cspp, infustracture, insident, responser, plus, cysaplus, CompTIA CySA+, cybersecurity analyst, APTs, scenario-based training, CS0-002, intermediate certification, Network+, CASP, analytical approach, network security, tools, techniques, threats, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-II, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CompTIA CySA, cyber security analyst, advanced persistent threads, scenario based training, network security tools and tecniques. CompTIA CySA+, cybersäkerhetsanalytiker, APT er, scenario-baserad träning, CS0-002, mellanliggande certifiering, Network+, CASP, analytiskt tillvägagångssätt, nätverkssäkerhet, verktyg, tekniker, hot, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Teknisk IAT Nivå-II, CSSP-analytiker, CSSP-infrastrukturstöd, CSSP-incidenthanterare, CSSP-revisor, stavfel CompTIA CySA, cybersäkerhetsanalytiker, avancerade ihållande trådar, scenario-baserad träning, nätverkssäkerhetsverktyg och tekniker.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,855 -
CompTIA Data+® is an early-career data analytics certification for professionals tasked with developing and promoting data-driven business decision-making.
plus, dataplus, CompTIA Data+, certification, data analytics, job roles, business intelligence, collecting data, analyzing data, reporting data, priorities, business decision-making, mining data, manipulating data, visualizing data, statistical methods, complex datasets, governance, quality standards, data life cycle. Comp TIA Dataplus, data analysis, data visualisation, data manipulation, statiscal methods, governance standards, data lifecycle.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,350 -
This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam.
plus, datasysplus, The CompTIA DataSys+ certification validates the core knowledge and skills required for IT professionals working with data systems and infrastructure. This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam. In this training, you will gain a vendor-neutral understanding of key concepts and practices across the data flow. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn how to work with data acquisition, processing, storage, security, analysis, and more.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,350 -
This hands-on course will prep you to achieve CompTIA Linux+® certification that is highly valued for Linux administrators, engineers and architects.
plus, linuxplus, Linux+ certification, Linux administrators, Linux engineers, Linux architects, Linux administration, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, CompTIA Linux+ exam, foundation knowledge, Linux operating system, Linux experience, voucher, certification prep course, Linux IT pros, Linux knowledge, Linux+ training, CompTIA certification, XK0-004, Linux+, CompTIA Linux, Linux admin, Linux eng, Linux arch, Linux+ training course, CompTIA Linux + exam. Linux+ certification, Linux administrators, Linux engineers, Linux architects, Linux administration, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, CompTIA Linux+ exam, foundation knowledge, Linux operating system, Linux experience, voucher, certification prep course, Linux IT pros, Linux knowledge, Linux+ training, CompTIA certification, XK0-004, Linux+, CompTIA Linux, Linux admin, Linux eng, Linux arch, Linux+ training course, CompTIA Linux + exam.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,690 -
This CompTIA Network+® Training course prepares you for the CompTIA Exam N10-009, covering network management and troubleshooting procedures.
plus, networkplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Network+, IT infrastructure, certification, designing, configuring, managing, troubleshooting, wireless network, wired network, mobility, virtualization, security, protocols, standards, exam preparation, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-I, certification exam, N10-008, N10-009, vendor-neutral, globally recognized CompTia network plus CompTIA network comptia network+ IT infrastructure professional certification IT networking certification troubleshooting procedures certification
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,350 -
This CompTIA PenTest+® course introduces the general concept and methodologies related to penetration testing & preps you for the PT0-003 exam.
plus, pentestplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA PenTest, PT0-002, certification exam, penetration testing, simulated pen test, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Infrastructure Support, methodology, concepts. CompTIA Pentest PT0 002 pen-testing simulated pen-test DoD Directives 8140/8570.01 CPSS Analyst CPSS Incident Responder CPSS Auditor CPSS Infrastructure Support methology concept.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,350 -
This CompTIA Security+® certification course prepares you for the CompTIA SY0-701 exam & ensures compliance & secures your organization.
SYO-701, SYO-601, 601, 701, securityplus, plus, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Security+, course, knowledge, certification exam, vendor-neutral, information system security, best practices, Security+ certification, systems, network security, network infrastructure, access control, assessments, audits, cryptography, organizational security, passing, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-II, Management IAM Level-I, requirements. Comptia Security, Comptia Security+ certification exam, Infomation system security, best practises, Security + certification, access controll, organisational security, cryptographycryptography, organisatonal. CompTIA Security+, kurs, certifiering, examen, leverantörsneutral, informationssystemssäkerhet, bästa praxis, kunskap, system, nätverkssäkerhet, nätverksinfrastruktur, åtkomstkontroll, bedömningar, revisioner, kryptografi, organisatorisk säkerhet, godkännande, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, teknisk IAT nivå-II, ledning IAM nivå-I, krav, stavfel comptia, secutiry, ssecurity, sy, leverantörsneutral, bästa praxis, bedömningar, kryptografi, organisatorisk.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classPremiumStarts from £1,995 -
This SecurityX Training course prepares you for the SecurityX exam (formerly CASP+), certifying your knowledge and skills in enterprise security and risk management.
plus, caspplus, ADVANCED SECURITY PRACTITIONER, ADVANCED CYBERSECURITY PRACTITIONER, ADVAN, ADVANCED CYBER SECURITY PRACTITIONER, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA CASP, CASP+ certification, enterprise security, risk management, research and analysis, computing, communications, business disciplines, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, Management IAM Level-II, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer IASAE Level-I, Level II, , navigational terms, s, terms, s, mistypes
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,690 -
Enhance your skills in configuring and governing entitlements with Microsoft Entra ID. This 1-day hands-on course covers access reviews, privileged access tools, and monitoring access events.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579 -
Learn to configure, secure, and optimize Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Master data migration and advanced features in this hands-on, 1-day course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Master Secure Workloads Using Azure Virtual Networking (AZ-1002) in this one-day course, enhancing IT skills in network security and configuration.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-1002, AZ1002, AZ 1002, Azure Virtual Networking, Secure Workloads, AZ-1002, IT Skills, Network Security, Configuration, Training Methods, Course Objectives, Prerequisites, Certification, Virtual Networks, Network Peering, Traffic Management, Azure DNS, Network Security Groups, Azure Firewall, Online Training, In-Person Training, Hands-On Exercises, Network Routing, DNS Settings, IT Roles, Infrastructure Administrators, Security Administrators, Architects, Azuer Virtual Networking, Secure Worklods, AZ1002, IT Skils, Netwrok Security, Configuartion, Traning Methods, Course Objectves, Prerequistes, Certifcation, Virtual Netwroks, Network Perring, Traffic Managment, Azure DSN, Network Securty Groups, Azure Firewal, Online Tranining, In-Person Tranining, Hands-On Exercies, Network Ruting, DNS Settigns, IT Rols, Infrastructure Adminstrators, Security Adminstrators, Archtects, Azure Virtual Networking, Säkra Arbetsbelastningar, AZ-1002, IT-färdigheter, Nätverkssäkerhet, Konfiguration, Utbildningsmetoder, Kursmål, Förkunskapskrav, Certifiering, Virtuella Nätverk, Nätverksparning, Trafikhantering, Azure DNS, Nätverkssäkerhetsgrupper, Azure-brandväggen, Onlineutbildning, Utbildning på plats, Praktiska Övningar, Nätverksrouting, DNS-inställningar, IT-roller, Infrastrukturadministratörer, Säkerhetsadministratörer, Arkitekter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Master SIEM security operations with Microsoft Sentinel in this intensive 1-day workshop. Learn to configure workspaces, connect services, and automate threat responses.
SC-5001, SC5001, SC 5001, applied skills, applied skill, Microsoft Sentinel, SIEM Security, Azure Security, Microsoft Security Operations, Microsoft Sentinel, SIEM Säkerhet, Azure Säkerhet, Microsoft Säkerhetsoperationer, microsoft security operations analyst, microsoft sentinel course, microsoft sentinel analytics rules, microsoft azure, microsoft defender for cloud, microsoft defender xdr, applied skills, microsoft partner, microsoft sentinel workspaces, microsoft sentinel permissions, sentinel workspace, log analytics workspaces, azure resource, automation rule, automate responses, security teams, defender xdr, resource group, soc team, virtual machines, logic app, security threats, data collected, cloud based, content hub, cloud workload, custom logs, security solutions, security services, threat response,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
The AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop training teaches Azure admins how to plan, deliver, and manage virtual desktop experiences and apps, for any device, on Azure.
az140, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURE, , CONFI, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURET, AZ-140, AZ140, AZ, 140, 8660AZ-140, Azure, virtual desktop, remote app, device, multi-session, lab experience, demonstration, plan, deliver, manage, optimise, deploy, administrator, Microsoft, training, AZ-140, configuring, operating, Azur, virtul desktop, remot app, devce, multy-session, lab experiance, demontration, plann, delivr, manag, optimize, deply, adminstrator, Micosoft, traning, AZ140, configring, opearting. Azure, virtual desktop, remote app, device, multi-session, lab experience, demonstration, plan, deliver, manage, optimise, deploy, administrator, Microsoft, training, AZ-140, configuring, operating, Azure, virtual desktop, remote app, device, multi-session, lab experience, demonstration, plan, deliver, manage, optimize, deploy, administrator, Microsoft, training, AZ-140, configuring, operating.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Get certified in Cisco Solutions with this CCNA course. Prep for CCNP and CCIE Data Center exams. Enrol now.
deploy, secure, operate, maintain, Cisco Unified Computing System, Cisco UCS, B-series blade servers, C-Series, S-Series rack servers, data centres, management, orchestration software, UCS Director, UCS Manager, hands-on practice, critical features, Cisco Intersight, configuring, implementation, training, cisco ucs, cisco ucas, cisco ucs training, cisco ucas training deploy, secure, operate, maintain, Cisco Unified Computing System, Cisco UCS, B-series blade servers, C-Series, S-Series rack servers, data centres, management, orchestration software, UCS Director, UCS Manager, hands-on practice, critical features, Cisco Intersight, configuring, implementation, training, cisco ucs, cisco ucas, cisco ucs training, cisco ucas training
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,550 -
Learning Tree
Learn essential conflict management skills and techniques to resolve disputes effectively. Improve team dynamics and foster a positive work environment.
conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, emotional triggers, proactive response techniques, cooperation, workplace conflict, damaged relationships, poor productivity, conflict training, conflict essentials, conflict skills, conflict scenarios, conflict environment, conflict identification, conflict response, conflict cooperation, conflict course, conflict productivity, conflict relationships, conflict triggers, constructive conflict, destructive conflict, conflict prevention techniques, conflict resolution training, conflict response techniques, conflict identification skills, conflict cooperation skills, conflict management course, conflict resolution course, workplace conflict management, workplace conflict resolution, conflict management skills, conflict resolution skills, conflict prevention skills, conflict identification techniques, conflict response techniques, conflict cooperation techniques, conflict management scenarios, conflict resolution scenarios, conflict prevention scenarios, conflict identification scenarios, conflict response scenarios, conflict cooperation scenarios, conflict productivity techniques, conflict relationships techniques, conflict triggers techniques, constructive conflict techniques, destructive conflict techniques, conflict prevention training, conflict identification training, conflict response training, conflict cooperation training, conflict essentials training, conflict skills training, workplace conflict training, conflict environment training, conflict productivity training, conflict relationships training, conflict triggers training, constructive conflict training, destructive conflict training. confilct, comflict, conflit, conflict managment, conflict resoultion, conflict preventionn, emmotional triggers, pro-active response techniques, work place conflict, dammaged relationships, poor productivty, conflict trainning, conflict essentails, conflict scenerios, conflict envirnoment, conflict idnetification, conflict reponse, conflict co-operation, conflict cource, conflict productivty, conflict relashionships, conflict trigers, constructive confilct, destrutive conflict, conflict prevention techneiques, conflict resoultion trainning, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict idnetification skills, conflict co-operation skills, conflict managment cource, conflict resoultion cource, work place conflict managment, work place conflict resoultion, conflict managment skills, conflict resoultion skills, conflict preventionn skills, conflict idnetification techneiques, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict co-operation techneiques, conflict managment scenerios, conflict resoultion scenerios, conflict preventionn scenerios, conflict idnetification scenerios, conflict reponse scenerios, conflict co-operation scenerios, conflict productivty techneiques, conflict relash
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £689 -
DevOps Institute
This course will provide you with an understanding of Continuous Testing Foundation® practices. Exam is included to test for certification.
Continuous Testing, DevOps, test automation, developers, quality assurance, security, operational teams, IT professionals, testing strategy, DevOps Test Engineering, DevOps pipelines, software testing, certification training, CTF, continous testing, DevOps testing, develpers, quality assurnce, secuirty, IT proffesionals, DevOps test enginering
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Boost Microsoft 365 skills: Master productivity with our 1-day Copilot course featuring labs & coaching. Ideal for IT & business pros. Sign up now.
MS-4006, MS 4006, MS4006, data security and compliance, microsoft copilot, team training, data compliance, copilot for microsoft, team course #, instructor - led training, microsoft partner, security and compliance features, learning tree, data protection regulations, general data protection regulation, portability and accountability act, health insurance portability, insurance portability and accountability, california consumer privacy act, accountability act hipaa, european union, payment card industry data, industry data security standard, card industry data security, consumer privacy act ccpa, cyber threats, table of contents, data governance, access control, data protection regulation gdpr, manage data, customer data, united states
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Unlock AI mastery in 1 day with our Copilot Foundations course. Learn to create & use copilots effectively.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Learn to craft effective and contextual prompts for Microsoft Copilot across Microsoft 365 applications. Ideal for all users looking to improve productivity and content creation.
ms-4005, ms4005, ms 4005, Microsoft Copilot training, Effective prompts for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 productivity tips, Microsoft Copilot effektiva prompter, Microsoft 365 produktivitetstips, microsoft copilot training, team training, copilot for microsoft, microsoft data & ai, content creation, copilot in microsoft, microsoft 365 tenant, course name, training outline, team course, search engines, target audience, team members, types of content, generated content, keyword research, good idea, learning objectives, content creator, creating a course, step by step, content marketing, kind of content, potential customers, social media platforms, content creation process, high level, online learning, table of contents, customer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Gain hands-on experience with Power Automate to build workflows and automate processes across your organisation. Learn to create, manage, and share automated workflows with this intermediate, 1-day Power Automate course.
PL-7002, PL7002, PL 7002, applied skills, applied skill, microsoft power platform, power automate flow, power apps, applied skills, business process flow, microsoft partner, cloud flow, using power automate, create a flow, role - based certification, power platform, process flows, power bi, customer service, drag and drop, microsoft power automate, team member, office 365, steps to create, microsoft dataverse, cloud based, automating repetitive, microsoft dynamics 365, automate repetitive tasks, microsoft power apps, real time, process improvement, easy access, create custom, send an email
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Gain hands-on experience creating and managing Canvas Apps using Power Apps in this 1-day intermediate course. Learn to build custom apps for any business scenario.
Applied skills, applied skill, pl7001, pl 7001, pl-7001, Power Apps canvas app creation, Power Apps development, custom app development with Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Power Apps for business, Power Apps canvas app creation, Skapa canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps development, Utveckling av Power Apps, Custom app development with Power Apps, Anpassad apputveckling med Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Hantering av canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps for business, Power Apps för företag, canvas app in power apps, power apps canvas apps, power apps app, power apps data sources, custom app development, create a canvas app, power automate and power bi, data model, introduction to power apps, create an app, create customized, business processes, sql server, mobile device, business requirements, app designer, business data, store data, high level, data management, data structures, data types, microsoft dataverse, build an app, building custom apps, business rules, programming language, database designers, app maker, power apps studio,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
This intermediate, hands-on course teaches you to build model-driven apps using Microsoft Power Apps and Dataverse, covering data modelling, form modifications, and app configuration.
Appllied skills, applied skill, PL-7003, PL7003, PL 7003, Power Apps, Dataverse, Model-Driven Apps, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps kurs, Dataverse utbildning, Modellstyrda appar, microsoft power platform, power apps and power automate, applied skills, microsoft power apps, microsoft partner, skill sets, solutions in power apps, specific skill set, model - driven apps, world skills, business processes, customer service, app development, apps and power, microsoft products, user interface, microsoft dataverse, business data, power apps and power, business applications, automated processes, soft skills, common data service, security roles, create custom, developing solutions, time management, job descriptions, work experience, communication skills,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Unlock AI potential: Learn to create custom copilots with Azure AI Studio in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Master Azure AI Document Intelligence (AI-3002) and unlock the ability to extract data from structured and unstructured documents like forms, receipts, and invoices.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, software developers, AI capabilities, Azure AI Services, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Design solutions, Business forms, Common documents, Custom form types, Composite model, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, Programming languages, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Module 1, Plan Azure AI solution, AI Document Intelligence, Model type, Module 2, Prebuilt Form Recognizer models, General Document, Read, Layout models, Financial, ID, Tax models, Exercise, Module 3, Extract data, Azure Document Intelligence, Train custom models, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Module 4, Composed Form Recognizer model, Assemble composed models, Module 5, Form Recognizer custom skill, Azure Cognitive Search, Enrichment pipelines, Deploy custom skill, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, mjukvaruutvecklare, AI-förmågor, Azure AI-tjänster, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Designlösningar, Affärsformulär, Vanliga dokument, Anpassade formulärtyper, Sammansatt modell, Utbildningsförutsättningar, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, Programmeringsspråk, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Modul 1, Planera en Azure AI-lösning, AI Document Intelligence, Modelltyp, Modul 2, Förbyggda Form Recognizer-modeller, Allmänt dokument, Läs, Layoutmodeller, Finansiella, ID, Skattemodeller, Övning, Modul 3, Extrahera data, Azure Document Intelligence, Träna anpassade modeller, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Modul 4, Sammansatt Form Recognizer-modell, Montera sammansatta modeller, Modul 5, Anpassad Form Recognizer-färdighet för Azure Cognitive Search, Berikningspipeliner, Distribuera anpassad färdighet
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day Excel Workbook course & learn to create new, well-designed workbooks, and to summarise, analyse, organise & present large datasets.
Microsoft Excel, Workbook, training, create, design, datasets, summarise, analyse, collect, organise, present, data-driven, workplace, efficient, user-friendly, device, features, hands-on, course, library, Microsoft Office, on-demand, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, review sessions, creating, designing, workbooks. Micrsoft Excel Workbok traning desing datsets summarise analize collecte orgnise presnt data-drivn workplce effecient user-frendly devce featurs hands on libray Micorsoft Offce on demad Exel Wrod Powerpoit revew sesions creatng desgning workboks Microsoft Excel, Workbook, training, create, design, datasets, summarise, analyse, collect, organise, present, data-driven, workplace, efficient, user-friendly, device, features, hands-on, course, library, Microsoft Office, on-demand, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, review sessions, creating, designing, workbooks. Microsoft Excel Workbook training design datasets summarise analyse collect organise present data-driven workplace efficient user-friendly device features hands-on course library Microsoft Office on-demand Excel Word PowerPoint review sessions creating designing workbooks
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Bring this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement course to your team & teach them to work with stakeholders in multidimensional capacities throughout projects.
Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder management, stakeholder analysis, multidimensional stakeholder, stakeholder training, effective stakeholder training, stakeholder list development, stakeholder goal setting, stakeholder objective setting, stakeholder evaluation, private team training, team training, tailored content, comprehensive course materials, equipment setup and teardown, travel costs, instructor travel, convenient location. Stakeholder engagment, stakeholder managment, multidimentional stakehoder, stakeholder trainig, effective stakeholer training, stakeholer list developement, stakeholer goal setting, stakeholder objecive setting, stakeholer evaluation, pirvate team trainig, team trainig, conveenient location, equipment set-up, travel cots, instrctor travel.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Master critical thinking & creative problem-solving for corporate problem-solving. Develop left & right-brain thinking, creativity, & outcome-based thinking.
critical thinking, creative problem-solving, organisational issues, left-brain thinking, right-brain thinking, spur creativity, outcome-based thinking, critical thinking training, critical thinking course, problem-solving techniques, corporate environment, criticle thinking, creativ problem solving, organizatinal issues, left brain thinking, right brain thinking, spur creativty, outcome based thinking, critcal thinking training, critcal thinking course, problem solving techniques, corporet environment critical thinking, creative problem-solving, organisational issues, left-brain thinking, right-brain thinking, spur creativity, outcome-based thinking, critical thinking training, critical thinking course, problem-solving techniques, corporate environment, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, organisational issues, left-brain thinking, right-brain thinking, spur creativity, outcome-based thinking, critical thinking training, critical thinking course, problem-solving techniques, corporate environment.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Crystal Reports course, learn to create sophisticated reports & transform raw data into meaningful information. Attend in-class or online.
CRYSTAL REPORT, CRYSTALREPORT, CRYST, CRYSTAL REPORTT, Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports training, create reports, raw data, data sources, presentations, retrieve data, format data, meaningful reports, distribution, integrate reports, website, application, .NET, data transformation, linking data, sophisticated reports, hands-on training, information, knowledge, skills, organisation. Cyrstal ReportCyrstal Reports training create reporst raw dat multiple data sorucepresntationretreive data formating data distirbution integrat reportwebiste appliction .Net data transfomration linkign data sohisticated reporthands-on traning informaiton knowlege skilorgnization Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports training, create reports, raw data, data sources, presentations, retrieve data, format data, meaningful reports, distribution, integrate reports, website, application, .NET, data transformation, linking data, sophisticated reports, hands-on training, information, knowledge, skills, organisation. Crystal Reports Crystal Reports training create reports raw data multiple data sources presentations retrieve data format data meaningful reports distribution integrate reports website application .NET data transformation linking data sophisticated reports hands-on training information knowledge skills organization
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learning Tree
Attend this CSS course & learn to build accessible & responsive web apps featuring a rich UI that performs across a wide range of Internet-capable devices.
CSS3, Responsive Web Design, training, accessible, responsive, web applications, rich UI, internet-capable devices, design skills, collapsible navigation, liquid layout content, data tables, forms, WCAG, level A, level AA, level AAA, checkpoints, modern, mobile-first design, typography, flexbox, CSS3 functions, pseudo-selectors, pseudo-elements, CSS integration, JavaScript frameworks, Angular, jQuery, HTML, versions of CSS, CSS, Resposive Web Desing, accesible, WCAG level a, level aa, level aaa, Jquery, Angula, HMTL. CSS3, Responsive Web Design, training, accessible, responsive, web applications, rich UI, internet-capable devices, design skills, collapsible navigation, liquid layout content, data tables, forms, WCAG, level A, level AA, level AAA, checkpoints, modern, mobile-first design, typography, flexbox, CSS3 functions, pseudo-selectors, pseudo-elements, CSS integration, JavaScript frameworks, Angular, jQuery, HTML, versions of CSS, CSS, Responsive Web Design, accessible, WCAG level A, level AA, level AAA, jQuery, Angular, HTML.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
This CSSLP® Training and Certification course provides you with in-depth coverage of the skills and concepts of the eight domains of software security.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CSSLP, Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional, software security, software development, certification, software concepts, requirements, design, implementation, testing, lifecycle management, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Information Assurance Security Architect, IASAE, Level-I, Level-II, training, exam, in-depth coverage, premier, skills, concepts, achieve, prepared, official, ISC 2, CSSLPP, CSSPL, Certified Secured Software Lifecycle Professional, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineering, IASAE Level 1, IASAE Level 2, desing, implementaion, testing, lifecyle management, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Infrmation Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Level-1, Level-2. CSSLP, CSSLP-certifiering, mjukvarusäkerhet, säker mjukvaruutveckling, mjukvarukoncept, krav, design, implementation, testning, livscykelhantering, DoD-direktiv 8140, 8570.01, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Nivå-I, Nivå-II, utbildning, certifiering, ISC ², stavfel CSSLP-certifcation, sofware-säkerhet, secur mjukvaruutveckling, softwre-koncept, requirments, desing, implementaion, testning, lifecyle-hantering, DoD-direktiv 8140/8570.01, Infrmation Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Nivå-1, Nivå-2.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,475 -
Learning Tree
Build customer relationships with our 1-day Essentials of Customer Service Training course.
UK, customer service, training, outstanding, gaining, keeping, losing, customer, one-day, essentials, foundational knowledge, proven techniques, best practices, develop, maintain, mutually beneficial relationships, grow, customer base, formal prerequisites, attend, course. UK, customer service, training, outstanding, gaining, keeping, losing, customer, one-day, essentials, foundational knowledge, proven techniques, best practices, develop, maintain, mutually beneficial relationships, grow, customer base, formal prerequisites, attend, course. No translation needed as the text is already in English UK .
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learn to build custom AI copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio in this 2-day hands-on course. No coding required. Enhance with Power Automate.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,310 -
APMG International™
This course will enable you to prepare a defined and managed approach when responding to a data breach or attack of an information asset.
Organisations continue to suffer from external and internal attacks, yet Cyber Incident Management is an afterthought in most companies. This course will enable you to prepare a defined and managed approach when responding to a data breach or attack on an information asset. The content is intended for senior management and business executives who wish to understand incident response better or are responsible for helping organisations plan and prepare for potential cyber threats and effectively deal with actual cyber-attacks. This course is not technical; therefore, there are no prerequisites.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £449 -
Learning Tree
This Cyber Security Risk Assessment Training course teaches how to protect your organisation by employing a standards-based risk management process.
Cybersecurity, risk assessment, training, laws, regulations, compliance, assessment plan, risk management, security posture, UK, 2013, cyber security, cyber-security, risk asessment, trainning, complience, managment, secutiry posture, United Kingdom, twenty thirteen. Cybersecurity, risk assessment, training, laws, regulations, compliance, assessment plan, risk management, security posture, UK, 2013, cyber security, cyber-security, risk assessment, training, compliance, management, security posture, United Kingdom, twenty thirteen.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
Learning Tree
Learn cybersecurity for managers, members of the board and senior executives to understand, assess, and take a proactive posture in cyber security.
cyber security, training, managers, boardroom, executives, risk assessment, management frameworks, security gaps, liability, certification, DoD, information assurance, United States Department of Defense, 8570.01 Directive, potential security gaps, proactive posture, fundamental knowledge, investigate, assess, mitigate dangers, cyber secutiry, trainning, manegers, bordroom, excutives, risk asesment, managment framewroks, secuirty gaps, certificatoin, DOD, informatoin assurence, United States Dept of Defense, 8570.01 Directiv, potentail secuirty gaps, proactiv postur, fundemental knowlege, investgiate, asess, migitate dangrs. cyber security, training, managers, boardroom, executives, risk assessment, management frameworks, security gaps, liability, certification, MoD, information assurance, Ministry of Defence, 8570.01 Directive, potential security gaps, proactive posture, fundamental knowledge, investigate, assess, mitigate dangers, cyber security, training, managers, boardroom, executives, risk assessment, management frameworks, security gaps, certification, MoD, information assurance, Ministry of Defence, 8570.01 Directive, potential security gaps, proactive posture, fundamental knowledge, investigate, assess, mitigate dangers.
IntermediateLess than a dayTeam Training -
In this on-demand training, you will learn how to secure infrastructure, such as wireless access points, firewalls, and servers.
cybersecurity, endpoint defense, security fundamentals, secure infrastructure, wireless access points, firewalls, servers, working examples, helpful advice, security concepts, applications and data, users, security posture, maximum impact, cyber security, end point defense, security fundementals, infrastructure security, wireless access point, firewall, server, helpful advise, security conceps, mispelling, cyber secutiry, endpoint defence, secuirty fundamentals, secure infrastucture, wireless access ponts, firewals, serfers, helpfull advice, secuirty concepts, aplications and data, mispeling, users, secuirty posture, maxum impact. cyber security, endpoint defence, security fundamentals, secure infrastructure, wireless access points, firewalls, servers, practical examples, useful advice, security principles, applications and data, users, security stance, greatest impact, cyber security, endpoint defence, security fundamentals, infrastructure security, wireless access point, firewall, server, useful advice, security concepts, , cyber security, endpoint defence, security fundamentals, secure infrastructure, wireless access points, firewalls, servers, helpful advice, security concepts, applications and data, , users, security posture, maximum impact.
On-Demand -
Get certified in CyberSec First Response with CertNexus. Learn to detect, analyze, and respond to network threats for the new CFR-410 exam.
CyberSec First Responder, certification, training, IT professionals, analyse threats, secure networks, problem-solving, protect organization, detect, analyse, respond, recover, attacks, potential threats, CFR Certification Exam, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CyberSec First Respondor, CyberSec First Responce, CyberSec First Responder Certification, CyberSec First Respondent, certification training, IT profesional, anaylse threats, secure network, problem solving, protect organisation, dectect, anaylse, resond, attaks, potential threts, CFR Certification Exam, US DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analist, CSSP Infrastrcture Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditer. CyberSec First Responder, certification, training, IT professionals, analyse threats, secure networks, problem-solving, protect organisation, detect, analyse, respond, recover, attacks, potential threats, CFR Certification Exam, UK MoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CyberSec First Responder, CyberSec First Response, CyberSec First Responder Certification, CyberSec First Respondent, certification training, IT professional, analyse threats, secure network, problem solving, protect organisation, detect, analyse, respond, attacks, potential threats, CFR Certification Exam, UK MoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
In this on-demand series, you explore the topics necessary to prepare for the CySA+ exam.
CySA+ exam, computer security, threats, threat management, reconnaissance, countermeasures, vulnerabilities, penetration testing, incident response, security architectures, tool sets, CySA exam, CySA+, compter security, threts, thret management, reconaissance, counter measures, vunerabilities, penatration testing, insident response, secutiry architectures, toolsets CySA+ exam, computer security, threats, threat management, reconnaissance, countermeasures, vulnerabilities, penetration testing, incident response, security architectures, tool sets, CySA exam, CySA+, computer security, threats, threat management, reconnaissance, countermeasures, vulnerabilities, penetration testing, incident response, security architectures, toolsets.
On-Demand -
Learning Tree
The Data Insights & Visualization Professional Certificate Program equips individuals with an integrated learning model that combines training, assessment, coaching, and collaboration.
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
This 1-day introduction to Data Management Tools, provides the knowledge & skills to make effective Machine Learning and AI business & technical decisions.
Big Data, big data technologies, big data trends, big data insights, data solutions, big data platforms, big data tools, big data adoption, technical decisions, business decisions, big data deployment, data analytics, data processing, data management, data warehousing, data visualisation, data science, database management, modern data management, data engineering, data architecture, data mining, data security, big dta, big dat, big date, big ata, big dat a, big dataa, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Management, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Data Insights, Data Trends, Big Data Platforms, Big Data Tools, Big Data Technologies, Big Data Solutions, Big Data Adoption, Big Data Deployment, Business Intelligence, Data-driven Decision Making, Data-driven Insights, Data-driven Strategies, Mis-spellings Big Dta, Big Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning. Stora data, dataanalys, datavetenskap, datahantering, datalagring, datamining, datainsikter, datatrender, stora dataplattformar, stora dataverktyg, stora datateknologier, stora datasolutions, stora dataanvändning, stora datadeployment, affärsintelligens, datadriven beslutsfattande, datadrivna insikter, datadrivna strategier, stavfel Stor Dta, Stor Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
In this on-demand training, you learn to clearly identify, mitigate, and report any potential cyber threats to your organization.
data security, privacy training, cyber threats, protect, organization, compromised, employees, engaging content, scenario-based, micro-learning methodology, information, module duration, potential threats, report, mitigate, attacks, data securty, privicy training, cyber threts, orginization, compromized, employes, engaing content, scenerio-based, micro-learing methdology, informashun, modul durashun, potentail threts, repport, mitagate, attaks. data security, privacy training, cyber threats, protect, organisation, compromised, employees, engaging content, scenario-based, micro-learning methodology, information, module duration, potential threats, report, mitigate, attacks, data security, privacy training, cyber threats, organisation, compromised, employees, engaging content, scenario-based, micro-learning methodology, information, module duration, potential threats, report, mitigate, attacks.
On-Demand -
Learning Tree
Learn data visualisation with Python using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn in this training course for better data analytics.
Data Visualization, Python, Training, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Pandus, Matplotlip, Seabourn Data Visualisation, Python, Training, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
This hands-on Data Warehousing on AWS course covers concepts, strategies, & best practises for designing a cloud-based data warehousing solution.
Data Warehousing, AWS, DWAWS, Amazon Redshift, cloud-based, petabyte-scale, collect, store, prepare, data, DynamoDB, EMR, Kinesis Firehose, Simple Storage Service, S3, business intelligence, BI, analysis, datawarehousing, Amazon Redshif, Amazone DynamoDb, Amazon EM, Amazon Kinesis Firehous, Simple Storage Servic Data Warehousing, AWS, DWAWS, Amazon Redshift, cloud-based, petabyte-scale, collect, store, prepare, data, DynamoDB, EMR, Kinesis Firehose, Simple Storage Service, S3, business intelligence, BI, analysis, data warehousing, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Simple Storage Service.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,100 -
Learn to detect, investigate, and mitigate cyberthreats with Microsoft Defender XDR in this hands-on, 1-day course. Enhance your security skills.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Learn to defend your organisation from cyber attacks and protect your data with our course on securing communications and information.
Defending the Perimeter from Cyber Attacks, cyber security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, organization's information, communications, data, security principles, secure firewalls, Virtual Private Network VPN , network perimeter, malicious attacks, TCP/IP, client server architecture Defending the Peremeter from Cyber Attacks cyber secuirty confidenciality intergrity availablility communcations datat security princples secure firewals Virtual Private Networking VPN malicious attaks TCP/IP protocol client-server architechture Defending the Perimeter from Cyber Attacks, cyber security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, organisation's information, communications, data, security principles, secure firewalls, Virtual Private Network VPN , network perimeter, malicious attacks, TCP/IP protocol, client-server architecture. Defending the Perimeter from Cyber Attacks cyber security confidentiality integrity availability communications data security principles secure firewalls Virtual Private Networking VPN malicious attacks TCP/IP protocol client-server architecture
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
Learning Tree
In this course, you learn to navigate and utilise SFIA within your organisation, define required IT competencies and align SFIA with your existing skills definitions. In addition, you learn to analyse and measure skill requirements, advise on how SFIA can help an organisation and justify the use of SFIA by preparing a business case.
IT skills, SFIA framework, competencies, levels, certification, consultant, productivity, training course, organisation, hybrid, virtual delivery, AnyWare, customised, team training, roles, responsibilities, information technology, skills development, professional development, IT capacity, skillset, workforce development, career advancement, job roles, job functions, job responsibilities, job duties, job tasks, job requirements, job qualifications, job competencies, job knowledge, job skills, job abilities, job proficiencies, job expertise, job training, job education, job certification, job accreditation, job performance, job productivity, job efficiency, job effectiveness, job success, job satisfaction, job growth, job opportunities, job market, job prospects, job outlook, job trends, job demand, job supply, job competition, job salaries, job benefits, job perks, job culture, job values, job ethics, job professionalism, job collaboration, job communication, job leadership, job management, job innovation, job creativity, job problem-solving, job decision-making, job critical thinking, job adaptability, job flexibility, job resilience, job stress management, job time management, job work-life balance, job wellness, job health, job safety, job security, job diversity, job inclusion, job equity, job equality, job fairness, job social responsibility, job sustainability, job environmentalism, job ethics, job governance, job regulations, job standards, job compliance, job audits, job reporting, job accountability, job transparency, job risk management, job disaster recovery, job business continuity, job cybersecurity, job data management, job analytics, job artificial intelligence, job machine learning, job cloud computing, job internet of things, job blockchain, job digital transformation, job innovation, job emerging technologies, job future of work. IT skils SFIA framwork competancies certificatoin consultent produtivity traning course orgnisation virtaul delivery Anywhere customised training job rols job responsibilties informatio technolgy skill set work force development career advancment job funtions job requirments job competancies job knowlege job abilites job proficiences job training job eductaion job certifictaion job accrediation job perfomance job sucess job opprotunities job prospeccts job outloook job demnad job suply - IT skills, SFIA framework, competencies, levels, certification, consultant, productivity, training course, organisation, hybrid, virtual delivery, AnyWare, customised, team training, roles, responsibilities, information technology, skills development, professional development, IT capacity, skillset, workforce development, career advancement, job roles, job functions, job responsibilities, job duties, job tasks, job requirements, job qualifications, job competencies, job knowledge, job skills, job abilities, job proficiencies, job expertise, job training, job education, job certification, job accreditation, job performance, job productivity, job efficiency, job effectiveness, job success, job satisfaction, job growth, job opportunities, job market, job prospects, job outlook, job trends, job demand, job supply, job competition, job salaries, job benefits, job perks, job culture, job values, job ethics, job professionalism, job collaboration, job communication, job leadership, job management, job innovation, job creativity, job problem-solving, job decision-making, job critical thinking, job adaptability, job flexibility, job resilience, job stress management, job time management, job work-life balance, job wellness, job health, job safety, job security, job diversity, job inclusion, job equity, job equality, job fairness, job social responsibility, job sustainability, job environmentalism, job ethics, job governance, job regulations, job standards, job compliance, job audits, job reporting, job accountability, job transparency, job risk management, job disaster recovery, job business continuity, job cybersecurity, job data management, job analytics, job artificial intelligence, job machine learning, job cloud computing, job internet of things, job blockchain, job digital transformation, job innovation, job emerging technologies, job future of work. IT skills SFIA framework competencies certification consultant productivity training course organisation hybrid virtual delivery AnyWare customised training job roles job responsibilities information technology skillset workforce development career advancement job functions job requirements job competencies job knowledge job skills job abilities job proficiencies job expertise job training job education job certification job accreditation job performance job success job opportunities job prospects job outlook job demand job supply
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Boost project success with our Delivering Business Value Workshop - learn strategic alignment and value management.
Delivering Business Value Workshop, Project Management Professional Certificate, Strategic Project Planning, Benefits Realisation, Value Management, Online Training, In-Person Training, Project Vision Development, Project Development Methodology, Value Measurement Programme, Project Compliance, Project Success Criteria, Benefits Realisation Management Plan, Predictive vs Adaptive Methodologies, Project KPIs, Project Metrics Monitoring, Leverera affärsvärde workshop, Projektledning professionellt certifikat, Strategisk projektplanering, Fördelsrealisering, Värdehantering, Onlineutbildning, Utbildning på plats, Utveckling av projektvision, Projektutvecklingsmetodik, Program för mätning av värde, Projektöverensstämmelse, Kriterier för projektsuccé, Plan för hantering av fördelsrealisering, Prediktiva vs adaptiva metoder, Projekt KPI:er, Övervakning av projektmetriker, Delivring Busines Vlaue Wrokshop, Projct Managment Profesional Certifcate, Stratgic Projet Plannin, Benfits Realsiation, Vlaue Managment, Onlie Trainin, In-Prson Trainng, Projcet Visoin Developmnt, Projct Develpoment Methodolgy, Vlaue Measuremnt Progam, Projet Complance, Proejct Sucses Criteria, Benfits Realiztion Managemnt Pln, Predictve vs Adptive Methodlogies, Projct KPIs, Projct Metrcs Monitring
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
This on-demand identity and access management training offers a solid knowledge of AWS IAM service for efficient identity and access management.
Identity and Access Management, IAM, AWS IAM, IAM users, IAM groups, IAM credentials, IAM issues, IAM troubleshooting, IAM roles, IAM integration, billing console, AWS account, Amazon Web Services, efficient identity management, access management, Identity and Acces Management, Idenity and Access Managment, AWS IMA, IAM usrs, IAM gropus, IAM credetials, IAM isues, IAM trubleshooting, IAM rols, IAM integraton, efficient identiy management, acces managment. Identity and Access Management, IAM, AWS IAM, IAM users, IAM groups, IAM credentials, IAM issues, IAM troubleshooting, IAM roles, IAM integration, billing console, AWS account, Amazon Web Services, efficient identity management, access management, Identity and Access Management, Identity and Access Management, AWS IAM, IAM users, IAM groups, IAM credentials, IAM issues, IAM troubleshooting, IAM roles, IAM integration, efficient identity management, access management.
On-Demand -
Learn to deploy and manage Linux VMs on Azure. Enhance your skills in storage, monitoring, backup, and access management. Intermediate level.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Gain expertise in Azure Monitor to optimise performance and reliability of Azure infrastructure. Hands-on course for intermediate-level professionals.
applied skills, applied skill, az-1004, az1004, az 1004, configure azure monitor, deploy azure monitor agent, azure monitoring, microsoft partner, telemetry monitoring, azure monitor alerts, azure monitor change analysis, connection monitor, monitoring skills, azure network watcher tools, azure subscription, real time, action group, activity logs, microsoft azure, resource type, monitoring solutions, azure environment, azure monitor logs, azure cli, frequently asked questions, premises environment, collect data, create alerts, data collection rules, azure monitor metrics, metric alert rules, overview page, 30 minutes, agent installation
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Hands-on course for IT admins to deploy, manage, and secure Azure Arc-enabled servers in hybrid and multicloud environments.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Master deploying cloud-native apps with Azure Container Apps. Learn to build, deploy, scale, and manage apps efficiently in our AZ-2003 hands-on course.
applied skills, applied skill, az-2003, az2003, az 2003, Azure Container Apps, Azure DevOps, cloud-native applications, containerization, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Azure Pipelines, cloud computing, virtual networks, Microsoft Azure, container orchestration, Azure Container Apps, Azure DevOps, molnbaserade infödda applikationer, containerization, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Azure Pipelines, molnberäkning, virtuella nätverk, Microsoft Azure, containerorkestration, azure container registry roles, microsoft azure, container registry service, cloud native apps, cloud - native apps, azure container registry, microsoft partner, applied skills, container orchestration platforms, azure pipeline configuration, managed service, cloud services, cloud platforms, role based access control, azure portal, cloud native computing foundation, helm charts, azure cli, operating system, azure cloud, software development, cloud based, red hat openshift, deploy and manage, cloud environment, service principals, containerized applications, content trust, source code, building testing
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Join our half-day hands-on course to explore generative AI with Microsoft Copilot and create a unique destination narrative.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from £475 -
Learning Tree's AZ-700 Azure Network training teaches Network Engineers how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions.
AZ700, AZ700, AZ, 700, 8662AZ-700, Azure, Network, Training, AZ-700, design, implement, maintain, networking solutions, infrastructure, Hybrid Networking, load balancing, traffic, routing, private access, security, monitoring, reliable, establish, connectivity, services, UK, Azur, Netwrok, Traning, AZ700 Azure, Network, Training, AZ-700, design, implement, maintain, networking solutions, infrastructure, Hybrid Networking, load balancing, traffic, routing, private access, security, monitoring, reliable, establish, connectivity, services, UK, Azure, Network, Training, AZ-700.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree's Azure Data Science certification course teaches you how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning.
DP100, Azure Machine Learning, cloud scale, data ingestion, data preparation, model training, model deployment, solution monitoring, Microsoft Azure, Python, machine learning, certification training, DP-100, Azur Machine Lerning, cloudscale, data ingetion, data prep, model traning, model deployement, soluton monitering, Micosoft Azur, Pyton, machin learning, sertification traning, DP100 Azure Machine Learning, cloud scale, data ingestion, data preparation, model training, model deployment, solution monitoring, Microsoft Azure, Python, machine learning, certification training, DP-100, Azure Machine Learning, cloud scale, data ingestion, data preparation, model training, model deployment, solution monitoring, Microsoft Azure, Python, machine learning, certification training, DP-100.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Azure AI Solution training course is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications and more.
AI102, CHAT GPT, CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Microsoft Azure, AI-102, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, Microsoft Bot Framework, C#, Python, JSON, REST, computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, conversational AI, training, software developers, programming language, APIs, deployment, managing, AI solutions, knowledge, navigation, Microsft Azuer, AI102, Azure Cogntive Services, Azure Cogntive Search, Micrsoft Bot Framework, C sharp, Pyton, JSon, REST programming, computer vison, launguage analsis, inteligent search, converational AI, trainning, software developpers, programming langauge, API, deploying, managin, AI solutons, knowlege, navigatoin.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Become an Azure DevOps Engineer with our comprehensive AZ-400 training. Learn to plan, deploy, and manage DevOps processes in Azure.
az400, Design, Implement, Microsoft, DevOps, Solutions, Training, AZ-400, Plan, Source control, Git, Enterprise, Artefacts, Dependency management, Secrets, Continuous integration, Container build, Release strategy, Release management, Deployment pattern, Feedback mechanisms, Mis-spellings Devops, Souce control, Gitt, Artefects, Continous integration, Contaner build, Relese strategy, Relese managment, Deploymnt pattern, Feedbak mechanisms. Design, Implement, Microsoft, DevOps, Solutions, Training, AZ-400, Plan, Source control, Git, Enterprise, Artifacts, Dependency management, Secrets, Continuous integration, Container build, Release strategy, Release management, Deployment pattern, Feedback mechanisms, Mis-spellings Devops, Source control, Git, Artifacts, Continuous integration, Container build, Release strategy, Release management, Deployment pattern, Feedback mechanisms.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Prepare for CCNP® Enterprise & Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Design exams with official Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks course.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, ENSLD, CCNP, Enterprise Design, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, exam, certification, network fundamentals, LANs, IP addressing, subnets, routing, switching, wireless networking, network design engineers, system administrators, Cisco Certified Specialist, desining, cisco enterprize networks, ENSL, CCN, IP adress, routting, swtiching, wirless networking. Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, ENSLD, CCNP, Enterprise Design, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, exam, certification, network fundamentals, LANs, IP addressing, subnets, routing, switching, wireless networking, network design engineers, system administrators, Cisco Certified Specialist, designing, Cisco enterprise networks, ENSL, CCN, IP address, routing, switching, wireless networking.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,865 -
Learning Tree
Learn to design BI Data Models for Power BI or Excel dashboards in our Designing Data Models in Excel for Power BI Reports Training.
Designing, Data Models, Excel, Power BI, Reports, Training, Interactive, Dashboard, Fundamental, Advanced, Data Journey, Importing, Cleansing, Merging, Analysis, Strategic Data, PivotTable, Business Insights, Management, Informed Decisions, PowerBI, PivotTable, Dashbord Designing, Data Models, Excel, Power BI, Reports, Training, Interactive, Dashboard, Fundamental, Advanced, Data Journey, Importing, Cleansing, Merging, Analysis, Strategic Data, PivotTable, Business Insights, Management, Informed Decisions, PowerBI, PivotTable, Dashboard.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,465 -
The Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305) course teaches how to design infrastructure solutions and helps prepare you for the Exam AZ-305.
az305, Designing, Azure, Infrastructure, Solutions, Solutions course, Azure Solution Architects, certification exam, governance, computing, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, migrations, architect design principles, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft AZ-305, Mis-spellings Desinging, Azurre, Infrastructuree, Soluutions, Azuer, Azrue, Infratructure, Solutinos, az305, Microsoft Azure, Azure infrastructure, Azure Solution Architects, design infrastructure solutions, governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, migrations, architect design principles, Azure Solutions, Azure Solution Architecture, Azure infrastructure solutions, Azure design, Azure governance, Azure compute, Azure application architecture, Azure storage, Azure data integration, Azure authentication, Azure networks, Azure business continuity, Azure migrations, Azure architect design principles, Microsoft Azure infrastructure solutions, Microsoft Azure Solution Architects, Microsoft Azure design, Microsoft Azure governance, Microsoft Azure compute, Microsoft Azure application architecture, Microsoft Azure storage, Microsoft Azure data integration, Microsoft Azure authentication, Microsoft Azure networks, Microsoft Azure business continuity, Microsoft Azure migrations, Microsoft Azure architect design principles, Azur, Azuer, Azur Solution Architects, Azur infrastructure, Azur Solutions, Azur Solution Architecture, Azur design, Azur governance, Azur compute, Azur application architecture, Azur storage, Azur data integration, Azur authentication, Azur networks, Azur business continuity, Azur migrations, Azur architect design principles Microsoft Azure, Azure-infrastruktur, Azure-lösningarkitekter, designa infrastrukturlösningar, styrning, beräkning, applikationsarkitektur, lagring, dataintegration, autentisering, nätverk, affärskontinuitet, migrationer, arkitekturdesignprinciper, Azure-lösningar, Azure-lösningarkitektur, Azure-infrastrukturlösningar, Azure-design, Azure-styrning, Azure-beräkning, Azure-applikationsarkitektur, Azure-lagring, Azure-dataintegration, Azure-autentisering, Azure-nätverk, Azure-affärskontinuitet, Azure-migrationer, Azure-arkitekturdesignprinciper, Microsoft Azure-infrastrukturlösningar, Microsoft Azure-lösningarkitekter, Microsoft Azure-design, Microsoft Azure-styrning, Microsoft Azure-beräkning, Microsoft Azure-applikationsarkitektur, Microsoft Azure-lagring, Microsoft Azure-dataintegration, Microsoft Azure-autentisering, Microsoft Azure-nätverk, Microsoft Azure-affärskontinuitet, Microsoft Azure-migrationer, Microsoft Azure-arkitekturdesignprinciper, stavfel Azur, Azuer, Azur Solution Architects, Azur-infrastruktur, Azur-lösningar, Azur-lösningarkitektur, Azur-design, Azur-styrning, Azur-beräkning, Azur-applikationsarkitektur, Azur-lagring, Azur-dataintegration, Azur-autentisering, Azur-nätverk, Azur-affärskontinuitet, Azur-migrationer, Azur-arkitekturdesignprinciper.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Master AI application development with Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel SDK in this 1-day, hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579 -
Master the art of building ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web apps that effectively consume APIs with this intermediate, hands-on course. Learn to interact with APIs, implement HTTP operations, and render API responses dynamically.
applied skills, applied skill, az-2002, az2002, az 2002, ASP.NET Core Web App, API Consumption in ASP.NET, Razor Pages Development, .NET Core Programming, ASP.NET Core Webbutveckling, API-användning i ASP.NET, Razor Pages Utveckling, core razor pages, core minimal api, razor pages, razor pages syntax, razor pages web app, applied skills, api documentation, core web app, core programming, api consumption, programming language, var builder webapplication.createbuilder args, server side, net core, creating a new project, wide ranges, core mvc, api calls, api functional, model binding, method called, create apis, rest api, core web application, int id get set, web page, command line, web api, additional information, developer experience,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to build, deploy, and secure data-driven applications using Azure SQL Database in this hands-on, 1-day course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Master data analysis and visualisation with Microsoft Power BI training course. Our DP-605 training course prepares you for the exam and equips you with the skills to create compelling reports and dashboards.
Power BI, Dynamic Reports, Delivery Methods, Training Information, Prerequisites, Training Outline, Get Data, Clean, Transform, Load Data, Design Semantic Model, Add Measures, Calculated Tables, Columns, Report Design, Configure Filters, Manage Workspaces, Manage Semantic Models, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Data Transformation, Semantic Modelling, Report Distribution, Report Visualisation, Data Sources, Data Cleaning, Data Loading, Data Modelling, DAX Calculations, Report Filters, Workspace Management, Semantic Model Management, Advanced Techniques, Interactive Visuals, Power BI, Dynamiska Rapporter, Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Hämta Data, Rensa, Transformera, Ladda Data, Designa Semantisk Modell, Lägg Till Mått, Beräknade Tabeller, Kolumner, Rapportdesign, Konfigurera Filter, Hantera Arbetsytor, Hantera Semantiska Modeller, Dataanalys, Datavisualisering, Datatransformation, Semantisk Modellering, Rapportdistribution, Rapportvisualisering, Datakällor, Datarengöring, Datatillämpning, Datamodellering, DAX-kalkyler, Rapportfilter, Arbetsytshantering, Hantering av Semantiska Modeller, Avancerade Tekniker, Interaktiva Visualiseringar
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Spring training course & learn to build enterprise Java applications. Gain the skills to implement high-performance applications.
Spring training, enterprise Java applications, productivity, development, Spring, code complexity, ecosystem, tools, libraries, high-performance applications, development time, transaction-handling policies, hands-on exercises, Spring Boot, database access, transactions, Java web services, deploying Java applications, containers, Docker, Sprin, enterprize, Java appplications, developmnt, transacton, handlng, polices, Sprng Boot, data base, Java webservices, deployng, Java applicatons, containrs, Dockr. Spring training, enterprise Java applications, productivity, development, Spring, code complexity, ecosystem, tools, libraries, high-performance applications, development time, transaction-handling policies, hands-on exercises, Spring Boot, database access, transactions, Java web services, deploying Java applications, containers, Docker, Spring, enterprise, Java applications, development, transaction, handling, policies, Spring Boot, database, Java web services, deploying, Java applications, containers, Docker.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,860 -
This Developing on AWS course teaches how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure & scalable cloud apps & preps you for the AWS Certified Developer exam.
Developing on AWS, AWSD, AWS SDK, cloud applications, interact with AWS, code, key concepts, best practices, troubleshooting tips, AWS development, AWS programming, AWS coding, AWS security, AWS scalability, AWS cloud development, AWS cloud programming, AWS cloud coding, AWS cloud security, AWS cloud scalability, AWS software development, AWS software programming, AWS software coding, AWS software security, AWS software scalability, AWS app development, AWS app programming, AWS app coding, AWS app security, AWS app scalability, AWS web development, AWS web programming, AWS web coding, AWS web security, AWS web scalability, AWS API development, AWS API programming, AWS API coding, AWS API security, AWS API scalability, AWS developer, AWS development course, AWS training, AWS certification, AWS exam, AWS learning. Developing on AWS Developing on AWSD, AWS AWSD, AWS SDK AWSD SDK, cloud applications cloud application, interact with AWS interact AWS, AWS development AWSD development, AWS programming AWSD programming, AWS coding AWSD coding, AWS security AWSD security, AWS scalability AWSD scalability, AWS software development AWSD software development, AWS app development AWSD app development, AWS web development AWSD web development, AWS API development AWSD API development, AWS developer AWSD developer. Developing on AWS, AWSD, AWS SDK, cloud applications, interact with AWS, code, key concepts, best practices, troubleshooting tips, AWS development, AWS programming, AWS coding, AWS security, AWS scalability, AWS cloud development, AWS cloud programming, AWS cloud coding, AWS cloud security, AWS cloud scalability, AWS software development, AWS software programming, AWS software coding, AWS software security, AWS software scalability, AWS app development, AWS app programming, AWS app coding, AWS app security, AWS app scalability, AWS web development, AWS web programming, AWS web coding, AWS web security, AWS web scalability, AWS API development, AWS API programming, AWS API coding, AWS API security, AWS API scalability, AWS developer, AWS development course, AWS training, AWS certification, AWS exam, AWS learning. Developing on AWS Developing on AWSD, AWS AWSD, AWS SDK AWSD SDK, cloud applications cloud application, interact with AWS interact AWS, AWS development AWSD development, AWS programming AWSD programming, AWS coding AWSD coding, AWS security AWSD security, AWS scalability AWSD scalability, AWS software development AWSD software development, AWS app development AWSD app development, AWS web development AWSD web development, AWS API development AWSD API development, AWS developer AWSD developer.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Attend this official Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Training (AZ-204), prep for the exam & work toward your Azure Developer Associate certification.
AZURE FUNCTION, AZ-204, AZ204, AZ20, AZ 204, AZURE, AZURE FUNCTIONT, Developing Solutions, Microsoft Azure, Training, AZ-204, end-to-end solutions, Azure compute solutions, Azure Functions, web apps, Azure storage, authentication, authorisation, KeyVault, Managed Identities, connect, consume, Azure services, third-party services, event-based models, message-based models, monitoring, troubleshooting, optimizing, Developin, Soluutions, Micosoft Azurre, Traning, end-to-end soluutions, Compute soluutions, Azurre Fuctions, web apps, Azurre strorage, authentification, autorisation, KeyVault, Managed Idenitites, conenct, consuume, Azurre servies, thridparty servies, event-baesd models, mesage-based models, montoring, troublshooting, optmizing
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Oracle SQL queries course, learn the full potential of SQL to create complex queries for Oracle databases. Attend in-class or online.
Oracle SQL, Oracle databases, SQL queries, SQL code, query method, SQL and Oracle RDBMS, SQL Programming Language, Oracle Database 12c, productivity, business problems, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, practical skills, intricacy, elegance, Course 925, Course 2226, Oracel SQL, Oracal SQL, SQL quires, SQL quary, SQL and Oracal RDBMS, Oracal Database 12c., SQL queries, Oracle databases, business problems, productivity, query method, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, SQL code, Oracle RDBMS, SQL programming, Oracle Database 12c, SQL quires, Oracal databases, bussiness problems, produtivity, querry method, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL coding, Oracle RDMBS, SQL programing, Oracle Database 12c. SQL-frågor, Oracle-databaser, affärsproblem, produktivitet, frågemetod, noggrannhet, fel, fallgropar, SQL-kod, Oracle RDBMS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c, stavfel SQL-frågor, Oracal-databaser, bussinessproblem, produtivitet, querry-metod, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL-kodning, Oracle RDMBS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to write user requirements in this Developing User Requirements training through an immersive, simulated case study. Attend in-class or online.
Developing User Requirements, User Requirements Training, requirements development, elicitation meetings, well-formed user requirements, validating requirements, managing changes, stakeholders, resources, immersive case study, practical skills, user requirements document, completing a user requirements project, process mapping methodology, developing user requirments, user requirments training, elisitation meetings, well-formed user requirments, stakeholderes, ressources. Developing User Requirements, User Requirements Training, requirements development, elicitation meetings, well-formed user requirements, validating requirements, managing changes, stakeholders, resources, immersive case study, practical skills, user requirements document, completing a user requirements project, process mapping methodology, developing user requirements, user requirements training, elicitation meetings, well-formed user requirements, stakeholders, resources.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Develop your leadership voice for impact. Learn effective communication, strategic planning, and inspiring change in this course.
Leadership training, authentic leadership, communication style, presentation skills, engaging, inspiring, motivating, behaviours, techniques, presence, impact, voice, development, leadership voice, effective leaders, fundamental skills, course 297, course 292, liderhsip, authetic, comminucation, presentashun, engajing, inspiering, motivaitng. Leadership training, authentic leadership, communication style, presentation skills, engaging, inspiring, motivating, behaviours, techniques, presence, impact, voice, development, leadership voice, effective leaders, fundamental skills, course 297, course 292, leadership, authentic, communication, presentation, engaging, inspiring, motivating.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learn DevOps fundamentals with GitHub in our training course (AZ-2008). Streamline your development workflow.
Az2008, az 2008, az-2008, applied skills, continuous delivery, devops practices, team training, what is devops, instructor - led training, continuous learning, course name, training outline, github flow, course level, team members, develop and operate, development teams, build test, production environment, software delivery, continuous improvement, developers and operations teams, continuous integration ci, devops tools, devops team, problem solving, learning management system, software development process, pull request, improved collaboration, training courses, communication and collaboration, benefits of devops, online courses, DevOps with GitHub training, DevOps foundations course, version control certification, continuous integration, software development, DevOps med GitHub-utbildning, DevOps-grundkurs, certifiering för versionskontroll, kontinuerlig integrering, mjukvaruutveckling
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn DevOps Engineering on AWS & become an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer. Develop, deploy & maintain apps on AWS. Pass the official exam.
DevOps, AWS, engineering, development, deployment, maintenance, methodology, startup, small-medium business, enterprise, use cases, patterns, core principles, DevOps engineering, AWSDEVOPS, navigation, , Devops, AWW, enginering, developement, deployement, maintanance, methdology, stratup, smal-medium busines, entrprise, usecases, comon patterns, core princples, AWS DevOps, AWS Devops, DevOps AWS, Devops AWS, AWS DevOp, DevOp AWS, Devops Engeneering, AWS Engineering, AWS Developement, AWS Deployment, AWS Maintanance, AWS Methdology, AWS Startup, AWS Small-Medium Business, AWS Enterprise, AWS Use Cases, AWS Patterns, AWS Core Principles. DevOps, AWS, engineering, development, deployment, maintenance, methodology, start-up, small-medium business, enterprise, use cases, patterns, core principles, DevOps engineering, AWSDEVOPS, navigation, s, DevOps, AWW, engineering, development, deployment, maintenance, methodology, startup, small-medium business, enterprise, use cases, patterns, core principles, AWS DevOps, AWS DevOps, DevOps AWS, DevOps AWS, AWS DevOp, DevOp AWS, DevOps engineering, AWS engineering, AWS development, AWS deployment, AWS maintenance, AWS methodology, AWS startup, AWS small-medium business, AWS enterprise, AWS use cases, AWS patterns, AWS core principles.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
DevOps Institute
The DevOps Foundation® (DOFD) Certification training includes a collection of basic DevOps terms and concepts, highlights all aspects of DevOps, and more.
DevOps, DOFD, certification, training, cultural movement, professional movement, communication, collaboration, integration, automation, workflows, software developers, IT operations professionals, design, development, deployment, operations, software, services, IT, business, customers, basic terms, concepts, people, processes, technology, organisational change, culture, practical, hands-on assignments, Devop, Dev ops, DOFD certification, trainning, collaberation, integreation, automatoin, work flows, software developpers, IT operations, organisational, adoptting, culutre. DevOps, DOFD, certification, training, cultural movement, professional movement, communication, collaboration, integration, automation, workflows, software developers, IT operations professionals, design, development, deployment, operations, software, services, IT, business, customers, basic terms, concepts, people, processes, technology, organisational change, culture, practical, hands-on assignments, Devop, Dev ops, DOFD certification, training, collaboration, integration, automation, workflows, software developers, IT operations, organisational, adopting, culture.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
DevOps Institute
DevOps Leader® (DOL) Certification Training provides the insights, techniques & innovative approaches for leaders involved in a DevOps cultural transformation.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, leader, certification, training, tactical, strategic, design, influence, implement, motivate, cultural transformation, success factor, adoption, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, innovative approaches, modern IT, organization Devop, leder, sertification, traninig, tectical, stratigic, desing, influece, impliment, motivete, culturul, trunsformation, succss, adoptoin, humen dynamics, prctices, mthods, tols, enage, perfrmance, culure, workfloes, metrcs, valuestreem, mapping, IT leeders, inovative, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, DevOps adoption, cultural transformation, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, organisation, certification, training, DOL, DevOps Leader, tactical, strategic. DevOp DevOp Leader DevOps Leadership cultural trasformation methdos toolz engae perfomance culutre worklfows metrcis valuestream mapping IT leader organization certificaton trainning DOL certification DevOps Leader certification DevOps, DevOps-adoptering, kulturell transformation, mänsklig dynamik, metoder, verktyg, engagera, prestanda, kultur, arbetsflöden, mätvärden, värdeflödeskartläggning, IT-ledare, organisation, certifiering, utbildning, DOL, DevOps-ledare, taktisk, strategisk, DevOp DevOp-ledare DevOps-ledarskap kulturell transformation metoder verktyg engagera prestanda kultur arbetsflöden mätvärden värdeflödeskartläggning IT-ledare organisation certifiering utbildning DOL-certifiering DevOps-ledarcertifiering.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
This Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity course teaches you to identify vulnerabilities and implement a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).
disaster recovery, business continuity, training, mission-critical, continuity needs, risk, incident response team charter, Business Continuity Management System BCMS , organisational resilience, disaster recovery plan, ICT Information and Communication Technology Service Delivery, Line management, project management, Facilities, Human Resources, finance, disater recovery, busines continuty, tranning, misson-critical, continuty neads, risck, inciddent response team charter, Business Continuity Managment System BCMS , organzational resilience, disester recovery plan, IT Information Technology Service Delivery, Line managment, project managment, Facilities, Human Resorces, finace. disaster recovery, business continuity, training, mission-critical, continuity needs, risk, incident response team charter, Business Continuity Management System BCMS , organisational resilience, disaster recovery plan, ICT Information and Communication Technology Service Delivery, Line management, project management, Facilities, Human Resources, finance, disaster recovery, business continuity, training, mission-critical, continuity needs, risk, incident response team charter, Business Continuity Management System BCMS , organisational resilience, disaster recovery plan, IT Information Technology Service Delivery, Line management, project management, Facilities, Human Resources, finance.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
The Disciplined Agile® Senior Scrum Master (DASSM) training course will prepare you to take the DASSM exam and use DA immediately in your leadership role.
Disciplined Agile, Senior Scrum Master, Certification, Training, instructor-led, agile practitioners, DA tool kit, optimize, teams, allies, advanced problems, DASSM exam, leadership role, Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master, Certifcation, traing, instuctor-led, agil practioners, DA toolkit, optimze, teems, alliez, advenced problems, DASM exam, lider ship role.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
The Disciplined Agile® Scrum Master (DASM) training course will prepare you to take the DASM exam and start using Disciplined Agile immediately.
Disciplined Agile, Scrum Master, DASM, agile practices, lean practices, tool kit, high-performance teams, exam, instructor-led training, foundational practices, problem-solving, team improvement, activities, discussions, guidance, immediate use, Disciplined Agil, Scrum Master, DASM, agil practices, lean practices, took kit, high-performing teams, exame Disciplined Agile, Scrum Master, DASM, agile practices, lean practices, toolkit, high-performance teams, exam, instructor-led training, foundational practices, problem-solving, team improvement, activities, discussions, guidance, immediate use, Disciplined Agile, Scrum Master, DASM, agile practices, lean practices, toolkit, high-performing teams, exam.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
Learn to work productively in diversity, recognize differences, and foster organizational diversity in this training.
diversity training, workplace diversity, diversity course, diversity workshop, diversity seminar, diversity education, diversity program, diversity development, diversity awareness, diversity understanding, diversity strategies, diversity management, diversity initiatives, diversity implementation, diversity integration, diversity inclusion, diversity sensitivity, diversity respect, diversity tolerance, diversity acceptance, diversity equity, diversity equality, diversity differences, diversity teamwork, diversity communication, diversity collaboration, diversity productivity, diversity success, diversity cultural, diversity social, diversity ethnic, diversity gender, diversity age, diversity disability, diversity religion, diversity diveristy, divirsity, diversety, divercity, diversit, diverty, divresity, diversityy, diversitys, diviersity, divirsity, divresity, diveristy diversity training, workplace diversity, diversity course, diversity workshop, diversity seminar, diversity education, diversity programme, diversity development, diversity awareness, diversity understanding, diversity strategies, diversity management, diversity initiatives, diversity implementation, diversity integration, diversity inclusion, diversity sensitivity, diversity respect, diversity tolerance, diversity acceptance, diversity equity, diversity equality, diversity differences, diversity teamwork, diversity communication, diversity collaboration, diversity productivity, diversity success, cultural diversity, social diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity, age diversity, disability diversity, religious diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,150 -
Learning Tree
Learn customer-centered design from framing to implementation. Discover, frame, and drive successful innovation efforts for sustainable value.
Duke CE Certificate Program, innovation, technical leader, customer-centered approach, initiating, developing, deploying, design process, framing, implementation, successful innovation, sustainable value, breakthrough innovation, driving innovation, innovating, US, Driving Breakthrough Innovation, innovation efforts, execution fails, customer-centered solutions. innvovation, tachnical leader, cusotmer-centered, initiatiing, depolying, framming, implamentation, sucessful innovation, sustainible value, driving innvoation, innivating.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in initiating developing and deploying innovative solutions.
advanced leadership training, what is an innovation, innovation course, learning tree, innovation training, course learning objectives, types of innovation, define innovation, technical leadership program, course name, driving breakthrough innovation, training for senior government leaders, problem solving, business models, disruptive innovation, competitive advantages, products and services, leadership skills, incremental innovation, online course, innovative strategies, leadership development programs, radical innovation, leadership roles, continuous improvement, innovation management, innovative program, innovative solutions, business model innovation, cutting edge, short term, product development
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, impact course, impact training, course learning objectives, team development, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, stages of team development, cutting edge, knowledge and skill, solve problems, teams work, performing stage, build trust, real world, action verb, high performing team, forming stage, real life, great course, course design, business leader, learning experiences
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in collaboration and influence without authority.
advanced leadership training, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, technology leadership, leadership framework, prior leadership experience, course title, duke ce, driving breakthrough innovation, govt. leader training, leadership skills, leadership roles, problem solving, long term, team members, learning experience, subject matter, real world, creating a course, leadership development programs, high level, decision makers, great course, course creators, target audience, work experience, professional development, course content, leadership training, action verb
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, learning culture, course learning objectives, complexity course, complexity training, technical leadership program, course outline, course name, technology leadership, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, team members, learning experiences, knowledge and skills, leadership roles, course content, learning environment, technology leaders, great course, business leaders, practical application, professional development, real world, action verb, course material, digital technology, course design, government
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in leading teams and organizations through dynamic change.
advanced leadership training, change course, learning tree, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, change as an opportunity, technology leadership, leadership framework, thriving in dynamic change, senior government leaders, leadership skills, long term, ability to adapt, team members, leadership role, emerging technologies, creating a course, action verb, real time, high level, great course, course design, business leaders, learning experience, course topics, course creators, project management, personal development, real world, course content
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Tailored for Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in translating organizational strategy and executing one's own work strategies.
instructor led, government, training, course name, technical leadership program, course outline, prior leadership experience, technology leadership, organizational strategy, elements of a strategy, problem solving, leadership skills, strategic plan, business leaders, leadership roles, team members, key elements, business strategy, learning objectives, high performance, competitive advantage, subject matter, learning outcomes, technology leaders, digital transformations, cutting edge, action plan, table of contents, work experience, social media
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Master the intricacies of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central development with our intensive MB 820 training course.
Dynamics 365 Business Central, developer, extending, modules, modifying, integrating, Microsoft Power Platform, troubleshooting, debugging, optimising, system performance, upgrading, migrating, data, maintaining, system security, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Business Central architecture, functional areas, administration, telemetry management, application security, development environments, user interface customisation, onboarding techniques, development standards, extension development, Training Prerequisites, industry terminology, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certification Information, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Training Outline, Introduction to Business Central, Administration of Business Central, Installation, Development, Deployment, Development Using Application Language (AL), Advanced AL Development, Working with Development Tools, Integration with Other Applications, REST Services, Microsoft Azure, APIs, Microsoft Teams Integration, Dynamics 365 Business Central, utvecklare, utvidga, moduler, modifiera, integrera, Microsoft Power Platform, felsökning, debugga, optimera, systemprestanda, uppgradering, migrera, data, underhåll, systemsäkerhet, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Business Central-arkitektur, funktionsområden, administration, telemetrihantering, applikationssäkerhet, utvecklingsmiljöer, anpassning av användargränssnittet, onboardningstekniker, utvecklingsstandarder, utveckling av tillägg, Utbildningsförutsättningar, branschterminologi, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certifieringsinformation, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Business Central, Administration av Business Central, Installation, Utveckling, Distribution, Utveckling med applikationsspråk (AL), Avancerad AL-utveckling, Arbete med utvecklingsverktyg, Integration med andra applikationer, REST-tjänster, Microsoft Azure, API:er, Microsoft Teams-integration
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Dynamics 365 Business Central Training (MB-800) - learn to manage your finances, automate/secure your supply chain, improve customer service, and more.
mb800, Dynamics 365, Business Central, training, small businesses, medium businesses, accounting software, enterprise resource planning, ERP, inventory, transactions, integration, line-of-business systems, reporting, logistics, scalability, mobility, cloud, financials, automate, secure, supply chain, sell smarter, customer service, project performance, optimise operations, MB-800, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft 365. Dyanmics 365, Bussiness Central, traning, acccounting software, enterprise resource planning, ERPS, avalibility, optimise, opertations, Ms Dynamics, Ms 365.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
This EC-Council Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) .NET course teaches how to create secure applications & to achieve CASE .NET certification
EC-Council, Application Security Engineer, CASE, .NET, training, software professional, hands-on, comprehensive, security skills, knowledge, software development life cycle, SDLC, secure methodologies, insecure operating environment, exam, certification, secure programming concepts, programming experience, desktop, mobile, web, cloud applications, multiple choice questions, passing score, software developers, testers, architects, high quality, security, privacy. EC-Counsil Application Secutiry Engineer CAE Net traning software profesional lifecycle methedologieinsecure opperating environment Certifiate passsing score developperarchitctprivicy
Intermediate3 daysTeam TrainingTeam Training -
This EC-Council Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) Java course teaches how to create secure applications & to achieve CASE Java certification
EC-Council, Certified, Application, Security, Engineer, CASE, Java
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,865 -
This CCISO Certification course from EC-Council focuses on applying information security management principles & preps you to pass the CCISO exam.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, certification, training, information security, executives, management, principles, technical knowledge, executive management, aspiring CISO, seasoned professionals, knowledge transfer, critical areas, successful program, ISACA, CISM Certification Exam, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level-II, IAM Level-III, CSSP Manager, , s certfication traning execuitivemanagment prinicpletechncial knowledge exectuive management CISO aspiring knowlege tansfer crtitical aeraISACA certification CISM Certification DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 IAM Level II IAM Level III CSSP_Manager
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from £1,995 -
Validate your cybersecurity skills with the C|CT Certification in network defense, ethical hacking, digital forensics, and security operations.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, Certified Cybersecurity Technician, C|CT, entry-level certification, cybersecurity technicians, foundational skills, network defense, ethical hacking, digital forensics, security operations, Cybersecurity Technitian, C|TCT, cyber security technician. Certified Cybersecurity Technician, C|CT, is an entry-level certification for cybersecurity technicians that focuses on foundational skills such as network defence, ethical hacking, digital forensics, and security operations. Cybersecurity Technician, C|TCT, and cyber security technician.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
Get certified in ECIH with EC-Council's course. Learn to handle security incidents & pass the exam. Includes voucher.
EC-Council, Certified Incident Handler, ECIH, programme, computer security incidents, information system, incident response training, underlying principles, techniques, detecting, responding, emerging computer security threats, incident handling, response policies, information security experience, Learning Tree, certification prep course. CE-Council Incedent Handeler ECHI response training, incident handeling
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from £1,695 -
In EC-Council's CTIA v2, learn a holistic approach to organisational threat intelligence in this course. Build effective defences against future attacks.
CTIA, Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst, C|TIA, EC-Council, training programme, organisational threat intelligence, business risks, unknown threats, known threats, mitigate, method-driven, holistic approach, effective threat intelligence, secure, future threats, attacks, concepts, internal threats, external threats, Certified Threat Intellgence Analyst, C|TIA, CIA, CTIA.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,865 -
Learning Tree
In this 1-day Software Testing Strategies course, you will learn to integrate high-level testing infrastructure activities into the software life cycle.
software testing, testing strategies, test processes, quality assurance, software development, testing infrastructure, product quality, monitoring, implementation, software life cycle, software engineering, bug detection, software validation, error checking, software evaluation, testing methodologies, automated testing, manual testing, performance testing, functional testing, system testing, regression testing, unit testing, acceptance testing, integration testing, code debugging, quality control, softwear testing, test stratgies, qualtiy assurance, softwere development, monitoringg, bug detection
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Boost productivity by improving acceptance criteria writing and managing user stories, epics, personas, backlogs, and storyboards.
User stories, acceptance criteria, manage user stories, epics, personas, backlogs, storyboards, breaking down features, testable user stories, product requirements, understanding users, roles, conditional requirements, testability, user storie, acceptance criterias, manage user stori, epis, personnas, back log, story board, breakin down features, testable user storie, product requirement, understandin users, role, conditionall requirements, testability. User stories, acceptance criteria, manage user stories, epics, personas, backlogs, storyboards, breaking down features, testable user stories, product requirements, understanding users, roles, conditional requirements, testability, user story, acceptance criteria, manage user story, epic, personas, backlog, storyboard, breaking down features, testable user story, product requirement, understanding users, role, conditional requirements, testability.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Join the Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program for Elevating Team Impact course. Learn how to lead a cohesive team with hands-on activities.
Elevating Team Impact, team leadership, collaborative team, diversity, teamwork, team boundaries, team results, organizational strategy, hands-on activities, cohesive team, successful team, deploying collaborative techniques, aligned results, strategic expectations, working in teams, Duke CE certificate course. Elevating Teem Impact, tem leadership, colaborative team, diversiti, teamwrok, tam bounderies, tem results, organisational strategy, hands-on activites, cohisive team, deployng collaborative techniques, alignd results, stratgic expectatons, woorking in team, Duke CE certifcate couser.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
Learn to embed Power BI reports in ASP.NET Core apps. Secure, interactive, and dynamic web integration in 1-day hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579 -
Learning Tree
Emotional Intelligence also known as EQ, is vital for successful leadership. Start your training in emotional intelligence today.
Emotional intelligence, EQ, successful leadership, career success, effectiveness, manage emotions, communicate intelligently, raise EQ, understand yourself, understand others, self-improvement, business leadership, communications, professional growth, development courses, on-demand, review sessions. Emotional intelligance, Emotional Quotent, succesful leadership, EQ essentials, self-improvment, buisness leadership. Emotional intelligence, EQ, successful leadership, career success, effectiveness, manage emotions, communicate intelligently, raise EQ, understand yourself, understand others, self-improvement, business leadership, communications, professional growth, development courses, on-demand, review sessions. Emotional intelligence, Emotional Quotient, successful leadership, EQ essentials, self-improvement, business leadership.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classBundleStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Learn to apply the 4 core Emotional Intelligence skills to develop self-awareness & leadership. Attend our training course now!
Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Quotient, self-management tools, techniques, strategies, manage emotions, respond to emotions, personal effectiveness, team performance, EQ, Emotional Intelligence Training Emotionnal Intelligence Emotionnal Quotient selfmanage tools techniquies stategies manage emotionns respond to emotionns personnal effectiveness teem performance EQ2.0 Emotionnal Intelligence Trainning
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Training course to learn to optimise productivity with Copilot for Microsoft 365. Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365.
Copilot for Microsoft 365, MS-4004, productivity optimisation, delivery methods, training prerequisites, training information, course outline, introduction, functionalities, best practices, effective prompt creation, plugins, Microsoft Graph connectors, use cases, Executives, Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, HR, Operations, Microsoft 365 apps, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, real-world scenarios, hands-on exercises, AI capabilities, business chat, workflow enhancement, ethical AI, project planning, market analysis, financial analysis, HR management, operations planning, challenge use case, team skills enhancement, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription), Copilot för Microsoft 365, MS-4004, produktivitetsoptimering, leveransmetoder, förutsättningar för utbildning, utbildningsinformation, kursöversikt, introduktion, funktionaliteter, bästa praxis, effektiv promptskapande, plugins, Microsoft Graph-kopplingar, användningsfall, Verkställande, Försäljning, Marknadsföring, Finans, IT, HR, Drift, Microsoft 365-appar, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, verkliga scenarier, praktiska övningar, AI-kapaciteter, affärschatt, arbetsflödesförbättring, etisk AI, projektplanering, marknadsanalys, finansanalys, HR-hantering, driftsplanering, utmanande användningsfall, förbättring av teamfärdigheter, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription)
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
The ENARSI Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing course gives you the knowledge to install, configure, and operate an enterprise network.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Services, ENARSI, Cisco Enterprise Network, advanced routing, infrastructure technologies, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, CCNP Enterprise, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation, troubleshoot, configure, operate, exam, certifications Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services Training, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services certification, ENARSI v1.0, ENARSI course, advanced routing and infrastructure technologies course, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies course, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist certification, troubleshoot course, configure course, operate course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services exam, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services certifications. Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Services, ENARSI, Cisco Enterprise Network, advanced routing, infrastructure technologies, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, CCNP Enterprise, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Advanced Infrastructure Implementation, troubleshoot, configure, operate, exam, certifications Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services Training, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services certification, ENARSI v1.0, ENARSI course, advanced routing and infrastructure technologies course, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies course, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist certification, troubleshoot course, configure course, operate course, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services exam, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services certifications. No translation needed as both versions of English use the same terminology.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,305 -
Learn what characteristics make up a high-quality password in this on-demand training.
password, secure password, strong password, weak password, password strength, password security, password tips, password advice, password guidelines, password best practices, memorable password, easy password, password creation, password generation, password complexity, password protection, password safety, password management, passwrod, pasword, passward, secuer, secur, stong, wek, strenght, securty, tip, guidlines, best pratices, memrable, creat, generat, complex, protction, safty, managment. password, secure password, strong password, weak password, password strength, password security, password tips, password advice, password guidelines, password best practices, memorable password, easy password, password creation, password generation, password complexity, password protection, password safety, password management, password, password, password, secure, secure, strong, weak, strength, security, tip, guidelines, best practices, memorable, create, generate, complex, protection, safety, management.
Bundle -
Enhance your endpoint security with Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Copilot for Security. Learn advanced threat detection and integration.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on course looks at techniques and tools for speeding up your Python apps.
Python performance, optimizing Python, speeding up Python, Python tools, performance tuning, Python optimization, Python speed, Python acceleration, Python efficiency, Pyton perfomance, optimizng Python, Python performace, Python performance, improve Python speed, optimize Python code, Python optimization, Python speed up, Python acceleration, Python tuning, Python profiling, Python benchmarking, Python efficiency, Python faster, Python high performance, Python parallelization, Python concurrency, Python multiprocessing, Python multithreading, Python GIL, Python JIT, Python Cython, Python numba, Python numpy, Python pandas, Python data analysis, Python scientific computing, Python machine learning, Python deep learning, Python AI, Python web development, Python Django, Python Flask, Python Pyramid, Python asyncio, Python Twisted, Python Tornado, Python network programming, Python socket programming, Python GUI programming, Python PyQt, Python Tkinter, Python wxPython, Python game development, Python Pygame, Python Raspberry Pi, Python embedded systems, Python microcontrollers, Python IoT, Python AWS, Python cloud computing, Python DevOps, Python testing, Python debugging, Python profiling, Python memory optimization, Python code optimization, Python code review, Python best practices, Python style guide, Python PEP8, Python refactoring, Python design patterns, Python software architecture, Python performance monitoring, Python performance tuning, Python performance analysis, Python performance testing, Python performance benchmarking, Python performance metrics, Python performance improvement, Python performance tips, Python performance tricks, Python performance hacks, Python performance challenges, Python performance issues, Python performance problems, Python performance pitfalls, Python performance trade-offs, Python performance tradeoffs, Python performance considerations, Python performance trade-offs and considerations, Python performance tuning checklist, Python performance tuning guide, Python performance tuning tips, Python performance tuning techniques, Python performance tuning best practices, Python performance tuning patterns, Python performance tuning strategies, Python performance tuning tactics, Python performance tuning methods, Python performance tuning approaches, Python performance tuning solutions, Python performance tuning examples, Python performance tuning case studies, Python performance tuning lessons learned, Python performance tuning experiences, Python performance tuning stories, Python performance tuning insights, Python performance tuning recommendations, Python performance tuning advice, Python performance tuning suggestions, Python performance tuning ideas, Python performance tuning directions, Python performance tuning roadmap, Python performance tuning plan, Python performance tuning project, Python performance tuning objectives, Python performance tuning goals, Python performance tuning milestones, Python performance tuning deliverables, Python performance tuning outcomes, Python performance tuning results, Python performance tuning impact, Python performance tuning benefits, Python performance tuning ROI, Python performance tuning challenges, Python performance tuning issues, Python performance tuning problems, Python performance tuning pitfalls, Python performance tuning trade-offs, Python performance tuning considerations, Python performance tuning trade-offs and considerations, Python performance tuning checklist, Python performance tuning guide, Python performance tuning tips, Python performance tuning techniques, Python performance tuning best practices, Python performance tuning patterns, Python performance tuning strategies Python prestanda, förbättra Python hastighet, optimera Python kod, Python optimering, Python snabbare, Python acceleration, Python inställning, Python profilering, Python benchmarking, Python effektivitet, Python högre prestanda, Python parallelisering, Python samtidighet, Python multiprocessing, Python multitrådning, Python GIL, Python JIT, Python Cython, Python numba, Python numpy, Python pandas, Python dataanalys, Python vetenskaplig beräkning, Python maskininlärning, Python djupinlärning, Python AI, Python webbutveckling, Python Django, Python Flask, Python Pyramid, Python asyncio, Python Twisted, Python Tornado, Python nätverksprogrammering, Python socketprogrammering, Python GUI-programmering, Python PyQt, Python Tkinter, Python wxPython, Python spelutveckling, Python Pygame, Python Raspberry Pi, Python inbyggda system, Python mikrokontroller, Python IoT, Python AWS, Python molnberäkning, Python DevOps, Python testning, Python felsökning, Python profilering, Python minnesoptimering, Python kodoptimering, Python kodgranskning, Python bästa praxis, Python stilguide, Python PEP8, Python refaktorering, Python designmönster, Python programvaruarkitektur, Python prestandaövervakning, Python prestandaoptimering, Python prestandaanalys, Python prestandatestning, Python prestandabenchmarking, Python prestandamätvärden, Python prestandaförbättring, Python prestandatips, Python prestandatricks, Python prestandahacks, Python prestandautmaningar, Python prestandaproblem, Python prestandafallgropar, Python prestandaavvägningar, Python prestandaavvägningar och överväganden, Python prestandaoptimeringschecklista, Python prestandaoptimeringsguide, Python prestandaoptimeringstips, Python prestandaoptimeringstekniker, Python prestandaoptimeringsbästa praxis, Python prestandaoptimeringsmönster, Python prestandaoptimeringsstrategier
Advanced1 dayTeam Training -
Open Group
Learn Enterprise Architecture Management based on the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition and prepare for the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 1 Exam.
TOGAF®, Open Group Architecture Framework, IT architecture, development, enterprise architecture, stakeholder needs, business change, legal compliance, PearsonVUE Testing Center, voucher, consistent architecture, future needs, simplify development, responsive system, TUAGF, legal compliant, business needs
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,146 -
Attend this Excel data analysis course and learn advanced Excel techniques including What-If analyses & PivotTables to better analyse your data.
Excel, data analysis, training course, hands-on, analyse, large amounts of data, professional, present, results, knowledge, skills, build, sophisticated, spreadsheets, What-If analyses, functions, manipulate, PivotTables, advanced features, business decisions, techniques, leverage, features, apply, analyse, automate, processes, enhance, worksheet models, Exel, dat analysis, traning course, hands on, analize, larg amounts of data, profesionel, persent, resolts, knoledge, skils, bild, soffisticated, spredsheets, wat-if analises, functoins, manipulat, pivotebels, avanced fetures, bisness decitions, techniqes, levarage, fetures, aplly, analize, automte, proceses, enhanse, worsheet moddels. Excel, data analysis, training course, hands-on, analyse, large amounts of data, professional, present, results, knowledge, skills, build, sophisticated, spreadsheets, What-If analyses, functions, manipulate, PivotTables, advanced features, business decisions, techniques, leverage, features, apply, analyse, automate, processes, enhance, worksheet models, Excel, data analysis, training course, hands-on, analyse, large amounts of data, professional, present, results, knowledge, skills, build, sophisticated, spreadsheets, What-If analyses, functions, manipulate, PivotTables, advanced features, business decisions, techniques, leverage, features, apply, analyse, automate, processes, enhance, worksheet models.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £990 -
Learning Tree
Improve your workplace communication & leadership skills with our Communication Leadership Training course. Learn to be an effective communicator in 2 days!
Facilitating, Productive, Communication, Leadership, Training, Clarity, Understanding, Results, Styles, Missteps, Avoid, Concepts, Frameworks, Challenges, Techniques, Tools, Feedback, Mindset, Effective communicator Facilitaing, Prodcutive, Comunication, Leaderhip, Traning, Clariti, Undrstanding, Resluts, Styls, Mistepps, Avoide, Concpets, Framewroks, Challanges, Techneques, Tols, Feedbak, Mindet, Effectiv comunicator Facilitating, Productive, Communication, Leadership, Training, Clarity, Understanding, Results, Styles, Missteps, Avoid, Concepts, Frameworks, Challenges, Techniques, Tools, Feedback, Mindset, Effective communicator Facilitating, Productive, Communication, Leadership, Training, Clarity, Understanding, Results, Styles, Missteps, Avoid, Concepts, Frameworks, Challenges, Techniques, Tools, Feedback, Mindset, Effective communicator
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,150 -
Learning Tree
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to zero trust concepts, principles, and deployment models.
Zero Trust Architecture, Training, Delivery Methods, Online, Training Information, Course Benefits, Understand, Limitations, Traditional Network Security, Core Concepts, Guiding Tenets, Reference Models, NIST 800-207, Key Technologies, Micro-Segmentation, Software-Defined Perimeters, Multi-Factor Authentication, Continuous Authorisation, Use Cases, Applications, Data, Infrastructure, People, Deployment, Adoption, Maintenance, Training Prerequisites, Enterprise Security Concepts, Network Infrastructure, Authentication, Access Controls, Training Outline, Fundamentals, Definition, Protections, Design Principles, Discover, Users, Devices, Cloud Asset API, Identities, AWS, IAM Dashboard, IAM Access Management, Identity Life Cycle, User and Service Accounts, GCP Roles, Windows Device Security, Security Processor, Verified Access, DoD Strategy, CISA Maturity Model, Policies, Authenticate, Authorize, GCP IAM Permissions, Shielded VMs, Monitoring Strategy, BYOD, Guest Devices, Rogue Device Detection, Web Server Logs, Network Monitoring, SIEM Dashboard, Amazon CloudWatch, Monitoring User and Entity Behaviours, Determine Device and Service Health, Linux, Cloud Providers, Kubernetes, Zero Trust Achitecture, Traning, Delivey Methods, Onine, Trainin Information, Course Benifits, Undestand, Limitatins, Traditonal Network Securty, Core Concets, Guding Tenets, Referene Models, NIST 800-207, Key Tecnologies, Micro-Segmantation, Sotware-Defined Perimetres, Multi-Fator Authentication, Continuos Authorisation, Use Cases, Apllications, Dta, Infrastucture, Peple, Deployent, Adopton, Maintenace, Training Prequisites, Enterprize Security Conecpts, Netwok Infrastructure, Authntication, Acces Controls, Traning Outline, Fundmentals, Defintion, Protectons, Desing Principles, Discver, Uers, Devies, Cloud Assest API, Identites, AWZ, IAM Dashbord, IAM Acces Management, Identiy Life Cycle, User and Servce Accounts, GCP Rols, Windos Device Secrity, Security Procssor, Verifed Access, DoD Srategy, CISA Maturiy Model, Polices, Authnticate, Autorize, GCP IAM Permisions, Shelded VMs, Monitorng Strategy, BYD, Gues Devices, Roge Device Detction, Web Serve Logs, Networ Monitoring, SIEM Dashbord, Amazon ClouWatch, Monitorng User and Entiy Behaviours, Detemine Device and Servce Health, Linx, Clod Providers, Kuberetes, Zero Trust Architecture, Utbildning, Leveransmetoder, Online, Utbildningsinformation, Kursfördelar, Förstå, Begränsningar, Traditionell Nätverkssäkerhet, Grundläggande Begrepp, Styrande Principer, Referensmodeller, NIST 800-207, Nyckelteknologier, Mikrosegmentering, Mjukvarudefinierade Gränser, Flerfaktorsautentisering, Kontinuerlig Auktorisering, Användningsfall, Applikationer, Data, Infrastruktur, Människor, Implementering, Adoption, Underhåll, Förkunskapskrav för Utbildning, Företagssäkerhetskoncept, Nätverksinfrastruktur, Autentisering, Åtkomstkontroller, Utbildningsöversikt, Grundläggande, Definition, Skydd, Designprinciper, Upptäck, Användare, Enheter, Molntillgångs-API, Identiteter, AWS, IAM-instrumentbräda, IAM-Åtkomsthantering, Identitetslivscykel, Användar- och Tjänstekonton, GCP Roller, Windows Enhetssäkerhet, Säkerhetsprocessor, Verifierad Åtkomst, DoD Strategi, CISA Mognadsmodell, Policys, Autentisera, Auktorisera, GCP IAM-behörigheter, Skärmade VM, Övervakningsstrategi, BYOD, Gästenheter, Detektion av Obehöriga Enheter, Webbserversloggar, Nätverksövervakning, SIEM-instrumentbräda, Amazon CloudWatch, Övervaka Användar- och Entitetsbeteenden, Fastställa Enhetens och Tjänstens Hälsa, Linux, Molnleverantörer, Kubernetes
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
In this on-demand Fundamentals of Graph Databases course, you’ll dive into the essentials of graph theory, explore real-world use cases, and discover how Graph Databases revolutionize data analysis, strategic decision-making, and AI integration.
Unlock the potential of data relationships with our comprehensive On-Demand Graph Databases course. Designed for professionals of all backgrounds, this foundational course provides a clear and concise introduction to the world of Graph Databases and their transformative applications. Dive into the essentials of graph theory, explore real-world use cases, and discover how Graph Databases revolutionize data analysis, strategic decision-making, and AI integration. With hands-on exercises using platforms like Neo4j, you'll gain practical experience in creating and querying Graph Databases. Whether you're a data analyst, business manager, database administrator, or technical training professional, this course equips you with the knowledge to harness the power of Graph Databases and elevate your expertise in modern data management and AI strategies. Module 1. Why Graph Databases Matter Explore the significance of Graph Databases in modern data management. Understand their unique advantages and how they revolutionize information retrieval and analysis. Module 2. Introduction to Graph Databases Gain a solid grasp of Graph Databases: their purpose, structure, and applications across various industries. Dive into the essentials of graph theory. Module 3. Utilizing Graph Databases Learn how organizations leverage Graph Databases to solve complex problems. Discover real-world use cases and harness the power of data relationships. Module 4. AI and Semantic Data Uncover the synergy between Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web technologies. Explore RDF, semantic data formats, and their role in enhancing AI capabilities. Module 5. Graph Databases in AI Strategies Delve into the role of Graph Databases in AI-driven strategies. Understand knowledge representation, ontologies, and how to integrate Graph Databases in AI projects. Module 6. Building Knowledge Graphs Master the implementation of Knowledge Graphs. Explore Graph Neural Networks and how they enhance data-driven insights.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from £425 -
Learning Tree
Learn data analysis tools & R environment to draw conclusions. Get hands-on Fundamentals of Statistics training for Data Science.
CHAT GPT, CHAT, CHATGPT, GPT, CHATGPTT, Bard, Bings AI Chat Bot, AI Chat Bot, AI ChatBot, Chat Bot, ChatBot, statistics, data science, data-driven, decision-making, insights, data explorer, distributions, statistical thinking, industry-standard, R environment, number-crunching, technical, managerial, administrative, certification, Learning Tree, Certified Decision Scientist, prerequisites, software packages, inquisitive nature, problem-solving, statstics, datascience, data-drivn, desicion-making, insites, data explrer, distributins, statstical thinking, envrionment, number-crunhing, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, sertification, Lerning Tree, Certified Decisin Scientist, prerequsites, softwere packeges, inquisitve natrue, problm-solving, statstics, datascience, datadriven, statstical, datexplorer, distributons, insite, problm-solving, R envirnment, desicion-making, sertification, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, numbres, inquisitve, software packeges. statistik, datavetenskap, datadriven beslutsfattande, statistiskt resonemang, datautforskare, fördelningar, statistiska metoder, insikt, problemlösning, R-miljö, beslutsfattande, certifiering, teknisk, ledarskap, administrativt, siffror, nyfikenhet, programvarupaket, giltiga insikter, pinsamma misstag, klippkant, formell expansion, intuitiv introduktion, Learning Trees certifierade beslutsforskare-program, tidigare kunskap, stavfel statstics, datascience, datadriven, statstical, datexplorer, distributons, insite, problm-solving, R envirnment, desicion-making, sertification, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, numbres, inquisitve, programvarupaket.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,255 -
Learning Tree
Empower your leadership journey with our Future Leaders Program, designed to enhance key skills for impactful organisational and personal success.
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
Master AI strategies for project management with our course. Unlock AI's potential in workflows, strategy, and innovation for project success.
AI in project management, Generative AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot, AI strategies, project management workflows, prompt engineering, AI-generated content, AI ethical considerations, AI future trends, AI applications in projects, AI prompting techniques, AI output optimization, AI challenges, AI job risks, AI creativity in projects, AI empathy in communication, AI course for beginners, AI real-world examples, AI project management use cases, AI i projektledning, Generativ AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, AI-strategier, arbetsflöden för projektledning, framställning av prompts, AI-genererat innehåll, etiska överväganden inom AI, AI:s framtida trender, AI-applikationer i projekt, tekniker för AI-promptning, optimering av AI-output, utmaningar med AI, jobbrisker med AI, AIs kreativitet i projekt, AIs empati i kommunikation, AI-kurs för nybörjare, AI i verkliga exempel, användningsfall för AI i projektledning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Master AI security with Microsoft's SC-5006 course - a day of expert-led training and practical skills.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Embark on developing with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL. This intermediate, hands-on course guides you through creating, managing, and scaling cloud-native applications with Cosmos DB.
Dp-3015, dp3015, dp 3015, Azure Cosmos DB,Azure Cosmos DB, NoSQL development,NoSQL-utveckling, Cloud-native application development,Utveckling av molnbaserade applikationer, Azure SDK for .NET,Azure SDK för .NET, CRUD operations with Cosmos DB,CRUD-operationer med Cosmos DB, NoSQL queries,NoSQL-förfrågningar, Data modeling for NoSQL,Data modellering för NoSQL, Data partitioning strategies,Strategier för datapartitionering, Cosmos DB throughput configuration,Genomströmningskonfiguration för Cosmos DB, Azure database management,Azure databashantering, azure cosmos db for nosql, azure cosmos db sql api, what is azure cosmos db, azure cosmos db account, sql server, data modeling, | microsoft azure, azure database management, sql query language, manage data, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., management systems, data storage, data warehouse, accessed data, data integration, request unit, programming language, data is stored, manage databases, high performance, operating system, database design, data security, organize data, provision throughput, apache cassandra, azure cosmos db offers, structured query language sql, multi model databases, cosmos db accounts
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day hands-on course for an introduction to creating web pages with HTML and CSS, designing tables, adding images, and styling pages.
HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing, HTLM, CASS, webpages, desing, tabels, dat, imagges, stile, dinamic webpages, foundashunal knowledge, refreser, baasics, tranning corse, intruduction, developping. HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing, HTML, CSS, web pages, design, tables, data, images, style, dynamic web pages, foundational knowledge, refresher, basics, training course, hands-on, interactive, introduction, developing.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
The Git advanced training course provides an understanding of advanced Git concepts and looks at configuration and functionality.
Git, advanced, training, course, understanding, concepts, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending, GIt, adavnced, traning, courze, confuguration, functinality, basix, recomendded, atteding. Git, advanced, training, course, understanding, concepts, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending, Git, advanced, training, course, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
The Git basics training course provides a comprehensive understanding of basic Git concepts and looks at the different ways Git can be used and implemented.
Git, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending, get, basix, traning, cource, comphrehensive, understading, concpets, implimented, in-dept, suport, wroking, maintanance, envirnoment, intergrations, advansed, linix, interfaes, priior. Git, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending, get, basics, training, course, comprehensive, understanding, concepts, implemented, in-depth, support, working, maintenance, environment, integrations, tools, advanced, Linux, interfaces, UNIX, command line, prior, attending.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Graph Databases for Data Analytics and AI Training course, you will learn how databases for graph data can support data analytics and artificial intelligence in ways not practical with traditional relational databases.
In this Graph Databases for Data Analytics and AI Training course, you will learn how databases for graph data can support data analytics and artificial intelligence in ways not practical with traditional relational databases. You will see practical and profitable use cases and understand the importance of graph data in today’s world. You will master the practical aspects of importing and exporting data for graph databases, and how graph databases are searched and queried. Graph databases are also ideal for the representation of human knowledge, not just simple facts. You will understand how knowledgebase graphs integrate with artificial intelligence systems and learn to use these systems to provide business analyses and insights. Why Graph Databases are Important Objectives: • Understand what graph data is and why it is important • Explore a few or the many practical applications of graph databases Contents: • What are graphs? • How graphs are used to provide structure to data • Business use-cases of graph databases Module 2: Foundations of Graphs and Graph Data Objectives: • Storing graph data in simple files • What is a relational database? • How graph databases differ from traditional relational databases Contents: • How graphs are used to provide structure to data o Graph software • Graph data in files o File format alternatives o Scripts for manipulating and characterising graph data • Diagramming graphs o Diagramming graphs with Python o Using GraphViz software Module 3: Graph Database Platforms Objectives: • Examine commercial graph database systems • Understand the differences among graph database systems Contents: • Options for graph database systems • Introduction to Neo4j • Introduction to GraphDB • Introduction to CogniPy Module 4: Querying and Analysing Graph Data Objectives: • Learn how to query data in a graph database • Understand the differences among graph database query languages Contents: • Using the Neo4j browser • The Cypher® graph query language o Structure of Cypher® queries o Viewing and interpreting query results • Other graph query languages • GraphQL • Gremlin • SPARQL Module 5: Using Graph Database APIs to Build Systems Objectives: • Understand how APIs are used to build a system • Explore some examples using Python Contents: • Using Python to manage and query a Neo4j graph database • How graphs are used to provide structure to data Module 6: Knowledge Graphs Objectives: • Learn how human knowledge can be represented in graph data using semantic nets • Create a simple knowledge graph • Understand ontologies Contents: • Semantic nets and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) o Formats for representing RDF triples • Ontologies o The structure of ontology documents o Tools for creating and editing ontologies o Protege and other Tools • Semantic Nets and Knowledge graphs o Loading knowledge graphs into a graph database o Applying logic-based “reasoners” to knowledge graphs Module 7: Graph Neural Networks Objectives: • Understand the Need for “Hybrid” AI • Applying convolutional neural networks to graph data Contents: • “Hybrid” AI o Creating graph neural networks • Applying convolutional neural networks to graph data o Review the basics of convolutional neural networks o Training the hybrid AI
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Learn to clean, analyze, and graph data using R in this course. Widely used in diverse disciplines for estimation and prediction.
R programming, statistical computing, machine learning, graphics, data analysis, data visualization, data cleaning, data manipulation, data science, data mining, data exploration, data modelling, R studio, R language, R packages, R functions, R libraries, R syntax, R code, R environment, R console, R community, R community packages, R community forums, R community resources, R courses, R tutorials, R workshops, R training, R certification, R job opportunities, R career, R salary, R market demand, R industry, R applications, R tools, R IDE, R GUI, R debugger, R compiler, R interpreter, R version, R release, R updates, R documentation, R manuals, R books, R blogs, R podcasts, R videos, R webinars, R conferences, R events, R user groups, R support, R consulting, R outsourcing, R freelancing, R projects, R challenges, R competitions, R datasets, R examples, R benchmarks, R best practices, R tips, R tricks, R hacks, R cheatsheets, R FAQs, R glossary, R wiki, R community guidelines, R code of conduct, R privacy policy, R terms of use, R copyright. R programing statstical computing machine leanring data vizualization data manupulation data scinece data mning R stduio R langauge R packeges R fucntions R libraris R sytax R envrionment R consol R cmmunity R corses R turorials R workshosp R traiing R cetification R job oppurtunities R carer R salry R market demnad R indutry R applicatons R tolos R ID R GUi R debbuger R compilier R interprter R versoin R relase R upadtes R documentaion R manulas R books R blgos R podcats R vidoes R webnairs R confrences R evnets R user grups R supprot R consuting R outsurcing R freelncing R prjects R challanges R competions R programming, statistical computing, machine learning, graphics, data analysis, data visualisation, data cleaning, data manipulation, data science, data mining, data exploration, data modelling, R studio, R language, R packages, R functions, R libraries, R syntax, R code, R environment, R console, R community, R community packages, R community forums, R community resources, R courses, R tutorials, R workshops, R training, R certification, R job opportunities, R career, R salary, R market demand, R industry, R applications, R tools, R IDE, R GUI, R debugger, R compiler, R interpreter, R version, R release, R updates, R documentation, R manuals, R books, R blogs, R podcasts, R videos, R webinars, R conferences, R events, R user groups, R support, R consulting, R outsourcing, R freelancing, R projects, R challenges, R competitions, R datasets, R examples, R benchmarks, R best practices, R tips, R tricks, R hacks, R cheatsheets, R FAQs, R glossary, R wiki, R community guidelines, R code of conduct, R privacy policy, R terms of use, R copyright. R programming statistical computing machine learning data visualisation data manipulation data science data mining R studio R language R packages R functions R libraries R syntax R code R environment R console R community R courses R tutorials R workshops R training R certification R job opportunities R career R salary R market demand R industry R applications R tools R IDE R GUI R debugger R compiler R interpreter R version R release R updates R documentation R manuals R books R blogs R podcasts R videos R webinars R conferences R events R user groups R support R consulting R outsourcing R freelancing R projects R challenges R competitions
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
In this Power BI Paginated Reports Training course, you will learn how to create, publish, and distribute paginated reports in Microsoft Power BI.
Power BI, Paginated Reports, Training, Create, Publish, Distribute, Microsoft Power BI, Hands-On, Paginated, Report, Course, PowerBI, PowerBI, Paginate, Training Course, Microsoft PowerBI, Report Creation, Report Publishing, Report Distribution. Power BI, Paginated Reports, Training, Create, Publish, Distribute, Microsoft Power BI, Hands-On, Paginated, Report, Course, PowerBI, PowerBI, Paginate, Training Course, Microsoft PowerBI, Report Creation, Report Publishing, Report Distribution. No translation needed as the text is already in English UK
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learning Tree
This HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript course will teach you to enhance the User Experience (UX) & build modern, feature-rich web pages with the latest standards.
HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Training: Platform-Independent Web Development, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, web development, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, styling, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTLM5, CSS, Javascrip, web developement, user experiance, user expereince, UX, devies, deskop browsers, smartfones, tabelts, best practises, mark-up, programing, modren sites, feature-rich sites, site performence, accesibility, SE0, web standerds, site desine, HTML5 aplications, dynaimc images, multimedia featurs, Javascript experiance, HTM, CASS, Javascipt HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, web development, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, styling, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, web development, user experience, user experience, UX, devices, desktop browsers, smartphones, tablets, best practices, markup, programming, modern sites, feature-rich sites, site performance, accessibility, SEO, web standards, site design, HTML5 applications, dynamic images, multimedia features, JavaScript experience, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
This identity & access management course will teach you to protect your IT resources. Learn Single Sign-On, PKI, Federated Identity Management & more!
Identity management, access management, IAM, IdM, single sign-on, SSO, PKI, federated identity management, security, Windows operating system, identity managment, access managment, IAD, IDM, single sign on, public key infrustructure, federated identity managment, secutiry, windows operating systm. Identity management, access management, IAM, IdM, single sign-on, SSO, PKI, federated identity management, security, Windows operating system, identity management, access management, IAD, IDM, single sign on, public key infrastructure, federated identity management, security, Windows operating system.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
Attend this foundation course & start preparing for the ECBA, CCBA & CBAP exams with this interactive deep dive into the IIBA BABOK v3 Guide.
IIBA, Business Analysis, Body of Knowledge, BABOK, Certification, Training, ECBA, CCBA, CBAP, exams, knowledge areas, tasks, techniques, practise exam, preparations. IIBBA, Buisness Analysis, Body of Knowlege, BABOOK, Certifcation, Trainning, EBCA, CBA, CAPP, exmas, knowlege areas, taks, techniqes, practce exam, preperations.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day follow-on course & prep to pass the IIBA exam and achieve your Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) certification.
ECBA, CCBA, CBAP, IIBA exam, certification, BABOK guide, knowledge area, task, output, technique, test-taking tips, exam preparation, subject matter expert, practise questions, professional development, application process, real case studies. ECBATM, BABOQ, knowlege area, tahsk, outpot, technic, exampreparation, profesionnal development.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day follow-on course & prep to pass the IIBA exam and achieve your Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification.
IIBA, CBAP, certification, exam prep, test-taking strategies, shortcuts, case study questions, BABOK Guide version 3, knowledge areas, techniques, elements, output, professional development, training, ECBA, CCBA, SME, BA job situations, application process, sit the exam. IBA, CBA, CBAB, BABOK Guide, CBAP, Certified Business Analysis Professional, IIBA, CCBA, BABOK, Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, ECBA, SME, exam prep, test-taking strategies, case studies, knowledge areas, techniques, output, elements, application process, professional development training, practise questions, sit the exam, success, job situations, Amazon, CBAB, IIBAA, BABOK Guide, ECBA certification, CCBA certification, CBAB certification. CBAP, Certified Business Analysis Professional, IIBA, CCBA, BABOK, Guide till Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, ECBA, SME, examenförberedelse, testtagningsstrategier, fallstudier, kunskapsområden, tekniker, output, element, ansökningsprocess, professionell utvecklingsträning, övningsfrågor, genomföra examen, framgång, jobbsituationer, Amazon, stavfel CBAB, IIBAA, BABOK Guide, ECBA-certifiering, CCBA-certifiering, CBAB-certifiering.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn to create & use impact maps for better decision-making about feature prioritisation in our Impact Mapping course.
Impact Mapping, Agile Development, Business Value, Prioritisation, Decision-making, Collaboration, Senior Decision-makers, Customers, Technical Developers, Road-maps, Product Owners, Product Managers, Business Analysts, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, Programmers, Testers. Impact Mappin, Agle Development, Prioritisation, Buisness, Decission-making, Collaberation, Product Owne, Product Manage, Scrum Master, Programer, Testar.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master the data science process and machine learning model training for AI applications in Microsoft Fabric in this hands-on, beginner-level course.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp-604, dp604, dp 604, Data science, Microsoft Fabric, machine learning, AI, data preprocessing, MLflow, data exploration, batch predictions, Datavetenskap, Microsoft Fabric, maskininlärning, AI, datapreprocessering, MLflow, datautforskning, batchförutsägelser, data science process, introduction to data science, applied skills, how to train machine learning models, data for data science, learning tree, machine learning frameworks, microsoft fabric notebooks, microsoft partner, data wrangler, machine learning algorithms, machine learning models, data science projects, include data, programming language, data preparation, machine learning projects, natural language processing, ml models, science process, power bi, apache spark, clean the data, machine learning and deep, large data sets, computer vision, table of contents, data engineer, gain insights, large amount
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to implement, load, monitor, and query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric with our DP-602 course. Perfect for beginners looking to enhance their data engineering skills.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp 602, dp602, dp-602, Data warehouse, Microsoft Fabric, T-SQL, data engineering, data analysis, data loading, query, monitoring, Data warehouse, Microsoft Fabric, T-SQL, dataingenjörskap, dataanalys, dataladdning, fråga, övervakning. microsoft fabric data warehouse, applied skills, load data, microsoft partner, data engineering skills, specific skill set, role - based certification, data warehouses, data modeling, loading data, data scientist, data structures, raw data, data science, data integration, programming language, data from multiple sources, high level, data set, database system, analyze data, business analysts, data modelling techniques, database management systems, business requirements, include data, data transformation, cloud computing, inform decisions, data mart
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Enhance business processes with Microsoft Power Platform AI Builder. Automate tasks, improve apps, and integrate AI in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Enhance your data skills with Azure AI Search. Learn to extract, analyze, and search data effectively in our 1-day hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Unlock the power of real-time data Intelligence with Microsoft Fabric in this beginner-friendly, hands-on course. Learn to source streaming data, utilise Eventstream, and create dynamic dashboards.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp 603, dp603, dp-603, Real-time analytics, Microsoft Fabric, streaming data, Eventstream, KQL, data dashboards, data analytics, Realtidsanalys, Microsoft Fabric, strömmande data, Eventstream, KQL, datadashbord, dataanalys, real - time data analytics, applied skills, microsoft data & ai, kql database in microsoft fabric, microsoft partner, real - time data analysis, data analytics solution, real - time analytics, specific skill set, query data, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., large amounts of data, data analysis, business processes, data science, data streams, social media, historical data, time data analytics, business decisions, analytics solutions, customer service, process data, supply chain, customer experience, wide range, kql database, real time analytics include, data in real time, data warehouse, event streams, applied skills
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Join our hands-on course to master data lifecycle management, eDiscovery, and communication compliance using Microsoft Purview. Ideal for compliance professionals.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn Azure DevOps Pipeline Security in course AZ-2001: Enhance IT skills with hands-on experience in secure pipeline configuration and management.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-2001, AZ2001, AZ 2001, Azure DevOps Security, AZ-2001 Course, Pipeline Configuration, Secure Repository Management, Identity Management in DevOps, Azure Pipeline Extensions, Secure Access Management, Permission Validation Azure, Azure DevOps Templates, IT Professional Training, Azure DevOps Certification, Online IT Security Course, In-Person IT Training, Intermediate IT Skills Development, Auzre DevOps Securty, AZ-2100 Couse, Pipelne Configuraton, Secur Repository Managment, Identty Managment in DevOps, Azure Pipelne Extentions, Secure Acess Managment, Permision Validation Azure, Azure DevOps Temlates, IT Proffesional Training, Azure DevOps Certifcation, Onlie IT Security Couse, In-Person IT Traning, Intermedate IT Skils Development, Säkerhet i Azure DevOps, AZ-2001 Kurs, Konfiguration av Pipeline, Säker Förvaltning av Repository, Identitetshantering i DevOps, Utökningar av Azure Pipeline, Säker Åtkomsthantering, Behörighetsvalidering Azure, Mallar för Azure DevOps, IT-professionell Utbildning, Certifiering i Azure DevOps, Onlinekurs i IT-säkerhet, Personlig IT-utbildning, Utveckling av Mellannivå IT-färdigheter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn how to harness the power of Apache Spark and powerful clusters running on the Azure Databricks platform to run data analytics workloads in a data lakehouse.
Azure Databricks, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Apache Spark, Clusters, Cloud, Data Pipelines, Machine Learning Models, Data Analysis, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Data Engineering Tasks, Big Data, Cloud Environment, Data Workflows, Data Scalability, Advanced Machine Learning, Exam DP-203, Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure, Training Outline, Azure Databricks Workloads, Spark Clusters, Spark Notebooks, Data Files, Data Visualization, Delta Lake, Delta Lake Tables, SQL Warehouses, Databases, Queries, Dashboards, Azure Databricks Notebooks, Azure Data Factory, Linked Service, Notebook Activity, Pipeline Parameters, Visualisation, Azure Databricks, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Apache Spark, Kluster, Moln, Data Pipelines, Maskininlärningsmodeller, Dataanalys, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat Teamutbildning, Uppgifter inom Data Engineering, Big Data, Molnmiljö, Dataarbetsflöden, Datas skalbarhet, Avancerad maskininlärning, Exam DP-203, Data Engineering på Microsoft Azure, Utbildningsöversikt, Arbetsbelastningar i Azure Databricks, Spark-kluster, Spark-anteckningsböcker, Datafiler, Datavisualisering, Delta Lake, Delta Lake-tabeller, SQL-lager, Databaser, Frågor, Instrumentpaneler, Azure Databricks-anteckningsböcker, Azure Data Factory, Länkad tjänst, Anteckningsboksaktivitet, Pipelinparametrar
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Boost your career in data analytics and become an Azure Synapse expert. This training course equips you to design and implement data analytics solutions.
SQL dedicated pool, serverless Spark pool, data wrangling, ELT process, Synapse Pipelines, Azure Data Factory, dedicated pool databases, serverless SQL pools, querying CSV, querying JSON, querying Parquet, Apache Spark, Delta Lake, relational data warehouse schema, notebooks, Spark engine, SQL, Python, Azure tools, business problems, core capabilities, external database objects, fact tables, dimension tables, staging tables, SQL dedikerad pool, serverlös Spark pool, data wrangling, ELT-process, Synapse Pipelines, Azure Data Factory, dedikerade pool databaser, serverlösa SQL-pooler, fråga CSV, fråga JSON, fråga Parquet, Apache Spark, Delta Lake, schema för relationellt data warehouse, anteckningsböcker, Spark motor, SQL, Python, Azure-verktyg, affärsproblem, kärnfunktioner, externa databasobjekt, faktabeller, dimensions tabeller, staging tabeller
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
This Microsoft Fabric (DP-601) course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept.
applied skills, applied, skills, dp-601, dp601, dp 601, This course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept. This Microsoft Fabric (DP-601) Training course will explore the powerful capabilities of Apache Spark for distributed data processing and the essential techniques for efficient data management, versioning, and reliability by working with Delta Lake tables. This course will also explore data ingestion and orchestration using Dataflows Gen2 and Data Factory pipelines. This course includes a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises that will prepare you to work with Lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree's SCOR training helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Security and CCIE® Security certifications and for senior-level security roles.
SCOR Course Outline, Cisco CCNP Security, CCIE Security, senior-level security roles, advanced threat protection, cybersecurity attacks, security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, access control policies, mail policies, 802.1X Authentication, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, threat detection features, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies 350-701 SCOR exam, Cisco Certified Specialist Security Core certifications, Ethernet, TCP/IP networking, Windows operating system, Cisco IOS networking, networking security concepts, Security Engineer, Network Engineer, Network Designer, Network Administrator, Systems Engineer, Consulting Systems Engineer, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco Integrators/Partners, Network Manager, Cisco integrators, partners. SCOR Course Outlien Cisco CCNP Secuirty CCIE Secuirty cybersecurity atacks endpoint protecton Cisco Firepowr Next-Generation Firewall Cisco ASA Fireall access contro policies Implementing and Operating Cisco Secuirty Core Technologies 350-710 SCOR exam Cisco Certifed Specialist Secuirty Core certifications TCP/PI networking Cisco IOS netowkring networking secuirty concepts Secuirty Engineer Network Desiger Netowrk Administrator System Engineer Cisco Integrator/Partners Netowrk Mnager Cisco integrator and partners SCOR Course Outline, Cisco CCNP Security, CCIE Security, senior-level security roles, advanced threat protection, cybersecurity attacks, security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcement, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, access control policies, mail policies, 802.1X Authentication, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, threat detection features, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies 350-701 SCOR exam, Cisco Certified Specialist Security Core certifications, Ethernet, TCP/IP networking, Windows operating system, Cisco IOS networking, networking security concepts, Security Engineer, Network Engineer, Network Designer, Network Administrator, Systems Engineer, Consulting Systems Engineer, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco Integrators/Partners, Network Manager, Cisco integrators, partners. SCOR Course Outline Cisco CCNP Security CCIE Security cybersecurity attacks endpoint protection Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Cisco ASA Firewall access control policies Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies 350-701 SCOR exam Cisco Certified Specialist Security Core certifications TCP/IP networking Cisco IOS networking networking security concepts Security Engineer Network Designer Network Administrator Systems Engineer Consulting Systems Engineer Technical Solutions Architect Cisco Integrators/Partners Network Manager Cisco integrators and partners.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,305 -
Learn Cisco Unified Comm. Mgr. & secure collaboration. Cisco 300-815 exam prep included.
Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control, Mobility Services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Globalized Call Routing, Global Dial Plan Replication, Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Extension Mobility, Device Mobility, Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier, SIP/URI call routing, Call Admission Control, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Survivable Remote Site Telephony, SRST gateway technologies, Cisco Unified Board Element Call deployments, signalling protocols, media protocols, call coverage, time of day routing, Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, networking technologies, voice and video, Cisco IOS XE, Cisco Unifed Communications Manager, Call Admision Control, Survivble Remote Site Telephony Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control, Mobility Services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Globalised Call Routing, Global Dial Plan Replication, Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Extension Mobility, Device Mobility, Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier, SIP/URI call routing, Call Admission Control, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Survivable Remote Site Telephony, SRST gateway technologies, Cisco Unified Board Element Call deployments, signalling protocols, media protocols, call coverage, time of day routing, Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, networking technologies, voice and video, Cisco IOS XE, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Call Admission Control, Survivable Remote Site Telephony.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,745 -
Enrol in this official Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications course & prep for exam CLICA 300-810.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications, CLICA, Cisco Unified IM & Presence, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Single Sign-On, networking technologies, voice, video, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, PSTN, SIP trunks, automation, programmability, network architect, network designer, network engineer, network manager, network administrator, complexity reduction, security protocols, administrative tasks, business communications, CCNP Collaboration, CLCA, Cisco Unity Conection, Cisco Unity Exprss, Singl Sign-On, Cisco Unifid IM & Presnce, CCNP Colaboration, CLICA v10, SSO Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications, CLICA, Cisco Unified IM & Presence, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Single Sign-On, networking technologies, voice, video, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, PSTN, SIP trunks, automation, programmability, network architect, network designer, network engineer, network manager, network administrator, complexity reduction, security protocols, administrative tasks, business communications, CCNP Collaboration, CLCA, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Single Sign-On, Cisco Unified IM & Presence, CCNP Collaboration, CLICA v10, SSO.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,590 -
Enrol in this Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions course & prep for exam CLCEI 300-820.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway, B2B calls, Cisco Mobile, remote access, authentication options, video, voice, content, remote workloads, networking technologies, voice and video, Cisco collaboration core technologies, SIP, XMPP, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, collaboration engineers, collaboration administrators, secure remote access, phones, endpoints, smartphones, tablets, nontraditional workspaces, CCNP Collaboration Implementing Cisco Colaboration Cloud Edge Solutions Cisco Cisco Expressway Solutions B2B calls Cisco Cisco Mobil remote acess authentication otpions video and voice remote work loads networking tecnologies Cisco colabaration core technologies SIP protocol XMPP protocol Cisco Unified Communcations Manager colabaration engineers colabaration administrators secure remote acess nontraditional work spaces CCNP Colaboration Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway, B2B calls, Cisco Mobile, remote access, authentication options, video, voice, content, remote workloads, networking technologies, voice and video, Cisco collaboration core technologies, SIP, XMPP, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, collaboration engineers, collaboration administrators, secure remote access, phones, endpoints, smartphones, tablets, non-traditional workspaces, CCNP Collaboration. Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud Edge Solutions, Cisco Cisco Expressway B2B calls, Cisco Cisco Mobile remote access authentication options video and voice remote workloads networking technologies Cisco collaboration core technologies SIP protocol XMPP protocol Cisco Unified Communications Manager collaboration engineers collaboration administrators secure remote access non-traditional workspaces CCNP Collaboration.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,590 -
The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to secure wireless network infrastructure and more.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, ENWLSI, wireless network infrastructure, Cisco Identity Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Connect Mobile Experience, network issues, hands-on labs, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller, IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture, DNA Center, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification, troubleshoot, secure, Cisco MSE Release 8.0, Cisco Identity Services Engine, 300-430 ENWLSI exam, Implementig Cisco Enterprise Wireles Networks, ENWLSI, wirless network infrastructure, Cisco Identity Service Engin, CISCO Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Conect Mobile Experience, netwrk issues, hands-on lab, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireles Controler, IOS XE Gibralter 16.10, Cisco Digital Netwrk Architecture, DNA Center, CCNP Entrprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist Entrprise Wireles Implementation certification, trubleshoot, secur, Cisco MSE Relese 8.0, Cisco Identity Services Engin, 300-430 ENWLSI exm Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, ENWLSI, wireless network infrastructure, Cisco Identity Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Connect Mobile Experience, network issues, hands-on labs, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller, IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture, DNA Center, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification, troubleshoot, secure, Cisco MSE Release 8.0, Cisco Identity Services Engine, 300-430 ENWLSI exam, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, ENWLSI, wireless network infrastructure, Cisco Identity Service Engine, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Connect Mobile Experience, network issues, hands-on lab, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller, IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture, DNA Center, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification, troubleshoot, secure, Cisco MSE Release 8.0, Cisco Identity Services Engine, 300-430 ENWLSI exam.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,195 -
Learning Tree
Implementing SAFe® offers attendees the broadest level of insight into each layer of a SAFe implementation. This course and resulting certification will help you understand the roles of each person in a SAFe organization and then plan and guide a SAFe transformation. It’s also the first step toward becoming a certified SAFe Practice Consultant.
SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework), SPC (SAFe Program Consultant) Certification, Agile Transformation, Advanced Workshop, Business Agility, Agile Release Trains (ARTs), Value Streams, Lean-Agile Leadership, Continuous Delivery Pipeline, Lean Portfolio Management, DevOps, Product Management, Strategic Themes, OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), Agile Product Delivery, Coaching and Mentoring, Business Agility Core Competencies, PI (Program Increment) Planning, Agile Teams and Technical Agility, Implementing SAFe® Course, Agile Governance, Scaled Agile Membership, Lean-Agile Mindset, Continuous Learning Culture, Organizational Agility.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
This official Cisco SVPN course teaches you how to implement, configure, monitor & support enterprise VPN solutions. Plus, prep for the Cisco 300-730 exam.
Implementing Secure Solutions, Virtual Private Networks, SVPN, Cisco, IPsec, DMVPN, FlexVPN, remote access VPN, data security, encrypted data, privacy, Cisco 300-730 exam, CCNP Security certification, Cisco router, firewall command modes, site-to-site VPN, Remote Access VPN, SCOR, 350-701, network security engineer, Channel Partner, CCNP Security candidate, navigating Cisco routers, managing Cisco firewalls. Implimenting Secure SolutionVirutal Private NetworkSVPN IPSec DMVP, DMVNP Flex VPN Remote assess VPN Data secutiry, encrypted data CCNP Secruity Ciso router Firewall command modleSite-to-site VPN Remote assess VPN SCOR Netwrok security engineer Channal Partner Implementing Secure Solutions, Virtual Private Networks VPN , SVPN, Cisco, IPsec, DMVPN, FlexVPN, remote access VPN, data security, encrypted data, privacy, Cisco 300-730 exam, CCNP Security certification, Cisco router, firewall command modes, site-to-site VPN, Remote Access VPN, SCOR, 350-701, network security engineer, Channel Partner, CCNP Security candidate, navigating Cisco routers, managing Cisco firewalls. Implementing Secure Solutions Virtual Private Networks SVPN IPsec DMVPN FlexVPN Remote access VPN Data security, encrypted data CCNP Security Cisco router Firewall command modes Site-to-site VPN Remote access VPN SCOR Network security engineer Channel Partner
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,415 -
Learning Tree
Learn to collaborate & influence without direct authority in this Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program course. Engage in agility drills to produce solutions quickly.
Collaboration, influence, agility, teamwork, cross-functional, authority, permission, communication, collaboration skills, solution producing, problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork skills, leadership skills, influencing skills, influencing techniques, effective collaboration, productive collaboration, collaborative decision-making, cross-team collaboration collabaration, colloboration, infuence, influance, collabrative, collaboritive, autority, permmision, communciation, decsision-making
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
Learn influence strategies for corporate success. Gain commitment, foster collaboration, and achieve results without direct authority.
Influencing, skills, training, corporate environment, commitment, collaboration, desired results, authority, influence strategies, influensing, skils, traning, corprate, enviroment, committment, colaboration, desierd, authrity, influance, stratgies. Influencing, skills, training, corporate environment, commitment, collaboration, desired results, authority, influence strategies, influencing, skills, training, corporate, environment, commitment, collaboration, desired, authority, influence, strategies.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,345 -
Learning Tree
The .NET programming course provides hands-on experience with C#, visual basic, Windows programming, ASP.NET & ADO.NET database access.
.NET, programming, Microsoft, Windows, Visual Studio, development, web application, user interface, business logic, data access layers, computer programming, Visual Basic, VB, C#, C Sharp, ASP.NET, Web forms, SQL Server, ADO.NET, Active Data Objects, design, code generation, testing, debugging, Active Server Pages, SQL, database. -.NEt, -Microsft, -Visual Studo, -web apllication, -Visul Basic, -C Sharp, -Actve Data Objects, -SQL Server database.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
This AI ML Data Science Python course teaches you how to use Python libraries to build, evaluate, & deploy Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence models.
Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning & AI using Python, CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, AI ML Data Science Python Course, Data Science, Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Course, Training, Libraries, Build, Evaluate, Deploy, Models, Insights, Data, Lifecycle, Manage, Transform, Visualize, Raw Data, Predictive Models, Future Opportunities, Mis-spellings Datascience, Pyton, Machin Learnin, Artifical Intelligance, Traning, Libaries, Insigts, Lyfecycle, Manag, Transfrm, Vizualize, Predective, Modles.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,830 -
Learning Tree
Attend this introduction to angular training course & learn to build responsive, enterprise-strength applications for desktop and mobile.
Angular training, Learn Angular, build applications, desktop, mobile devices, robust framework, interactive applications, platforms, experience building components, creating directives, modularizing applications, building template-driven forms, virtual machine, hands-on exercises, develop, test, new code, experiment, software, older versions, angular, Angular.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course will introduce you to the key concepts in modern AI and discuss how they apply to you and your business.
Introduction to AI,Key concepts in modern AI,Hands-on AI,Challenges of AI adoption,Artificial Intelligence Training,Confidence in AI,Artificial Intelligence for businesses,Machine learning,Uniform decision-making,Deep learning,Interpret images,AI limitations,AI risks,Module 1,What is Artificial Intelligence?,AI terms,AI technologies,AI constraints,AI limitations,Define intelligence,Module 2,Machines that learn,Machine learning,Benefits of AI,AI best practices,AI effectiveness,Module 3,Image recognition,Neural networks,Teaching neural networks,Classify complex images,Module 4,Chatbots,Generative AI,AI applications,Generative AI potential,Module 5,Protecting AI Systems,AI security,AI risks,Protecting your business,Protecting your privacy,Module 6,AI society and ethics,Biases in AI,Ethical use of AI,AI impact on society,Business context of AI,Module 7,The future of AI,AI threat on humanity,Future of work,AI in business future, Introduktion till AI,Nyckelkoncept inom modern AI,Hands-on AI,Utmaningar med AI-adoption,Artificiell Intelligensutbildning,Självförtroende i AI,Artificiell intelligens för företag,Maskininlärning,Uniformt beslutsfattande,Djupinlärning,Tolkning av bilder,AI begränsningar,AI risker,Modul 1,Vad är artificiell intelligens?,AI-termer,AI-teknologier,AI-begränsningar,AI-begränsningar,Definiera intelligens,Modul 2,Maskiner som lär sig,Maskininlärning,Fördelar med AI,AI bästa praxis,AI effektivitet,Modul 3,Bildigenkänning,Neurala nätverk,Undervisa neurala nätverk,Klassificera komplexa bilder,Modul 4,Chattbots,Generativ AI,AI-applikationer,Generativ AI potential,Modul 5,Att skydda AI-system,AI-säkerhet,AI risker,Skydda ditt företag,Skydda din integritet,Modul 6,AI, samhälle och etik,Bias inom AI,Etisk användning av AI,AI:s påverkan på samhället,Affärssammanhang av AI,Modul 7,AI:s framtid,AI-hot mot mänskligheten,Framtiden för arbete,AI i affärsframtid
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Learning Tree
In this comprehensive On-Demand Introduction to AI Course, you’ll navigate AI's evolution, delve into its intricacies, harness its creative potential, and champion ethics in AI.
Artificial Intelligence, AI, On-Demand, Introduction to AI, history, explosive growth, AI domains, generative AI creativity, shaping, landscape, navigate, evolution, intricacies, creative potential, ethics, delivery methods, enterprise solutions, training information, benefits, business professionals, modules, essential knowledge, approachable entry point, real-world applications, industries, bias, responsible AI practices, ethical considerations, prerequisites, curious mindset, structured content, engage, Module 1, Evolution of AI, narrow AI, general AI, super AI, Module 2, machine learning, deep learning, classifiers, predictions, challenges, dimensions, Module 3, ChatGPT, chatbots, prompt engineering, text, images, expression, Module 4, guidelines, systems, types of bias, strategies, mitigation, transformative impact, work, society, ethically conscious, Artifical Intelligence, Artifical Inteligence, A.I, OnDemand, Introductin to AI, histry, explsive growth, AI domans, genrative AI creativity, shapping, landcape, navagate, evoltion, intricasies, creative potental, ehtics, delvery methods, enterpise solutions, trainig information, benifits, business profesional, moduls, esential knowledge, approachble entry point, real-wold applications, industies, biase, responsable AI practices, ethical consideratons, pre-requisites, curous mindset, structurd content, engae, Modul 1, Evoltion of AI, narow AI, generl AI, superAI, Modul 2, machine lerning, deep lerning, classfiers, predctions, chalenges, dimensons, Modul 3, Chat GPT, chatbots, prompt enginering, txt, imges, expresion, Modul 4, guidlines, sytems, types of biase, startegies, mitagation, transformative inpact, wrk, socity, ethically concious, Artificiell Intelligens, AI, På Begäran, Introduktion till AI, historia, explosiv tillväxt, AI-domäner, generativ AI-kreativitet, formning, landskap, navigera, evolution, invecklingar, kreativ potential, etik, leveransmetoder, företagslösningar, träningsinformation, fördelar, affärsprofessionella, moduler, grundläggande kunskap, tillgänglig ingångspunkt, verkliga tillämpningar, industrier, fördom, ansvarsfulla AI-praktiker, etiska överväganden, förutsättningar, nyfiken inställning, strukturerat innehåll, engagera, Modul 1, AI:s evolution, smal AI, allmän AI, super AI, Modul 2, maskininlärning, djupinlärning, klassificerare, förutsägelser, utmaningar, dimensioner, Modul 3, ChatGPT, chatbots, prompt-teknik, text, bilder, uttryck, Modul 4, riktlinjer, system, typer av fördom, strategier, mildring, transformerande inverkan, arbete, samhälle, etiskt medveten.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from £425 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Business Analysis course, you will learn how to apply a core business analysis framework through interactive workshops.
Introduction to Business Analysis, training, business analysis process, IIBA, BCS, Project Management, interactive workshops, business needs analysis, stakeholder requirements, business analysis techniques, key problems, potential opportunities, enterprise, effective requirements, communication plans, analytical competencies, specifying requirements, 3-day course, core business analysis framework, industry best practices, buisness analysis, bussiness analysis, busniess analysis, busness analysis, business analisys, business analisis, business analsysis, business analasys, business analsis, business analasis. Introduction to Business Analysis, training, business analysis process, IIBA, BCS, Project Management, interactive workshops, business needs analysis, stakeholder requirements, business analysis techniques, key problems, potential opportunities, enterprise, effective requirements, communication plans, analytical competencies, specifying requirements, 3-day course, core business analysis framework, industry best practices, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis, business analysis.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
In this Business & Report Writing course, you will learn to develop effective writing skills that convey a credible message & project a professional image.
business writing, report writing, contract proposals, business plans, executive summaries, recommendation reports, internal business communications, workplace writing, effective writing, communication skills, English language proficiency, English grammar, Microsoft Word experience, professional writing, business communication, writing tools, writing skills, writing course, writing training, business English, writing techniques, writing strategies, writing tips, writing improvement, writing development, writing fundamentals, written communication, written skills, writing proficiency, writing mastery, writing success, writing reputation, writing image, writing credibility, writing professionalism, writing excellence, writing fluency, writing accuracy, writing clarity, writing coherence, writing conciseness, writing organization, writing structure, writing format, writing conventions, writing standards, writing guidelines, writing rules, writing principles, writing ethics, writing etiquette, writing culture, writing norms, writing expectations, writing objectives, writing goals, writing outcomes, writing assessment, writing evaluation, writing feedback, writing coaching, writing mentoring, writing support, writing resources, writing community, writing network, writing collaboration, writing partnership, writing teamwork, writing synergy, writing innovation, writing creativity, writing inspiration, writing motivation, writing empowerment, writing confidence, writing resilience, writing adaptability, writing flexibility, writing agility, writing productivity, writing efficiency, writing effectiveness, writing impact, writing influence, writing leadership, writing management, writing entrepreneurship, writing career, writing job, writing profession, writing industry, writing market, writing audience, writing readership, writing customers, writing stakeholders, writing investors, writing partners, writing suppliers, writing competitors, writing peers, writing colleagues, writing experts, writing authorities, writing mentors, writing coaches, writing trainers, writing educators, writing consultants, writing advisors, writing analysts, writing researchers, writing scholars, writing critics, writing journalists, writing editors, writing publishers, writing authors, writing poets, writing novelists, writing playwrights, writing screenwriters, writing bloggers, writing content creators, writing copywriters, writing marketers, writing advertisers, writing publicists, writing communicators, writing presenters, writing speakers, writing trainers, writing facilitators, writing moderators, writing hosts, writing emcees, writing interviewers, writing correspondents, writing anchors, writing reporters, writing journalists, writing broadcasters, writing media professionals, writing creatives, writing artists, writing designers, writing developers. buisness, writting, communcation, langauge, grammer, profficiency, commmunication, efffective, communicaiton, communciations, langauge, grammer, profficiency, buisness, writting, communcation, langauge, grammer, profficiency, commmunication, efffective, business writing, report writing, contract proposals, business plans, executive summaries, recommendation reports, internal business communications, workplace writing, effective writing, communication skills, English language proficiency, English grammar, Microsoft Word experience, professional writing, business communication, writing tools, writing skills, writing course, writing training, business English, writing techniques, writing strategies, writing tips, writing improvement, writing development, writing fundamentals, written communication, written skills, writing proficiency, writing mastery, writing success, writing reputation, writing image, writing credibility, writing professionalism, writing excellence, writing fluency, writing accuracy, writing clarity, writing coherence, writing conciseness, writing organisation, writing structure, writing format, writing conventions, writing standards, writing guidelines, writing rules, writing principles, writing ethics, writing etiquette, writing culture, writing norms, writing expectations, writing objectives, writing goals, writing outcomes, writing assessment, writing evaluation, writing feedback, writing coaching, writing mentoring, writing support, writing resources, writing community, writing network, writing collaboration, writing partnership, writing teamwork, writing synergy, writing innovation, writing creativity, writing inspiration, writing motivation, writing empowerment, writing confidence, writing resilience, writing adaptability, writing flexibility, writing agility, writing productivity, writing efficiency, writing effectiveness, writing impact, writing influence, writing leadership, writing management, writing entrepreneurship, writing career, writing job, writing profession, writing industry, writing market, writing audience, writing readership, writing customers, writing stakeholders, writing investors, writing partners, writing suppliers, writing competitors, writing peers, writing colleagues, writing experts, writing authorities, writing mentors, writing coaches, writing trainers, writing educators, writing consultants, writing advisors, writing analysts, writing researchers, writing scholars, writing critics, writing journalists, writing editors, writing publishers, writing authors, writing poets, writing novelists, writing playwrights, writing screenwriters, writing bloggers, writing content creators, writing copywriters, writing marketers, writing advertisers, writing publicists, writing communicators, writing presenters, writing speakers, writing trainers, writing facilitators, writing moderators, writing hosts, writing emcees, writing interviewers, writing correspondents, writing anchors, writing reporters, writing journalists, writing broadcasters, writing media professionals, writing creatives, writing artists, writing designers, writing developers. business, writing, communication, language, grammar, proficiency, communication, effective, communication, communications, language, grammar, proficiency, business, writing, communication, language, grammar, proficiency, communication, effective.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Learning Tree
In this Business Process Improvement course, you will learn the core BPI skills to design & execute process change & learn how to apply a BPI Framework.
Introduction, Business Process Improvement, BPI, Training, leverage, strategy, improvement, tools, problem areas, measure performance, validate change, create models, step-by-step framework, organization, efficiency, productivity, buisness, improovement, tranning, strateegy, efficeincy Introduction, Business Process Improvement, BPI, Training, leverage, strategy, improvement, tools, problem areas, measure performance, validate change, create models, step-by-step framework, organisation, efficiency, productivity, business, improvement, training, strategy, efficiency.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,460 -
Learning Tree
Enroll on this live C# training course and get an introduction to C# as an object-oriented language for application development. Attend in-class or online.
csharp, C#, C # , C, C#, programming, object-oriented programming, application development, .NET Framework Library, software development, language syntax, program structure, implementation, user interface, business logic, data access, object-oriented coding, coding, production-level programs, practical experience, introductory coverage C sharp, C-sharp, OOP, .NET Framework, programming skills, program structures, program syntax.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
Attend this C++ course & gain a foundation in C++ syntax & object-oriented programming. Learn how to use C++ functions & variables & advanced features.
cplusplus, C++, , C+, C++T, Introduction to C++ Programming, C++ syntax, C++ usage, object-oriented programming, C++ functions, C++ variables, constructors, destructors, inheritance, polymorphism, programming experience, compiled language, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, C, Java, HTML, SQL. Object-oriented programing, C plus plus, constructor, compile language, Pascale, Javaa, SQl, cplusplus, C++, , C+, C++T, C++ programming, syntax, usage, object-oriented programming, functions, variables, constructors, destructors, inheritance, polymorphism, greater ability, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, programming experience, compiled language, HTML, SQL. C plus plus programming, object oriented programming, polymorphisim, compilled language, HTLM, SQL experience. C++ programmering, syntax, användning, objektorienterad programmering, funktioner, variabler, konstruktorer, destruktörer, arv, polymorfism, större förmåga, Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, Ada, programmeringserfarenhet, kompilerat språk, HTML, SQL. Vanliga felstavningar C plus plus programmering, objektorienterad programmering, polymorfism, kompilerat språk, HTLM, SQL erfarenhet.
Foundation4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Attend this introduction to cloud computing training course and learn how it can solve your business problems.
Cloud computing, cloud applications, business benefits, technical benefits, efficient solutions, administrative challenges, ILT, VILT, instructor-led training, virtual instructor-led training, foundational knowledge, analyze, organization, real-world expert, clowd computing, clod computing, clooud computing, cloud computting, clud computing, cloude computing., cloud computing, cloud applications, cloud solutions, cloud technology, cloud services, cloud infrastructure, cloud management, cloud deployment, cloud security, cloud migration, cloud architecture, cloud providers, cloud benefits, virtualization, virtual computing, cloud training, cloud education, cloud certification, clowd computing, clud computing, claud computing, cloid computing, cloude computing, cloud computting, cloud computin molncomputing, molnapplikationer, molnlösningar, molnteknologi, molntjänster, molninfrastruktur, molnhantering, molndeployering, molnsäkerhet, molnmigration, molnarkitektur, molnleverantörer, molnfördelar, virtualisering, virtuell computing, molnutbildning, molnundervisning, molncertifiering, stavfel clowd computing, clud computing, claud computing, cloid computing, cloude computing, cloud computting, cloud computin
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learning Tree
The Information Security Training provides the knowledge and skills to analyze and assess network risks, then select & deploy appropriate countermeasures.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, network security, cyber security, information protection, risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, threat detection, defense mechanisms, hacking prevention, intrusion prevention, data security, network defense, cyber defense, security measures, risk management, security analysis, cybersecurity training, information security training, network protection, vulnerability management, threat analysis, hacking protection, intrusion detection, network hardening, information assurance, security awareness, cyber awareness, security training, IT security training network secuirty, cyber secuity, infrormation security, rish assessment, vurneability analysis, thrat detection, defence mechanisms, hackign prevenetion, intertuption prevenetion, data secuirty, network defend, cyber defensee, securtiy measures, rick managment, sercurity analysis, cyber secuirty trainign, infromation security, newtork protectin, vurnerability managment, threat anaslysis, haacking protection, intursion detection, netwrok hardening, information assurance, servurity awarness, cybre awarness, sercurity trainign, IT secuirty training
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Cybersecurity course, you'll learn to assess your environment, identify needs & enumerate critical elements of security awareness.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, cybersecurity, cyber security, online security, internet safety, computer safety, data protection, data privacy, network security, IT security, information security, cybersecurity awareness, cyber safety, cyber awareness, disaster recovery, continuity of operations, security assessment, security needs, security deficits, security awareness
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £605 -
Learning Tree
This Data Analytics Introduction provides a clear understanding of data analytics's purpose, tools, and techniques.
data analytics, data analysis, data strategy, digital strategy, data tools, data techniques, data planning, data value, data understanding, data evolution, data organisation, data employees, data purpose, data attendees, dat analytics, data analisys, digital strategi, data planing, data evolusion, data orginisation, data emploees. data analytics, data analysis, data strategy, digital strategy, data tools, data techniques, data planning, data value, data understanding, data evolution, data organisation, data employees, data purpose, data attendees, data analytics, data analysis, digital strategy, data planning, data evolution, data organisation, data employees.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Learning Tree
Learn Data Governance & assess Data Maturity with IEC/ISO 38505 standards. Get trained now!
Data governance, data maturity, data strategy, data standards, IEC/ISO 38505, assess, develop, implement, plan, new services, new products, customers, data governence, data maturation, data stratagy, assesss, developement, impliment, costumers. Data governance, data maturity, data strategy, data standards, IEC/ISO 38505, assess, develop, implement, plan, new services, new products, customers, data governance, data maturation, data strategy, assess, development, implement, customers.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Learning Tree
Learn to use and communicate data effectively with our Data Literacy Training. No prerequisites. Join professionals from all fields.
Introduction to Data Literacy Training, data literacy, read data, use data, understand data, communicate data, organisational level, comprehend data, communicate data, drive value, data-literate workforce, share knowledge, meaningful conversations, data literacy course, interpret enterprise data, trusted insights, execution of role, , , data litercy, data litracy, interprate enterprise data, comminicate data Introduction to Data Literacy Training, data literacy, read data, use data, understand data, communicate data, organisational level, comprehend data, communicate data, drive value, data-literate workforce, share knowledge, meaningful conversations, data literacy course, interpret enterprise data, trusted insights, execution of role, , s, data literacy, data literacy, interpret enterprise data, communicate data.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
Learning Tree
Learn DAX from beginner to intermediate level. Covers syntax, structured writing, Data Analysis, and DAX Studio. Start your journey now.
Introduction, DAX, Power BI, syntax, structured, editor, Studio, functions, iterator, statistical, Calculated Columns, Tables, Measures, Quick Measures, Context, CALCULATE, Data Model, Date Dimension, Time Intelligence Functions, Row Level Security, DAXX, Powr BI, sintax, structurd, fucntions, iteratr, Calculated Colums, Tabels, Measurs, Quick Measurs, contex, CALCULAT, Data Modle, Date Dimention, Time Intelligance Fucntions, Row Level Securty. Introduction, DAX, Power BI, syntax, structured, editor, Studio, functions, iterator, statistical, Calculated Columns, Tables, Measures, Quick Measures, Context, CALCULATE, Data Model, Date Dimension, Time Intelligence Functions, Row Level Security, DAXX, Powr BI, syntax, structured, functions, iterator, Calculated Columns, Tables, Measures, Quick Measures, context, CALCULATE, Data Model, Date Dimension, Time Intelligence Functions, Row Level Security.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Decision Analysis gives you the tools required to make better, more informed and justifiable decisions.
Introduction to Decision Analysis, decision-making, structured analysis, formal analysis, creative thinking, agile modelling, rapid modelling, lightweight modelling, organisational decision-making, personal decision-making, tools, toolkit, assumptions, conclusions, actions, deep dive, techniques, field, study, future decision-making, decision analisis, desicion analysis, decision anlysis, desicion anlysis Introduction to Decision Analysis, decision-making, structured analysis, formal analysis, creative thinking, agile modelling, rapid modelling, lightweight modelling, organisational decision-making, personal decision-making, tools, toolkit, assumptions, conclusions, actions, deep dive, techniques, field, study, future decision-making, decision analysis, decision analysis, decision analysis, decision analysis.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Learn Docker in this interactive, hands-on Docker training course.
Docker, tutorial, online course, learning path, workloads, migrate, applications, containers, overview, core concepts, deploy, orchestrate, DevOps, configuration management, continuous integration, best practices, Docker files, deployment, high availability, robust, secure, software, manage, platform. Dockers tutoriol online couse learnig path worklods migarte applicatons contaners overiew core conceps deply orcestrate Devops configuraton management continous integration best practises Dockerfiles deploymet hi availability robst secue softare manag pltaform Docker, tutorial, online course, learning pathway, workloads, migrate, applications, containers, overview, core concepts, deploy, orchestrate, DevOps, configuration management, continuous integration, best practices, Dockerfiles, deployment, high availability, robust, secure, software, manage, platform. Dockers tutorial online course learning path workloads migrate applications containers overview core concepts deploy orchestrate DevOps configuration management continuous integration best practices Dockerfiles deployment high availability robust secure software manage platform
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Master version control with our 'Introduction to Git' course - ideal for developers, data scientists, and writers seeking Git & GitHub proficiency.
Introduction to Git, Version Control, Git Installation, Basic Git Commands, Git Branching, Git Stashing, Git Merging, Conflict Resolution, Git GUI, GitKraken, Git Rebasing, Git Collaboration, GitHub, Remote Repositories, Git Workflows, Undoing Changes, Git History, Git Version Management, Git Reflogs, Git Best Practices, Git Training, Online Git Course, In-Person Git Training, Private Team Training, Git for Developers, Git for Data Scientists, Git for Technical Writers, Git and GitHub Skills, Programming Basics, Command Line Interface, Coding Principles, Introduktion till Git, Versionskontroll, Git-installation, Grundläggande Git-kommandon, Git Branching, Git Stashing, Git Merging, Konfliktlösning, Git GUI, GitKraken, Git Rebasing, Git-samarbete, GitHub, Fjärrrepositorier, Git-arbetsflöden, Ångra ändringar, Git-historik, Git Versionshantering, Git Reflogs, Git Bästa Praxis, Git-utbildning, Online Git-kurs, Git-utbildning på plats, Privat Teamutbildning, Git för Utvecklare, Git för Dataforskare, Git för Tekniska Skribenter, Git och GitHub-färdigheter, Programmeringsgrunder, Kommandoradsgränssnitt, Kodningsprinciper
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Java Programming training course, you gain extensive hands-on experience writing, compiling, and executing Java programs.
Java programming, Java development, Java applications, object-oriented programming, reliability, maintainability, ease of development, hands-on experience, compiling, executing, Java features, Java training, Java course, Java basics, Java syntax, Java language, Java coding, Java fundamentals, Java syntax, Java classes, Java methods, Java variables, Java data types, Java control structures, Java loops, Java arrays, Java strings, Java exceptions, Java packages, Java libraries, Java API, Java virtual machine, Java runtime environment, JRE, JDK, JRE, JVM, Jave programming, Jave development, Jave applications, Jave training, Jave course. Java programming, Java development, Java applications, object-oriented programming, reliability, maintainability, ease of development, hands-on experience, compiling, executing, Java features, Java training, Java course, Java basics, Java syntax, Java language, Java coding, Java fundamentals, Java syntax, Java classes, Java methods, Java variables, Java data types, Java control structures, Java loops, Java arrays, Java strings, Java exceptions, Java packages, Java libraries, Java API, Java virtual machine, Java runtime environment, JRE, JDK, JRE, JVM, Java programming, Java development, Java applications, Java training, Java course.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Julia Programming for Artificial Intelligence course, learn the fundamentals of coding in Julia.
CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Julia programming, machine learning, artificial intelligence, development environment, high performance, scripting environment, Python, compiled languages, C, Fortran, coding, programming techniques, cutting-edge, fundamentals, algorithms, AI, ML Julia programming, machine learning, artificial intelligence, development environment, high performance, scripting environment, Python, compiled languages, C, Fortran, coding, programming techniques, cutting-edge, fundamentals, algorithms, AI, ML.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Enrol in this hands-on Kubernetes course and learn to deploy containerized applications on Kubernetes and scale those applications to handle dynamic traffic.
Kubernetes, k8s, open-source, deployment, scaling, containerization, cloud-agnostic, container orchestration, cloud providers, hands-on, course, deploy, applications, dynamic traffic, continuously deploy, application versions, Kubernetes cluster, application updates, downtime, security, ecosystem, tools, Helm, Rancher, containerized workloads. Kubernates, k8, open soruce, deployement, scalling, containerisation, cloud-agnostic, container orchestration, cloude providers, handson, courser, deply, applicatons, dynmic traffic, continously deply, appliction versions, Kubernets cluster, appliction updtes, down time, secuirty, ecosystm, toolz, Hel, Rancher, containerised workloads. Kubernetes, k8s, open-source, deployment, scaling, containerisation, cloud-agnostic, container orchestration, cloud providers, hands-on, course, deploy, applications, dynamic traffic, continuously deploy, application versions, Kubernetes cluster, application updates, downtime, security, ecosystem, tools, Helm, Rancher, containerised workloads. Kubernetes, k8, open source, deployment, scaling, containerisation, cloud-agnostic, container orchestration, cloud providers, hands-on, course, deploy, applications, dynamic traffic, continuously deploy, application versions, Kubernetes cluster, application updates, downtime, security, ecosystem, tools, Helm, Rancher, containerised workloads.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Attend this Introduction to Linux course & learn to create, edit & search Linux files; control permissions & ownership; process & format text data & more.
Introduction to Linux, Linux training, IT infrastructure, Linux operating system, enterprise environment, foundational knowledge, administer, support, control permissions, process data, shell scripts, administrative tasks, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux distributions, computer knowledge, computer system, Linix, Lenux, Linnux, Lixun Introduction to Linux, Linux training, IT infrastructure, Linux operating system, enterprise environment, foundational knowledge, administer, support, control permissions, process data, shell scripts, administrative tasks, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux distributions, computer knowledge, computer system, Linux, Lenux, Linnux, Lixun.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Machine Learning course, you'll create and train models using no-code solutions, drag-and-drop tools, prepare and analyse data, and explore ready-to-use models for various tasks.
No Code Machine Learning, Data Evaluation, Prediction, Analysis, Optimization, Non-Technical Users, Technical Data Users, Business Analysts, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, In-Person Training, Online Training, Machine Learning Models, Drag-and-Drop Tools, Data Preparation, Data Analysis, Pre-built Pipelines, Algorithms, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Clustering Models, Regression Models, Classification Models, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Datasets, Machine Learning Platforms, Visual Tools, Point-and-Click Tools, Training Models, Machine Learning Use Cases, Numeric Value Prediction, Item Categorization, No Coad Machine Lerning, Data Evalution, Predikshon, Analyzis, Optimezation, Non-Technikal Users, Teknical Data Usars, Bisness Analysts, Datta Scintists, Data Engeneers, In-Persun Training, Onlein Training, Mashine Learning Modles, Drag-and-Droop Toools, Data Preparashon, Data Analyzis, Pre-bilt Pipelins, Algorithems, Natchural Language Procesing, Computor Vizion, Clusturing Modals, Regreshion Modles, Classificashun Modles, Microsoft Azur, Amazun AWS, Datasits, Mashine Lerning Platfarms, Vizual Toools, Point-and-Clik Toools, Training Modles, Mashine Lerning Uce Cases, Numeric Valeu Prediction, Itum Categorizashon, No Code Machine Learning, Datautvärdering, Prediktion, Analys, Optimering, Icke-tekniska Användare, Tekniska Dataanvändare, Affärsanalytiker, Dataforskare, Dataingenjörer, Utbildning På Plats, Onlineutbildning, Maskininlärningsmodeller, Dra-och-Släpp-Verktyg, Datapreparering, Dataanalys, Förbyggda Pipelines, Algoritmer, Naturlig Språkbehandling, Datorseende, Klustermodeller, Regressionsmodeller, Klassificeringsmodeller, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Dataset, Maskininlärningsplattformar, Visuella Verktyg, Pek-och-Klicka-Verktyg, Träna Modeller, Användningsfall för Maskininlärning, Prediktion av Numeriska Värden, Kategorisering av Föremål
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Learning Tree
This introduction to microservices training course explains the benefits of microservices and provides hands-on experience in the most popular tools used.
Microservices, Architecture, Training, Introduction, Benefits, Hands-on, Experience, Tools, Designing, Building, Monitoring, Maintaining, Micro-services, Micro service, Microservices architecture, Micro-services architecture, Micro-services training, Microservice training, Micro-services tools, Microservices tools, Micro-service design, Microservices design, Micro-service building, Microservices building, Micro-service monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Micro-service maintenance, Microservices maintenance, Mis-spellings Microservices architechture, Micro-services architechture, Microservice architechture, Micro-services training, Microservices training, Micro-services tools, Microservices tools, Micro-service design, Microservices design, Micro-service building, Microservices building, Micro-service monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Micro-service maintenance, Microservices maintenance. Microservices, Architecture, Training, Introduction, Benefits, Hands-on, Experience, Tools, Designing, Building, Monitoring, Maintaining, Microservices, Microservice, Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices training, Microservice training, Microservices tools, Microservices tools, Microservice design, Microservices design, Microservice building, Microservices building, Microservice monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Microservice maintenance, Microservices maintenance, Mis-spellings Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices architecture, Microservices training, Microservices tools, Microservices tools, Microservices design, Microservices design, Microservices building, Microservices building, Microservices monitoring, Microservices monitoring, Microservices maintenance, Microservices maintenance.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
This hands-on Introduction to Microsoft Access course provides experience with the features & functionality of Access 2010. Attend in-class or online.
Microsoft Access, Access training, database applications, data control, data manipulation, data analysis, macros, forms, reports, filtering, sorting, grouping, SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows graphical environment, Access 2010, Access 2013, earlier versions of Access, Microsft Access, Accesstraining, databse applications, data manupulation, data anlysis, macos, formes, repots, Sharepoint, SQLServer, Acces 2001, Acces 2010, Acces 2013. Microsoft Access, Access training, database applications, data control, data manipulation, data analysis, macros, forms, reports, filtering, sorting, grouping, SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows graphical environment, Access 2010, Access 2013, earlier versions of Access, Microsoft Access, Access training, database applications, data manipulation, data analysis, macros, forms, reports, SharePoint, SQL Server, Access 2001, Access 2010, Access 2013.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Learn to manage enterprise Windows systems with Microsoft's Configuration Manager for secure, up-to-date systems.
Endpoint Configuration Manager, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Windows systems management, enterprise management, system updates, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management, Endpoint Config Manager, Config Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Config Manager, Windows system management, enterprise system management, system update, system helth, system securty, enterprise Windows mgmt. Endpoint Configuration Manager, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Windows system management, enterprise management, system updates, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management, Endpoint Config Manager, Config Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Config Manager, Windows system management, enterprise system management, system update, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,840 -
Learning Tree
Join our 2-day hands-on course on Microsoft Fabric to master data management and analytics using this all-in-one platform. Ideal for data professionals looking to enhance their skills.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,345 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Networking course provides you with a knowledge of IP addressing, TCP/IP operation & LAN solutions. Attend in-class or online.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, Networking, data communications, technology issues, basic concepts, technologies, components, design alternatives, data links, physical media, LANs, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, internetworks, intranets, TCP/IP design techniques, computers, networks, personal life, professional life. Netwroking Dat communicationTechnolgy issueBasic concpetTecnologieComponenetDesing alternativeData lingPhyiscal media LANS Ethernat Wi Fi IntrenetworkIntranetTCP/PI design techniqueCompiterNetwrokPersoanl life Proffesional life Networking, data communications, technology issues, basic concepts, technologies, components, design alternatives, data links, physical media, LANs, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, internetworks, intranets, TCP/IP design techniques, computers, networks, personal life, professional life. Networking Data communications Technology issues Basic concepts Technologies Components Design alternatives Data links Physical media LANs Ethernet Wi-Fi Internetworks Intranets TCP/IP design techniques Computers Networks Personal life Professional life
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Power BI course, you will gain the basic skills and knowledge to manage and analyze data in Power BI.
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, Power BI Training, data analysis, data model, data visualization, Power BI desktop, Power BI service, Power BI server, data sources, CSV, XLS, Data Analysis Expressions, DAX, Power Query, reporting, custom visuals, Dashboards, Reports, collaboration, sharing, scheduling, Power B, PowerBI, PowerB, Microsoft PowerB, PowerBI Training, data analisis, data modle, data vizualization, PowerBI desktop, PowerBI service, PowerBI server, data sorces, CVS, XLS, Data Analisis Expressions, DAX, Power Qury, reportng, custom vizuals, Dashbords, Repots, collabration, sharring, schedulling.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Learning Tree
Learn the fundamentals in Learning Tree's introduction to project management training course. Master scheduling, budgeting, risk management & more.
pm, introduction, project management, training, course, knowledge, skills, lead, project, beginning, end, hands-on, experience, simulated, case study, introdution, projct, managment, traning, cource, knoledge, skils, leed, begining, experiance, simualted, intrduction, prject, managemnt, trining, cousre, knowlege, sklls, lde, begnning, experince, simuated Introduction, project management, training, course, knowledge, skills, lead, project, beginning, end, hands-on, experience, simulated, case study, introduction, project, management, training, course, knowledge, skills, lead, beginning, experience, simulated, introduction, project, management, training, course, knowledge, skills, lead, beginning, experience, simulated.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,490 -
Learning Tree
Learn Python for data analytics: clean, manipulate, and mine data. Evaluate model performance with numpy, pandas, scipy, and scikit-learn.
Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, numPy, Pandas, sciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, pyton, dat analytics, programing, statstical computing, numpy, pandas, scypy, scikit learn, busines questions Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classBundleStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Master Python at your pace with our On-Demand course. Learn coding, app development, and access content, labs, and videos anytime for a year.
ondemand, Python training, Python course, Python learning, Python coding, Python development, on-demand training, online training, self-paced learning, flexible learning, Python programming, Python apps, Python syntax, Python modules, Python libraries, Python beginners, Python for beginners, Python basics, Pythong training, Pythpn course, Pyhton learning, Pthyon coding, Python devolopment.
FoundationOn-DemandStarts from £1,420 -
Learning Tree
This Introduction to Python programming course provides hands-on experience using Python to rapidly develop feature-rich applications.
PCEP certification, Python training, Python course, Python development, Python programming, Python app development, Python coding, Python syntax, Python libraries, Python packages, Python modules, Python basics, Python fundamentals, Python for beginners, Python for dummies, Pyton, Pythin, Pythn Python training, Python course, Python development, Python programming, Python app development, Python coding, Python syntax, Python libraries, Python packages, Python modules, Python basics, Python fundamentals, Python for beginners, Python for dummies, Python, Python, Python.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build mobile apps with React Native. Gain hands-on experience in creating dynamic, cross-platform applications. Enroll now!
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579 -
Learning Tree
This Introduction to SharePoint 2019 gives a comprehensive overview of the on-premise platform. Learn to create, manage, & customise its new features.
SharePoint 2019, Introduction, Training, on-premise platform, business collaboration, document management, information access, solutions deployment, customisation, Microsoft Windows, Office, web, Sharepoint, Share Point, Share-Point, SharePiont SharePoint 2019, Introduction, Training, on-premises platform, business collaboration, document management, information access, solutions deployment, customization, Microsoft Windows, Office, web, SharePoint, Share Point, Share-Point, SharePiont.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Software Testing course, learn to apply fundamental test processes, implement test levels & types to various software development models.
Software testing, testing approaches, software life cycle, static analysis, test-design techniques, testing methods, functional design, maintainable products, ISTQB Foundation certification, certified tester, Course 316, achieving certification, practical exercises, multiple domains. Softare testing, testing aprroaches, static analisys, test-design technique, ISTBQ Foundation certification, certifed tester, achiving certificatin.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to SQL course, you will learn how to optimise the accessibility and maintenance of data with the SQL programming language.
SQL, SQL programming language, database applications, build databases, query databases, manipulate databases, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, accessibility, maintenance, deviations, standard, S-Q-L, PostgresSQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracel SQL, SQL programming language, database applications, build databases, query databases, manipulate databases, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, accessibility, maintenance, deviations, standard, SQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
Master TypeScript and Node basics in our concise course. Acquire skills to create and deploy scalable apps.
learning tree, team training, application programming interface, typescript and node, team course #, node training, instructor - led training, functional programming, advanced typescript course, training delivery methods, software developers, training programs, pure functions, learning experience, problem solving, data structures, open source, static type, social media, side effects, delivery methods, higher order functions, typescript compiler, training delivery, api call, function call, operating systems, type checking, rest api, instructor led training ilt, TypeScript training, Node course, web development certification, JavaScript, back-end programming, TypeScript-utbildning, Node-kurs, certifiering för webbutveckling, JavaScript, backend-programmering
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Introduction to VBA programming course, you gain the skills to develop customised business solutions using VBA. Attend in-class or online.
VBA Programming, Visual Basic for Applications, automate tasks, user interfaces, Microsoft Office solutions, productivity, Microsoft Office applications, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, VBA Programing, Visual Basic for Aplications, automate taks, user interfac, Microsoft Ofice solutions, producivity, Microsoft Ofice applications, Ofice 2007, Ofice 2010, Ofice 2013, Ofice 2016 VBA Programming, Visual Basic for Applications, automate tasks, user interfaces, Microsoft Office solutions, productivity, Microsoft Office applications, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, VBA Programming, Visual Basic for Applications, automate tasks, user interface, Microsoft Office solutions, productivity, Microsoft Office applications, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Get ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) for entry-level to advanced certs & leadership roles. No experience needed.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, certified in cybersecurity, entry-level certification, cybersecurity certification, no experience required, recent graduates, career changers, IT professionals, advanced cybersecurity certifications, CISSP, Information Systems Security Professional, Security+, leadership roles, cyberscurity, cybsersecurity, certifed in cybersecurity, entery-level certification, cyberscurity certification, experiece required, recent gradutes, carer changers, IT profesionals, advaced cybersecurity certifications, CISSP, Infrmation systems security profesional, security+, lideraship roles.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £875 -
This ISTQB foundation level certification course prepares you for the ISTQB-BCS Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) Exam.
ISTQB, ISTQB Foundation Level, CTFL, Certified Tester, exam preparation, test design, test management, static testing, accreditation, BCS, training course, syllabus, certification, pass, importance, organisation, activities, techniques, ISTBQ, ISTB, ISTQ, CTFL certification, Certified Testor, exam prep, test designing, test managing, statik testing, accreditiation, BCS certification, sylabus
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,460 -
Learning Tree
In this IT management course, you will gain the skills to manage an IT environment, learn to lead with vision, and motivate and empower with passion.
IT management, IT team management, IT skills training, leadership training, delegation skills, progress tracking, feedback sharing, time management, communication skills, non-technical communication, IT managment, IT team managment, IT skils training, leadership traning, deligation skills, progres tracking, feedbak sharing, time managment, comunication skills, non-technical comunication IT management, IT team management, IT skills training, leadership training, delegation skills, progress tracking, feedback sharing, time management, communication skills, non-technical communication, IT management, IT team management, IT skills training, leadership training, delegation skills, progress tracking, feedback sharing, time management, communication skills, non-technical communication.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Master ITIL 4 with our Exam Prep Toolkit and take your certification exam confidently. Comprehensive training and resources included.
On demand, ondemand, ITIL 4 FOUNDATIONAL TRAINING, ITIL , ITIL 4 FOUNDATIONAL TRAININGS, ITIL4 FOUNDATION, ITIL4, ITIL4 FOUNDATIONS, ITIL, Foundation Training, service management, certification, end-to-end, operating model, tech-enabled, products, services, technology, IT teams, business strategy, learning options, accredited, course content, curriculum, exam, re-sit, practice exams, prep questions, resources, Learning Paths ITAL, Foudation, serivce, certifcation, end-toend, operatng, modle, prodcts, servces, tehcnology, busniess, stategy, exma, rejusit, practsice, resourses
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from £1,275 -
This ITIL® 4 Foundation Training course is designed to improve service management & prepares you to pass the ITIL 4 Foundation Certification exam.
ITIL 4 FOUNDATIONAL TRAINING, ITIL , ITIL 4 FOUNDATIONAL TRAININGS, ITIL4 FOUNDATION, ITIL4, ITIL4 FOUNDATIONS, ITIL, Foundation Training, service management, certification, end-to-end, operating model, tech-enabled, products, services, technology, IT teams, business strategy, learning options, accredited, course content, curriculum, exam, re-sit, practice exams, prep questions, resources, Learning Paths ITAL, Foudation, serivce, certifcation, end-toend, operatng, modle, prodcts, servces, tehcnology, busniess, stategy, exma, rejusit, practsice, resourses
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,530 -
Discover a new perspective to the ITIL 4 guidance to elevate the discussion and prepare for the official ITIL 4 Strategic Leader exam.
ITIL, certification, module, guidance, organizational strategy, digital strategy, business goals, digital disruption, corporate strategy, processes, business models, framework, service management, technology, exam, training, IT, digital leaders, strategic business decisions, global leaders, digital transformation journey, challenges, technology. ITILL, certifacation, modul, guidence, organisational strategy, digitel strategy, busness goals, digitel disrupton, corperate strategy, proceses, busness modles, framwork, service managment, tecnology, exm, traning, IT, digitel leeders, stratgic busness desisions, globel leeders, digitel transformashun jurney, challanges, tecnology. ITIL, certification, module, guidance, organisational strategy, digital strategy, business goals, digital disruption, corporate strategy, processes, business models, framework, service management, technology, exam, training, IT, digital leaders, strategic business decisions, global leaders, digital transformation journey, challenges, technology. ITIL, certification, module, guidance, organizational strategy, digital strategy, business goals, digital disruption, corporate strategy, processes, business models, framework, service management, technology, exam, training, IT, digital leaders, strategic business decisions, global leaders, digital transformation journey, challenges, technology.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
The ITIL 4 Practitioner Change Enablement course will give you the skills to maximise the number of successful service and product changes ensuring risks have been accurately assessed.
ITIL 4, Change Enablement, service changes, product changes, risks assessment, change authorisation, change schedule management, IT professionals, strategic level, operational level, stakeholders' expectations, negative impacts of change, governance, compliance, risk control, change development, ITIL Maturity Model, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Official course content, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, Certification Renewal, Exam Information, multiple choice, Certification Renewal, Training Outline, Introduction to Change Enablement, Value Streams, Processes, Organisations and People, Information and Technology, Partners and Suppliers, Capability Assessment, Practice Success Recommendations, ITIL 4, Change Enablement, tjänsteändringar, produktändringar, riskbedömning, ändringsbehörighet, hantering av ändringsschema, IT-professionella, strategisk nivå, operativ nivå, intressenters förväntningar, negativa effekter av förändring, styrning, efterlevnad, riskkontroll, utveckling av förändring, ITIL Mognadsmodell, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Officiellt kursinnehåll, PeopleCert Examensvoucher, Take2 omtentamen, instruktörscoaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, Certifieringsförnyelse, Examensinformation, flervalsfrågor, Certifieringsförnyelse, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Change Enablement, Värdeflöden, Processer, Organisationer och Personer, Information och Teknologi, Partner och Leverantörer, Förmågebedömning, Rekommendationer för Praxisframgång
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £579 -
Enhance your ITIL skills with our 1-day Continual Improvement Training. Gain practical insights and an exam voucher to advance your career.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
ITIL 4 Deployment Management training course. Learn principles, processes, benefits, and implementation of IT service changes.
ITIL 4, Deployment Management, hardware, software, documentation, processes, live environments, testing, staging, IT professionals, strategic level, operational level, value maximization, product deployment, service deployment, controlled environments, development, integration, production, test, staging, live, service components removal, deployment approaches, value streams, ITIL Maturity Model, team training, online training, in-person training, official curriculum, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certification renewal, PeopleCert, multiple choice exam, closed book exam, Introduction to Deployment Management, common terms, practice scope, success factors, key metrics, Value Streams and Processes, process application, value stream assessment, Organizations and People, roles and competencies, organizational structure, Information and Technology, information exchange, automation, tooling, Partners and Suppliers, third-party dependencies, partners support, Capability Assessment and Development, practice capability evaluation, self-assessment, practice development, practice recommendations, hårdvara, mjukvara, dokumentation, processer, livsmiljöer, testning, staging, IT-professionella, strategisk nivå, operativ nivå, värdeoptimering, produktimplementering, tjänsteimplementering, kontrollerade miljöer, utveckling, integration, produktion, test, staging, live, borttagning av tjänstekomponenter, implementeringsmetoder, värdeströmmar, ITIL Mognadsmodell, teamutbildning, onlineutbildning, utbildning på plats, officiell kursplan, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 omtentamen, instruktörscoachning, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certifieringsförnyelse, PeopleCert, flervalsprov, sluten bok prov, Introduktion till Deployment Management, vanliga termer, praxisomfång, framgångsfaktorer, nyckelmetriker, Värdeströmmar och Processer, tillämpning av processer, värdeströmsbedömning, Organisationer och Människor, roller och kompetenser, organisationsstruktur, Information och Teknologi, informationsutbyte, automatisering, verktyg, Partners och Leverantörer, beroenden av tredje part, partnerstöd, Förmåga Bedömning och Utveckling, utvärdering av praxisförmåga, självbedömning, utveckling av implementeringshantering, rekommendationer för praxis
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master ITIL Incident Management Training with our comprehensive course. Gain key skills in IT service restoration and ITIL best practices.
ITIL 4 Incident Management, ITIL Practitioner, IT service management, ITIL certification, ITIL training, incident handling, ITIL Maturity Model, ITIL online course, PeopleCert Exam, ITIL exam preparation, ITIL foundation certificate, ITIL course curriculum, IT incident response, ITIL value streams, ITIL processes, ITIL organisational structure, ITIL information technology, ITIL automation, ITIL partners and suppliers, ITIL capability assessment, ITIL practice development, ITIL success factors, ITIL key metrics, ITIL exam voucher, ITIL exam re-sit, ITIL certification renewal, ITIL closed book exam, ITIL exam questions, ITIL team training, ITIL after-course coaching, ITIL exam format, ITIL course prerequisites, ITIL exam criteria, IT service operation, IT incident management tools, ITIL practice area, ITIL training outline, ITIL 4 Incident Management, ITIL-utövare, IT-tjänstehantering, ITIL-certifiering, ITIL-utbildning, hantering av incidenter, ITIL Mognadsmodell, ITIL online-kurs, PeopleCert-examen, förberedelse för ITIL-examen, ITIL grundcertifikat, ITIL kursplan, IT-incidentrespons, ITIL värdeflöden, ITIL-processer, ITIL organisationsstruktur, ITIL informationsteknik, ITIL-automatisering, ITIL-partners och leverantörer, ITIL kapacitetsbedömning, ITIL-praxisutveckling, ITIL framgångsfaktorer, ITIL nyckelmetriker, ITIL-examensvoucher, ITIL-examensomprovning, förnyelse av ITIL-certifiering, ITIL-examen med stängd bok, ITIL-examensfrågor, ITIL teamutbildning, ITIL efterkurscoaching, ITIL-examensformat, ITIL kursförutsättningar, ITIL-examenskriterier, IT-tjänsteoperation, verktyg för hantering av IT-incidenter, ITIL-praxisområde, ITIL utbildningsöversikt
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £595 -
Enhance your ITIL skills with our 1-day ISM Training. Gain insights into protecting business information and managing security risks. Exam voucher included.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
ITIL 4 Specialist: IT Asset Management training course is for IT professionals who are involved in managing costs and risks, monitoring and ensuring compliance, and good governance of IT assets.
ITIL 4, IT Asset Management, practice module, lifecycle management, value maximization, cost control, risk management, decision-making, purchase, re-use, retirement, disposal, regulatory compliance, contractual requirements, strategic level, operational level, informed decisions, utilization optimization, maintenance, legal compliance, business alignment, IT investments, ITIL Maturity Model, team training, online training, in-person training, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certification renewal, PeopleCert, exam information, multiple choice, closed book, training outline, Introduction to IT Asset Management, value streams, processes, organizations, people, information, technology, partners, suppliers, capability assessment, practice success, ITIL 4, IT-tillgångshantering, praktikmodul, livscykelhantering, värdeoptimering, kostnadskontroll, riskhantering, beslutsfattande, köp, återanvändning, pensionering, avyttring, regelverksmässig efterlevnad, kontraktsmässiga krav, strategisk nivå, operativ nivå, informerade beslut, optimering av användning, underhåll, juridisk efterlevnad, affärsanpassning, IT-investeringar, ITIL Mognadsmodell, teamutbildning, onlineutbildning, utbildning på plats, PeopleCert Examenvoucher, Take2-omtenta, handledning efter kursen, ITIL 4 Grundcertifikat, certifieringsförnyelse, PeopleCert, examinationinformation, flervalsfrågor, stängd bok, utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till IT-tillgångshantering, värdeflöden, processer, organisationer, människor, information, teknik, partners, leverantörer, förmågautvärdering, praktikframgång
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master ITIL 4 Monitoring and Event Management with our comprehensive course. Enhance service health, reduce costs, and boost IT performance effectively.
ITIL 4 Training, Monitoring and Event Management, IT service availability, incident detection, service health, performance reporting, cost reduction, service value stream, ITIL Maturity Model, online training, team training, PeopleCert Exam, ITIL certification, ITIL Foundation prerequisite, exam preparation, organizational structure, automation in ITIL, third-party dependencies, capability assessment, practice development, ITIL 4-utbildning, Övervakning och händelsehantering, Tillgänglighet av IT-tjänster, Incidentdetektering, Hälsa för tjänster, Rapportering av prestanda, Kostnadsreduktion, Värdeflöde för tjänst, ITIL-mognadsmodell, Online-utbildning, Teamutbildning, PeopleCert-examen, ITIL-certifiering, Förutsättning för ITIL Foundation, Förberedelse för examen, Organisatorisk struktur, Automatisering i ITIL, Beroenden av tredje part, Bedömning av kapacitet, Utveckling av praxis.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Enhance IT service reliability with our ITIL Problem Management training, covering key strategies, tools, and certifications for IT professionals.
ITIL 4 Problem Management, Course Objective, Benefits, Delivery Methods, Online Training, Team Training, Training Information, Course Content, PeopleCert Exam, Take2 Re-sit, Instructor Coaching, Training Prerequisites, ITIL Foundation Certificate, Certification Information, Exam Format, Certification Renewal, Training Outline, Introduction to Problem Management, Value Streams, Processes, Organizations and People, Information and Technology, Partners and Suppliers, Capability Assessment, Practice Development, Practice Success Recommendations, ITIL 4 Problemhantering, Kursmål, Fördelar, Leveransmetoder, Onlineutbildning, Teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Kursinnehåll, PeopleCert-examen, Take2 Omtentamen, Instruktörscoaching, Förutsättningar för Utbildning, ITIL Foundation-certifikat, Certifieringsinformation, Examsformat, Certifieringsförnyelse, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Problemhantering, Värdeflöden, Processer, Organisationer och Människor, Information och Teknik, Partner och Leverantörer, Kapacitetsbedömning, Praxisutveckling, Rekommendationer för Framgångsrik Praxis
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master ITIL 4 RM practices in just 1 days with our interactive training. Gain skills, exam voucher, and after-course coaching for success.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
The ITIL 4 Practitioner Change Enablement course will give you the skills to maximize the number of successful service and product changes ensuring risks have been accurately assessed.
ITIL 4, Release Management, IT professionals, strategic, operational, value streams, service relationships, risks, ITIL Maturity Model, online training, in-person training, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certification renewal, exam information, value streams, processes, organizations, people, information, technology, partners, suppliers, capability assessment, practice development, recommendations, organisations, ITIL 4, Releasehantering, IT-professionella, strategisk, operativ, värdeflöden, servicerealtioner, risker, ITIL Mognadsmodell, onlineutbildning, utbildning på plats, PeopleCert Examenkupong, Take2 omtentamen, instruktörscoaching, ITIL 4 Foundation-certifikat, certifieringsförnyelse, examensinformation, värdeflöden, processer, organisationer, människor, information, teknologi, partners, leverantörer, förmågebedömning, praktikutveckling, rekommendationer
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
ITIL 4 Practitioner Service Configuration Management Practice training course. Advance your career in IT service management.
ITIL Practitioner, Service Configuration Management, configuration items, IT professionals, strategic level, operational level, value, challenges, collect, manage, hardware, software, networks, buildings, suppliers, products, services, risk management, capacity, availability, security, ITIL Maturity Model, team training, online, in-person, official content, curriculum, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certification renewal, exam information, multiple choice, closed book, training outline, introduction, value streams, processes, organizations, people, information, technology, partners, suppliers, capability assessment, practice success, ITIL Practitioner, Service Configuration Management, konfigurationsobjekt, IT-professionella, strategisk nivå, operativ nivå, värde, utmaningar, samla, hantera, hårdvara, mjukvara, nätverk, byggnader, leverantörer, produkter, tjänster, riskhantering, kapacitet, tillgänglighet, säkerhet, ITIL Maturity Model, teamutbildning, online, på plats, officiellt innehåll, läroplan, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 omprov, instruktörscoaching, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, certifieringsförnyelse, examensinformation, flervalsfrågor, stängd bok, utbildningsöversikt, introduktion, värdeströmmar, processer, organisationer, människor, information, teknologi, partner, leverantörer, förmågebedömning, praktikframgång
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master the ITIL Service Desk practice, the single point of contact for all users. Learn about service management, incident resolution, and more.
ITIL 4 Practitioner: Service Desk, Course 5340, ITIL Service Desk practice, incident resolution, service requests, service provider, service desk practice, service management, organizations and people, information and technology, value streams and processes, partners and suppliers, ITIL Service Desk Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, ITIL Service Desk Information, service desk practices, ITIL 4 Foundation certification, ITIL Service Desk exam, PeopleCert ITIL 4 Continuing Education credits, ITIL Service Desk Training Outline, Module 1: Introduction to ITIL Service Desk Practice, Key Metrics, Module 2: Value Streams and Processes, Value Stream Contribution, Module 3: Organizations and People, Organizational structure and teams, Module 4: Information and Technology, Information exchange, Automation and tooling, Module 5: Partners and Suppliers, software tools, Consulting and advisory, Module 6: Capability Assessment and Development, practice capability levels, Capability self-assessment, Service desk capability development, Module 7: Recommendations for Practice Success, Official PeopleCert Training, Take2 exam re-sit, After-course instructor coaching benefit, ITIL Service Desk FAQs, ITIL 4-utövare: Service Desk, Kurs 5340, ITIL Service Desk-praxis, incidentlösning, serviceförfrågningar, tjänsteleverantör, service desk-praxis, servicehantering, organisationer och människor, information och teknologi, värdeflöden och processer, partners och leverantörer, ITIL Service Desk-leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, ITIL Service Desk-information, service desk-praxis, ITIL 4 Foundation-certifiering, ITIL Service Desk-examen, PeopleCert ITIL 4 Fortsatt utbildningskrediter, ITIL Service Desk-utbildningsöversikt, Modul 1: Introduktion till ITIL Service Desk-praxis, Nyckelmetriker, Modul 2: Värdeflöden och Processer, Värdeflödets Bidrag, Modul 3: Organisationer och Människor, Organisationsstruktur och team, Modul 4: Information och Teknologi, Informationsutbyte, Automatisering och verktyg, Modul 5: Partners och Leverantörer, programvaruverktyg, Konsulttjänster och rådgivning, Modul 6: Bedömning och Utveckling av Förmåga, praxis kapabilitetsnivåer, Självbedömning av förmåga, Utveckling av service desk-förmåga, Modul 7: Rekommendationer för Praxis framgång, Officiell PeopleCert-utbildning, Take2 examen omtag, Efter-kurs instruktörs coaching förmån, ITIL Service Desk-FAQs, organisations, organisation.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Gain essential skills in ITIL® 4 SLM with our 1-day course, including an exam voucher and after-course coaching, all in a private team training format.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Master ITIL 4 Service Request Management with our comprehensive course. Enhance skills in ITIL practices, processes, and certification preparation.
ITIL 4, Service Request Management, Training Information, Delivery Methods, Online Training, Private Team Training, Official Curriculum, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 Exam Re-sit, Instructor Coaching, Training Prerequisites, ITIL Foundation Certificate, Certification Information, Exam Details, Certification Renewal, Training Outline, Introduction to Service Request Management, Value Streams and Processes, Organizations and People, Information and Technology, Partners and Suppliers, Capability Assessment, Practice Development, Practice Success Recommendations, ITIL 4, Hantering av Serviceförfrågningar, Utbildningsinformation, Leveransmetoder, Onlineträning, Privat Teamträning, Officiellt Läroplan, PeopleCert Examenskupong, Take2 Omtentamen, Instruktörscoaching, Utbildningsförutsättningar, ITIL Foundation-certifikat, Certifieringsinformation, Examensdetaljer, Certifieringsförnyelse, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Hantering av Serviceförfrågningar, Värdeflöden och Processer, Organisationer och Personer, Information och Teknologi, Partner och Leverantörer, Kapabilitetsbedömning, Praxisutveckling, Rekommendationer för Praxisframgång
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Enhance your ITIL skills with our 1-day ITIL® 4 Practitioner: SM Training. Gain insights into supplier management to boost service quality and performance.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Maximize ITIL® 4's value with this 3-day course on Collaborate, Assure & Improve practices, enhancing IT-enabled services and management strategies.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
This ITIL® 4 course focuses on the integration of different value streams and activities to create, deliver, and support IT-enabled products and services.
ITIL, ITIL 4, Specialist, Create, Deliver, Support, CDS, service management, value streams, activities, IT-enabled products, services, supporting practices, methods, tools, service quality, improvement methods, ITILL, ITIL4, specilist, creat, delivr, suport, CSD, servce, managment, valuw streams, activites, IT enabld, prodcts, servces, suporting prctices, methds, tuls, servce qaulity, improvmnt methds. ITIL, ITIL 4, Specialist, Create, Deliver, Support, CDS, service management, value streams, activities, IT-enabled products, services, supporting practices, methods, tools, service quality, improvement methods, ITIL, ITIL 4, specialist, create, deliver, support, CDS, service, management, value streams, activities, IT-enabled, products, services, supporting practices, methods, tools, service quality, improvement methods.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
Learn the tools required to drive user engagement in this ITIL 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV) course & prep for the official ITIL exam.
ITIL 4, Specialist, Drive Stakeholder Value, training, engagement, interaction, service provider, customers, users, suppliers, partners, demand, value, IT-enabled services, SLA design, multi-supplier management, communication, relationship management, CX, UX design, customer journey mapping, stakeholder satisfaction, business success, competitive landscape, exam, ITIL 4 Managing Professional Certification, user engagement, internal stakeholder satisfaction, external stakeholder satisfaction. ITIL 4 ITIL4, ITILFOUR, ITIL IV Specialist Specialst, Specialis, Spesialist Drive Drve, Drie, Dirve Stakeholder Stakehoder, Stakholder, Stakehoulder Value Valu, Vlaue, Valeu ITIL 4, Specialist, Drive Stakeholder Value, training, engagement, interaction, service provider, customers, users, suppliers, partners, demand, value, IT-enabled services, SLA design, multi-supplier management, communication, relationship management, CX, UX design, customer journey mapping, stakeholder satisfaction, business success, competitive landscape, exam, ITIL 4 Managing Professional Certification, user engagement, internal stakeholder satisfaction, external stakeholder satisfaction. ITIL 4 ITIL4, ITILFOUR, ITIL IV Specialist Specialst, Specialis, Spesialist Drive Drve, Drie, Dirve Stakeholder Stakehoder, Stakholder, Stakehoulder Value Valu, Vlaue, Valeu
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
Discover how organisations function in high-velocity environments in this ITIL 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT (HVIT) course & prep for the official exam.
ITIL, High-Velocity IT, training, organizations, information, technologies, products, services, competition, agility, speed, cost-effectiveness, responsiveness, digital, operating models, Agile, Lean, Cloud, Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Automatic Testing, quality, business value, exam, certification, managing professional, MP. ITIL® 4 Specialist High Velocity IT, High Velocity ITIL, HVIT, Agile, Lean, Cloud, Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Automatic Testing. ITIL, High-Velocity IT, training, organisations, information, technologies, products, services, competition, agility, speed, cost-effectiveness, responsiveness, digital, operating models, Agile, Lean, Cloud, Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Automatic Testing, quality, business value, exam, certification, managing professional, MP. ITIL® 4 Specialist High Velocity IT, High Velocity ITIL, HVIT, Agile, Lean, Cloud, Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Automatic Testing.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
Enhance your IT skills with the ITIL 4 Specialist Monitor Support and Fulfil course, delivering key practices in strategic IT management and service.
knowledge management, management processes, service management practices, service configuration management, asset management, service value system, request management practice, service management itsm, general management practice, incident management practice, single point of contact, project management, itil practices, itil 4 management, user initiated service requests, technical management practices, service financial management, information security management, support the agreed quality, service portal, ITIL 4 Specialist, Monitor Support Fulfil, Incident Management, Service Desk, Service Request Management, Monitoring Event Management, Problem Management, ITIL Practices, Strategic Operational IT Management, ITIL Maturity Model, PeopleCert Exam, ITIL Certification, ITIL Training, IT Management Course, IT Service Value Streams, ITIL 4-specialist, övervakning av stöd och uppfyllande, incidenthantering, servicedesk, hantering av serviceförfrågningar, övervakning och händelsehantering, problemhantering, ITIL-metoder, strategisk och operativ IT-hantering, ITIL-mognadsmodell, PeopleCert-examen, ITIL-certifiering, ITIL-utbildning, IT-hanteringskurs, IT-tjänstens värdeflöden
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
ITIL 4 course enables you to learn to plan, execute, and maintain effective IT service management with this combo of five practices.
ITIL 4 Specialist, Plan, Implement, Control, Change Enablement, Deployment Management, Release Management, Service Configuration Management, IT Asset Management, cross-practice collaboration, service value streams, strategic level, operational level, value maximisation, key concepts, principles, challenges, stakeholder understanding, co-create value, business goals, practice integration, value streams, interfaces, synergies, metrics, success factors, performance improvement, ITIL Maturity Model, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Official course content, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, Training Prerequisites, ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition Certificate, Certification Information, Exam Information, Certification Renewal, Training Outline, key inputs, outputs, activities, organisational value streams, roles, competences, organisational structure, information technology support, partners, suppliers, ITIL capability model, incident management success, ITIL guiding principles, ITIL 4 Specialist, Planera, Implementera, Kontrollera, Förändringsmöjliggörande, Distributionshantering, Versionshantering, Konfigurationshantering av tjänster, IT-tillgångshantering, tvärpraktiksamarbete, tjänstevärdeflöden, strategisk nivå, operativ nivå, värdeoptimering, nyckelkoncept, principer, utmaningar, intressentförståelse, samskapa värde, affärsmål, praktikintegration, värdeflöden, gränssnitt, synergier, mätvärden, framgångsfaktorer, prestationsförbättring, ITIL Mognadsmodell, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Officiellt kursinnehåll, PeopleCert Examensvoucher, Take2 omtentamen, instruktörscoaching, Utbildningsförutsättningar, ITIL 4 Grundcertifikat, ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition Certificate, Certifieringsinformation, Examensinformation, Certifieringsförnyelse, Utbildningsöversikt, nyckelindata, -utdata, aktiviteter, organisationsvärdeflöden, roller, kompetenser, organisationsstruktur, stöd från informationsteknik, partners, leverantörer, ITIL-kapacitetsmodell, framgång för incidenthantering, ITIL vägledande principer
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
Learn the skills to create a learning & improving IT organisation in this ITIL 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) course & prep for the official exam.
ITIL, ITIL 4, Strategist, Direct, Plan, Improve, DPI, Agile, Lean, learning, improving, organization, strategic direction, continual improvement, agility, exam, Managing Professional, Strategic Leader, certifications, ITILL, ITIL4, Direkt, Plann, Improv, DPY, Agil, Lean, improov ITIL, ITIL 4, Strategist, Direct, Plan, Improve, DPI, Agile, Lean, learning, improving, organisation, strategic direction, continual improvement, agility, exam, Managing Professional, Strategic Leader, certifications, ITILL, ITIL4, Direct, Plan, Improve, DPI, Agile, Lean, improve.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,730 -
Learning Tree
Boost your Java coding skills with our Best Practices Training. Learn coding practices & design patterns to up your programming game!
Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview Jave, Bets Practices, Desgin Patterns, Traning, Progrmming, Sotware Develpment, Adaper Patterns, Comuter Programming, Comuter Scince, Singl-Instnce Progrmming Languges, Real-Word Software Develpment, Good Pratices, Jave Cod, Implmentation, Creatin, Aply, Skils, Undrstanding, Comprehnsive Oerview. Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview. No changes needed for UK English Java, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, Programming, Software Development, Adapter Patterns, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Single-Instance Programming Languages, Real-World Software Development, Good Practices, Java Code, Implementation, Creation, Apply, Skills, Understanding, Comprehensive Overview. No changes needed for UK English
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn Java EE web application development in this course. Learn to integrate key components of Java EE 6 to create dynamic data-driven Web applications.
Java, web application development, training, high-performing, scalable, secure, Java Enterprise Edition, enterprise applications, Java programming, inheritance model, standard Java APIs, XML, intranet, internet development, HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, Java EE, web-based applications, state-of-the-art, experience, comprehensive approach, simple approach, programming experience, working knowledge, familiarity, APIs, classes, scalability, security, performance, internet technologies, web development, coding, software development, software engineering, programming languages, IT training, software training, computer science, application development, server-side programming, client-side programming, web services, network programming, database programming, front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, software architecture, software design, software testing, software deployment, software maintenance, software debugging, software optimization, software documentation, software project management, software development life cycle, software development methodologies, agile development, waterfall development, iterative development, object-oriented programming, functional programming, procedural programming, scripting, markup languages, style sheets, web standards, web accessibility, search engine optimization, user experience, user interface, responsive design, mobile development, cloud computing, virtualization, containerization, DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, version control, source code management, bug tracking, issue tracking, collaboration, teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, professionalism, ethics, career development, job skills, job market, job search, job interview, resume, cover letter, networking, professional associations, certification, online learning, e-learning, distance learning, classroom training, instructor-led training, self-paced training, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, internship, mentorship, coaching, consulting, freelancing, entrepreneurship, startup, business development, project management, product management, marketing, sales, customer service, technical support, IT operations, system administration, network administration, database administration, security administration, cloud administration, web hosting, domain registration, website management, content management, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, analytics, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, compliance, regulations, standards, best practices, industry trends, emerging technologies, innovation management, digital transformation, organizational culture, change management, leadership development, team building, employee engagement, performance management, talent management, human resources, diversity and inclusion, workplace wellness, work-life balance, time management, stress management, productivity, creativity, motivation, happiness, fulfillment, personal development, self-improvement, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, philosophy. Jave, Jawa, Javea, Jav, Javas Java, web application development, training, high-performing, scalable, secure, Java Enterprise Edition, enterprise applications, Java programming, inheritance model, standard Java APIs, XML, intranet, internet development, HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, Java EE, web-based applications, state-of-the-art, experience, comprehensive approach, simple approach, programming experience, working knowledge, familiarity, APIs, classes, scalability, security, performance, internet technologies, web development, coding, software development, software engineering, programming languages, IT training, software training, computer science, application development, server-side programming, client-side programming, web services, network programming, database programming, front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, software architecture, software design, software testing, software deployment, software maintenance, software debugging, software optimisation, software documentation, software project management, software development life cycle, software development methodologies, agile development, waterfall development, iterative development, object-oriented programming, functional programming, procedural programming, scripting, markup languages, style sheets, web standards, web accessibility, search engine optimisation, user experience, user interface, responsive design, mobile development, cloud computing, virtualisation, containerisation, DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, version control, source code management, bug tracking, issue tracking, collaboration, teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, professionalism, ethics, career development, job skills, job market, job search, job interview, resume, cover letter, networking, professional associations, certification, online learning, e-learning, distance learning, classroom training, instructor-led training, self-paced training, on-the-job training, apprenticeship, internship, mentorship, coaching, consulting, freelancing, entrepreneurship, startup, business development, project management, product management, marketing, sales, customer service, technical support, IT operations, system administration, network administration, database administration, security administration, cloud administration, web hosting, domain registration, website management, content management, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, analytics, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, compliance, regulations, standards, best practices, industry trends, emerging technologies, innovation management, digital transformation, organisational culture, change management, leadership development, team building, employee engagement, performance management, talent management, human resources, diversity and inclusion, workplace wellness, work-life balance, time management, stress management, productivity, creativity, motivation, happiness, fulfilment, personal development, self-improvement, mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, philosophy. Jave, Jawa, Javea, Jav, Javas
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
This Full Stack JavaScript developer course will teach you to write & debug client-side JavaScript to create modern pages for a variety of modern devices.
JavaScript, web development, training course, interactive websites, code structure, interactivity, dynamic HTML5, best practices, progressive enhancement techniques, full stack developer, data asynchronously, web dev, web programming, web design, front-end development, back-end development, web applications, web tools, web technologies, web languages, web scripting, web coding, web frameworks, web libraries, web APIs, web servers, web hosting, web security, web optimization, web performance, web accessibility, web usability, web standards, web trends, web community, web resources, web tutorials, web documentation, web support, JavaScript training, web development training, front-end training, back-end training, web programming training, web design training, web development skills, web programming skills, web design skills, front-end skills, back-end skills, web application skills, web tool skills, web technology skills, web language skills, web scripting skills, web coding skills, web framework skills, web library skills, web API skills, web server skills, web hosting skills, web security skills, web optimization skills, web performance skills, web accessibility skills, web usability skills, web standard skills, web trend skills, web community skills, web resource skills, web tutorial skills, web documentation skills, web support skills, JavaScript course, web development course, front-end course, back-end course, web programming course, web design course, web development knowledge, web programming knowledge, web design knowledge, front-end knowledge, back-end knowledge, web application knowledge, web tool knowledge, web technology knowledge, web language knowledge, web scripting knowledge, web coding knowledge, web framework knowledge, web library knowledge, web API knowledge, web server knowledge, web hosting knowledge, web security knowledge, web optimization knowledge, web performance knowledge, web accessibility knowledge, web usability knowledge, web standard knowledge, web trend knowledge, web community knowledge, web resource knowledge, web tutorial knowledge, web documentation knowledge, web support knowledge, JavaScript skills training, web development skills training, front-end skills training, back-end skills training, web programming skills training, web design skills training. JavaScript, web development, training course, interactive websites, code structure, interactivity, dynamic HTML5, best practices, progressive enhancement techniques, full stack developer, data asynchronously, web dev, web programming, web design, front-end development, back-end development, web applications, web tools, web technologies, web languages, web scripting, web coding, web frameworks, web libraries, web APIs, web servers, web hosting, web security, web optimisation, web performance, web accessibility, web usability, web standards, web trends, web community, web resources, web tutorials, web documentation, web support, JavaScript training, web development training, front-end training, back-end training, web programming training, web design training, web development skills, web programming skills, web design skills, front-end skills, back-end skills, web application skills, web tool skills, web technology skills, web language skills, web scripting skills, web coding skills, web framework skills, web library skills, web API skills, web server skills, web hosting skills, web security skills, web optimisation skills, web performance skills, web accessibility skills, web usability skills, web standard skills, web trend skills, web community skills, web resource skills, web tutorial skills, web documentation skills, web support skills, JavaScript course, web development course, front-end course, back-end course, web programming course, web design course, web development knowledge, web programming knowledge, web design knowledge, front-end knowledge, back-end knowledge, web application knowledge, web tool knowledge, web technology knowledge, web language knowledge, web scripting knowledge, web coding knowledge, web framework knowledge, web library knowledge, web API knowledge, web server knowledge, web hosting knowledge, web security knowledge, web optimisation knowledge, web performance knowledge, web accessibility knowledge, web usability knowledge, web standard knowledge, web trend knowledge, web community knowledge, web resource knowledge, web tutorial knowledge, web documentation knowledge, web support knowledge, JavaScript skills training, web development skills training, front-end skills training, back-end skills training, web programming skills training, web design skills training.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Lean Kanban University
This Kanban Management Professional teaches you to apply Kanban as a blueprint for evolutionary change management. Plus, complete your KMP certification.
Kanban, KMP, certification, training, rollout, operation, multi-teamed organization, meetings, metrics, policies, products, services, customer satisfaction, business performance, peers, quality, initiatives, Smoothing Development Workflow, Value in Kanban Systems Design, earn, options, Kanben, Kamban, Kamben, KMP-II, KMP-I, certificatoin, traning, multi-team, metrix, polices, initatives Kanban, KMP, certification, training, rollout, operation, multi-teamed organisation, meetings, metrics, policies, products, services, customer satisfaction, business performance, peers, quality, initiatives, Smoothing Development Workflow, Value in Kanban Systems Design, earn, options, Kanben, Kamban, Kamben, KMP-II, KMP-I, certification, training, multi-team, metrics, policies, initiatives.
Advanced2 daysTeam Training -
Lean Kanban University
This course, combined with our Kanban Management Professional (KMP-II) course, qualifies for the Kanban Management Professional (KMP) Certificate.
Kanban System Design Training (KMP-I Certification), Kanban, Kanban System Design, KMP-I Certification, change management, workloads, visualise work, quality products, KMP-II, Kanban Management Professional, certificate, training, Scrum, work experience, certification, Kanban Certification Training, evolutionary change, Smoothing Development Workflow. Kanben Kanbam Kamban Kanban Certification KMP certification Scrumm Scrum certification Kanban Management Professional Certification Kanban System Design Training Kanban Management Professional Training Kanban, Kanban System Design, KMP-I Certification, change management, workloads, visualise work, quality products, KMP-II, Kanban Management Professional, certificate, training, Scrum, work experience, certification, Kanban Certification Training, evolutionary change, Smoothing Development Workflow. Kanben Kanbam Kamban Kanban Certification KMP certification Scrum Scrum certification Kanban Management Professional Certification Kanban System Design Training Kanban Management Professional Training There is no need for translation as the text is already in English UK . However, the have been corrected below Kanban Kanban System Design KMP-I Certification change management workloads visualise work quality products KMP-II Kanban Management Professional certificate training Scrum work experience certification Kanban Certification Training evolutionary change Smoothing Development Workflow. Kanban Certification KMP certification Scrum Scrum certification Kanban Management Professional Certification Kanban System Design Training Kanban Management Professional Training
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's Leading SAFe certification course helps attendees learn how to lead a Lean-Agile enterprise by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework.
SAFe certification, Lean, Agile, Scaled Agile Framework SAFe , systems thinking, product development flow, DevOps, team agility, technical agility, PI Planning events, Agile Release Trains ARTs , SAFe certificiation, Lean-Agile, Agile framework, scaled agile framework, team agillity, technicial agility, PI planning events, Agile release trains.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,360 -
APMG International™
Learn to optimize IT operations and achieve your Lean IT Foundation Certification today.
Lean IT, foundation certification, training, organisational culture, customer value, IT operation, APMG-International, projects, operational excellence, 2-day course, process improvements, resources, wasteful activities, change, LeanIT, foundation certificashun, trainng, organsational cultur, IT operashun, oprational excelence, Lean IT, foundation certification, training, organisational culture, customer value, IT operation, APMG-International, projects, operational excellence, 2-day course, adopt Lean IT, process improvements, pressure on resources, wasteful activities, resistance to change, Lean IT foundation, APMG international, operational exellence Lean IT, grundläggande certifiering, utbildning, organisationskultur, kundvärde, IT-drift, APMG-International, projekt, operativ excellens, 2-dagars kurs, anta Lean IT, processförbättringar, tryck på resurser, slöseriaktiviteter, motstånd mot förändring, stavfel Lean IT foundation, APMG international, operativ excellens.
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Master Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with our 10-day certification. Enhance your skills in Six Sigma, Lean principles, and process control.
AdvancedMulti-WeekTeam Training -
Master Lean Six Sigma Green Belt in 5 days. Enhance process improvement skills and earn IASSC certification. Enroll now!
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,570 -
Get Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certified in 2 days. Learn essential tools for process improvement and efficiency. No prerequisites required.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Learning Tree
Learn NLP techniques & neural network architecture selection in this course on Natural Language Processing.
CHAT GPT, CHAT, CHATGPT, GPT, CHATGPTT, Bard, Bings AI Chat Bot, AI Chat Bot, AI ChatBot, Chat Bot, ChatBot, Natural Language Processing, NLP, text pre-processing, neural network, deep learning, language modelling, sentiment analysis, text classification, word embedding, tokenisation, syntax analysis, analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, information retrieval, text mining, information extraction, named entity recognition, topic modelling, mispelling Natural Langage Processing, NLP, deep learningg, languge modelling, sentiment anlysis, text classifcation, word embeding, tokennisation, syntax anlysis, semntic analysis, machne learning, artficial intelligence, data minig, information retrival, text minig, information extractin, named entitiy recognition, topic modling, , part-of-speech taggin, steming, tokeniztion. Naturlig språkbehandling, NLP, textförbehandling, neural nätverksarkitektur, djupinlärning, maskininlärning, datamining, informationsåtervinning, sentimentanalys, textklassificering, textklustering, textsummering, stavkontroll, språkmodellering, namngiven enhetsigenkänning, ordklassificering, stamning, tokenisering, stavfel Naturlig Langage Processing, NLP, texförbehandling, neural nätverksarkitektur, djupinlärning, maskininlärning, datamining, informationsåtervinning, sentimentanalys, texklassificering, texklustering, texsummering, speelkontroll, språkmodellering, namngiven enhetigenkänning, ordklassificering, stamning, tokenisering.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
In this Linux administration & support course, you gain the skills to install, design, configure & support a Linux server. Attend in-class or online.
Linux Administration, Linux Support, Linux OS, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, SUSELinux, Linux distribution, Linux administrator, boot process, local storage, file systems, file services, print services, network services, UNIX clients, Windows clients, command line, vi text editor, file manipulation utilities, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, applicable to all Linux distributions, Linx, Linnux, Redhat, Cent OS, Debbian, SUSE Linux. Linux Administration, Linux Support, Linux OS, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, SUSE Linux, Linux distribution, Linux administrator, boot process, local storage, file systems, file services, print services, network services, UNIX clients, Windows clients, command line, vi text editor, file manipulation utilities, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, applicable to all Linux distributions, Linux, Linux, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, SUSE Linux.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build & use Linux/UNIX tools & utilities in this hands-on course. Perform complex search strings & write shell scripts to automate routine tasks.
UNIX, Linux, tools, utilities, training, system, processing power, choose, right, combination, leverage, operating system, upgrade, administration skills, maximize productivity, streamline tasks, shell commands, filters, languages, awk, Liunx, UINX, toolz, utility, traning, procressing,power, awks
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Unleash the power of machine learning with Azure Databricks training course. The course equips you with the skills to build, deploy, and manage machine learning models using this powerful cloud platform.
Azure Databricks, Machine Learning, Delivery Methods, Training Information, Training Prerequisites, Training Outline, Explore Azure Databricks, Use Apache Spark, Train a Machine Learning Model, Use MLflow, Tune Hyperparameters, Use AutoML, Train Deep Learning Models, In-Person Training, Online Training, Private Team Training, Apache Spark, MLflow, Hyperopt, AutoML, Deep Learning, Python, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Spark Clusters, Data Visualization, Model Evaluation, Hyperparameter Optimization, Model Training, Azure Databricks, Maskininlärning, Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Utforska Azure Databricks, Använda Apache Spark, Träna en maskininlärningsmodell, Använda MLflow, Stämma Hyperparametrar, Använda AutoML, Träna djupinlärningsmodeller, Utbildning på plats, Onlineutbildning, Privat teamutbildning, Apache Spark, MLflow, Hyperopt, AutoML, Djupinlärning, Python, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Spark-kluster, Data visualisering, Modellutvärdering, Optimering av hyperparametrar, Modellträning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
This Management of Portfolios (MoP) Foundation and Practitioner certification course helps you invest in the right change initiatives and implement them effectively.
This Management of Portfolios (MoP) certification course helps you invest in the right change initiatives and implement them effectively. MoP Foundation and Practitioner Certification helps organisations answer a fundamental question: “Are we sure this investment is right for us and how will it contribute to our strategic objectives?” MoP achieves this by ensuring that: • The programmes and projects undertaken are prioritised in terms of their contribution to the organisation’s strategic objectives and overall level of risk. • Programmes and projects are managed consistently to ensure efficient and effective delivery. • Benefits realisation is maximised to provide the greatest return (in terms of strategic contribution and efficiency savings) from the investment made. MoP is structured around five flexible principles within which the two cycles and the 12 portfolio management practices exist. While portfolio management will be more effective where robust programme and project management (PPM) exists, this is not a prerequisite for its successful implementation.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,050 -
This M_o_R Foundation and Practitioner certification course helps you identify and control the impact of risk on your organisation’s objectives improve performance against objectives at strategic, programme, project, and operational levels.
This M_o_R Foundation and Practitioner certification course helps you identify and control the impact of risk on your organisation’s objectives. Management of Risk® considers risk from different perspectives within an organisation: strategic, programme, project and operational. It compliments other Best Management Practice guidance such as PRINCE2® (project management) and MSP® (programme management) and helps organisations and individuals manage their projects, programmes and services consistently and effectively. It also helps organisations improve performance against objectives at strategic, programme, project, and operational levels.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,050 -
Learning Tree
In this Management Skills Training course, you will learn the fundamental management skills and leadership competencies.
Management training, leadership development, team motivation, effective communication, task delegation, customer service, emotional intelligence, management skills, leadership competencies, team empowerment, proactive approach, customer focus, emotional quotient, management education, leadership training, team building. Managment training, Managment skillLadership development, Ladership competencieTeam motovation, Team empowement Effective comminucation Task deligation Customer servise, Customer focuEmotional intellegence, Emotional quotient Managment eduction Ladership training, Team bilding Management training, leadership development, team motivation, effective communication, task delegation, customer service, emotional intelligence, management skills, leadership competencies, team empowerment, proactive approach, customer focus, emotional quotient, management education, leadership training, team building. Management training, Management skills Leadership development, Leadership competencies Team motivation, Team empowerment Effective communication Task delegation Customer service, Customer focus Emotional intelligence, Emotional quotient Management education Leadership training, Team building
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Attend this Managing Microsoft Teams (MS-700) course to become a Microsoft 365 Teams Admin & achieve Microsoft Teams Administrator Associate certification.
Managing Microsoft Teams, Teams management, Microsoft Teams, Teams security, Teams compliance, Teams network requirements, Teams deployment, Teams settings, Teams policies, collaboration management, communication management, Teams architecture, Microsoft 365 integration, Teams environment preparation, Teams deployment security, Teams deployment network settings, creating Teams, managing Teams, managing channels, communication experiences, collaboration experiences, Msft Teams, Micorosoft Teams, Managing Ms Teams, Teams managment, Cmmunication expereience, collaberation management, microsoft team, ms team, ms-700, ms700, Managing Microsoft Teams, MS-700, Teams management, security, compliance, network requirements, Teams deployment, Teams settings, policies, collaboration, communication experience, Teams architecture, integration, Microsoft 365, preparing environment, create teams, manage teams, manage channels, settings, policies, Microsoft Teams, managin, Managinng, micrsoft, teamms, complience, collaberation, communcation, experiance. Hantering av Microsoft Teams, MS-700, Teams-hantering, säkerhet, efterlevnad, nätverkskrav, Teams-implementering, Teams-inställningar, policys, samarbete, kommunikationsupplevelse, Teams-arkitektur, integration, Microsoft 365, förbereda miljön, skapa team, hantera team, hantera kanaler, inställningar, policys, Microsoft Teams, managin, Managinng, micrsoft, teamms, complience, collaberation, communcation, experiance.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree
In this Managing PKI training course, you gain essential skills for designing, creating, and maintaining a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Managing PKI, PKI training, Public Key Infrastructure, authentication, encryption, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hierarchical Certification Authorities, CAs, X.509 digital certificates, cryptographic techniques, managin PKI, public key infrustructure, encrption, symetric cryptography, asymetric cryptography, digtal signatures, hierarchial certification authorities, X.509 digital sertificates, cryptographic techniqes. Managing PKI, PKI training, Public Key Infrastructure, authentication, encryption, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hierarchical Certification Authorities, CAs, X.509 digital certificates, cryptographic techniques, managing PKI, public key infrastructure, encryption, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hierarchical certification authorities, X.509 digital certificates, cryptographic techniques.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Unlock the power of data with our hands-on Data Stewardship course. Gain practical experience and master data management, governance, analytics, and more. Enroll today!
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Master Microsoft 365 administration with our MS-102 Administrator Essentials Training. Gain skills in tenant management, identity synchronisation, and security compliance for certification success.
MS 102, MS102, MS102 Administrator Essentials Training, MS 102 Administrator Essentials Training, Microsoft 365 administration, Microsoft 365 administrator certification, Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronisation, Microsoft 365 security and compliance, Microsoft 365 tenant, organisational profile, subscription options, component services, user accounts and licenses, security groups, administrative roles, Office client connectivity, Microsoft 365 Apps, Azure Active Directory Connect, Microsoft Entra, Connect Cloud Sync, directory synchronisation options, synchronised identities, password management, multifactor authentication, self-service password management, Microsoft 365 security management, threat vectors, data breaches, Microsoft 365's security solutions, Exchange Online Protection, Safe Attachments, Safe Links, Microsoft Secure Score, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Configure your Microsoft 365 experience, tenant subscriptions in Microsoft 365, user identity model, user accounts in Microsoft 365, user account settings, user licenses, deleted user accounts, Azure Active Directory, guest users, groups in Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, custom domain in Microsoft 365, DNS zones, DNS record requirements, client connectivity, Outlook clients, Microsoft 365 permission model, admin roles, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management, tenant health, Microsoft 365 services, Microsoft 365 Adoption Score, Microsoft 365 usage analytics, incident response plan, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Readiness Toolkit, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Microsoft 365 Apps admin center, Microsoft Viva Insights, authentication options, provisioning options, Azure AD Connect prerequisites, Azure AD Connect Health, Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync, password management, Azure AD Smart Lockout, Azure AD Identity Governance, conditional access policies, access review, sign-in logs, Zero Trust security model, Zero Trust networking, Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Microsoft Secure Score, Privileged Identity Management, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Access Management, Azure Identity Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Zero-hour auto purge, anti-spoofing protection, outbound spam filtering, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Safe Attachments policies, Safe Links policies, Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, Microsoft Threat Protection, advanced threat hunting, Microsoft Defender reports, Microsoft Defender Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, device discovery and vulnerability assessment, Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection stack, Threat Explorer, Threat Trackers, Attack simulation training, Microsoft 365 administratörs-certifiering, Microsoft 365 tenant-hantering, Microsoft 365 identitetssynkronisering, Microsoft 365 säkerhet och efterlevnad, Microsoft 365-tenant, organisationsprofil, prenumerationsoptioner, komponenttjänster, användarkonton och licenser, säkerhetsgrupper, administrativa roller, Office klientanslutning, Microsoft 365 Apps, Azure Active Directory Connect, Connect Cloud Sync, katalogsynkroniseringsalternativ, synkroniserade identiteter, lösenordshantering, multifaktorautentisering, självbetjänad lösenordshantering, Microsoft 365 säkerhetshantering, hotvektorer, dataintrång, Microsoft 365:s säkerhetslösningar, Exchange Online Protection, Safe Attachments, Safe Links, Microsoft Secure Score, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender för Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Konfigurera din Microsoft 365-upplevelse, tenant-prenumerationer i Microsoft 365, användaridentitetsmodell, användarkonton i Microsoft 365, användarkontoinställningar, användarlicenser, raderade användarkonton, Azure Active Directory, gästanvändare, grupper i Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, anpassad domän i Microsoft 365, DNS-zoner, DNS-postkrav, klientanslutning, Outlook-klienter, Microsoft 365-rättighetsmodell, administrativa roller, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management, tenant-hälsa, Microsoft 365-tjänster, Microsoft 365 Adoption Score, Microsoft 365 användningsanalyser, incidentresponsplan, Microsoft 365 Apps för företag, Readiness Toolkit, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Microsoft 365 Apps admin center, Microsoft Viva Insights, autentiseringsalternativ, provisioningalternativ, Azure AD Connect-förutsättningar, Azure AD Connect Health, Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync, lösenordshantering, Azure AD Smart Lockout, Azure AD Identity Governance, villkorliga åtkomstpolicyer, åtkomstgranskning, inloggningsloggar, Zero Trust säkerhetsmodell, Zero Trust-nätverk, Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Microsoft Secure Score, Privileged Identity Management, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Access Management, Azure Identity Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Zero-hour auto purge, anti-spoofing-skydd, utgående spamfiltrering, Microsoft Defender för Office 365, Safe Attachments-policys, Safe Links-policys, Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, Microsoft Threat Protection, avancerad hotjakt, Microsoft Defender-rapporter, Microsoft Defender Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, enhetsupptäckt och sårbarhetsbedömning, Microsoft Defender för Office 365 skyddsstack, Threat Explorer, Threat Trackers, Attack-simuleringsträning
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Master endpoint deployment with Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator Training (MD-102). Gain essential skills for update strategies.
md102, Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator Training, MD102, MD 102, endpoint deployment strategy, deployment techniques, update strategies, Modern Desktop Administrator, M365 workloads, deploying, configuring, maintaining Windows 11, non-Windows devices, Microsoft role-based certification exam, Exam MD102, Exam MD 102, Endpoint Administrator (beta), Enterprise Desktop, Modern Management, enterprise desktop life-cycle model, planning hardware strategies, post-deployment, retirement, Windows Editions, Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Entra, Azure AD, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, Azure AD Premium P1, P2, Azure AD Domain Services, Windows PowerShell, Authenticating, Enrolling Devices, device authentication, Azure AD join, Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Microsoft Intune, device enrollment, automatic enrollment, Managing Profiles, device profiles, user profiles, Enterprise State Roaming, Managing Applications, mobile application management, MAM, deployment applications, Group Policy, Microsoft Store Apps, app inventory, Managing Network Access, Windows Hello for Business, Azure AD Identity Protection, self-service password reset, multi-factor authentication, VPN, Always On VPN, Device Compliance, Data Protection, device compliance policy, conditional access, inventory reports, compliance reports, Intune Data Warehouse, Microsoft Graph API, Windows Information Protection, Encrypting File System, EFS, BitLocker, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard, Windows Defender System Guard, Windows Defender Credential Guard, Microsoft Defender Antivirus, Windows Defender Firewall, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Deployment, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, MDT, Windows Autopilot, Subscription Activation, Provisioning Packages, Windows Configuration Designer, MDM enrollment, Azure AD join, Additional Endpoint Management Systems, transition to modern endpoint management, Azure AD join, Intune, co-management, Windows 365, Azure virtual desktop, Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator-utbildning, MD-102, strategi för endpoint-utrullning, utrullningstekniker, uppdateringsstrategier, Modern Desktop-administratör, M365-arbetsbelastningar, distribution, konfiguration, underhåll av Windows 11, icke-Windows-enheter, Microsofts rollbaserade certifieringsexamen, Examen MD-102, Endpoint Administrator (beta), Enterprise Desktop, Modern Management, företagslivscykelmodell för skrivbord, planering av hårdvarustrategier, efter driftsättning, pensionering, Windows Editions, Azure Active Directory, Azure AD, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, Azure AD Premium P1, P2, Azure AD Domain Services, Windows PowerShell, Autentisering, Enrolling Devices, enhetsautentisering, Azure AD-anslutning, Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Microsoft Intune, enhetsregistrering, automatisk registrering, Hantera profiler, enhetsprofiler, användarprofiler, Enterprise State Roaming, Hantera applikationer, mobilapplikationshantering, MAM, distribution av applikationer, Grupppolicy, Microsoft Store Apps, appinventering, Hantera nätverksåtkomst, Windows Hello for Business, Azure AD Identity Protection, återställning av självbetjäningslösenord, flerfaktorsautentisering, VPN, Always On VPN, enhetens överensstämmelse, dataskydd, policy för enhetsöverensstämmelse, villkorlig åtkomst, inventeringsrapporter, överensstämmelserapporter, Intune Data Warehouse, Microsoft Graph API, Windows Information Protection, Encrypting File System, EFS, BitLocker, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard, Windows Defender System Guard, Windows Defender Credential Guard, Microsoft Defender Antivirus, Windows Defender Firewall, Microsoft Defender för Cloud Apps, Distribution, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, MDT, Windows Autopilot, prenumerationaktivering, förberedelsespaket, Windows Configuration Designer, MDM-registrering, Azure AD-anslutning, Ytterligare Endpoint Management Systems, övergång till modern endpoint-hantering, Azure AD-anslutning, Intune, co-management, Windows 365, Azure virtual desktop
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Microsoft 365 Fundamentals covers an overview of cloud computing & preps for Microsoft exam MS-900 for Microsoft 365 Certified Fundamentals certification.
ms900, Microsoft 365, MS-900, cloud services, SaaS, cloud computing, Microsoft cloud services, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, on-premises services, enterprise mobility, collaboration, security, compliance, privacy, trust, subscriptions, licenses, billing, support, Microsft 365, MS900, clud services, Saas, Micrsoft cloud services, Micrsoft Azue, Offce 365, on-premises srvices, enterprse mobility, collabration, secuity, complience, privcy, trst, subcriptions, liceses, biling, supprt., ms900, Microsoft 365, MS-900, cloud services, SaaS, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, on-premises services, enterprise mobility, collaboration, security, compliance, privacy, trust, subscriptions, licenses, billing, support, Microsft 365, MS900, clud services, SaaS, Micrsoft Azure, Offce 365, on-premises servces, enterpirse mobility, colaboration, securty, complience, privcy, trst, subscritpions, liscenses, billng, suppot Microsoft 365, MS-900, molntjänster, SaaS, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, lokala tjänster, företagsmobilitet, samarbe
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
This Microsoft Office 365 course focuses on the collaborative features of O365 with hands-on training on OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook, Teams & more.
Microsoft Office 365, productivity, collaboration, cloud-based, desktop applications, mobile apps, browser-based, Outlook, Office, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, internet connection, document editing, file sharing, video conferencing, remote employees, browser, phone, computer, Microsoft, Office, 365, productivty, colaboration, cloud, desktop, mobile, apps, broswer, Outlook, Offce, Sharepoint, OneDrive, Team, internet, connecton, documnt, editng, file, shareing, video, confrencing, remte, employes, broser, phon, computr, MS, Offce, 365. Microsoft Office 365, productivity, collaboration, cloud-based, desktop applications, mobile apps, browser-based, Outlook, Office, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, internet connection, document editing, file sharing, video conferencing, remote employees, browser, phone, computer, Microsoft, Office, 365, productivity, collaboration, cloud, desktop, mobile, apps, browser, Outlook, Office, SharePoint, OneDrive, Team, internet, connection, document, editing, file, sharing, video, conferencing, remote, employees, browser, phone, computer, MS, Office, 365.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
This Microsoft Azure Administrator training teaches IT professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, and more.
AZ104, AZ10, AZ 104, AZ 10, Microsoft Azure, administrator, training, AZ-104, IT professionals, Azure subscriptions, secure identities, infrastructure, virtual networking, Azure and on-premises, network traffic, storage solutions, virtual machines, web apps, containers, back up, share data, monitor solution, Mircosoft Azure, administrater, traning, IT profesionals, Asure, subsciptions, virutal network, virtal, mahines, webaps, monitorig, AZ104, AZ10, AZ 104, AZ 10, Microsoft Azure, Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer infrastructure, virtual networking, connect Azure, on-premises sites, manage network traffic, storage solutions, virtual machines, web apps, containers, back up data, share data, monitor solution, Azure Administrator, AZ-104, Micrsoft Azure, Azur, Azure Adminstrator, AZ104 Microsoft Azure, Azure-prenumerationer, säkra identiteter, administrera infrastruktur, virtuella nätverk, ansluta Azure till lokala platser, hantera nätverkstrafik, lagringslösningar, virtuella maskiner, webbappar, containrar, säkerhetskopiera data, dela data, övervaka lösningar, Azure-administratör, AZ-104, stavfel Micrsoft Azure, Azur, Azure Adminstrator, AZ104.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree's Azure AI Fundamentals training provides fundamental concepts related to artificial intelligence in Microsoft Azure to create AI solutions.
AI900, CHAT GPT, CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Microsoft Azure, AI, artificial intelligence, Azure services, AI solutions, data scientists, software developers, hands-on exercises, Learn modules, reference materials, typical AI workloads, support, explore topics, reinforce, awareness. Microsft Azure Aritifical intelligence Azur services AI solutons data scientsits software developpers Learn moduels refernce materials typicall AI workloads suport exploer topics reiforce awarness. Microsoft Azure, AI, artificial intelligence, Azure services, AI solutions, data scientists, software developers, hands-on exercises, Learn modules, reference materials, typical AI workloads, support, explore topics, reinforce, awareness. Microsoft Azure Artificial intelligence Azure services AI solutions Data scientists Software developers Learn modules Reference materials Typical AI workloads Support Explore topics Reinforce Awareness.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Prep for Microsoft exam AZ-304 & work towards your Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification in this official hands-on Microsoft course.
Managed Service Identity, MFA, Privileged Identity Management, relational databases, Azure SQL Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, non-relational databases, Azure Cosmos DB, Storage Tables, VNETs, operating systems, virtualisation, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, networking, Azure Portal, Command Line Interface, Azure administration, Azure development processes, DevOps processes, on-premises virtualisation technologies, VMs, virtual networking, virtual hard disks, network configuration, TCP/IP, Domain Name System, DNS, virtual private networks, VPNs, firewalls, encryption technologies, Active Directory concepts, domains, forests, domain controllers, replication, Kerberos protocol, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, LDAP, resilience, disaster recovery, backup, restore operations, Microsoft Azure Architect Design, AZ-304, certification exam. Maneged Service Identity Privelaged Identity Management relashional databaseAzure SQL Databse My SQL Postgres SQL non-relashional databaseAzure CosmosDB Storage TabelVNET vitualisation cloude infrastructure storage structurnetwoking Azure Portel Command Line Inteface Azure adminstration Azure development proceseDev Ops proceseon-premises vitualisation technologievitual hard disk network configuaration Domain Name Systm virtual privte networkfirewalencrypton technologieActive Directory concptdomain contrllerrepication Kereberos protocol LDAP resilence desaster recovery backup and restor operationMicrosoft Azure Architect Desgn AZ304 Managed Service Identity, MFA, Privileged Identity Management, relational databases, Azure SQL Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, non-relational databases, Azure Cosmos DB, Storage Tables, VNETs, operating systems, virtualisation, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, networking, Azure Portal, Command Line Interface, Azure administration, Azure development processes, DevOps processes, on-premises virtualisation technologies, VMs, virtual networking, virtual hard disks, network configuration, TCP/IP, Domain Name System, DNS, virtual private networks, VPNs, firewalls, encryption technologies, Active Directory concepts, domains, forests, domain controllers, replication, Kerberos protocol, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, LDAP, resilience, disaster recovery, backup, restore operations, Microsoft Azure Architect Design, AZ-304, certification exam. Managed Service Identity Privileged Identity Management relational databases Azure SQL Database MySQL PostgreSQL non-relational databases Azure Cosmos DB Storage Tables VNETs virtualisation cloud infrastructure storage structures networking Azure Portal Command Line Interface Azure administration Azure development processes DevOps processes on-premises virtualisation technologies virtual hard disks network configuration TCP/IP Domain Name System DNS virtual private networks VPNs firewalls encryption technologies Active Directory concepts domains forests domain controllers replication Kerberos protocol Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP resilience disaster recovery backup and restore operations Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 certification exam.
Online or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Prep for Microsoft exam AZ-303 & work towards your Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification in this official hands-on Microsoft course.
virtualisation, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, application infrastructure, Azure Bundles, operating systems, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, network configuration, TCP/IP, DNS, VPNs, firewalls, encryption technologies, Active Directory, RBAC, Azure portal, PowerShell, ARM templates, Azure Alerts, Activity Log, Cloud Shell, Resource Explorer, ASR, Hyper-V infrastructure, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Registry, IT operations, business continuity, disaster recovery, budgeting, governance, Command Line Interface, Azure administration, DevOps processes, AZ-303, Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies, virtulization, automatization, netwroking, storag, identitiy, secutiry, data platfom, apllication infrastructure, Azur Bundles, operatign systems, cloude infrastructure, strorage structures, network configuraton, TCP/IP, DSN, VPNs, firewals, encrypton technologies, Actve Directory, RBAC, Azrue portal, PowrShell, ARM temlates, Azrue Alrtes, Activty Log, Clud Shell, Resource Explrer, ASR, Hper-V infrastructure, Azrue Multi-Factor Athentication, Azrue Kuberntes Service, Azrue Contaner Regstry, IT operatons, busines continuety, disester recovery, budgeing, goverance, Comand Line Interface, Azrue administrtion, DevOps proceses, AZ-303, Microsoft Azrue Architect Technologies. virtualisation, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, application infrastructure, Azure Bundles, operating systems, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, network configuration, TCP/IP, DNS, VPNs, firewalls, encryption technologies, Active Directory, RBAC, Azure portal, PowerShell, ARM templates, Azure Alerts, Activity Log, Cloud Shell, Resource Explorer, ASR, Hyper-V infrastructure, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Registry, IT operations, business continuity, disaster recovery, budgeting, governance, Command Line Interface, Azure administration, DevOps processes, AZ-303, Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies, virtualisation, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, application infrastructure, Azure Bundles, operating systems, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, network configuration, TCP/IP, DNS, VPNs, firewalls, encryption technologies, Active Directory, RBAC, Azure portal, PowerShell, ARM templates, Azure Alerts, Activity Log, Cloud Shell, Resource Explorer, ASR, Hyper-V infrastructure, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Registry, IT operations, business continuity, disaster recovery, budgeting, governance, Command Line Interface, Azure administration, DevOps processes, AZ-303, Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies.
Online or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
In the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Training DP-900 course, you'll learn the fundamentals of database concepts and build foundational knowledge.
DP, 900, DP900, Microsoft Azure, data fundamentals, core data concepts, relational, non-relational, big data, analytics, cloud data services, Azure, relational database services, Azure storage, Cosmos DB, data warehousing, real-time analytics, data visualisation, Microsft Azure, dat fundamentals, core data concept, relatonal, non-relatonal, bigdata, analitics, cloud data servces, Azur, relatonal database servces, Azur storage, Cosmo DB, data warehousng, real-time analitics, data visualisaton. Microsoft Azure, data fundamentals, core data concepts, relational, non-relational, big data, analytics, cloud data services, Azure, relational database services, Azure storage, Cosmos DB, data warehousing, real-time analytics, data visualisation, Microsoft Azure, data fundamentals, core data concepts, relational, non-relational, big data, analytics, cloud data services, Azure, relational database services, Azure storage, Cosmos DB, data warehousing, real-time analytics, data visualisation.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree's Azure Fundamentals training provides foundational level knowledge on cloud concepts, core Azure services, and Azure management.
az900t00, AZ-900, AZ900, AZ-90, AZ-900T, Azure, cloud, Microsoft, training, fundamentals, management, governance, services, concepts, tools, core, AZ-900T00, UK, Azur, cloude, Managemant, goverance, servises, conceps, cor, AZ900T00 Azure, cloud, Microsoft, training, fundamentals, management, governance, services, concepts, tools, core, AZ-900T00, UK, Azure, cloud, Management, governance, services, concepts, core, AZ900T00.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Get certified in Microsoft Azure Security with Learning Tree's AZ-500 course. Enhance your IT security skills and protect your organisation's data.
AZ-500, AZ500, AZ-50, AZ-500T, 8530AZ-500, AZ-500, AZ500, AZ, 500, security controls, security posture, security vulnerabilities, identity and access, platform protection, data protection, application security, security operations, defense in depth, least privileged access, role-based access control, multi-factor authentication, shared responsibility, zero trust model, Virtual Private Networks, VPN, Internet Security Protocol, IPSec, Secure Socket Layer, SSL, disk encryption, data encryption, Azure administration, Windows operating system, Linux operating system, scripting languages, PowerShell, CLI, Azure Security Engineer, certification exam, Microsoft Azure Security Technologies, securty, acess, platfrom, securtiy, opetartions, virtaul, IPSek, encription, sccurity, administraton
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Prepare to design and evaluate cybersecurity strategies in Zero Trust, GRC, SecOps, and data with our Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect (SC-100) course.
SC100, Microsoft, Cybersecurity, Architect, course, design, evaluate, strategies, Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance, GRC, security operations, SecOps, data, applications, solutions, specify, requirements, cloud infrastructure, service models, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Microssoft, Cybersescurity, Archtect, Zerro Trsut, Govenrance Risk Complience, Secuity Oprations, Aaplcations, Slnutions, cloud infrasturcture, misplelling, IAS, SC100, cybersecurity, architect, SC-100, course, design, evaluate, strategies, Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance, GRC, security operations, SecOps, data, applications, solutions, cloud infrastructure, service models, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, specify, requirements, Microsoft, cyberscurity, architekt, SC100, strategeis, Zer Trust, Govenance Risk Compliance, SecOps, infrastrcture, Serivce models, Saas, PaaS, Iaas. cybersäkerhet, arkitekt, SC-100, kurs, design, utvärdera, strategier, Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance, GRC, säkerhetsoperationer, SecOps, data, applikationer, lösningar, molninfrastruktur, tjänstemodeller, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, specificera, krav, Microsoft, stavfel cyberscurity, architekt, SC100, strategeis, Zer Trust, Govenance Risk Compliance, SecOps, infrastrcture, Serivce models, Saas, PaaS, Iaas.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM training (MB-910) provides a broad introduction to the customer engagement capabilities of Dynamics 365.
MB910, MB910, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsft Dynamics 365, CRm, traning, MB910, customer engagment, Dynmics 365 Mrketing, Dynmics 365 Sles, Dynmics 365 Cusomter Service, Dynmics 365 Field Servce, Dynmics 365 Projct Oprations. Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Dynamics CRM, MS Dynamics 365, MB910, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Micorsoft, Dynamic 365, CSM, capabilties, labes. Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, utbildning, MB-910, kundengagemang, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM-funktioner, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, föreläsningar, praktiska laborationer, stavfel Micorsoft, Dynamic 365, CSM, capabilties, labes.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP training provides a broad introduction to the finance and operations capabilities of Dynamics 365.
Microsoft Dynamics 365, ERP, Training, MB-920, finance, operations, enterprise resource management, Supply Chain Management, Finance, Commerce, Human Resources, Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsft Dynamics 365, ER, Trainig, MB920, finace, oprations, enterprise resorce managment, Suply Chain Managment, Finace, Comerce, Hman Resources, Project Opertions. Microsoft Dynamics 365, ERP, Training, MB-920, finance, operations, enterprise resource management, Supply Chain Management, Finance, Commerce, Human Resources, Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsoft Dynamics 365, ER, Training, MB920, finance, operations, enterprise resource management, Supply Chain Management, Finance, Commerce, Human Resources, Project Operations.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Get ready for Microsoft exam MB-240 with our Dynamics 365 Field Service training. Learn to configure key components for mobile solutions.
Microsoft Dynamics 365, Field Service, training, MB-240, tools, identifying, scheduling, resources, managing workloads, mobile workers, skills, configuration, components, organisational considerations, customer goals, IT professionals, large-scale customers, features, functionality, navigation, exam, Microsft Dynamics, Dynmics 365, Feild Service, tranning, MB240, feilds, sheduling, resorces, moble workers, skils, confuguration, componenets, orgnisational considerations, costumer goals, IT profesionals, larg-scale costumers, featurs, functinality, navgation, exm Microsoft Dynamics 365, Field Service, training, MB-240, tools, identifying, scheduling, resources, managing workloads, mobile workers, skills, configuration, components, organisational considerations, customer goals, IT professionals, large-scale customers, features, functionality, navigation, exam, Microsoft Dynamics, Dynamics 365, Field Service, training, MB240, fields, scheduling, resources, mobile workers, skills, configuration, components, organisational considerations, customer goals, IT professionals, large-scale customers, features, functionality, navigation, exam.
Intermediate3 daysStarts from £1,870 -
Get ready for Microsoft exam MB-310 with our Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations training. Learn to configure and use financial management components.
Microsoft Dynamics 365, Dynamics, financial components, accounts payable, accounts receivable, collections, budgeting, fixed assets, functional consultant, out of the box capabilities, codeless extensibility, application integrations, service integrations, MB-310, training, core competencies, basic accounting skills, subject matter experts, stakeholders, configure, solution, requirements. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics365, Microsoft Dynamic 365, Microsoft Dynamic365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 36, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finances, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Training Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Training, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Trainings, MB-310 MB310, MB 310, MB-310 training. Microsoft Dynamics 365, Dynamics, financial components, accounts payable, accounts receivable, collections, budgeting, fixed assets, functional consultant, out of the box capabilities, codeless extensibility, application integrations, service integrations, MB-310, training, core competencies, basic accounting skills, subject matter experts, stakeholders, configure, solution, requirements. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics365, Microsoft Dynamic 365, Microsoft Dynamic365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 36, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finances, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Training Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Training, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Trainings, MB-310 MB310, MB 310, MB-310 training.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Master Excel basics with Learning Tree's Microsoft training course. Learn to create, edit, format and print spreadsheets in this beginner-friendly course.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel Training, Microsoft Excel Training, Introduction to Excel, Excel training, Excel course, Excel tutorial, Excel basics, Excel formulas, Excel functions, Excel charts, Excel pivot tables, Excel slicers, Excel sparklines, Excel formatting, Microsoft Excel, Excel for beginners, Excel for data analysis, Excel for business, Excel for finance, Excel for accounting, Excel for productivity, Excel for spreadsheets, Excel for reporting, Excel for presentations, Excel for graphs, Excel for tables, Excel for calculations, Excel for formulas, Excel for data visualization, Excel for data management, Excel for data manipulation, Excel for data entry, Excel for data organization, Excel for data modeling, Excel for data mining, Excel for data analytics, Excel for data science, Excel for statistics, Excel for forecasting, Excel for budgeting, Excel for project management, Excel for office work, Excel for productivity, Excel for automation, Excel for macros, Excel for VBA, Excel for advanced users, Excel for experts, Excel for professionals, Excel for students, Excel for educators, Excel for trainers, Excel for consultants, Excel for freelancers, Excel for entrepreneurs, Excel for small business, Excel for large business, Excel for government, Excel for non-profit organizations, Excel for personal use, Excel for home use, Excel for hobbyists, Excel for enthusiasts, Excel for power users, Excel for all. Exel, Exell, Excle, Excil, Exxel, Exel training, Exell training, Excle training, Excil training, Exxel training, Exel course, Exell course, Excle course, Excil course, Exxel course, Exel tutorial, Exell tutorial, Excle tutorial, Excil tutorial, Exxel tutorial, Exel basics, Exell basics, Excle basics, Excil basics, Exxel basics, Exel formulas, Exell formulas, Excle formulas, Excil formulas, Exxel formulas, Exel functions, Exell functions, Excle functions, Excil functions, Exxel functions, Exel charts, Exell charts, Excle charts, Excil charts, Exxel charts, Exel pivot tables, Exell pivot tables, Excle pivot tables, Excil pivot tables, Exxel pivot tables, Exel slicers, Exell slicers, Excle slicers, Excil slicers, Exxel slicers, Exel sparklines, Exell sparklines, Excle sparklines, Excil sparklines, Exxel sparklines, Exel formatting, Exell formatting, Excle formatting, Excil formatting, Exxel formatting, Introduction to Microsoft Excel Training, Microsoft Excel Training, Introduction, Microsoft Excel, training, skills, create, edit, worksheets, formulas, functions, sort, filter, data, tables, slicers, visualise, numbers, consumable, professional, format, analysing, charting, conditional formatting, sparklines, pivot tables, Introdution, Micorsoft Excel, traning, skils, creat, eddit, worksheeets, formuls, functinos, srot, filtur, dat, tabls, slicerrs, vizualise, numbrs, consumable, profesionel, formatt, analizing, chartng, conditonal formating, spaklines, pivottables. Introduktion, Microsoft Excel, utbildning, färdigheter, skapa, redigera, arbetsblad, formler, funktioner, sortera, filtrera, data, tabeller, skärare, visualisera, siffror, konsumtionsbara, professionella, format, analysera, diagram, villkorlig formatering, gnistor, pivottabeller, stavfel Introdution, Micorsoft Excel, traning, skils, creat, eddit, worksheeets, formuls, functinos, srot, filtur, dat, tabls, slicerrs, vizualise, numbrs, konsumtionsbara, profesionel, formatt, analizing, chartng, conditonal formating, spaklines, pivottables.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP 600 Training Course. Gain the skills to transform data, manage pipelines, and prepare for the DP-600 exam.
Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer, DP-600, delivery methods, training information, plan solution, data analytics, prepare data, semantic models, explore data, certification exam, training prerequisites, data concepts, Azure AI Fundamentals, Power BI Data Analyst, certification information, Implementing Analytics Solutions, training outline, course introduction, data ingestion, lakehouses, Apache Spark, data warehouses, query optimisation, Power BI scalability, Power BI security, Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer, DP-600, leveransmetoder, utbildningsinformation, planera lösning, dataanalys, förbereda data, semantiska modeller, utforska data, certifieringsexamen, utbildningsförutsättningar, datakoncept, Azure AI Fundamentals, Power BI Data Analyst, certifieringsinformation, Implementera analyslösningar, utbildningsöversikt, kursintroduktion, datainsamling, sjöhus, Apache Spark, datalager, frågeoptimering, Power BI skalbarhet, Power BI säkerhet
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,300 -
Join our 4-day hands-on course to master data engineering with Microsoft Fabric. Learn data ingestion, transformation, and real-time analytics.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
This course includes identity content for Microsoft Entra, enterprise application registration, conditional access, identity governance, and other identity tools.
SC300, Microsoft, Identity, Access, Administrator, Training, SC-300, Azure AD, Microsoft Entra, design, implement, operate, organisation, identity management, access management, secure authentication, authorization, enterprise applications, seamless experiences, self-service management, users, adaptive access, governance, troubleshooting, monitoring, reporting, environment, team, collaboration, strategic identity projects, modernize identity solutions, hybrid identity solutions, identity governance, identiy, adimnistrator, authenticaion, authoriztion, enterpise, experieces, managemnt, adaptie, govrenance, truobleshooting, monioring, reporing, envirnoment, SC300, Microsoft, Identity, Access, Administrator, Training, SC-300, Azure AD, design, implement, operate, organisation, management systems, secure authentication, authorisation, enterprise applications, seamless experiences, self-service management, users, adaptive access, governance, troubleshoot, monitor, report, environment, individual, team, collaborate, strategic identity projects, modernise, hybrid identity solutions, identity governance. Micorsoft, Identy, Acces, Administator, Trainig, SC300, Azur AD, authentification, authorization, enterprize, experinces, self servise, adaptiv, goverance, trubleshoot, moniter, enviorment, indvidual, collabrate, strategik, identy solutins, hybrid identy solutins, identy govornance. Microsoft, Identitet, Åtkomst, Administratör, Utbildning, SC-300, Azure AD, design, implementera, driva, organisation, hanteringssystem, säker autentisering, auktorisation, företagsapplikationer, sömlösa upplevelser, självbetjäning, användare, anpassad åtkomst, styrning, felsökning, övervaka, rapportera, miljö, individ, team, samarbeta, strategiska identitetsprojekt, modernisera, hybrididentitetslösningar, identitetsstyrning. Micorsoft, Identy, Acces, Administator, Trainig, SC300, Azur AD, authentification, authorization, enterprize, experinces, self servise, adaptiv, goverance, trubleshoot, moniter, enviorment, indvidual, collabrate, strategik, identy solutins, hybrid identy solutins, identy govornance, SC300, Microsoft, Identity, Access, Administrator, Training, SC-300, Azure AD, design, implement, operate, organization, identity management, access management, secure authentication, authorization, enterprise applications, seamless experiences, self-service management, users, adaptive access, governance, troubleshooting, monitoring, reporting, environment, team, collaboration, strategic identity projects, modernize identity solutions, hybrid identity solutions, identity governance, identiy, adimnistrator, authenticaion, authoriztion, enterpise, experieces, managemnt, adaptie, govrenance, truobleshooting, monioring, reporing, envirnoment, SC300, Microsoft, Identity, Access, Administrator, Training, SC-300, Azure AD, design, implement, operate, organisation, management systems, secure authentication, authorisation, enterprise applications, seamless experiences, self-service management, users, adaptive access, governance, troubleshoot, monitor, report, environment, individual, team, collaborate, strategic identity projects, modernise, hybrid identity solutions, identity governance. Micorsoft, Identy, Acces, Administator, Trainig, SC300, Azur AD, authentification, authorization, enterprize, experinces, self servise, adaptiv, goverance, trubleshoot, moniter, enviorment, indvidual, collabrate, strategik, identy solutins, hybrid identy solutins, identy govornance. Microsoft, Identitet, Åtkomst, Administratör, Utbildning, SC-300, Azure AD, design, implementera, driva, organisation, hanteringssystem, säker autentisering, auktorisation, företagsapplikationer, sömlösa upplevelser, självbetjäning, användare, anpassad åtkomst, styrning, felsökning, övervaka, rapportera, miljö, individ, team, samarbeta, strategiska identitetsprojekt, modernisera, hybrididentitetslösningar, identitetsstyrning. Micorsoft, Identy, Acces, Administator, Trainig, SC300, Azur AD, authentification, authorization, enterprise, experinces, self servise, adaptiv, goverance, trubleshoot, moniter, enviorment, indvidual, collabrate, strategik, identy solutins, hybrid identy solutins, identy govornance.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
This course helps learners prepare for Information Protection and Compliance in Microsoft 365 exam (SC-400).
Microsoft Information Protection Administrator Training (SC-400), Microsoft Information Protection Administrator Training, SC400, Microsoft, Information Protection, Administrator, Training, SC-400, data governance, data loss prevention, sensitive information types, sensitivity labels, data retention policies, Office 365, message encryption, exam preparation, data security, information security, data protection, security policies, data classification, access control, compliance, risk management, threat detection, incident response, vulnerability management, cybersecurity, privacy, confidentiality, misconfigurations, audit logs, security assessments, security awareness, security training, encryption, decryption, key management, identity and access management, authentication, authorisation, network security, endpoint security, cloud security, application security, mobile security, device management, data backup, disaster recovery, business continuity, legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, best practices, mistakes, troubleshooting. Microsft, Infrmation, Prtection, Adminstrator, Traning, SC400, data goverance, data loss prevntion, sensetive, information types, sensivity, lables, data rentention, polices, Ofice 365, mesage, encrytion, exam prep, data secuirty, information secuirty, data protecton, secuirty polices, data clasification, access contol, complience, risk managment, threat detection, incident responce, vulnarability managment, cyberscurity, privicy, confidntiality, misconfigurations, audit logs, secuirty asssessments, secuirty awarness, secuirty traning, encrytion, decrytion, key managment, identity and access managment, athentication, authorisation, network secuirty, endpoint secuirty, cloud secuirty, application secuirty, mobile secuirty, device managment, data bakup, disaster recovery, business continuty, legal and regulatry requirments, industry standards, best pratices, commen mistakes, troubleshootin, SC400, SC-400, Microsoft Information Protection Administrator, SC-400, data governance, information protection, data loss prevention policies, sensitive information types, sensitivity labels, data retention policies, Office 365 message encryption, exam preparation, data security, data privacy, data protection, information security, information privacy, information protection policies, data encryption, data classification, data leakage prevention, data protection regulations, compliance, risk management, data handling, data auditing, data compliance, data governance policies, data protection standards, information management, information governance, information classification, information leakage prevention, information protection regulations, information compliance, information risk management, information handling, information auditing, information governance policies, information protection standards, sensitive data protection, sensitive information management, sensitive data handling, sensitive data compliance, sensitive data auditing, sensitive data governance policies, sensitive data protection standards, SC400, Microsoft Information Protection, Microsoft 365 security, Microsoft 365 compliance, Microsoft 365 data protection, Microsoft 365 information protection, Microsoft 365 data governance, Microsoft 365 information governance, Microsoft 365 data classification, Microsoft 365 information classification, Microsoft 365 data risk management, Microsoft 365 information risk management, Microsoft 365 data leakage prevention, Microsoft 365 information leakage prevention, Microsoft 365 data retention policies, Microsoft 365 information retention policies, Microsoft 365 message encryption, Microsoft 365 data privacy, Microsoft 365 information privacy. Microsoft Information Protecion Administrator, SC400, data goverance, information protecion, data loss prevetion policies, sensetive information types, sensitivity lables, data retension policies, Office365 message encryption, exam preperation, data secutiry, data privicy, data protecion, information secutiry, information privicy, information protecion policies, data encrytion, data clasification, data leakage prevetion, data protecion regulations, compliance, risk managment, data handeling, data auditing, data compliance, data goverance policies, data protecion standards, information managment, information goverance, information clasification, information leakage prevetion, information protecion regulations, information compliance, information risk managment, information handeling, information auditing, information goverance policies, information protecion standards, sensetive data protecion, sensetive information managment, sensetive data handeling, sensetive data compliance, sensetive data auditing, sensetive data goverance policies, sensetive data protecion standards, Microsoft Information Protecion, Microsoft 365 secutiry, Microsoft 365 compliance, Microsoft 365 data protecion, Microsoft 365 information protecion, Microsoft 365 data goverance, Microsoft 365 information goverance, Microsoft 365 data Microsoft Information Protection Administrator, SC-400, datagovernance, informationskydd, förebyggande av dataläckage, känsliga informationsklasser, känslighetsmärkning, datalagringspolicyer, Office 365-meddelande-kryptering, examensförberedelse, dataskydd, datasekretess, dataskydd, informationsäkerhet, informationssekretess, informationskyddspolicyer, datakryptering, dataklassificering, förebyggande av dataläckage, dataskyddsregler, efterlevnad, riskhantering, datahantering, datarevision, dataskyddsöverensstämmelse, datagovernancepolicyer, dataskyddsstandarder, informationshantering, informationsstyrning, informationsklassificering, förebyggande av informationsläckage, informationskyddsregler, informationsöverensstämmelse, informationsriskhantering, informationshantering, informationsrevision, informationsstyrningspolicyer, informationskyddsstandarder, skydd av känslig information, hantering av känslig information, efterlevnad av känslig information, revision av känslig information, känslig datagovernancepolicy, känsliga dataskyddsstandarder, SC400, Microsoft Information Protection, Microsoft 365-säkerhet, Microsoft 365-efterlevnad, Microsoft 365-dataskydd, Microsoft 365-informationskydd, Microsoft 365-datagovernance, Microsoft 365-informationsstyrning, Microsoft 365-dataklassificering, Microsoft 365-informationsklassificering, Microsoft 365-datriskhantering, Microsoft 365-informationsriskhantering, Microsoft 365-förebyggande av dataläckage, Microsoft 365-förebyggande av informationsläckage, Microsoft 365-datalagringspolicyer, Microsoft 365-informationslagringspolicyer, Microsoft 365-meddelandekryptering, Microsoft 365-dataskydd, Microsoft 365-informationssekretess. Microsoft Information Protecion Administrator, SC400, data goverance, information protecion, data loss prev
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learning Tree
Learn to manage and secure devices with Microsoft Intune. This 3-day course covers device enrollment, configuration, security, and compliance.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Candidates for this Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer (PL-500) course automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks using Microsoft Power Automate.
PL500, Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer, PL-500, automate, time-consuming, repetitive tasks, process documentation, design, develop, troubleshoot, evaluate, solutions, business workflows, administrators, deploy, production environments, support, Micorsoft Power Automate, Power Automat, RPA Develepor, PL 500, worflows, PL500, Microsoft Power Automate, RPA Developer, PL-500, automate, time-consuming, repetitive tasks, solution requirements, process documentation, design, develop, troubleshoot, evaluate solutions, business workflows, business stakeholders, administrators, deploy solutions, production environments, support solutions, Microsft Power Automate, RPA Develper, PL500, automte, time-consumming, repetative tasks, soluton requirments, proces documentation, desgn, develop, trouble shoot, evaluat solutions, busines workflows, busness stakeholders, adminstrators, deplpy solutions, production envirnoments, suport solutions. Microsoft Power Automate, RPA-utvecklare, PL-500, automatisera tidskrävande och repetitiva uppgifter, lösningens krav, processdokumentation, designa, utveckla, felsöka, utvärdera lösningar, affärsprocesser, affärsintressenter, administratörer, distribuera lösningar, produktionsmiljöer, stödja lösningar, stavfel Microsft Power Automate, RPA Develper, PL500, automte, time-consumming, repetative tasks, soluton requirments, proces documentation, desgn, develop, trouble shoot, evaluat solutions, busines workflows, busness stakeholders, adminstrators, deplpy solutions, production envirnoments, suport solutions.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learn to build Power Apps, Automate Flows & solve complex business problems in this course.
pl400, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, extend the platform, business requirements, solve complex business problems, optimise operations, simplify, automate, transform, business tasks, processes, PL-400, Microsoft, developer training, hands-on labMicrosft, Powr Platfrm, Pwer Apps, Autmate Flows, extnd the platfrm, busines requirments, complex busines problems, optmize oprations, simplfy, automte, transfom, busins tasks, proceses, pl400, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, platform extension, business requirements, complex business problems, optimize operations, simplifying, automating, transforming, business tasks, processes, Microsoft Power Platform Developer Training, PL-400, Power Platform Developer, hands-on labs, business solutions, workflow automation, data visualisation, user interface, data integration, data analysis, custom connectors, custom controls, custom connectors, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, plattformsutvidgning, affärsbehov, komplexa affärsproblem, optimera operationer, förenkla, automatisera, transformera, affärssysslor, processer, Microsoft Power Platform Developer Training, PL-400, Power Platform Developer, hands-on labs, affärslösningar, arbetsflödesautomatisering, datavisualisering, användargränssnitt, dataintegration, dataanalys, anpassade anslutningar, anpassade kontroller, anpassade anslutningar,
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
This Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant training course will teach you to use Microsoft Power Platform solutions to simplify, automate, and empower business processes.
pl200, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Microsoft Dataverse, AI Builder, connectors, portals, training, functional consultant, hands-on, discovery, requirements, subject matter experts, stakeholders, translations, configure, solutions, apps, labs, application enhancements, user experiences, systems integrations, data conversions, process automation, visualizations, Microsft Power Platfrom, Pwer Apps, Pwoer Automate, Power bii, Power Virtaual Agents, Microsoft Data Verse, AI Bildar.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
Attend this official 1-day, Microsoft Power Platform training course & prep for exam PL-900 & achieve Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals certification.
pl900, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Business Intelligence, Dashboard, Power Automate, automation, training, capabilities, business value, products, Microsoft Power, PL-900, Microssoft Power Plattform, Pawer Automat, Buiness Intelligence, Powwer BI, pl900, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Power Automate, business value, product capabilities, create, connect, build, automate, Microsoft, PL-900, training, Microsft, Powr Platform, Powr Apps, Dta verse, Powr BI, Powr Automate, busines value, product capabilites, connct, bild, automte Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Power Automate, affärsvärde, produktfunktioner, skapa, ansluta, bygga, automatisera, Microsoft, PL-900, utbildning, stavfel Microsft, Powr Platform, Powr Apps, Dta verse, Powr BI, Powr Automate, affärsvärde, produktfunktioner, anslut, bygg, automatisera.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn about Solution Architect decisions in implementation, including security, integrations, Power Apps and Power Automate architecture.
pl600, Microsoft Power Platform, Solution Architect, Training, implementation, security, integrations, Power Apps architecture, Power Automate architecture, advanced, decisions, PL-600, solutions, architecting, design, development, deployment, automation, workflows, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Power Apps portals, Power Apps portals, Power Platform Administration, Power Platform Developer, Power Platform Fundamentals, Power Platform Functional Consultant, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker. Micosoft Power Platform Soluition Architect Traning implimentation integrashions Power Apss architecture Power Automat architecture desisions solutios arhitecting desing developement deploymnet Power B Power Virual Agents Power Apss portals Power Platform Adminstration Power Platform Developper Power Platform Fundametals Power Platform Funcional Consultant Power Platform App Maker, pl600, solution architect, implementation, security, integrations, Power Apps architecture, Power Automate architecture, Microsoft Power Platform, PL-600, training, advanced training, decisions, Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Power Platform Solution Architect, Power Platform, architect training, platform training, Microsoft training, security training, integrations training, Power Apps training, Power Automate training, advanced training, implementation training, PL600, PL-600 training, PL 600 training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platform training, Microsoft Power Platform architect training, Microsoft Power Platform implementation training, Microsoft Power Platform security training, Microsoft Power Platform integrations training, Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps training, Microsoft Power Platform Power Automate training, Power Platform architect decisions, Power Platform implementation decisions, Power Platform security decisions, Power Platform integrations decisions, Power Platform Power Apps decisions, Power Platform Power Automate decisions, soluton architect, solutio architect, solutin architect, implimentation, integratons, PowerApps architecture, PowerAutomate architecture, Microsoft Power Platfrm, PL600, PL-60, PL-060, PL 60, PL 060, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platfrom training, Microsoft Power Platfrom architect training, Microsoft Power Platfrom implementation training, Microsoft Power Platfrom security training, Microsoft Power Platfrom integrations training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Apps training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Automate training. lösningsarkitekt, implementering, säkerhet, integrationer, Power Apps-arkitektur, Power Automate-arkitektur, Microsoft Power Platform, PL-600, utbildning, avancerad utbildning, beslut, Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Power Platform Solution Architect, Power Platform, arkitektutbildning, plattformsutbildning, Microsoft-utbildning, säkerhetsutbildning, integrationsutbildning, Power Apps-utbildning, Power Automate-utbildning, avancerad utbildning, implementeringsutbildning, PL600, PL-600-utbildning, PL 600-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platform-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-arkitektutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-implementeringsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-säkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-integrationsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Power Automate-utbildning, Power Platform-arkitektbeslut, Power Platform-implementeringsbeslut, Power Platform-säkerhetsbeslut, Power Platform-integrationsbeslut, Power Platform Power Apps-beslut, Power Platform Power Automate-beslut, stavfel soluton arkitekt, solutio arkitekt, solutin arkitekt, implimentation, integratons, PowerApps-arkitektur, PowerAutomate-arkitektur, Microsoft Power Platfrm, PL600, PL-60, PL-060, PL 60, PL 060, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platfrom-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-arkitektutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-implementeringsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-säkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-integrationsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Apps-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Automate-utbildning.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learn Microsoft Project for project management - create plans, track progress, allocate resources, and generate reports in this foundation-level course.
Microsoft Project, project management, creating project plans, tracking progress, allocating resources, creating project reports, Microsoft Project Training, foundation-level, project training, project planning, progress tracking, resource allocation, project reporting, MS Project, Misrosoft Project, Microsoft Projcet, Micrsoft Project, Microsoft Prject, Microsoft Projet, Microsoft Projct, Microsoft Proect, Microsoft Projet Training, Microsoft Project Traning, Microsoft Project Trainig Microsoft Project, project management, creating project plans, tracking progress, allocating resources, creating project reports, Microsoft Project Training, foundation-level, project training, project planning, progress tracking, resource allocation, project reporting, MS Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Training, Microsoft Project Training, Microsoft Project Training.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,050 -
Enhance your Microsoft 365 data security skills with the official Microsoft Purview Essentials Securing Data in Microsoft 365 (SC-5003) training course.
applied skills, (SC5003), (SC 5003), (SC-5003), data loss prevention measures, prevent data loss, microsoft sentinel, microsoft security, microsoft purview sensitivity labels, microsoft partner, information management, custom sensitive information types, microsoft purview extension, sensitive content, data loss prevention dlp, office 365, preventing data, access controls, dlp solutions, learn details about signing up and trial terms, start now at the microsoft purview compliance portal trials hub, microsoft purview solutions trial, 90-day microsoft purview solutions, organisation manage data security, additional purview capabilities, data security and compliance, explore how additional purview, solutions trial to explore, e5 customer, customer use the 90-day, critical data, machine learning, microsoft purview information protection, real time, Microsoft Purview training, Microsoft Purview course, Microsoft Purview certification, Microsoft 365 data security training, Microsoft 365 data security course, Microsoft 365 data security certification, SC-5003 training, SC-5003 course, SC-5003 certification, Microsoft Purview utbildning, Microsoft Purview kurs, Microsoft Purview certifiering, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetskurs, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetscertifiering, SC-5003 utbildning, SC-5003 kurs, SC-5003 certifiering
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Prepare for the SC-200 exam with this course for Security Operations professionals people who work in a Security Operations job role.
sc200, Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Training, SC-200, investigate, respond, hunt for threats, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, Microsoft 365 Defender, mitigate cyber threats, configure, Kusto Query Language, KQL, detection, analysis, reporting, security operations role, exam prep, Microsfot Security Operations Analyst, Azure Snetinel, Kusto Query Langauge, sc200, Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Training, SC-200, investigate, respond, hunt, threats, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, Microsoft 365 Defender, mitigate, cyber threats, technologies, configure, Kusto Query Language, detection, analysis, reporting, security operations role, exam, Microsoft Securty Operations Analyst Training, SC200, Azure Defendar, Kusto Query Languge Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Training, SC-200, undersöka, svara, jaga, hot, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, Microsoft 365 Defender, mildra, cyberhot, teknologier, konfigurera, Kusto Query Language, detektion, analys, rapportering, säkerhetsoperationsroll, examen, Microsoft Securty Operations Analyst Training, SC200, Azure Defendar, Kusto Query Languge.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,415 -
Learn about security, compliance, and identity concepts with Microsoft solutions. Perfect for SC-900 exam prep.
sc900, Microsoft Security, Compliance, Identity, Cloud-based Solutions, Networking, Cloud Computing, General IT Knowledge, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Familiarisation, Fundamentals, SCI, SC-900 Exam, Objective Domain, End-to-end Solution, Holistic Solution, Cloud Services, Cloud Security, Compliance Concepts, Identity Concepts, Security Concepts, Microsoft Tools, Microsoft Security Solutions, Identity Management, Access Management, Risk Management, Governance, Certification, Authentication, Authorisation, Misconfigurations, Cybersecurity, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Policies, Best Practices, sc900, Microsoft Security, Compliance, Identity, Fundamentals Training, SC-900, networking, cloud computing, IT, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, security, compliance, identity solutions, cloud-based, SC-900 exam, objective domain, end-to-end solution, Microsft, Securty, Complience, Identiy, Azur, Msft 365 Microsoft Security, Compliance, Identity, Fundamentals Training, SC-900, nätverk, molntjänster, IT, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, säkerhet, efterlevnad, identitetslösningar, molnbaserade, SC-900-examen, måldomän, helhetslösning, stavfel Microsft, Securty, Complience, Identiy, Azur, Msft 365.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
In this Microsoft SharePoint 2016 training, you will learn how to create, manage, and customize content within the SharePoint platform.
SharePoint, Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint training, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint online, SharePoint tutorial, SharePoint platform, SharePoint collaboration, SharePoint document management, SharePoint customization, SharePoint access, SharePoint content management, SharePoint administration, SharePoint development, Sharepoint Sharpoint, Share pont, Shairpoint, Sharepointt, Sharepoitn.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,395 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Microsoft SharePoint Training, you will learn how to create, manage, and customize websites using SharePoint Online.
Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint Online, SharePoint training, SharePoint course, SharePoint tutorial, SharePoint certification, SharePoint classes, SharePoint workshop, SharePoint lessons, SharePoint education, Microsoft SharePoint Online, SharePoint collaboration, SharePoint content sharing, SharePoint website management, SharePoint customization, SharePoint administration, SharePoint development, SharePoint implementation, SharePoint navigation, Sharepoint, Share point, Share-point, Microsft SharePoint, Misrosoft SharePoint, Shairpoint, Sharpoint, Shar point, Share poin, SharePoint trainig, SharePoint trining, SharePoin.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learning Tree's SQL Server training course covers SQL Server basics: database management, table creation, and query writing for beginners.
SQL Server 2016, Microsoft SQL Server Training Course SQL Server 2019, SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server training, SQL Server course, SQL Server benefits, SQL Server administration, SQL Server development, SQL Server tools, SQL Server BI stack, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, enterprise data management, Business Intelligence solutions, hands-on course, SQL Server features, SQL Server implementation, SQL Server maximization, SQL Server robust development SQL Sevrer, Microsoft SQL Sevrer, SQL Sevrer training, SQL Sevrer course, SQL Sevrer administration, SQL Sevrer development, SQL Sevrer tools, SQL Sevrer BI stack, Intergration Services, Analysis Sevrices, Reporting Sevrices, enterprise data managment, Buisness Intelligence solutions, hands-on course, SQL Sevrer features, SQL Sevrer implementation, SQL Sevrer maximization, SQL Sevrer robust development SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server training, SQL Server course, SQL Server benefits, SQL Server administration, SQL Server development, SQL Server tools, SQL Server BI stack, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, enterprise data management, Business Intelligence solutions, hands-on course, SQL Server features, SQL Server implementation, SQL Server maximisation, SQL Server robust development SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server training, SQL Server course, SQL Server administration, SQL Server development, SQL Server tools, SQL Server BI stack, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, enterprise data management, Business Intelligence solutions, hands-on course, SQL Server features, SQL Server implementation, SQL Server maximisation, SQL Server robust development
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Get hands-on experience in migrating and modernising SAP environments using Azure resources, including VMs, networks, and Microsoft Entra ID. Learn backup, disaster recovery, and monitoring.
Az-1006, Az1006, Az 1006, microsoft azure, azure site recovery, sap cloud platform identity authentication, azure virtual machines, sap on azure, azure resource manager, azure for sap workloads, azure netapp files, azure center for sap solutions, disaster recovery options, azure portal, azure region, cloud service, azure infrastructure, sap applications, azure offers, load balancers, recovery points, azure platform, role based access control, network infrastructure, cloud environments, azure cloud, rest api, azure resource manager templates, center for sap solutions, azure center for sap, integration with azure, azure subscription, services such as azure
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Streamline your database migration with our Migrate SQL Server workload to Azure SQL (DP-3001) training course
applied skills, applied, skills, SQL Server, Azure SQL, migration, Azure SQL Database, Database Migration Assistant, Azure SQL Migration Extension, provisioning, configuring, performance optimisation, disaster recovery, database monitoring, in-person training, online training, private team training, assessing databases, deploying Azure SQL, post-migration tasks, SQL Server administration, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server Migration Strategy, data platform modernisation, data migration technologies, PaaS solutions, database compatibility, Azure Migration, SQL database elastic pool, SQL database hyperscale, SQL managed instance, SQL Edge, database authentication, database authorisation, Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, security principals, database permissions, Azure SQL Database features, BACPAC migration, online migration, SQL logins, database security, compliance controls, performance monitoring, high availability, geo-replication, SQL Server, Azure SQL, migration, Azure SQL-databas, Database Migration Assistant, Azure SQL Migration Extension, provisioning, konfigurering, prestandaoptimering, katastrofåterställning, databasövervakning, utbildning på plats, onlineutbildning, privat teamutbildning, utvärdering av databaser, distribution av Azure SQL, efter migreringsuppgifter, administration av SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, strategi för migration av SQL Server, modernisering av dataplattform, teknologier för datamigration, PaaS-lösningar, databaskompatibilitet, Azure Migration, SQL-databas elastisk pool, SQL-databas hyperskala, SQL Managed Instance, SQL Edge, databasautentisering, databasbehörighet, Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, säkerhetsprinciper, databasbehörigheter, funktioner i Azure SQL-databas, BACPAC-migration, onlinemigration, SQL-inloggningar, databassäkerhet, efterlevnadskontroller, prestandaövervakning, hög tillgänglighet, geo-replikering
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
This hands-on Migrating to AWS course focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.
AWS migration, cloud migration, portfolio discovery, application migration, migration planning, migration design, post-migration validation, application optimization, hands-on labs, AWS Cloud, migration process, migration tasks, cloud migration strategies, AWM, AW migration, clod migration, AWS clod, portofolio discovery, application migrtion, post-migrtion validation, application optimzation. AWS migration, cloud migration, portfolio discovery, application migration, migration planning, migration design, post-migration validation, application optimisation, hands-on labs, AWS Cloud, migration process, migration tasks, cloud migration strategies, AWM, AW migration, cloud migration, AWS cloud, portfolio discovery, application migration, post-migration validation, application optimisation.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Learning Tree
Learn MBSE project processes & build robust models using SysML notation & diagrams in 3-day training.
Model Based System Engineering, MBSE, modern software engineering, systems engineering, engineering transformation initiatives, model-based, document-based, SysML, project processes, robust models, notation, diagrams, OCSMP, APMG certifications, system engineers, acceleration, understanding, confidence Model Bases System Engineering MBCE SisML projecy processenotaion OCSOMQ APMJ certificationsystm engineeraccelaration
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,675 -
Learning Tree
This business analysis modelling course will help you fulfill your role as a BA on business & software projects through an immersive, simulated case study.
Business Analysis, Modeling, Enterprise Architecture, Business Cases, Business Requirements, Software Requirements, Analysis, Modelling, Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN, UML diagrams, Workflow, Enterprise Structure, Business Objects, , Moddeling, Bussiness Analysis, Enterprize Architecture, Bussiness Cases, Bussiness Requirments, Softwere Requirments, Analisis, Moddeling, Bussiness Process Model and Notation, BPNM, UML daigrams, Workflows, Enterprize Strukture, Bussiness Objecks. Business Analysis, Modelling, Enterprise Architecture, Business Cases, Business Requirements, Software Requirements, Analysis, Modelling, Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN, UML diagrams, Workflow, Enterprise Structure, Business Objects, , Modelling, Business Analysis, Enterprise Architecture, Business Cases, Business Requirements, Software Requirements, Analysis, Modelling, Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN, UML diagrams, Workflows, Enterprise Structure, Business Objects.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Get MSP® certified! This course prepares you take the MSP Foundation and Practitioner Exams.
MSP, Managing Successful Programmes, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, knowledge, framework, proven concepts, best practices, transformational change, MSB, Managin Successful Programmes, certifcation, traning, foundtion, practicioner, knoledge, fraemwork, provan concepts, best practises, transformatonal change. MSP, Managing Successful Programmes, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, knowledge, framework, proven concepts, best practices, transformational change, MSB, Managing Successful Programmes, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, knowledge, framework, proven concepts, best practices, transformational change.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,050 -
Learning Tree
Transform your leadership skills in Duke's program. Learn to navigate today's complex work environments with new approaches.
navigate, navigation, complex, complexity, approach, diagnose, respond, interactive, environment, situation, leadership, transformational, technical, course, certificate, Duke CE, navagate, navagation, compleksity, approch, diagnos, respondant, intereactive, enviorment, sittuation, leadreship, transfprmational, techanical.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on networking course, gain the skills to configure, maintain & troubleshoot multiple network configurations. Attend in-class or online.
network configuration, troubleshooting, training, cables, wireless connections, protocols, applications, VLANs, switched network, access, secure, wireless network, IP address assignments, subnetting, network config, troubleshoot, trainning, cable, wireles, conection, protocals, aplicatons, VLAN, switch network, acess, secue, IP adress, subneting. network configuration, troubleshooting, training, cables, wireless connections, protocols, applications, VLANs, switched network, access, secure, wireless network, IP address assignments, subnetting, network config, troubleshoot, training, cable, wireless, connection, protocols, applications, VLAN, switched network, access, secure, IP address, subnetting.
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Embrace neurodiversity at work for competitive advantages in productivity, innovation, culture, and talent retention. Course for Neurodistinct & Neurotypical.
neurodiversity, hidden culture, learning the language, training, neurotypical, neurodistinct, team communication, workforce, organizational objectives, hidden talents, successful working relationships, cross-departmental communication, neurodivesity, neurodivirsity, neurodiveristy, neurodiversit, neorodiversity, neorodiversit, neorodivrsity, neorodiveristy, neorodiversit, neorodiversety. neurodiversity, hidden culture, learning the language, training, neurotypical, neurodistinct, team communication, workforce, organisational objectives, hidden talents, successful working relationships, cross-departmental communication, neurodivesity, neurodivirsity, neurodiveristy, neurodiversit, neorodiversity, neorodiversit, neorodivrsity, neorodiveristy, neorodiversit, neorodiversety.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
In this NIST training course (Cybersecurity Framework), US government employees will learn how to meet all cyber laws & regulations in their agency.
NIST, Cybersecurity Framework, risk assessment, risk management, US Government, laws, regulations, National Institute of Standards and Technology, training, course, workshop, workbook, source documents, cybersecurity staff, organisation, losses, protect, regulations, laws, NISTt, cyberscurity, framewrok, risk asessment, risk managment, govornment, laws and regulations, Nationl Institute of Standards and Technology, tranning, cours, workshp, workbok, cyber security staff, organisaton, looses, protec, mispelling cyberscurity, organisaiton, loosses NIST, Cybersecurity Framework, risk assessment, risk management, UK Government, laws, regulations, National Institute of Standards and Technology, training, course, workshop, workbook, source documents, cybersecurity staff, organization, losses, protect, regulations, laws, NIST, cybersecurity, framework, risk assessment, risk management, government, laws and regulations, National Institute of Standards and Technology, training, course, workshop, workbook, cybersecurity staff, organization, losses, protect, cybersecurity, organization, losses.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Oracle PL/SQL training course, you will learn how to execute PL/SQL programmes, build stored procedures, execute modular applications & more.
Oracle, PL/SQL, training, productivity, performance, scalability, portability, security, database, execute, programmes, stored procedures, modular applications, efficiency, data movement, developer, Oracal, PL/SQL training, poratability, efficency. Oracle, PL/SQL, training, productivity, performance, scalability, portability, security, database, execute, programs, stored procedures, modular applications, efficiency, data movement, developer, Oracle, PL/SQL training, portability, efficiency.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,690 -
Learning Tree
In this Penetration Testing course, you will learn to discover weaknesses in your own network by using the mindset and methods of a hacker.
Penetration Testing, Pen Testing, hacking, cybersecurity, vulnerability assessment, network security, cyber defense, exploit, countermeasures, risk reduction, antivirus evasion, ethical hacking, security testing, OS security, network weaknesses, enterprise security, offensive security, defensive security, computer security, system security, IT security, cyber threat, cyber attack, security assessment, security training, security tools, hacker mindset, security measures, digital security, security seminar, cyber security certification, Penetration testing, ethical hacking, network security, vulnerability assessment, exploit development, risk management, cyber security, intrusion testing, security assessment, penetration testing tools, hacking techniques, antivirus evasion, network defense, security countermeasures, vulnerability testing, security testing, penetration testing certification, cyber defense, penetration testing course, ethical hacking training, network penetration testing, security auditing, vulnerability scanning, security consulting, cyber risk assessment, penetration testing services, web application penetration testing, wireless network security, penetration testing methodology, security hardening, security testing tools, security awareness training, security incident response, security operations center, security testing services, security testing methodologies, penetration testing companies, security assessment services, security testing certification, security testing courses, security testing methodology, security testing techniques, security testing tools and techniques Penatration testing, pentration testing, penitration testing, penetration testingt, peneration testing, penetration teting, penetration testin, penatration testing tools, pentration testing techniques, penitration testing course, penetration testing certifcation, ethcal hacking training, securty testing, secuirty testing, penatration testing certification, pentration testing course, penitration testing tools, penitration testing techniques, penetraion testing, penetraion testing tools, penetraion testing techniques Penetrationstestning, etiskt hackande, nätverkssäkerhet, sårbarhetsbedömning, exploit-utveckling, riskhantering, cybersäkerhet, intrångstestning, säkerhetsbedömning, verktyg för penetrationstestning, hackningstekniker, antivirusundvikande, nätverksförsvar, säkerhetsåtgärder, sårbarhetstestning, säkerhetstestning, certifiering för penetrationstestning, cybersäkerhet, kurs i penetrationstestning, utbildning i etiskt hackande, nätverkspenetrationstestning, säkerhetsrevision, sårbarhetsskanning, säkerhetskonsultation, bedömning av cyberrisker, tjänster för penetrationstestning, penetrationstestning av webbapplikationer, trådlös nätverkssäkerhet, metodik för penetrationstestning, säkerhetshärdning, verktyg för säkerhetstestning, utbildning i säkerhetsmedvetenhet, incidenthantering, säkerhetsoperationscenter, tjänster för säkerhetstestning, metodik för säkerhetstestning, företag som utför penetrationstestning, tjänster för säkerhetsbedömning, certifiering för säkerhetstestning, kurser i säkerhetstestning, metodik för säkerhetstestning, tekniker för säkerhetstestning, verktyg och tekniker för säkerhetstestning Penatration testning, pentration testning, penitration testning, penetration testingt, peneration testning, penetration teting, penetration testin, penatration testning tools, pentration testning techniques, penitration testning course, penetration testing certifcation, ethcal hacking training, securty testing, secuirty testing, penatration testing certification, pentration testing course, penitration testing tools, penitration testing techniques, penetraion testing, penetraion testing tools, penetraion testing techniques
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to leverage your strengths, work with others, and add value to your organisation in our Personal Skills course.
Personal Skills Training, Professional Excellence, strengths, talents, challenging situations, organization, behaviors, competencies, purpose, networks, expertise, reputation, optimal results, personal skillz training, profesionel excelence, strenghts, talants, chalenging sitations, organisashun, behaviurs, competences, porpose, netwurks, expertice, reputashun, optimul results. Personal Skills Training, Professional Excellence, strengths, talents, challenging situations, organisation, behaviours, competencies, purpose, networks, expertise, reputation, optimal results, personal skills training, professional excellence, strengths, talents, challenging situations, organisation, behaviours, competencies, purpose, networks, expertise, reputation, optimal results.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Attend this 3-day official SAP on Azure (AZ-120) training & learn how to best plan & implement the migration & operation of an SAP solution on Azure.
AZ120, Microsoft Azure, SAP Workloads, deployment, configuration, virtual machines, virtual networks, storage accounts, Azure AD, hybrid identities, migration, operation, subscriptions, scale, storage solutions, virtual networking, back up, share data, on-premises sites, network traffic, Microsoft Entra, Azure Active Directory, secure identities, monitor solution, designing, deploying, AZ-120, planning, administering, Azur, Azar, SAP Workload, virtul machines, virtaul networks, storag accounts, Azur AD, hybrid identites, migratoin, operatoin, subscritpions, storge solutions, virtaul network, backp, shae data, on-premisis sites, netwrok traffic, Azar Active Directory, moniter, desining, deploing, AZ120, planing, adminstering. Microsoft Azure, SAP Workloads, deployment, configuration, virtual machines, virtual networks, storage accounts, Azure AD, hybrid identities, migration, operation, subscriptions, scale, storage solutions, virtual networking, backup, share data, on-premises sites, network traffic, Azure Active Directory, secure identities, monitor solution, designing, deploying, AZ-120, planning, administering, Azure, Azar, SAP Workload, virtual machines, virtual networks, storage accounts, Azure AD, hybrid identities, migration, operation, subscriptions, storage solutions, virtual network, backup, share data, on-premises sites, network traffic, Azure Active Directory, monitor, designing, deploying, AZ120, planning, administering.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
In this 3-day AWS training, you will learn about the process of planning and designing both relational and nonrelational AWS databases.
AWS database services, planning databases, designing databases, relational databases, nonrelational databases, workload requirements, database design considerations, AWS databases, database features, database capabilities, determine AWS database, meet database requirements, database planning, database design, AWS database design, AWS database planning, AWS database features, AWS database capabilities, AWS database selection, AWS database service selection, AWS database selection criteria, AWS database design considerations, AWS database planning considerations, AWS database features and capabilities, AWS database service features, AWS database service capabilities, AWS database service selection criteria, AWS database service planning, AWS database service design. AWS data base services planning data bases designing data bases relational data bases non-relational data bases workload requirement database design consideration AWS data bases database feature database capabilites determine AWS data base meet data base requirement data base planning data base design AWS data base design AWS data base planning AWS data base features AWS data base capabilites AWS data base selection AWS data base service selection AWS data base selection criteria AWS data base design considerations AWS data base planning considerations AWS data base feature and capabilities AWS data base service features AWS data base service capabilities AWS data base service selection criteria AWS data base service planning AWS data base service design. AWS database services, planning databases, designing databases, relational databases, non-relational databases, workload requirements, database design considerations, AWS databases, database features, database capabilities, determine AWS database, meet database requirements, database planning, database design, AWS database design, AWS database planning, AWS database features, AWS database capabilities, AWS database selection, AWS database service selection, AWS database selection criteria, AWS database design considerations, AWS database planning considerations, AWS database features and capabilities, AWS database service features, AWS database service capabilities, AWS database service selection criteria, AWS database service planning, AWS database service design. AWS database services planning databases designing databases relational databases non-relational databases workload requirements database design considerations AWS databases database features database capabilities determine AWS database meet database requirements database planning database design AWS database design AWS database planning AWS database features AWS database capabilities AWS database selection AWS database service selection AWS database selection criteria AWS database design considerations AWS database planning considerations AWS database features and capabilities AWS database service features AWS database service capabilities AWS database service selection criteria AWS database service planning AWS database service design.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,620 -
The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® training helps you create a personalized self-study plan and increase the effectiveness of your exam prep.
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner, PMI-ACP, certification training, boot camp, expertise, agile principles, techniques, organization, value-driven delivery, continuous improvement, communication, collaboration, real-life scenarios, Agile terminology, well-known practices, PMI's seven domains of practice, self-study plan, exam preparation, PMI Agile Certified Practicioner, PMI-ACP Certification, bootcamp, PMI, Agile, Certified Practitioner, certification, training, boot camp, expertise, principles, techniques, organisation, value-driven delivery, continuous improvement, communication, collaboration, scenarios, terminology, practices, domains, self-study plan, exam preparation, PMI-AGILE, Practicioner, sertification, traning, booot camp, expretise, prinicples, techniqes, organziation, valude-driven, continous, improvment, commnication, collabration, scenerios, termnology, practises, domians, self-study, exame, preparaion. PMI, Agile, Certified Practitioner, certifiering, utbildning, boot camp, expertis, principer, tekniker, organisation, värdebaserad leverans, kontinuerlig förbättring, kommunikation, samarbete, scenarier, terminologi, metoder, domäner, självstudieplan, examensförberedelse, stavfel PMI-AGILE, Practicioner, sertification, traning, booot camp, expretise, prinicples, techniqes, organziation, valude-driven, continous, improvment, commnication, collabration, scenerios, termnology, practises, domians, self-study, exame, preparaion.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
Unlock PostgreSQL's full potential with our 3-day hands-on training. Learn to install, configure, manage, and optimize databases efficiently.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
In this four-day Power Apps Power Automate Training course, you will learn how to create low-code custom business applications and automate processes.
Nintex courses, Nintex, PowerApps, Power Automate, training, course, learn, create, no-code, low-code, custom, business applications, automate, processes, SharePoint Power Users, Site Owners, PowerApss, PowerAutomat, traiining, busines, appplications, proceses
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learn best practices for Power BI with PL-300 Microsoft training. Align business and tech requirements.
PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analysis, modeling, visualization, data sources, security standards, policies, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, Power B1, data analyse, vizualization, secruity standards, polices, repots, dashboads, paginated repots, PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analyst, training, course, modelling, visualising, analysing, data, access, process, sources, relational, non-relational, security, standards, policies, datasets, groups, managing, deploying, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, business requirements, technical requirements, best practices, implementation, publishing, Power BI service, data sources, content distribution, data security, data visualization, data analysis, data modeling, data processing, Power BI spectrum, Power BI training, Power BI course, Power BI training course, Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Data analist, trainig, modling, visualizing, analizing, securty, stadards, polices, dashbords, paginated, requirments. Power BI, dataanalytiker, utbildning, kurs, modellering, visualisering, analys, data, åtkomst, process, källor, relationella, icke-relationella, säkerhet, standarder, policys, dataset, grupper, hantering, distribution, rapporter, instrumentpaneler, delning, innehållsdistribution, paginerade rapporter, arbetsyta, inkludering, affärsbehov, tekniska krav, bästa praxis, implementering, publicering, Power BI-tjänst, datakällor, innehållsdistribution, datasekretess, datavisualisering, dataanalys, datamodellering, dataprocessering, Power BI-spektrum, Power BI-utbildning, Power BI-kurs, Power BI-utbildningskurs, stavfel Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Dataanalysator, träning, modellering, visualisering, analys, säkerhet, standarder, policys, instrumentpaneler, paginerade, krav.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Maximise your proficiency using Power BI Service with Power BI for Business Users! Learn to navigate the Power BI Service, & to interact with reports, dashboards, & AI visuals effectively.
Power BI, Business User, reports, dashboards, objects, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, trends, insights, cloud, Dashboards, Reports, Visuals, Apps, navigate, interact, Sorting, Filtering, drill-down, Focus mode, Full-Screen mode, Data Alert, Q&A, human-readable questions, Coaching, Follow-Up sessions, Evaluation, targeted feedback, Power B1, Buisness User, repports, dasboards, obgects, Powr BI Desktop, Powr BI Service, tredns, insghts, clud, Dashbords, Reprts, Vizuals, Aps, Sortng, Filtring, drilldwn, Focu mode, Full-Scren mode, Data Alrt, Q&A, humn-redble questons, Coachng, Folow-Up sesions, Evalution, targetted feedback. Power BI, Business User, reports, dashboards, objects, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, trends, insights, cloud, Dashboards, Reports, Visuals, Apps, navigate, interact, Sorting, Filtering, drill-down, Focus mode, Full-Screen mode, Data Alert, Q&A, human-readable questions, Coaching, Follow-Up sessions, Evaluation, targeted feedback, Power BI, Business User, reports, dashboards, objects, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, trends, insights, cloud, Dashboards, Reports, Visuals, Apps, navigate, interact, Sorting, Filtering, drill-down, Focus mode, Full-Screen mode, Data Alert, Q&A, human-readable questions, Coaching, Follow-Up sessions, Evaluation, targeted feedback.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learn to manage Power BI platform in your org. Configure access, monitor usage, and manage licenses. Join our Power BI Admin training today!
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, BI platform, manage, administrator, configure, access settings, users, monitor, usage, organization, license, Power B1, Microsft Power BI, B1 platform, administrater, acess, lisence
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn advanced data modeling & shaping in Power BI with DAX formulas & Power Query M language in this course.
Power BI, advanced data modeling, shaping, data analysis expressions, DAX, Power Query M language, data modeling techniques, shaping techniques, advanced data modeling techniques, advanced shaping techniques, data modeling course, shaping course, Power BI course, Power BI training, data modeling training, shaping training, DAX formulas, Power Query M language training, data shaping, data modeling and shaping, advanced Power BI techniques, Power BI data modeling
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Learn to use Microsoft Power BI dashboard in one day. Build your own data reports and dashboards with instructor support.
Power BI, dashboard, training, course, Microsoft, navigate, use, build, data, reports, dashboards, instructor, Power B1, dashbord, traning, courze, Micrsoft, navgiate, biuld, dat, report, dashbords, instuctor Power BI, dashboard, training, course, Microsoft, navigate, use, build, data, reports, dashboards, instructor, Power BI, dashboard, training, course, Microsoft, navigate, build, data, reports, dashboards, instructor.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Watch and perform exercises to connect to 7 million records from various sources, refine the data in Power Query and import the tables into Power BI.
Power BI: Hands-On Reports and Dashboards, Power BI: HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, reports, dashboards, training, exercises, data, Power Query, tables, visualizations, publish, workspace, app, distribute, share, PowerBI, Power-BI, Power-B1, Power-BI Desktop, Power-BI Service, visualisation Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, reports, dashboards, training, exercises, data, Power Query, tables, visualisations, publish, workspace, app, distribute, share, PowerBI, Power-BI, Power-B1, Power-BI Desktop, Power-BI Service, visualisation.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Master key project skills with our 'Power Skills in Project Management' course: lead effectively, communicate better, and boost team success.
Power Skills in Project Management, Project Leadership, Effective Communication, Team Empowerment, Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Resolution, Stakeholder Management, Decision Making, Leadership Frameworks, VUCA in Projects, Project Uncertainty, Agile Leadership, Goal Alignment, Influencing Skills, Bias Management, Groupthink Avoidance, Accountability in Teams, Projektledningsfärdigheter, Projektledarskap, Effektiv kommunikation, Teamstärkning, Emotionell intelligens, Konfliktlösning, Intressenthantering, Beslutsfattande, Ledarskapsramverk, VUCA i projekt, Ovisshet i projekt, Agilt ledarskap, Måljustering, Påverkansförmåga, Förvaltning av fördomar, Undvikande av grupptänkande, Ansvar i team, Powar Skilz in Projeckt Manegement, Progect Leedership, Efektive Comunicashion, Teem Empouerment, Emoshunal Intelijence, Conflickt Rezolution, Stakeholdar Manegement, Desision Makin, Leedership Framewerks, VUCA in Progects, Progect Uncertenty, Ajeel Leedership, Goel Alygnment, Influensing Skilz, Byas Manegment, Groopthink Avoydance, Accountabilty in Teems
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
In this module you learn the differences between single, dual, and multi-factor authentication and how to set up Windows Hello on a stand alone Windows 10 machine.
single factor authentication, dual factor authentication, multi factor authentication, Windows Hello, Windows 10, set up, security, IT security, practical security, singel factor authentication, duall factor authentication, mulit factor authentication, Windwos Hello, Windwos 10, set-up, secutiry, IT secutiry, practical secutiry single factor authentication, dual factor authentication, multi factor authentication, Windows Hello, Windows 10, set up, security, IT security, practical security, single factor authentication, dual factor authentication, multi factor authentication, Windows Hello, Windows 10, set-up, security, IT security, practical security.
On-Demand -
APMG International™
This PRAXIS Bridging Course is a route to get Practitioner certified by bridging your existing PRINCE2®, MSP®, APM or PM4SD™ framework certifications. Course includes PRAXIS exam (taken in class).
Praxis, framework, projects, programmes, portfolios, guidance, knowledge, method, competency, capability, certification, PRINCE2, MSP, APM, PM4SD, exam, training, course, bridge course, practitioner, certified, stakeholder, benefits, digital, free Praxus framewrok projectes programms portfoliios guidnce knowlege methid competancy capabilty certificaton PRINCE 2 APN PM4SD traning brige course practicioner sertified stakehoder benifits digtal frree Praxis, framework, projects, programmes, portfolios, guidance, knowledge, method, competency, capability, certification, PRINCE2, MSP, APM, PM4SD, exam, training, course, bridge course, practitioner, certified, stakeholder, benefits, digital, free Praxus framework projects programmes portfolios guidance knowledge method competency capability certification PRINCE2 MSP APM PM4SD training bridge course practitioner certified stakeholder benefits digital free
Foundation3 daysTeam Training -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Prepare for an AI Transformation Initiative with this 1-day foundation course from Learning Tree. Gain a comprehensive overview of AI transformation components.
learning tree, team training, customer journey maps, instructor - led training, ai transformation, team course, course name, training outline, transformation process, ai adoption, long term, social media, products or services, business goals, ai technologies, product and service, training course, target audiences, team members, future state, table of contents, problem solving, learning objectives, subject matter, online course, customer interacts, creating a customer journey, human resources, training program, customer satisfaction, lärande träd, teamträning, kundreskarta, instruktörsledd utbildning, ai omvandling, teamkurs, kursnamn, utbildningsöversikt, omvandlingsprocess, ai-acceptans, långsiktig, sociala medier, produkter eller tjänster, affärsmål, ai-teknik, produkt och tjänst, träningskurs, målgrupper, teammedlemmar, framtida tillstånd, innehållsförteckning, problemlösning, inlärningsmål, ämnesområde, onlinekurs, kundinteraktioner, skapa en kundresa, personalresurser, träningsprogram, kundnöjdhet.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £730 -
Attain PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certification with our comprehensive training. Learn to blend PRINCE2 and Agile methodologies for successful project management.
PRINCE2 Agile, Agile, PRINCE2, certification course, exam, compatibility, skills, processes, projects, customers, fast-paced, changing business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, framework, pragmatism, control, governance, practice exam questions, workshops, overnight study, knowledge, principles, agile project management solution. PRINCE 2, Agile certification, PRINCE2 Agile Foundation, Agile project management, PRINCE2 Agile certification. PRINCE2 Agile, Agile, PRINCE2, certification course, exam, compatibility, skills, processes, projects, customers, fast-paced, changing business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, framework, pragmatism, control, governance, practice exam questions, workshops, overnight study, knowledge, principles, agile project management solution. PRINCE 2, Agile certification, PRINCE2 Agile Foundation, Agile project management, PRINCE2 Agile certification. There is no need for translation as both versions of English are the same.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Prepare for your certification exam and learn to combine the flexibility and responsiveness of Agile with the effective governance and control of PRINCE2.
PRINCE2 Agile, Agile, PRINCE2, certification, governance, control, exam, workshops, overnight study, management, delivery, flexibility, responsiveness, environment, success, practitioner, combine, effective, knowledge, experience, focused Prince 2 Agile Agile Prince 2 Prince2 Agile Practicioner Prince2 Agile Certification Agile Prince2 Certification PRINCE2 Agile, Agile, PRINCE2, certification, governance, control, exam, workshops, overnight study, management, delivery, flexibility, responsiveness, environment, success, practitioner, combine, effective, knowledge, experience, focused Prince 2 Agile Agile Prince 2 PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner PRINCE2 Agile Certification Agile PRINCE2 Certification
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Through practice exams and overnight study, you gain the knowledge and skills required to take the PRINCE2 Foundation Exam.
PRINCE2, project management, method, standardised, best-practice approach, practice exams, workshops, certification training, knowledge, prepare, Foundation, exam, PRINCE 2, Prince II, Prince 2, Project Managment, PRINCE2, project management, certification training, practice exams, workshops, best-practice approach, standardised method, proven method, project scale, project type, organisation, geography, culture, exam preparation, overnight study, widely-used method, PRINCE 2, PRINCEII, PRINCE 2nd edition. PRINCE2, projektledning, certifieringsutbildning, övningsprov, workshops, bästa praxis-metod, standardiserad metod, beprövad metod, projektomfattning, projekttyp, organisation, geografi, kultur, examensförberedelse, övernattande studier, mycket använd metod, stavfel PRINCE 2, PRINCEII, PRINCE 2 a upplagan.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Prepare for and pass PRINCE2 exams with our training course. Gain knowledge for Foundation and Practitioner certification.
PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation & Practitioner Certification Training, PRINCE2, project management, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, exams, principles, best practices, initiating, managing, model, preparation, success, pass, knowledge, skills, techniques, methodology, approach. PRINCE 2 Prince II Printce2 Prence2 Princetoo Prince 2nd edition, PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, certification training, foundation, practitioner, exam preparation, process model, principles, best practices, project initiation, project management using PRINCE2 PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, certification training, foundation, practitioner, exam preparation, process model, principles, best practices, project initiation, project management using PRINCE2, PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, Prince2, Prince 2, project management, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, exams, process model, principles, best practices, initiating, managing, projects PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, Prince2, Prince 2, projektledning, certifiering, utbildning, grundläggande, utövare, tentor, processmodell, principer, bästa praxis, initiering, hantering, projekt.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,945 -
Get prepped for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in this 2-day course. Includes the exam, pre-course study guide, and after-course coaching.
PRINCE2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, leading, method, preparation, size, end, beginning, PRINCE, prince2, practicioner, sertification, traning, manag, projcts, proceses, knowlege, exm, scop, establsh, methd, preperation, siz, en, begining. PRINCE2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, leading, method, preparation, size, end, beginning, PRINCE, prince2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, method, preparation, size, end, beginning., PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, process management, certification training, practitioner, exam preparation, leading method, project establishment, project scope, project size, project management certification. PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, projektledning, processhantering, certifieringsutbildning, utövare, examensförberedelse, ledande metod, projektetablering, projektomfattning, projektstorlek, projektledningscertifiering.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Prepare for PRINCE2® Agile Foundation & Practitioner certification with expert training to excel in agile project management.
PRINCE2 Agile, certification, training, exams, skills, processes, projects, customers, fast-paced, rapidly changing, business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, effective governance, control, PRINCE 2, Agile certification, traning, exmas, projcts, custmers, fast-pased, rapidly-changin, busines enviroments, flexibilty, responsivness, effective goverance, controle PRINCE2 Agile, certification, training, exams, skills, processes, projects, customers, fast-paced, rapidly changing, business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, effective governance, control, PRINCE2, Agile certification, training, exams, projects, customers, fast-paced, rapidly changing, business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, effective governance, control.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,190 -
Join our 2-day Product Management course to master the product lifecycle, enhance your skills, and earn ICAgile ICP-PDM Certification.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,310 -
Learning Tree
In this Programme Management Training course, you will learn how to develop a business case and align programme requirements with organizational objectives.
Programme management, programme management training, program management course, business case development, aligning program requirements, organizational objectives, program roadmap execution, governance framework establishment, stakeholder management, program management best practices, program management certification, project management training, project management certification, program management skills, program management tools, program management techniques, program management methodology, program management framework, program management software, program management consulting, program management services, program management courses online, program management courses near me, program management jobs, program management career, program management salary, program management responsibilities, program management responsibilities, program management roles, program management responsibilities and duties, program management vs project management, program management vs portfolio management, program managment, program manegement, program managment training, program manegement training. Programme management, programme management training, programme management course, business case development, aligning programme requirements, organisational objectives, programme roadmap execution, governance framework establishment, stakeholder management, programme management best practices, programme management certification, project management training, project management certification, programme management skills, programme management tools, programme management techniques, programme management methodology, programme management framework, programme management software, programme management consulting, programme management services, programme management courses online, programme management courses near me, programme management jobs, programme management career, programme management salary, programme management responsibilities, programme management roles, programme management responsibilities and duties, programme management vs project management, programme management vs portfolio management, programme management, programme management training.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
5-day program for developing using Apex and Visualforce in Lightning (DEX450). Hands-on experience customizing UI.
programmatic development, apex programming language, visualforce markup, customise applications, salesforce platform, data objects, sObjects, retrieving data, manipulating data, storing data, custom logic, apex triggers, apex classes, testing framework, declarative customisations, multi-tenant platform, designing solutions, complex trigger, user interface, programmatic developers, business logic, Trailmix, Salesforce training, DEX450, Lightning Experience, hands-on experience, writing Visualforce pages, customisations, prepare for the course, Apex, Visualforce, Salesforce applications, Apex code, techniques, nuances, building data objects, declarative aspects, core programming language, programming customisations, user interface layers, new to Salesforce platform, programmatic customisations, programmatic developers, Trailmix preparation, Salesforce training course. programatic development apex programing language visual force markup customise applications sales force platform objects complex trigger user interface layers programatic customisations programatic developers salesforce training course programmatic development, apex programming language, visualforce markup, customise applications, salesforce platform, data objects, sObjects, retrieving data, manipulating data, storing data, custom logic, apex triggers, apex classes, testing framework, declarative customisations, multi-tenant platform, designing solutions, complex trigger, user interface, programmatic developers, business logic, Trailmix, Salesforce training, DEX450, Lightning Experience, hands-on experience, writing Visualforce pages, customisations, prepare for the course, Apex, Visualforce, Salesforce applications, Apex code, techniques, nuances, building data objects, declarative aspects, core programming language, programming customisations, user interface layers, new to Salesforce platform, programmatic customisations, programmatic developers, Trailmix preparation, Salesforce training course. programmatic development apex programming language visualforce markup customise applications salesforce platform sObjects complex trigger user interface layers programmatic customisations programmatic developers Salesforce training course.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Enhance your project leadership skills with our 3-day course. Learn to drive efficiency, productivity, and value through expert-led lectures and practical exercises.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,780 -
Learning Tree
Master project management from start to finish with our on-demand training. No prerequisites, ideal for beginners.
Navigational Keywords: OnDemand, On-Demand, On-Demand Delivery Methods, Training Information, Course Benefits, Tailored for Beginners, Real-world Applications, Course Objectives, Training Prerequisites, Training Outline, Project Management: The Basics, Initiating a Project, Planning the Project, Developing the Project Schedule, Resourcing the Project and Leading the Team, Baselining the Plan, Executing the Plan, Closing the Project, Enterprise Solutions, Clear Objectives, Strategic Project Plans, Stakeholder Engagement, Work Breakdown Structures, Project Scheduling Techniques, Execution, Resourcing Teams, Risk Management, Monitoring Progress, Communication, Project Management Concepts, Project Management Processes, Business Cases, Charters, Estimation, Task Sequencing, Risk Registers, Contingency Plans, Change Control, Project Health Check, Plan Approval, Monitoring and Controlling, Corrective Action, Communicating Project Status, Lessons Learned, Project Closure, Beskrivning, On-Demand Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Kursfördelar, Anpassad för Nybörjare, Verkliga Tillämpningar, Kursmål, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Projektledning: Grunden, Initiera ett Projekt, Planera Projektet, Utveckla Projektschemat, Resursera Projektet och Leda Teamet, Grundlägga Planen, Genomföra Planen, Avsluta Projektet, Företagslösningar, Klara Mål, Strategiska Projektplaner, Intressentengagemang, Arbetsnedbrytningsstrukturer, Tekniker för Projektschemaläggning, Genomförande, Resurssättning av Team, Riskhantering, Övervaka Framsteg, Kommunikation, Projektledningskoncept, Projektledningsprocesser, Affärsfall, Stadgar, Uppskattning, Sekvensering av Uppgifter, Riskregister, Kontingensplaner, Ändringskontroll, Projekthälsokontroll, Planens Godkännande, Övervaka och Kontrollera, Korrektiva Åtgärder, Kommunicera Projektstatus, Lärdomar, Projektavslutning, what is project management, introduction to project management training, project management skills, project management training course, master project management, associate in project management, project management approaches, project management basics, project management fundamentals training, project management processes, project management tools, project management software, successful projects, initiating planning, planning executing, project management professional pmp, agile methodologies, complex project, gantt chart, skill set, quality management, degree programs, kanban boards, project management role, executing projects, stakeholder management, teams working, management professional pmp certification, manage team, manage risks,
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from £399 -
The Project Management Professional® (PMP) certification training will help you prepare for the PMP Certification exam plus sharpen your skills and knowledge.
pm, project management, project manager, project planning, project control, project organisation, project administration, PMP, PMI, project certification, project training, project skills, project success, project completion, project competitiveness, project profession, PMP exam, PMP preparation, PMP course, PMP training, PMP skills, PMP competitiveness, PMP profession, incorrectly spelled proect management, proyect management, prodject management, project managment, project managment professional, PMP certification training, PMP training certification, PMP exam certification, PMP certification exam, PMP project management, PMP course training, PM certification training
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Learning Tree
Master real-world projects with our 2-day Project Management Simulation Workshop. Practical skills, no prerequisites, earn a certificate.
Project Management Simulation Workshop, Modern Project Management Program, capstone course, real-world scenarios, strategic decision-making, project execution, practical experience, project challenges, theory and practice, professional certificate program, project management concepts, complex project solutions, leadership skills, resource management, program advisor, instructor coaching, learning assessment, Learning Tree certificate, training prerequisites, Agile frameworks, project governance, project plan execution, team problem-solving, leadership dynamics, vendor management, project disruption, baseline resetting, lessons learned, Projektledningssimuleringsworkshop, Modernt Projektledningsprogram, avslutningskurs, verkliga scenarier, strategiskt beslutsfattande, projektgenomförande, praktisk erfarenhet, projektutmaningar, teori och praktik, professionellt certifikatprogram, projektledningskoncept, lösningar på komplexa projekt, ledarskapsfärdigheter, resurshantering, programrådgivare, instruktörscoaching, inlärningsbedömning, Learning Tree-certifikat, förutsättningar för utbildning, Agile-ramverk, projektstyrning, genomförande av projektplan, problemlösning i team, ledarskapsdynamik, leverantörshantering, projektstörning, återställning av baslinjer, lärdomar, Projekt Managemant Simulashion Workshop, Modren Progect Managament Progrm, capsotne corse, rela-world senarios, stratejic decison-makng, proejct eecution, practcal experince, projct chalenges, theoy and prcatice, profesional certficate progrm, project managment concpets, compex project solutons, leaership skils, resorce managemnt, progam advsor, instuctor coahcing, lerning assesment, Lerning Tre certficate, trainig prerequistes, Agil framewrks, projct govrenance, projet plan eecution, team problm-solving, leaership dynmics, vendor managment, projct disrupion, basline reseting, lesons lerned
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Automating Prompt Engineering with Python Training, you will use the latest and most powerful python and LangChain tools to unlock sustainable business value and get the most value out of artificial intelligence.
5-day, Automating, Prompt Engineering, Python, cutting-edge, artificial intelligence, latest, powerful, LangChain, automate, agents, creative ambition, controlled responsibility, sustainable, business value, Training Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Training Information, Benefits, best practice, large language models, framework, techniques, prompt templates, chains, vector embeddings, automated AI tools, public data, autonomous, practical, real-time, competitor analysis, dynamic marketing, insightful, recruitment, industries, Training Prerequisites, write, run, basic Python scripts, principles, libraries, API calls, Working knowledge, writing prompts, chat models, various, AI outputs, AI-generated, conversations, hallucinations, Training Outline, Accordion, drop down header, Introduction, Why, required, advanced, overview, tools, LLM, search, retrievers, Querying, deep dive, In-depth, Hands-on exercises, injection, sequencing, Day 3, Agents, Automation, Configuring, Monitoring, debugging, readiness, production, Day 4, theory, templates, Creating, effective, Injecting, dynamic data, Storing, outputs, vector databases, scaling, Day 5, Commercial, Use Cases, Assessment, Real-world, Hands-on workshop, solving, sample, challenges, Developing, end-to-end, Presentations, review, Capstone assessment, new, future applications, 5-dagars, Automatisering, Prompt Engineering, Python, banbrytande, artificiell intelligens, senaste, kraftfull, LangChain, automatisera, agenter, kreativ ambition, kontrollerat ansvar, hållbar, affärsvärde, Utbildningsleveransmetoder, Personligen, Online, Utbildningsinformation, Fördelar, bästa praxis, stora språkmodeller, ramverk, tekniker, prompt-mallar, kedjor, vektorembeddingar, automatiserade AI-verktyg, offentliga data, autonom, praktisk, realtid, konkurrentanalys, dynamisk marknadsföring, insiktsfull, rekrytering, industrier, Förkunskapskrav, skriva, köra, grundläggande Python-skript, principer, bibliotek, API-anrop, Arbetskunskap, skriva prompts, chattmodeller, olika, AI-utdata, AI-genererade, konversationer, hallucinationer, Utbildningsöversikt, Dragspel, fäll ner rubrik, Introduktion, Varför, nödvändig, avancerad, översikt, verktyg, LLM, sökning, retrievers, Frågeformulering, djupdykning, I detalj, Hands-on övningar, injektion, sekvensering, Dag 3, Agenter, Automation, Konfigurering, Övervakning, felsökning, beredskap, produktion, Dag 4, teori, mallar, Skapande, effektiv, Injicering, dynamiska data, Lagring, utdata, vektordatabaser, skalning, Dag 5, Kommersiell, Användningsfall, Bedömning, Verkliga världen, Hands-on workshop, lösa, exempel, utmaningar, Utveckling, ände-till-ände, Presentationer, granskning, Slutexamination, ny, framtida applikationer, Automating: Autamating, Automting, Automatng Prompt Engineering: Promt Engineering, Prompt Engeneering, Promt Enginering, Python: Pyhton, Pithon, Pythn, Cutting-edge: Cuttin-edge, Cuting-edge, Cuttng-edge, Artificial Intelligence: Artifical Intelligence, Artifitial Intelligence, Artificial Inteligence, LangChain: LangChian, LangChan, LangChainn, Automate: Autmate, Automat, Automte, Agents: Agants, Agnets, Agentz, Creative Ambition: Cretive Ambition, Creative Ambtion, Creatve Ambition, Controlled Responsibility: Controled Responsibility, Controled Responsiblity, Controlled Responsibilty, Sustainable: Sustainble, Sustanable, Sustaineble, Business Value: Buisness Value, Business Valu, Busines Value, Training Delivery Methods: Trainig Delivery Methods, Training Delvery Methods, Training Delevery Methods, In-Person: In-Persn, In-Peson, InPersn, Online: Onlin, On-line, Onlene, Training Information: Trainig Information, Training Informtion, Trainin Information, Benefits: Benifits, Benfits, Beneffits, Best Practice: Best Practise, Best Practie, Bes Practice, Large Language Models: Lrge Language Models, Large Languag Models, Large Langage Models, Framework: Framwork, Frameowrk, Frameork, Techniques: Techniqes, Tehniques, Tecniques, Prompt Templates: Promt Templates, Prompt Tempates, Prompt Templtes, Chains: Chanis, Chians, Chainz, Vector Embeddings: Vctor Embeddings, Vector Embddings, Vectr Embeddings, Automated AI Tools: Automted AI Tools, Automated AI Tols, Automated A Tools Public Data: Pubic Data, Public Dta, Pulbic Data, Autonomous: Autonmous, Autonomus, Atonomous, Practical: Practial, Practcal, Pratical, Real-time: Realtime, Reel-time, Rael-time, Competitor Analysis: Compettior Analysis, Competior Analysis, Competitor Analisis, Dynamic Marketing: Dinamic Marketing, Dyamic Marketing, Dyanmic Marketing, Basic Python Scripts: Basic Pyton Scripts, Basci Python Sctipts, Basic Pythn Scripts, Principles: Pinciples, Princples, Principlez, Libraries: Librairies, Librarys, Libaries, API Calls: AP Calls, AAPI Calls, API Calles, Working Knowledge: Workin Knowledge, Working Knowlege, Woriking Knowledge, Writing Prompts: Writting Prompts, Writin Prompts, Writing Prmopts, Chat Models: Chet Models, Chat Modles, Chat Mmodels, Various: Varous, Verious, Varios, AI Outputs: A Outputs, AI Ouputs, AI Outpts AI-generated: AIgenereted, AI-genrated, AI-genereted, Conversations: Coversations, Conversatons, Conversations Hallucinations: Halucinations, Halluciantions, Hallucintions, Training Outline: Trainig Outline, Training Outlin, Trainning Outline, Accordion: Acordion, Acordeon, Accordian, Drop Down Header: Drop Dwn Header, Drop Down Hedder, Dropp Down Header, Introduction: Introducton, Introdction, Introdcution, Why: Whi, Wai, Whyy, Required: Requried, Requred, Reqiured, Advanced: Adavanced, Advaced, Advansed, Overview: Overveiw, Oerview, Overviw, Tools: Toos, Tollz, Tols, LLM: LML, LMM, LLMs, Search: Searhc, Serach, Saerch, Retrievers: Retreivers, Retrievrs, Retriverz, Querying: Queering, Querrying, Queryng, Deep Dive: Depp Dive, Deep Dve, Deeep Dive, In-depth: In-deph, Indepth, In-Depth, Hands-on Exercises: Hands on Exersises, Hands-on Exercizes, Hands-om Exercises, Injection: Injction, Injecton, Injetion, Sequencing: Seqencing, Sequenceing, Sequecning, Agents: Agnts, Agens, Aggents, Automation: Autmation, Automtion, Automattion, Configuring: Configurin, Confguring, Configurring, Monitoring: Monitering, Monitring, Monitorng, Debugging: Debuggin, Deugging, Debgging, Readiness: Rediness, Readines, Readyness Production: Prodution, Produktion, Producton, Theory: Theroy, Thoery, Theorie, Templates: Tempates, Templats, Templaets, Creating: Creatin, Creatng, Cretating, Effective: Efective, Effctive, Affective, Injecting: Injectin, Inecting, Injecing, Dynamic Data: Dyanmic Data, Dinamic Data, Dynamic Dta, Storing: Storeing, Storin, Stroring, Outputs: Ouputs, Outputz, Outpts, Vector Databases: Vctor Databases, Vector Datbases, Vector Databses, Scaling: Scalling, Scaing, Scaeling, Commercial: Comercial, Commecial, Commerial, Use Cases: Usee Cases, Us Cases, Use Caes, Assessment: Assement, Assesment, Asssesment, Real-world: Realword, Reel-world, Reall-world, Hands-on Workshop: Hands on Workshp, Hands-on Workshopp, Handson Workshop, Solving: Solvin, Solvng, Sollving, Sample: Sampl, Sampel, Sammple, Challenges: Challanges, Chalenges, Challengs, Developing: Develping, Developin, Develloping, End-to-end: End to end, End-toEnd, End-2-end, Presentations: Presntations, Presenttions, Presentationz,
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,940 -
Learning Tree
Learn public speaking & presentation skills, boost confidence, & connect with your audience in our training course with feedback.
public speaking, presentation skills, training course, compelling speeches, audience rapport, confidence building, personalised feedback, safe environment, UK, pubic speaking, persentation skills, trainning course, compeling speeches, audiance rapport, confidance building, personalizd feedback, safe enviroment public speaking, presentation skills, training course, compelling speeches, audience rapport, confidence building, personalised feedback, safe environment, UK, public speaking, presentation skills, training course, compelling speeches, audience rapport, confidence building, personalised feedback, safe environment.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Learning Tree
Learn Python Data Wrangling: Extract/transform data from databases & Excel tables. Discover the benefits of NumPy & Pandas for efficient data cleaning.
Python, Data Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Data, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas, Mis-spellings Pyton, Dta, Wranglng, Traning, Extrct, Trnsform, Souces, Databse, Vults, Exel, Finncial, Tabels, Cleening, Methds, Languags, Numpy, Pandass Python, Data Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Data, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas, Mis-spellings Python, Data, Wrangling, Training, Extract, Transform, Sources, Database, Vaults, Excel, Financial, Tables, Cleaning, Methods, Languages, NumPy, Pandas.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
Get pre-requisite Python skills development in just 2 days for data science, web dev, embedded systems & more. Join this Python Training now!
programming, beginners, software development, user interface, business logic, data access, code, Python, Java, C#, requirements, design, testing, debugging, data science, web development, embedded systems, real-time systems, programing, beginers, sofware development, user interface, bussiness logic, data aces, cod, phython, jav, csharp, testin, debuging
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
Join our Python-Powered Data Science and AI Program to master Python, data analysis, and AI techniques. Enroll now!
FoundationMulti-WeekTeam Training -
In this 2-day Microsoft SQL Training, you'll learn the basics of Microsoft's dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL.
DP080, Microsoft Transact-SQL, SQL language, querying data, modifying data, relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, basic SQL, data analyst, data engineer, data scientist, database administrator, database developer, solution architects, students, technology managers, Microsft Transact-SQL, Sequel, querrying data, modifiying data, relatonal databases, Microsoft Sequel Server, Azure Sequel Database, Azure Synaps Analytics, basic Sequel, data analist, data enginer, data sceintist, database adminstrator, database developper, soluton architects, studens, technolgy managers Microsoft Transact-SQL, SQL language, querying data, modifying data, relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, basic SQL, data analyst, data engineer, data scientist, database administrator, database developer, solution architects, students, technology managers, Microsoft Transact-SQL, SQL, querying data, modifying data, relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, basic SQL, data analyst, data engineer, data scientist, database administrator, database developer, solution architects, students, technology managers.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,415 -
Red Hat
RH294 course for experienced Linux sys admins to administer enterprise-level systems & prep for RHCE certification (EX300).
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ansible, automation, provisioning, configuration, application deployment, orchestration, management workstation, managed hosts, Playbooks, servers, RHCSA exam, Linux system administrators, DevOps engineers, infrastructure automation engineers, systems design engineers, configuration management, consistent, repeatable, development, testing, production servers, continuous integration, continuous delivery workflow Red Hat Enterprise Linx, Linux® system administrators, Adnible, provissioning, confiruration, appplication deployment, orchestration, Managemet, workstation, Managed host, Pllaybooks, savers, Linux sysstem administrators, infrastructure automaation engineers, system design engineers, congiguration management, continous integration, continous delivery workflows, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ansible, automation, provisioning, configuration, application deployment, orchestration, management workstation, managed hosts, Ansible Playbooks, servers, Red Hat Certified System Administrator, RHCSA, DevOps engineers, infrastructure automation engineers, systems design engineers, configuration management, consistent, repeatable, development, testing, production servers, DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, workflows. Red Hat Enterprize Linux Ansilbe automasion provisoning configuaration appication deployment orchestation managment workstation maneged hostAnsible PlaybokservrRed Hat Certifid System Administrator RHCS DevOps enginnerinfrustructure automation enginnersystems desing enginnerconfigaration managment consistant repetable devlopment testing produktion serverDevOps, continous integration, continous delivery, work flows. Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ansible, automatisering, provisionering, konfiguration, applikationsdistribution, orkestrering, hanteringsarbetsstation, hanterade värdar, Ansible Playbooks, servrar, Red Hat-certifierad systemadministratör, RHCSA, DevOps-ingenjörer, infrastrukturautomatiseringsingenjörer, systemdesigningenjörer, konfigurationshantering, konsekvent, upprepbar, utveckling, testning, produktionsservrar, DevOps, kontinuerlig integration, kontinuerlig leverans, arbetsflöden. Red Hat Enterprize Linux Ansilbe automasion provisoning configuaration appication deployment orchestation managment workstation maneged hosts Ansible Playboks servrs Red Hat Certifid System Administrator RHCS DevOps enginners infrustructure automation enginners systems desing enginners configaration managment consistant repetable devlopment testing produktion servers DevOps, continous integration, continous delivery, work flows.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,180 -
Red Hat
Learn Linux admin survival skills. Red Hat System Administration I Training teaches core tasks & key command line concepts for aspiring sys admins.
Red Hat, System Administration, RH124, Linux, IT professionals, core administration tasks, command-line concepts, enterprise-level tools, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Linux system administrators, survival skills, full-time Linux system administrators, Rad Hat, Systm Adminstration, RH124, Lynux, IT profesionals, core administraton tasks, commandline concepts, enterprise level tools, Rad Hat Enterprise Lynux 8, Lynux system administraters, surival skills, fulltime Lynux system administraters, Red Hat System Administration, RH124, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL 7, RHEL 8, RHEL 9, IT professionals, Linux administration, survival skills, core administration tasks, full time Linux system administrators, command line concepts, enterprise level tools, Red Hat System Administration II, RH134, Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam, EX200, operating system administration, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, tuition fee, Learning Tree approved training partner. Redhat System Administration RHEL9 Linux administrashun enterprize level toolRed Hat System Adminstration II Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator Exam Learning Tree Training Vochers Red Hat System Administration, RH124, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL 7, IT-professionella, Linux-administration, överlevnadskunskaper, kärnadministrationuppgifter, heltids-Linux-systemadministratörer, kommandoradsbegrepp, företagsnivåverktyg, Red Hat System Administration II, RH134, Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam, EX200, operativsystemadministration, Learning Tree Training Vouchers, undervisningsavgift, Learning Tree godkänd utbildningspartner. Vanliga felstavningar Redhat System Administration RHEL7 Linux administrashun enterprize level tools Red Hat System Adminstration II Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator Exam Learning Tree Training Vochers
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,525 -
Red Hat
This official Red Hat RH134 course goes deep into enterprise Linux admin & is part 2 of prep for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam (EX200).
Red Hat, System Administration, RHCSA, Linux, storage configuration, security, task control, installation, deployment, Enterprise Linux, RHCSA Rapid Track, Windows system administrators, network administrators, operational support, monitoring system performance, task automation, Red Hat System Administration III, Rad Hat, Systm Administrator, RHCS, Linx, seecurity, installtion, deploment, Enterprise Linx, Wndows systm administrators, netwrok administrators
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,225 -
Red Hat
This official Red Hat RH134 course goes deep into enterprise Linux admin & is part 2 of prep for the RHCSA certification & includes the EX200 exam.
RHEL 9, RHEL 8, Red Hat System Administration I, RH124, Red Hat System Administration II, RH134, RH135, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL 7, Linux administrator, enterprise Linux administration, file systems, partitioning, logical volumes, SELinux, firewalling, troubleshooting, Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam, EX200, cost of exam, tuition price, reschedules, vouchers, Red Hat, System Administration, RH135, RH124, RH134, Linux, Enterprise, File Systems, Partitioning, Logical Volumes, SELinux, Firewalling, Troubleshooting, Certified System Administrator Exam, EX200, Cost, Tuition Fee, Reschedules, Vouchers, Attendees, Preparation, Full Time, Administrator, RedHat, Red-Hat, Redhat, Enterprise Linux, Filesystems, Partioning, Logical Volums, Certified System Administrator, EX2OO Red Hat, System Administration, RH135, RH124, RH134, Linux, Enterprise, File Systems, Partitioning, Logical Volumes, SELinux, Firewalling, Troubleshooting, Certified System Administrator Exam, EX200, Cost, Tuition Fee, Reschedules, Vouchers, Attendees, Preparation, Full Time, Administrator, RedHat, Red-Hat, Redhat, Enterprise Linux, Filesystems, Partitioning, Logical Volumes, Certified System Administrator, EX200.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,539 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on relational database design course provides a comprehensive foundation for designing, building & working with relational databases.
Relational Database Design, Database Design Training, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, business requirements, normalisation, denormalisation, performance optimisation, database documentation, CASE tools, code simplification, performance improvement, database design errors, database modelling, database development, database management, data modelling, data normalisation, data denormalisation, data optimisation, data documentation, database tools, database techniques, database performance, database errors, database training, database course, database technology, database fundamentals, database concepts, database best practices, database optimization, database analysis, database administration, database implementation, database maintenance, database architecture, database schema, database queries, database programming, database security, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database upgrade, database scalability, database reliability, database consistency, database integrity, database availability, database redundancy, database replication, database clustering, database partitioning, database sharding, database indexing, database caching, database tuning, database monitoring, database troubleshooting, database support, database consulting, database certification, database career, database job, database salary, database industry, database market, database trend, database innovation, database research, database education, database learning, database resources, database community, database forum, database blog, database website, database portal, database network, database association, database conference, database event, database news, database publication, database book, database tutorial, database video, database webinar, database podcast, database courseware, database syllabus, database curriculum, database exam, database quiz, database assessment, database evaluation, database feedback, database rating, database review, database recommendation, database comparison, database feature, database functionality, database tool, database software, database application, database system, database platform, database solution, database service, database provider, database vendor, database company, database product, database project, database implementation, database deployment, database management system, database relational model, database entity, database attribute, database relationship, database constraint, database key, database index, database view, database trigger, database procedure, database function, database package, database type, database collection, database sequence, database synonym, database grant, database revoke, database user, database role, database privilege, database audit, database log, database backup and recovery, database security management, database performance tuning, database migration planning, database upgrade planning, database scalability planning, database reliability planning, database consistency planning, database integrity planning, database availability planning, database redundancy planning, database replication planning, database clustering planning, database partitioning planning, database sharding planning, database indexing planning, database caching planning, database monitoring planning, database troubleshooting planning, database support planning, database consulting planning, database certification planning, database career planning, database job planning, database salary planning, database Relational Database Design, Database Design Training, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, business requirements, normalisation, denormalisation, performance optimisation, database documentation, CASE tools, code simplification, performance improvement, database design errors, database modelling, database development, database management, data modelling, data normalisation, data denormalisation, data optimisation, data documentation, database tools, database techniques, database performance, database errors, database training, database course, database technology, database fundamentals, database concepts, database best practices, database optimisation, database analysis, database administration, database implementation, database maintenance, database architecture, database schema, database queries, database programming, database security, database backup, database recovery, database migration, database upgrade, database scalability, database reliability, database consistency, database integrity, database availability, database redundancy, database replication, database clustering, database partitioning, database sharding, database indexing, database caching, database tuning, database monitoring, database troubleshooting, database support, database consulting, database certification, database career, database job, database salary, database industry, database market, database trend, database innovation, database research, database education, database learning, database resources, database community, database forum, database blog, database website, database portal, database network, database association, database conference, database event, database news, database publication, database book, database tutorial, database video, database webinar, database podcast, database courseware, database syllabus, database curriculum, database exam, database quiz, database assessment, database evaluation, database feedback, database rating, database review, database recommendation, database comparison, database feature, database functionality, database tool, database software, database application, database system, database platform, database solution, database service, database provider, database vendor, database company, database product, database project, database implementation, database deployment, database management system, database relational model, database entity, database attribute, database relationship, database constraint, database key, database index, database view, database trigger, database procedure, database function, database package, database type, database collection, database sequence, database synonym, database grant, database revoke, database user, database role, database privilege, database audit, database log, database backup and recovery, database security management, database performance tuning, database migration planning, database upgrade planning, database scalability planning, database reliability planning, database consistency planning, database integrity planning, database availability planning, database redundancy planning, database replication planning, database clustering planning, database partitioning planning, database sharding planning, database indexing planning, database caching planning, database monitoring planning, database troubleshooting planning, database support planning, database consulting planning, database certification planning, database career planning, database job planning, database salary planning, database.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Red Hat
The RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199) is for those with significant experience with Linux administration & preps you for the RHCSA certification Exam (EX200).
RHCSA, Linux administration, Red Hat, System Administration, RH124, RH134, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, fundamental Linux concepts, system administrator, field experience, Windows system administrators, network administrators, supplementing skills, backstopping, Configuring, installing, upgrading, maintaining Linux systems, operational support, monitoring system performance, availability, task automation, scripts, system administration. System Admniistration, Rad Hat, Linux adminsitration, Redhat, Red Hat Enterprise Linus, system administator, feild, windwos, newtork, supplmenting, backstoping, assisntance, monitoing, aavailablily, auotmation, RHCSA, Rapid Track, RH199, Linux administration, Red Hat System Administration I, RH124, Red Hat System Administration II, RH134, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, fundamental Linux computing concepts, system administration tasks, field experience, Windows system administrators, network administrators, operational support, monitoring system performance, task automation, system administration. RHSCA, Rappid Track, RH 199, Linx administration, Red Hat System Administraton I, Red Hat System Administraton II, Red Hat Enterprise Linx 8, fundemental Linux computing concepts, systems administration tasks, feild experience, Windos system administrators, network adminstrators, opertional support, monitering system performace, task automtion, system administraton. RHCSA, Rapid Track, RH199, Linux administration, Red Hat System Administration I, RH124, Red Hat System Administration II, RH134, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, grundläggande Linux-datorbegrepp, systemadministration uppgifter, fältupplevelse, Windows-systemadministratörer, nätverksadministratörer, operativt stöd, övervakning av systemprestanda, uppgiftsautomatisering, systemadministration. RHSCA, Rappid Track, RH 199, Linx administration, Red Hat System Administraton I, Red Hat System Administraton II, Red Hat Enterprise Linx 8, fundemental Linux computing concepts, systems administration tasks, feild experience, Windos system administrators, network adminstrators, opertional support, monitering system performace, task automtion, system administraton.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £3,375 -
Learning Tree
Learn risk management skills for project success. Identify & analyse project risk. Create risk management plan, determine mitigations, & contingencies.
risk management, risk analysis, project risk, project risk management, risk mitigation, risk management plan, qualitative risk analysis, time contingencies, cost contingencies, project success, program risk, operational risk, risk identification, risk measurement, risk assessment, risk planning, risk decision-making, risk quantification, mismanagement, mismanagment, risk management, risk analysis, project risk, project risk management, risk mitigation, risk management plan, qualitative risk analysis, time contingencies, cost contingencies, project success, programme risk, operational risk, risk identification, risk measurement, risk assessment, risk planning, risk decision-making, risk quantification, mismanagement, .
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Learning Tree
Rust has a promising future for systems devs and data scientists working with large models. Develop applications that need to be fast and secure.
Rust, programming language, systems level, C/C++, cloud infrastructure, developers, tech companies, systems developer, learning path, data scientists, simulation, machine learning, accuracy, performance, fast, secure, industry, scale, growth, traditional, rosy future, aspiring, sweet-spot, demands, top-tier, models, applications, essentials, building better software, most loved language, Stack Overflow Developer survey, struggling, , . Rust, programming language, systems level, C/C++, cloud infrastructure, developers, tech companies, systems developer, learning path, data scientists, simulation, machine learning, accuracy, performance, fast, secure, industry, scale, growth, traditional, rosy future, aspiring, sweet-spot, demands, top-tier, models, applications, essentials, building better software, most loved language, Stack Overflow Developer survey, struggling, , s.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,325 -
Scaled Agile
Master Agile roles in government with our SAFe for Government Micro-credential. Enhance your skills and lead with confidence.
IntermediateLess than a dayTeam Training -
Scaled Agile
Enhance your Scrum Master skills with advanced strategies and agile methodologies. Earn your certification in a flexible, blended learning format.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Scaled Agile
This SAFe® Agile Product Management Training teaches product strategy, marketing, and project management to maximise product success. Get certified now!
SAFe Agile Product Management, APM Certification, product owners, product teams, product strategies, life cycle stages, marketing strategies, product vision statement, market research, demographic segmentation, agile product management, existing products, product development, service offerings, maximize market share, Safe Agile Product Management, APM Certificaton, produt owners, produt teams, produt strategies, life cycle stahes, marketing stratgies, produt vision statement, market reserch, demograhic segmentation, agil product management, exisitng products, produt development, service offereings, maximise market shre. SAFe Agile Product Management, APM Certification, product owners, product teams, product strategies, life cycle stages, marketing strategies, product vision statement, market research, demographic segmentation, agile product management, existing products, product development, service offerings, maximize market share, Safe Agile Product Management, APM Certification, product owners, product teams, product strategies, life cycle stages, marketing strategies, product vision statement, market research, demographic segmentation, agile product management, existing products, product development, service offerings, maximise market share.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe DevOps course helps attendees to learn what DevOps is, why it's important and design a delivery pipeline that's tailored to their business.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, US, SAFe DevOps, SDP Certification, Training, disruptive global market, valuable technology solutions, speed of business, DevOps mindset, engineers, CI/CD pipeline, technical, non-technical, leadership roles, optimize, value stream, end to end, continuous delivery pipeline, cross-functional teams, current state value stream, concept, cash, bottlenecks, flow, actionable implementation plan, version 5.1, Saf Devops, SDP Certificashun, training
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Scaled Agile
Get SAFe ARCH Certification Training to become an influential leader and change agent delivering collaborative architectural solutions.
SAFE 5 AGILIST, SAFE, SAFE 5, SAFe, SAFe 5, Agile, US, SAFe, Architects, ARCH Certification, Training, Scaled Agile Framework, continuous value flow, technical strategy, business goals, development teams, Agile architecture practices, collaboration, alignment, Lean-Agile enterprise, SAFe 5 Architect, System Architects, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, influential leaders, change agents, architectural solutions, roles, responsibilities, mindset, Agile Architects, business value, continuous flow, large systems of systems, SAFe programme execution, Safe, Architechts, Scaled Agile Frameworks, Agile Architechts, continuous valu flow, technial strategy, bussiness goals, developement teams, colaboration, lean-agile enterprise, Safe 5 Architect, System Architechts, Solution Architechts, Enterprise Architechts, influencial leaders, change agents, archetectural solutions, bussiness value, continous flow, large systems of sytems, Safe program execution, System Architecs, Solution Architecs, Enterprise Architecs, influencial leaders, change agents, architecural solutions, rols, responsibilites, mind set, Agile Architecs, buisness value, large systmes of systmes, Safe program exeuction. Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe, ARCH-certifiering, utbildning, kontinuerlig värdeflöde, teknisk strategi, affärsmål, utvecklingsteam, Agile-arkitekturpraktiker, samarbete, samordning, Lean-Agile-företag, SAFe 5 Architect, Systemarkitekter, Lösningarkitekter, Företagsarkitekter, inflytelserika ledare, förändringsagenter, arkitektoniska lösningar, roller, ansvar, mindset, Agile-arkitekter, affärsvärde, stora system av system, SAFe-programutförande, stavfel Scaled Agile Frameworks, Safe, ARCH Certifcation, traning, contnuous value flow, techincal strategy, buisness goals, developement teams, Agile architecure practices, colloboration, alingment, Lean-Agile enterprise, Safe 5 Architect, System Architecs, Solution Architecs, Enterprise Architecs, influencial leaders, change agents, architecural solutions, rols, responsibilites, mind set, Agile Architecs, buisness value, large systmes of systmes, Safe program exeuction.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,095 -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe for Teams certification course helps attendees learn how to work in an Agile environment as part of an Agile Release Train (ART).
SAFe, Agile Release Train, ART, SAFe 5.1 Practitioner, SP Certification, Scrum, Kanban, XP, stories, features, iterations, Programme Increments, continuous delivery pipeline, DevOps culture, integrate, teams, continuously improve, train, Safe, Agile Release Train, Scrumm, Kanban, XP, Programme Increment, continuous delivery, DevOps, intergrate SAFe, Agile Release Train, ART, SAFe 5.1 Practitioner, SP Certification, Scrum, Kanban, XP, stories, features, iterations, Programme Increments, continuous delivery pipeline, DevOps culture, integrate, teams, continuously improve, train, Safe, Agile Release Train, Scrum, Kanban, XP, Programme Increment, continuous delivery, DevOps, integrate.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,360 -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe Lean Portfolio Management course helps attendees gain tools and techniques necessary to implement Lean Portfolio Management functions.
SAFe, Lean Portfolio Management, LPM Certification, Strategy, Investment Funding, Agile Portfolio Operations, Lean Governance, Portfolio Canvas, Portfolio Kanban, Value Stream Budgets, Lean Budget Guardrails, portfolio performance, Safe, Lean Portfollio Management, LPM Certifcation, Stratgy, Investmnt Funding, Agile Portfolo Operations, Lean Govrnance, Portfolio Canvass, Portfolio Kanban, Value Stream Bugdets, Lean Bugdet Guardrails, portfolo performance SAFe, Lean Portfolio Management, LPM-certifiering, strategi, investeringsfinansiering, agila portföljoperationer, Lean-styrning, portföljcanvas, portföljkanban, värdeflödesbudgetar, Lean-budgetgrindar, portföljprestanda, stavfel Safe, Lean Portfollio Management, LPM Certifcation, Stratgy, Investmnt Funding, Agile Portfolo Operations, Lean Govrnance, Portfolio Canvass, Portfolio Kanban, Value Stream Bugdets, Lean Bugdet Guardrails, portfolo performance.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Scaled Agile
Our SAFe POPM certification course provides attendees an in-depth understanding of how to effectively perform their role in the Agile Release Train.
SAFe, Product Owner, Product Manager, POPM, certification, training, value, Lean enterprise, Agile Release Train, ART, Programme Increments, Lean thinking, Epics, Features, Stories, backlogs, Iterations, Continuous Delivery Pipeline, DevOps, culture, improvement, Safe, Product Owener, Product Manger, PO/PM, certifcation, traning, valye, Lene enterprise, Agile Release Trane, ART, Program Increment, Lean thinkng, Epcs, Fatures, Storis, backlog, Iteratins, Continous Delivery Pipeline, Devops, culutre, improovement. SAFe, Product Owner, Product Manager, POPM, certification, training, value, Lean enterprise, Agile Release Train, ART, Programme Increments, Lean thinking, Epics, Features, Stories, backlogs, Iterations, Continuous Delivery Pipeline, DevOps, culture, improvement, Safe, Product Owner, Product Manager, PO/PM, certification, training, value, Lean enterprise, Agile Release Train, ART, Programme Increment, Lean thinking, Epics, Features, Stories, backlogs, Iterations, Continuous Delivery Pipeline, DevOps, culture, improvement.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,360 -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe RTE course helps attendees prepare for the SAFe RTE certification exam and teaches how to improve new processes and mindsets. 3-day schedule with extended training days.
RTE, Release Train Engineer, SAFe, SAFe RTE certification, Agile Release Trains, value, PI Planning, leaders, teams, Scrum Masters, processes, mindsets, remote environments, distributed teams, RTA, Releast Train Enginner, Safe, Safe RTE certifiaction, Agile Release Train, proccesses, midsets, distibuted teams
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe RTE course helps attendees prepare for the SAFe RTE certification exam and teaches how to improve new processes and mindsets. 4-day schedule with shorter training days.
RTE, Release Train Engineer, SAFe, SAFe RTE certification, Agile Release Trains, value, PI Planning, leaders, teams, Scrum Masters, processes, mindsets, remote environments, distributed teams, RTA, Releast Train Enginner, Safe, Safe RTE certifiaction, Agile Release Train, proccesses, midsets, distibuted teams
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,695 -
Scaled Agile
In Learning Tree's SAFe Scrum Master certification, attendees discover how to build high-performing Agile teams & deliver max business value at scale.
SAFe, Scrum Master, training, enterprise, team-level, Agile, programme increment, alignment, organisation, iteration planning, high-performing, servant leader, coach, business value, certification, implementing, Safe, ScrumMaster, program increment, high performing. SAFe, Scrum Master, training, enterprise, team-level, Agile, programme increment, alignment, organisation, iteration planning, high-performing, servant leader, coach, business value, certification, implementing, SAFe, Scrum Master, programme increment, high-performing.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,360 -
DevOps Institute
The SecDevOps Foundation® (SDOF) Certification Training course will help you prepare for and successfully attain the SecDevOps Foundation Certification.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, SecDevOps, DevSecOps, cybersecurity, Agile, DevOps, certification training, benefits, concepts, vocabulary, attain, prepare, successfully, evolved, practices, differences, SecDevOp, DevSecOp, cybersecutiry, Agil, DevOp SecDevOps, DevSecOps, cybersecurity, Agile, DevOps, certification training, benefits, concepts, vocabulary, attain, prepare, successfully, evolved, practices, differences, SecDevOp, DevSecOp, cybersecurity, Agile, DevOp.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
DevOps Institute
This SecDevOps Practitioner® (SDOP) Certification course builds on foundational SecDevOps knowledge while providing practical, hands-on experience.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, SecDevOps, SDOP, Certification, Training, foundational practice, SDOF, techniques, pipeline architecture, effective team, best-practice processes, implementation, comprehensive understanding, optimum outcomes, practitioner-level class, foundational course, roadmap, SecDevOps Foundation, ecDevOps, SDOP, Certification, Training, foundational practice, SDOF, techniques, pipeline architecture, effective team, best-practice processes, implementation, comprehensive understanding, optimum outcomes, practitioner-level class, foundational course, roadmap, SecDevOps Foundation SecDevOps, SDOP, Certification, Training, foundational practice, SDOF, techniques, pipeline architecture, effective team, best-practice processes, implementation, comprehensive understanding, optimum outcomes, practitioner-level class, foundational course, roadmap, SecDevOps Foundation, ecDevOps, SDOP, Certification, Training, foundational practice, SDOF, techniques, pipeline architecture, effective team, best-practice processes, implementation, comprehensive understanding, optimum outcomes, practitioner-level class, foundational course, roadmap, SecDevOps Foundation.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,390 -
Gain essential skills in securing Azure services with Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Learn about Network Security Groups, Log Analytics, Azure Key Vault, and enhance your Azure security management.
SC-5002, SC5002, SC 5002, applied skills, applied skill, Azure security training, Microsoft Defender for Cloud course, Microsoft cloud security training, Azure compliance controls training, Azure security solutions class, Microsoft Azure security certification, Microsoft cloud services security, Azure network security training, Azure security management courses, Microsoft Defender for Cloud workshop, Azure säkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft Defender för Cloud-kurs, Microsoft molnsäkerhetsutbildning, Utbildning i Azure efterlevnadskontroller, Klass för Azure säkerhetslösningar, Certifiering i Microsoft Azure säkerhet, Säkerhet för Microsoft molntjänster, Utbildning i Azure nätverkssäkerhet, Kurser i Azure säkerhetshantering, Workshop för Microsoft Defender för Cloud, microsoft azure security certification, microsoft cloud security benchmark, azure network security training, network security management, microsoft cloud security training, azure private endpoint, network security groups, azure private link, configure microsoft defender, azure security training, access controls, virtual machines, network interface, security posture, cloud security, private ip address, create a private endpoint, network access, security team, azure portal, storage account, managed network, role based access control, resource group, security tools, security access, network security groups nsgs, microsoft entra id, default security rules, creating a private link
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Boost your skills in Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage Security with our (AZ-1003) course. Learn to configure, manage, and secure Azure storage.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-1003, AZ1003, AZ 1003, Azure Files, Azure Blob Storage, AZ-1003, Storage Security, Azure Training, Blob Container Management, File Share Configuration, Storage Account Creation, Encryption Practices, Azure Networking, Data Protection, Storage Redundancy, Secure Transfer, TLS Configuration, Storage Lifecycle Management, Private Endpoints, Service Endpoints, Azure Storage Firewalls, Virtual Networks, Microsoft-managed Keys, Customer-managed Keys, Azure Administrator, IT Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Auzre Files, Azuer Blob Storage, AZ-100, Stroage Security, Azrue Training, Blop Container Management, File Sahre Configuration, Stroage Account Creation, Encyrption Practices, Azure Netowrking, Dta Protection, Stroage Redundnacy, Secure Trnasfer, TLS Confiugration, Storage Lifecylce Management, Private Endpionts, Service Endpoitns, Azure Storage Firewals, Virtaul Networks, Mircosoft-managed Keys, Customer-managed Kyes, Azure Administartor, IT Infrasturcture, Cloud Secuirty, Azure Files, Azure Blob Storage, AZ-1003, Lagringssäkerhet, Azure-utbildning, Hantering av Blob-container, Konfiguration av Fildelning, Skapande av Lagringskonto, Krypteringsmetoder, Azure-nätverk, Dataskydd, Redundans i Lagring, Säker överföring, TLS-konfiguration, Hantering av Lagringslivscykel, Privata Slutpunkter, Tjänsteslutpunkter, Brandväggar för Azure Storage, Virtuella Nätverk, Microsoft-hanterade Nycklar, Kundhanterade Nycklar, Azure-administratör, IT-infrastruktur, Molnsäkerhet
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learning Tree
Learn to integrate strong security measures into web app development with our Securing Web Apps Training.
Web application security, web server security, web service security, cybersecurity, OWASP, web application development, security measures, secure architecture, best practices, critical security risks, remediation, hands-on experience, in-depth training, full stack cybersecurity, web-based applications, web apps and services, securing web applications, securing web servers, securing web services, cyber security, web app security, web server secruity, web service secruity, OWASP top ten. Web application security, web server security, web service security, cybersecurity, OWASP, web application development, security measures, secure architecture, best practices, critical security risks, remediation, hands-on experience, in-depth training, full stack cybersecurity, web-based applications, web apps and services, securing web applications, securing web servers, securing web services, cyber security, web app security, web server security, web service security, OWASP top ten.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
This Security Engineering on AWS course teaches how to efficiently use Amazon Web Services security services to stay secure & compliant in the AWS Cloud.
Security Engineering, AWSSO, Security Operations, AWS security services, security best practices, data security, system security, cloud security, compute security, storage security, networking security, database security, security control objectives, regulatory compliance standards, regulated workloads, automation, continuous monitoring, AWS services, AWS tools, security operations. Securty Engineering AWSS Security OperatonAWS security servcesecutiry best practisedata secuirty system secuirty cloud secuirty compute secuirty storage secuirty networking secuirty database secuirty secuirty control objectiveregulatory complience standardregulatd workloadautomtion continous monitoring AWS servcieAWS tolsecuirty operatons Security Engineering, AWSSO, Security Operations, AWS security services, security best practices, data security, system security, cloud security, compute security, storage security, networking security, database security, security control objectives, regulatory compliance standards, regulated workloads, automation, continuous monitoring, AWS services, AWS tools, security operations. Security Engineering AWSSO Security Operations AWS security services security best practices data security system security cloud security compute security storage security networking security database security security control objectives regulatory compliance standards regulated workloads automation continuous monitoring AWS services AWS tools security operations
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,650 -
In this course, implement and configure Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense for deployment as a next generation firewall at the internet edge.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
This 5-Day Sharepoint 2019 Training brings together an OnPrem environment with the rich features and applications enjoyed by SharePoint Online/O365.
SharePoint, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2019, OnPrem, O365, configuration, implementation, integration, modern infrastructure, PowerPlatform, PowerApps, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, Windows Server Administration, Introduction, course 1551, course 1540, Server Administrators, Database Administrators, SharePoint Architects, SharePoint Developers, Learning Tree Exam. Sharepoint, OnPremise, O365, PowerApps, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, Windows Server Admin, Share Point, Sharepoint Online, Sharepoint 2019. SharePoint, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2019, On-Premises, Office 365, configuration, implementation, integration, modern infrastructure, Power Platform, PowerApps, Power Automate, Power BI, Windows Server Administration, Introduction, course 1551, course 1540, Server Administrators, Database Administrators, SharePoint Architects, SharePoint Developers, Learning Tree Exam. SharePoint, On-Premises, Office 365, PowerApps, Power Automate, Power BI, Windows Server Admin, Share Point, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2019.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,835 -
Learning Tree
This simulation workshop will provide you with the invaluable experience, tools and techniques to build collaborative solutions and overcome resistance.
simulation workshop, managing stakeholders, consensus building, collaborative solutions, resistance, decision-making, change, pre-course reading, immersive learning, virtual gaming, face-to-face tuition, risk-free scenario, level playing field, specific skills, highly-skilled facilitators, real-life experiences, academic research, human behavioral systems, validity, computer-based scenario, simulated characters, personalities, beliefs, traits, higher order artificial intelligence, perfect score, objectives, assessment, simualtion, stakholders, concensus, collabrative, decsion-making, pre-course, fac-to-face, imersive, gamming, scenerio, behaivioral, artifical intelligence, obectives. simulation workshop, managing stakeholders, consensus building, collaborative solutions, resistance, decision-making, change, pre-course reading, immersive learning, virtual gaming, face-to-face tuition, risk-free scenario, level playing field, specific skills, highly-skilled facilitators, real-life experiences, academic research, human behavioural systems, validity, computer-based scenario, simulated characters, personalities, beliefs, traits, higher order artificial intelligence, perfect score, objectives, assessment, simulation, stakeholders, consensus, collaborative, decision-making, pre-course, face-to-face, immersive, gaming, scenario, behavioural, artificial intelligence, objectives.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
This 2-day simulation workshop provides a realistic and dynamic experience of running a large project in a risk-free environment.
UK, Simulation Workshop, Project Leadership, training, project leader, risk, business, environment, pre-course reading, simulated learning, virtual gaming, face-to-face tuition, real-life learning experience, teams, attendees, level playing field, workplace, specific skills, improve, facilitators, add-value, embed learning, real-life experiences, academic research, human behavioural systems, high validity, computer-based, scenario, scored, simulated characters, personalities, beliefs, traits, stakeholders, behaviour, Higher Order Artificial Intelligence, perfect score, objectives, assessed, perfect answer, simmulation, workshp, projct, leadrship, tranning, envrionment, attenedees, skils, assesed. UK, Simulation Workshop, Project Leadership, training, project leader, risk, business, environment, pre-course reading, simulated learning, virtual gaming, face-to-face tuition, real-life learning experience, teams, attendees, level playing field, workplace, specific skills, improve, facilitators, add-value, embed learning, real-life experiences, academic research, human behavioural systems, high validity, computer-based, scenario, scored, simulated characters, personalities, beliefs, traits, stakeholders, behaviour, Higher Order Artificial Intelligence, perfect score, objectives, assessed, perfect answer, simulation, workshop, project, leadership, training, environment, attendees, skills, assessed.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £995 -
DevOps Institute
The Site Reliability Engineering® (SRE) Foundation Training course highlights the evolution of SRE and its future, plus prepares you to complete the SRE exam.
Site Reliability Engineering, SREF, Certification Training, organisation, scale, critical services, reliability, economically, site-reliability dimension, re-alignment, engineering, automation, working paradigms, evolution, future direction, practices, methods, tools, people, stability, real-life scenarios, case stories, completion, tangible takeaways, Service Level Objectives, SLOs, Site Reliablity Engineering, SRE Foundation Certification Training, SREF Certification, Service Level Objectivs Site Reliability Engineering, SRE, Certification Training, organisation, scale, critical services, reliability, economically, site-reliability dimension, re-alignment, engineering, automation, working paradigms, evolution, future direction, practices, methods, tools, people, stability, real-life scenarios, case stories, completion, tangible takeaways, Service Level Objectives, SLOs, Site Reliability Engineering, SRE Foundation Certification Training, SREF Certification, Service Level Objectives.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,295 -
Learning Tree
Learn SCM & create project-level controls to manage configurations, control change & release a product with our training.
Software Change, Configuration, Release Management, SCM, Training, Efficiency, Maintenance, Development costs, Configuration planning, Change control, System building, Version management, Release management, Application core processes, Software project, Mis-spellings Sofware, Chang, Configuraton, Realease, Managment. Software Change, Configuration, Release Management, SCM, Training, Efficiency, Maintenance, Development costs, Configuration planning, Change control, System building, Version management, Release management, Application core processes, Software project, Mis-spellings Software, Change, Configuration, Release, Management.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,870 -
Learning Tree
In this Software Project Management course, you will learn the basics of software development project management under the Waterfall and Agile methodologies.
software project management, software development project management, project management training, waterfall methodology, agile methodology, software project management course, project management basics, software project management training, project management under waterfall, project management under agile, software development management, software project management basics, software project management methodologies, software project management certification, software project management training online, software project management tools, software project management best practices, software project management tutorial, software project management course online, software project management for beginners, software project management training courses, software project management training UK, software project management training London, software project management training Manchester, software project management training Birmingham, software project management training Bristol, software project management training Leeds, software project management training Edinburgh, software project management training Glasgow, software project management training Liverpool, software project management training Cardiff, software project management training Dublin, software project management training Belfast, software project management training India, software project management training USA, software project management training Australia, software project management training Canada, software project management training Philippines, software project management training Singapore, software project management training Malaysia, software project management training UAE, software project management training Dubai, software project management training Saudi Arabia, software project management training Qatar, software project management training Oman, software project management training Kuwait, software project management training Bahrain, software project management training New Zealand, software project management training South Africa, software project management training Nigeria, software project management training Kenya, software project management training Ghana, software project management training Egypt, software project management training Pakistan, software project management training Bangladesh, software project management training Sri Lanka, software project management training Nepal, software project management training Mauritius, software project management training Maldives, software project management training Seychelles, software project management training Caribbean, software project management training Europe, software project management training Asia, software project management training Africa, software project management training Middle East, software project management training Latin America, software project management training North America, software project management training South America, software project management training online free, software project management training online certification, software project management training online UK, software project management training online USA, software project management training online Australia, software project management training online Canada, software project management training online Philippines, software project management training online Singapore, software project management training online Malaysia, software project management training online UAE, software project management training online Dubai, software project management training online Saudi Arabia, software project management training online Qatar, software project management training online Oman, software project management training online Kuwait, software project management training online Bahrain, software project management training online New Zealand, software project management training online South Africa, software project management training online Nigeria, software project management training online Kenya, software project management training online Ghana, software project management software project management, software development project management, project management training, waterfall methodology, agile methodology, software project management course, project management basics, software project management training, project management under waterfall, project management under agile, software development management, software project management basics, software project management methodologies, software project management certification, software project management training online, software project management tools, software project management best practices, software project management tutorial, software project management course online, software project management for beginners, software project management training courses, software project management training UK, software project management training London, software project management training Manchester, software project management training Birmingham, software project management training Bristol, software project management training Leeds, software project management training Edinburgh, software project management training Glasgow, software project management training Liverpool, software project management training Cardiff, software project management training Dublin, software project management training Belfast, software project management training India, software project management training USA, software project management training Australia, software project management training Canada, software project management training Philippines, software project management training Singapore, software project management training Malaysia, software project management training UAE, software project management training Dubai, software project management training Saudi Arabia, software project management training Qatar, software project management training Oman, software project management training Kuwait, software project management training Bahrain, software project management training New Zealand, software project management training South Africa, software project management training Nigeria, software project management training Kenya, software project management training Ghana, software project management training Egypt, software project management training Pakistan, software project management training Bangladesh, software project management training Sri Lanka, software project management training Nepal, software project management training Mauritius, software project management training Maldives, software project management training Seychelles, software project management training Caribbean, software project management training Europe, software project management training Asia, software project management training Africa, software project management training Middle East, software project management training Latin America, software project management training North America, software project management training South America, software project management training online free, software project management training online certification, software project management training online UK, software project management training online USA, software project management training online Australia, software project management training online Canada, software project management training online Philippines, software project management training online Singapore, software project management training online Malaysia, software project management training online UAE, software project management training online Dubai, software project management training online Saudi Arabia, software project management training online Qatar, software project management training online Oman, software project management training online Kuwait, software project management training online Bahrain, software project management training online New Zealand, software project management training online South Africa, software project management training online Nigeria, software project management training online Kenya, software project management training online Ghana, software project management.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,540 -
Learning Tree
This Splitting User Stories course provides Agile team members with the skills to create effective user stories through immersive work on a case study.
Splitting User Stories, Agile, user stories, backlogs, time boxes, Scrum, Product Owners, Product Managers, Business Analysts, Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, Agile Development, programmers, testers, splittng, agil, use stories, backlog, timeboxes, scrumm, prodct owners, prodct managers, busines analysts, scrum masters, agil coaches, agil development, programers, testors Splitting User Stories, Agile, user stories, backlogs, time boxes, Scrum, Product Owners, Product Managers, Business Analysts, Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, Agile Development, programmers, testers, splitting, agile, user stories, backlog, timeboxes, scrum, product owners, product managers, business analysts, scrum masters, agile coaches, agile development, programmers, testers.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learn essential SQL Server skills: installation, storage structures, backup/recovery, and security management. Perfect for enterprise data management.
SQL Server, database administration, manage databases, SQL Server tools, SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, administer databases, database management, database security, database backup, database recovery, database maintenance, database performance, database optimization, database monitoring, database troubleshooting, database configuration, SQL Server administration, SQL Server maintenance, SQL Server optimization, SQL Server performance, SQL Server monitoring, SQL Server troubleshooting, SQL Server configuration, SQL Sever, databse, administratoin, managment, performace, optimisation. SQL Server, database administration, manage databases, SQL Server tools, SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, administer databases, database management, database security, database backup, database recovery, database maintenance, database performance, database optimisation, database monitoring, database troubleshooting, database configuration, SQL Server administration, SQL Server maintenance, SQL Server optimisation, SQL Server performance, SQL Server monitoring, SQL Server troubleshooting, SQL Server configuration, SQL Server, database, administration, management, performance, optimization.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
The SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) training teaches data integration and transformation with package creation, execution & deployment for beginners.
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Training for Business Intelligence, SSIS, SQL Server Integration Services, BI, business intelligence, migration, automate, auditing, transform, data sources, text files, Oracle, Access, XML, ODBC, OLE DB, manage, platforms, packages, dynamic packages, data management, processing, reporting, deploy, SSIS server, tasks, scripting, complex data migrations, enhance functionality, data migration, solve data management problems SSAS SQL Integration Services business inteligence automatization tranform data sorces Acces OLEDB platfroms dynammic packages managment reportng SSIS server SSIS, SQL Server Integration Services, BI, business intelligence, migration, automate, auditing, transform, data sources, text files, Oracle, Access, XML, ODBC, OLE DB, manage, platforms, packages, dynamic packages, data management, processing, reporting, deploy, SSIS server, tasks, scripting, complex data migrations, enhance functionality, data migration, solve data management problems SSAS SQL Integration Services business intelligence automation transform data sources Access OLE DB platforms dynamic packages management reporting SSIS server
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to mine business intel from your data with SSRS. Design reports with filters, interactive components, & safeguard with Windows authentication.
SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, business intelligence, enterprise data, reports, visualization, legacy reporting, information sharing, data extraction, data analysis, data visualization, reporting, report generation, report design, data reporting, data presentation, data visualization tools, data analytics, data insights, data management, data manipulation, data exploration, data interpretation, data modeling, data integration, data warehousing, data mining, data querying, data processing, data transformation, data aggregation, data visualization techniques, data storytelling, data communication, data dissemination, data dissemination techniques, data dissemination methods, data dissemination tools, data dissemination platforms, data dissemination channels, data dissemination strategies, data dissemination policies, data dissemination guidelines, data dissemination best practices, data dissemination standards, data dissemination protocols, data dissemination frameworks, data dissemination technologies, data dissemination systems, data dissemination architectures, data dissemination workflows, data dissemination processes, data dissemination models, data dissemination methodologies, data dissemination approaches, data dissemination concepts, data dissemination principles, data dissemination practices, data dissemination procedures, data dissemination instructions, data dissemination rules, data dissemination regulations, data dissemination laws, data dissemination compliance, data dissemination security, data dissemination privacy, data dissemination ethics, data dissemination governance, data dissemination management, data dissemination administration, data dissemination operations, data dissemination maintenance, data dissemination support, data dissemination services, data dissemination solutions, data dissemination products, data dissemination vendors, data dissemination providers, data dissemination consultants, data dissemination experts, data dissemination professionals, data dissemination organizations, data dissemination communities, data dissemination forums, data dissemination blogs, data dissemination websites, data dissemination resources, data dissemination courses, data dissemination certifications, data dissemination training, data dissemination education, data dissemination learning, data dissemination development, data dissemination improvement, data dissemination enhancement, data dissemination innovation, data dissemination research, data dissemination analysis, data dissemination evaluation, data dissemination assessment, data dissemination measurement, data dissemination monitoring, data dissemination feedback, data dissemination review, data dissemination audit, data dissemination inspection, data dissemination testing, data dissemination validation, data dissemination verification, data dissemination assurance, data dissemination quality, data dissemination performance, data dissemination efficiency, data dissemination effectiveness, data dissemination productivity, data dissemination competitiveness, data dissemination profitability, data dissemination sustainability, data dissemination scalability, data dissemination flexibility, data dissemination adaptability, data dissemination resilience, data dissemination reliability, data dissemination availability, data dissemination accessibility, data dissemination usability, data dissemination user-friendliness, data dissemination user experience, data dissemination user interface, data dissemination user interaction, data dissemination user behavior, data dissemination user preferences, data dissemination user needs, data dissemination user requirements, data dissemination user expectations, data dissemination user satisfaction, data dissemination user retention, data dissemination user loyalty, data dissemination user engagement, data dissemination user adoption, data dissemination user acquisition SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, business intelligence, enterprise data, reports, visualisation, legacy reporting, information sharing, data extraction, data analysis, data visualisation, reporting, report generation, report design, data reporting, data presentation, data visualisation tools, data analytics, data insights, data management, data manipulation, data exploration, data interpretation, data modelling, data integration, data warehousing, data mining, data querying, data processing, data transformation, data aggregation, data visualisation techniques, data storytelling, data communication, data dissemination, data dissemination techniques, data dissemination methods, data dissemination tools, data dissemination platforms, data dissemination channels, data dissemination strategies, data dissemination policies, data dissemination guidelines, data dissemination best practices, data dissemination standards, data dissemination protocols, data dissemination frameworks, data dissemination technologies, data dissemination systems, data dissemination architectures, data dissemination workflows, data dissemination processes, data dissemination models, data dissemination methodologies, data dissemination approaches, data dissemination concepts, data dissemination principles, data dissemination practices, data dissemination procedures, data dissemination instructions, data dissemination rules, data dissemination regulations, data dissemination laws, data dissemination compliance, data dissemination security, data dissemination privacy, data dissemination ethics, data dissemination governance, data dissemination management, data dissemination administration, data dissemination operations, data dissemination maintenance, data dissemination support, data dissemination services, data dissemination solutions, data dissemination products, data dissemination vendors, data dissemination providers, data dissemination consultants, data dissemination experts, data dissemination professionals, data dissemination organisations, data dissemination communities, data dissemination forums, data dissemination blogs, data dissemination websites, data dissemination resources, data dissemination courses, data dissemination certifications, data dissemination training, data dissemination education, data dissemination learning, data dissemination development, data dissemination improvement, data dissemination enhancement, data dissemination innovation, data dissemination research, data dissemination analysis, data dissemination evaluation, data dissemination assessment, data dissemination measurement, data dissemination monitoring, data dissemination feedback, data dissemination review, data dissemination audit, data dissemination inspection, data dissemination testing, data dissemination validation, data dissemination verification, data dissemination assurance, data dissemination quality, data dissemination performance, data dissemination efficiency, data dissemination effectiveness, data dissemination productivity, data dissemination competitiveness, data dissemination profitability, data dissemination sustainability, data dissemination scalability, data dissemination flexibility, data dissemination adaptability, data dissemination resilience, data dissemination reliability, data dissemination availability, data dissemination accessibility, data dissemination usability, data dissemination user-friendliness, data dissemination user experience, data dissemination user interface, data dissemination user interaction, data dissemination user behaviour, data dissemination user preferences, data dissemination user needs, data dissemination user requirements, data dissemination user expectations, data dissemination user satisfaction, data dissemination user retention, data dissemination user loyalty, data dissemination user engagement, data dissemination user adoption, data dissemination user acquisition.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Learning Tree
Learn to create stored procedures, triggers, and T-SQL that maximizes SQL Server's potential with our Transact-SQL training.
SQL Server, T-SQL, Transact-SQL, programming, development, stored procedures, triggers, Microsoft SQL Server, scalable applications, distributed applications, SQL Server features, modern organizations, demanding requirements, SQLServer, TSQL, Transact SQL, stored procedurs, trigers SQL Server, T-SQL, Transact-SQL, programming, development, stored procedures, triggers, Microsoft SQL Server, scalable applications, distributed applications, SQL Server features, modern organisations, demanding requirements, SQL Server, T-SQL, Transact-SQL, stored procedures, triggers.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
This SSCP® training and certification course prepares you to pass the exam and become a Systems Security Certified Practitioner.
SSCP, SSC, SSCPT, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, SSCP, certification, course, exam, Systems Security Certified Practitioner, skills, concepts, domains, Access Controls, Security Operations, Administration, Incident Response, Cryptography, Network Security, DoD, Directive 8140, 8570.01, Technical, IAT, CSSP, Infrastructure, training, prepare, pass, official, ISC ², U.S., United Statesmay vary
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,890 -
Learning Tree
In this Strategic Planning & Implementation course, you learn to formulate, execute & monitor strategic planning based on proven analytical techniques & models.
Strategic planning, implementation, training, business objectives, analytical techniques, formulate, execute, monitor, current business environment, strategic options, competitive advantage, strategy processes, organisational level, departmental level, business practices, strategik planning, implimentation, trainning, bisness objectives, analytikal techniques, formulat, exekute, moniter, stratigic options, competitiv advantage, stratejy processes, organisational leve, departmentel leve, bisnes practices. Strategic planning, implementation, training, business objectives, analytical techniques, formulate, execute, monitor, current business environment, strategic options, competitive advantage, strategy processes, organisational level, departmental level, business practices, strategic planning, implementation, training, business objectives, analytical techniques, formulate, execute, monitor, strategic options, competitive advantage, strategy processes, organisational level, departmental level, business practices.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
In this Strategic Thinking course, you gain the practical skills to effectively integrate strategic thinking with daily operations & meet stakeholder needs.
Strategic Thinking, Operational Management, Planning, Implementation, Change, Stakeholder Needs, Innovation, Core Competencies, Leadership Skills, Integration, Daily Operations, Training, Course, Department Goals, Strategic Vision, Mission, Aligning, Value, Experience, 290, 906, Mis-spellings Stragetic, Operashunal, Planing, Implimentashun, Chang, Stakeholder Needz, Inovashun, Leedership Skils, Integrayshun, Traning, Cours, Depertment Goals, Stragetic Vizhun, Missun, Alinging, Valyu
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,960 -
Learning Tree
2014, cybersecurity, risk management, supply chain, critical suppliers, third-party, fourth-party, mitigation strategies, hardware, software, services, external sources, analyzing, treating, monitoring, cibersecurity, risck management, suply chain, mitagation strategies, hardwear, softwear, extrenal sources. cybersecurity, risk management, supply chain, critical suppliers, third-party, fourth-party, mitigation strategies, hardware, software, services, external sources, analysing, treating, monitoring, cybersecurity, risk management, supply chain, mitigation strategies, hardware, software, external sources.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,645 -
This AWS SysOps Administrator course will prepare systems administrators to take the official exam and become an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, application deployment, performance, operations, highly available, scalable, reliable, resources, build, operate, course, training, tutorial, seminar, workshop, online, in-person, virtual, AW, AWW, Amazone Web Services, cloud, appliacation, deployement, perfermance, oprations, reliabel, resorces, bild, oporate. AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, application deployment, performance, operations, highly available, scalable, reliable, resources, build, operate, course, training, tutorial, seminar, workshop, online, in-person, virtual, AW, AWW, Amazon Web Services, cloud, application, deployment, performance, operations, reliable, resources, build, operate.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,495 -
Learning Tree
This Tableau Visual Analytics course will teach you to create interactive visualisations to deliver business insights using real-time data models.
Tableau, Visual Analytics, training, empower, organisation, self-service, BI, platforms, data analytics, gain access, critical business information, Tableo, Visul, Analitics, traning, empoer, organiztion, self-servce, B, platfoms, data analitics, gain acsess, criticle busines informtion. Tableau, Visual Analytics, training, empower, organisation, self-service, BI, platforms, data analytics, gain access, critical business information, Tableo, Visul, Analytics, training, empower, organisation, self-service, BI, platforms, data analytics, gain access, critical business information.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Lean Kanban University
This Introduction to Kanban course will teach you to implement Kanban, manage Work in Progress, regulate workflows & remove waste from product development.
Introduction to Kanban Training - Smoothing Development Workflow, Kanban, training, Agile, project management, core concepts, task board, single-team level, Team Kanban Practitioner, TKP, certificate, Lean Kanban University, LKU, certification, options, Click, view, earn, options, Kanban Kamban, Canban , Agile Agil , management managment , certificate certificat , options optoins Kanban, training, Agile, project management, core concepts, task board, single-team level, Team Kanban Practitioner, TKP, certificate, Lean Kanban University, LKU, certification, options, Click, view, earn, options, Kanban Kamban, Canban , Agile Agil , management management , certificate certificat , options optoins
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Technical Writing Course, you will learn how to plan, write & edit technical documents, identify target audiences, and convey content to readers.
Technical Writing, Technical Writing Course, Writing Course, Plan, Write, Edit, Technical Documents, Target Audience, Document Formats, Visuals, Graphics, Complicated Content, Readers, UK, Mis-spellings Tehnical Writing, Technikal Writing, Techinical Writing, Tech Writing, Technikal Writting, Technical Writting, Writting Course, Writng Course, Techinical Writing Course. Technical Writing, Technical Writing Course, Writing Course, Plan, Write, Edit, Technical Documents, Target Audience, Document Formats, Visuals, Graphics, Complicated Content, Readers, UK, Technical Writing, Technical Writing, Technical Writing, Technical Writing, Technical Writing, Technical Writing, Writing Course, Writing Course, Technical Writing Course.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,515 -
Get ISTQB® Certified Tester AI Testing (CT-AI) certification. Learn AI testing methodologies, tools, and techniques in this 4-day hands-on course.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learn PowerShell basics in 1 day. Administer Microsoft workstations & servers with command syntax & scripting language.
PowerShell, automation, administrative tasks, filter, sort, manage information, Microsoft, command syntax, scripting language, workstations, servers, Windows administrators, IT Professionals, complex management tasks, scripting experience, Power Shell, PowerShel, PowrShell, PowrShel, PoweShell, PoweShel PowerShell, automation, administrative tasks, filter, sort, manage information, Microsoft, command syntax, scripting language, workstations, servers, Windows administrators, IT professionals, complex management tasks, scripting experience, Power Shell, PowerShel, PowrShell, PowrShel, PoweShell, PoweShel.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
This strategic business analyst course explores the BA activities needed to analyse business situations & understand business problems & opportunities.
business analyst, strategic, investigative skills, business challenges, business opportunities, organisation, competencies, current business needs, strategic goals, training course, inside, outside, formal prerequisites, buisness analyst, stragic, oppurtunities, orginisation, competences, stragetic, pre-requisites business analyst, strategic, investigative skills, business challenges, business opportunities, organisation, competencies, current business needs, strategic goals, training course, inside, outside, formal prerequisites, business analyst, strategic, opportunities, organisation, competences, strategic, prerequisites.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
In this on-demand training, you’ll build a solid base around the entire vulnerability management process including the understanding of vulnerabilities, identifying and ranking the security issues, and recommending solutions to remediate the security issues.
Threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, security issues, defensive strategy, information security, vulnerabilities, security breaches, cyber-attacks, remediation solutions, security personnel, comprehensive assessment, security policies, sophisticated attacks, Ransomware, hands-on instruction, midsize organizations, large organizations, security management, security tools, security methods, security examples, security explanations, security instruction, security training, security course, security modules, security duration, security breaches. Threat assessment Threat assessement, Threat asessment, Threat assessmant, Threat assessmen Vulnerability assessment Vulnerability assessement, Vulnerability asessment, Vulnerability assessmant, Vulnerability assessmen Security issues Secuirty issues, Security isues, Security issu, Secutiry issue Defensive strategy Defensive stratgy, Defensive stragey, Defensive strtegy Information security Information secuirty, Information sercurity, Information securtiy Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilites, Vulnerabilties, Vulnerabilty Security breaches Security breeches, Security breches, Security breahce Cyber-attacks Cyberattacks, Cyber attaks, Cyber atack Remediation solutions Remediation solutios, Remediation solutins, Remediation solutino Security personnel Security personel, Security perssonel, Security peronnel Comprehensive assessment Comprehensive assesment, Comprehensive asessment, Comprehensive assessmant Sophisticated attacks Sophisticated atacks, Sophisticated attaks, Sophisticated attacke Ransomware Ransom ware, Ransome ware, Ransomeware Threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, security issues, defensive strategy, information security, vulnerabilities, security breaches, cyber-attacks, remediation solutions, security personnel, comprehensive assessment, security policies, sophisticated attacks, Ransomware, hands-on instruction, medium-sized organisations, large organisations, security management, security tools, security methods, security examples, security explanations, security instruction, security training, security course, security modules, security duration, security breaches. Threat assessment Threat assessment, Threat assessment, Threat assessment, Threat assessment Vulnerability assessment Vulnerability assessment, Vulnerability assessment, Vulnerability assessment, Vulnerability assessment Security issues Security issues, Security issues, Security issues, Security issues Defensive strategy Defensive strategy, Defensive strategy, Defensive strategy Information security Information security, Information security, Information security Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities Security breaches Security breaches, Security breaches, Security breaches Cyber-attacks Cyber-attacks, Cyber-attacks, Cyber-attacks Remediation solutions Remediation solutions, Remediation solutions, Remediation solutions Security personnel Security personnel, Security personnel, Security personnel Comprehensive assessment Comprehensive assessment, Comprehensive assessment, Comprehensive assessment Sophisticated attacks Sophisticated attacks, Sophisticated attacks, Sophisticated attacks Ransomware Ransomware, Ransomware, Ransomware
On-Demand -
Learning Tree
Learning Tree International's Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program has 6 courses that train you to lead effectively.
Thriving, Dynamic Change, Certificate Course, Technology, Relentless, Overwhelming, Improvement, Execution, Results, Approaches, Frameworks, Disruption, Managed, Opportunity, Growth, Performance, Experience, Affects, Practice, Lead, Teams, Organization, , s
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
Improve time-management with proven tools and techniques to make better choices and achieve goals.
time management, time management training, time management essentials, time management techniques, time management tools, time management course, time management skills, time management tips, time management strategies, effective time management, productivity, goal setting, prioritization, organization, time allocation, time optimization, time utilization, time efficiency, time mastery, time planning, time tracking, time audit, time analysis, best practices, personal development, self-improvement, self-management, productivity training, mismanagement, time managment, time managment training, time managment essentials, time managment techniques, time managment tools, time managment course, time managment skills, time managment tips, time managment strategies, effective time managment, goal setting, prioritisation, organization, time allocation, time optimisation, time utilisation, time efficiency, time master, time planning, time track, time audit, time anlysis, best practises, personal development, self improvement, self managment, productivity training. time management, time management training, time management essentials, time management techniques, time management tools, time management course, time management skills, time management tips, time management strategies, effective time management, productivity, goal setting, prioritisation, organisation, time allocation, time optimisation, time utilisation, time efficiency, time mastery, time planning, time tracking, time audit, time analysis, best practices, personal development, self-improvement, self-management, productivity training, mismanagement, time management, time management training, time management essentials, time management techniques, time management tools, time management course, time management skills, time management tips, time management strategies, effective time management, goal setting, prioritisation, organisation, time allocation, time optimisation, time utilisation, time efficiency, time master, time planning, time track, time audit, time analysis, best practices, personal development, self-improvement, self-management, productivity training.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
The Time Management Training is a practical 2-day course that teaches you how to manage your time and develop your own personal action plan.
time management, time management training, time management skills, develop, purpose, priorities, behaviour patterns, strategies, tools, techniques, decisions, deadlines, goals, personal action plan, time managment, time manegement, time managment training, time managment skills time management, time management training, time management skills, develop, purpose, priorities, behaviour patterns, strategies, tools, techniques, decisions, deadlines, goals, personal action plan, time management, time management training, time management skills
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,105 -
Learning Tree
Work with time series data and R statistical modeling language in the Time Series Analysis Using R course.
r, Microsoft r, time series, data points, chronologically, finance, stock prices, marketing, new customers, sales, health, infections, deaths, science, earthquakes, analysis, R, statistics, forecasting, trend analysis, seasonality, autocorrelation, time sereis, dat apoints, financ, stalk prices, markeitng, helth, infetions, deths, scienc, eartquakes, analisys, Ahr, stattistics, forcasting, treand analysis, seasonaltiy, autocorellation, r, Microsoft r, time series analysis, R, chronologically, finance, stock prices, marketing, new customers, sales, health, infections, deaths, science, earthquakes, data points, contexts, trends, forecasting, modeling, seasonality, autocorrelation, outliers, time serie analysis, time series analisys, R programming, stock price analysis, sales trend analysis, health data analysis, earthquake forecasting, time series modeling. tidsserieanalys, R, kronologiskt, finans, aktiepriser, marknadsföring, nya kunder, försäljning, hälsa, infektioner, dödsfall, vetenskap, jordbävningar, datapunkter, sammanhang, trender, prognoser, modellering, säsongsvariation, autokorrelation, avvikande värden, stavfel tidsserieanalys, tidsserieanalys, R-programmering, analys av aktiepriser, analys av försäljningstrender, analys av hälsodata, prognos av jordbävningar, tidsseriemodellering.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £625 -
Learning Tree
Master project management with our on-demand course. Learn essential skills, stakeholder engagement, and risk management in 8 hours.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from £399 -
Master the art of training and deploying machine learning models in the cloud with our Azure Machine Learning (DP-3007) training course.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure Machine Learning, DP-3007, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Make Data Available, Compute Targets, Training Script, Command Job, MLflow, Register ML Model, Deploy Model, Managed Online Endpoint, Training Prerequisites, Data Science Process, Python SDK, Training Outline, Datastore, Data Asset, Compute Instance, Compute Cluster, Environments, Curated Environments, Custom Environments, Script Conversion, Parameters, Track Metrics, Model Evaluation, MLflow Model Format, Online Endpoint Testing, Azure Machine Learning, DP-3007, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Göra data tillgänglig, Beräkningsmål, Körning av skript, Kommandouppdrag, MLflow, Registrera ML-modell, Distribuera modell, Hanterad onlineändpunkt, Förkunskapskrav, Data Science-process, Python SDK, Utbildningsöversikt, Datastore, Data Tillgång, Beräkningsinstans, Beräkningskluster, Miljöer, Förvalda miljöer, Anpassade miljöer, Skriptomvandling, Parametrar, Spåra metriker, Modellutvärdering, MLflow-modellformat, Testning av onlineändpunkter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £835 -
Learn to integrate AI into your business with this half-day workshop. Gain insights on AI strategy, ethical practices, and scalable adoption.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from £475 -
Learning Tree
Duke Corporate Ed's Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in translating org strategy & executing own work's strategies.
translate, Duke CE, Certificate Course, technical leaders, mindset, strategic, executing, organizational strategy, architecting, strategies, strategic frame of reference, alignment, operations, people, implementation, desired results, Duk CE, sertificate, teknikal, mndset, strategik, exucuting, orgnizational, archtecting, stratgies, stragegic, refernce, alingment, oprations, pepole, implimentation, desrired, resluts.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,820 -
Learning Tree
Learn how UML can enhance Agile processes. Our training dispels the myth of UML being document-heavy.
UML, Agile development, modelling, software development, coding, architecture, design, communication, sprint deliverables, industry-standard, team, training, programmers, visual, fundamental, mindset, document heavy, reputation, customer expectations, integral, effective communication, thinking, steps, critical, adoption, approach, jump, conversations, poorly architected, reversed mindset, all members, sprint, customer, expectations, better communicate, decisions, format, standard. Agile develpment moddeling sofware develpment architechture desing communcation deliverableindusty-standard trainig programervisiual funamental mindeset documnet heavy reputaion custoemr efective communication thnking critcal adoptoin aproach convrsationpoorly architected reversd mindset all membrcustome expecationbeter comunicate desicionforat stadard. UML, Agile development, modelling, software development, coding, architecture, design, communication, sprint deliverables, industry-standard, team, training, programmers, visual, fundamental, mindset, document heavy, reputation, customer expectations, integral, effective communication, thinking, steps, critical, adoption, approach, jump, conversations, poorly architected, reversed mindset, all members, sprint, customer, expectations, better communicate, decisions, format, standard. Agile development modelling software development architecture design communication deliverables industry-standard training programmers visual fundamental mindset document heavy reputation customer effective communication thinking critical adoption approach jump conversations poorly architected reversed mindset all members customer expectations better communicate decisions format standard.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,495 -
Learning Tree's WLFNDU v1.0 training gives you the knowledge and skills you need to position, plan, implement, operate, and manage a Cisco WLAN network.
Understanding Cisco Wireless Foundations, WLFNDU, Cisco WLAN network, design, install, configure, monitor, troubleshooting, professional-level enterprise wireless exams, ENWLSD, ENWLSI, knowledge, skills, networks, wireless networks, routing, switching, engineer, systems engineer, technical solutions architect, network administrator, wireless design engineer, network manager, technologies, best practices, WLAN maintenance, certification exam, enterprise wireless courses, WLFND, Cisco Wireless Foundation, ENWLDU, ENWLS, ENWLD, ENLWSD, ENLWSI. Understanding Cisco Wireless Foundations, WLFNDU, Cisco WLAN network, design, install, configure, monitor, troubleshooting, professional-level enterprise wireless exams, ENWLSD, ENWLSI, knowledge, skills, networks, wireless networks, routing, switching, engineer, systems engineer, technical solutions architect, network administrator, wireless design engineer, network manager, technologies, best practices, WLAN maintenance, certification exam, enterprise wireless courses, WLFND, Cisco Wireless Foundation, ENWLDU, ENWLS, ENWLD, ENLWSD, ENLWSI.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,975 -
Learning Tree
Attend this use case course for user & system requirements & learn how you can improve customer satisfaction & product delivery. Attend in-class or online.
Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document, USe Case, tranning, User Requirments, System Requirments, custumer satisfaction, produt delivery, tehcniques, diffrence, skils, caputure, softwere, IT busines neads, wite, usecases, spesify, drwa, ULM diagrams, modle, sytem, creat, data, interfase modles, devlop, IT requirments documnt. Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document, Use Case, training, User Requirements, System Requirements, customer satisfaction, product delivery, techniques, difference, skills, capture, software, IT business needs, write, use cases, specify, draw, UML diagrams, model, system, create, data, interface models, develop, IT requirements document.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £1,650 -
Learning Tree
Learn to create a user experience (UX) that integrates the needs of the user with the application in this 3-day UX design course. Attend in-class or online.
User Experience, UX Design, User Interface, UI, functionality, usability, desktop, mobile, interaction scripts, information architecture, wireframes, interactive prototypes, application development, design process, designers, developers, project leads, business systems analysts. Use Experience User Experiance User Expeience Use Interface User Inteface User Inferface, User Experience, UX Design, User Interface, UI, Interaction scripts, Information architecture, Wireframes, Interactive prototypes, Desktop, Mobile, Functionality, Usability, Application development, Design process, Project leads, Business systems analysts, Web-based applications, Designers, Developers, Stakeholders, Input, Results, Satisfaction, Engagement. User Experiance Usability design Intaraction scriptInfomation architecture Wire frameInteractive prototipeDesk top Mobilee Funcionality Appication development Desing procesProject leedBussiness systems analyst Web based apllicationDesignreDevelperStakholderInputt ResutSatisfacshun Engagemint Användarupplevelse, UX-design, Användargränssnitt, UI, Interaktionsdesign, Informationsarkitektur, Wireframes, Interaktiva prototyper, Skrivbord, Mobil, Funktionalitet, Användbarhet, Applikationsutveckling, Designprocess, Projektledare, Affärssystemanalytiker, Webbbaserade applikationer, Designers, Utvecklare, Intressenter, Inmatning, Resultat, Tillfredsställelse, Engagemang. Användarupplevande Användbarhetsdesign Interaktionskript Informationsarkitektur Wireframes Interaktiva prototyper Skrivbord Mobil Funktionalitet Applikationsutveckling Designprocess Projektledare Affärssystemanalytiker Webbbaserade applikationer Designers Utvecklare Intressenter Inmatning Resultat Tillfredsställelse Engagemang
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,075 -
Learning Tree
In this Vulnerability Assessment course, you learn how to create a network security vulnerability assessment checklist to prevent network exploitation.
Vulnerability Assessment, security breaches, evaluate risk, network security, checklist, exposed infrastructure, server vulnerabilities, desktop vulnerabilities, reports, vulnerability scanners, detect points of exposure, prevent network exploitation, vulnerabilty, assesssment, secuirty, breahces, netowrk, exposd, infrastructer, desktop vulnarabilities, vulnirability, scannars, exploitatoin.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from £2,195 -
In this 5-day Windows Server course, you'll learn the fundamental administration skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2019 in most organisations.
Windows Server 2019, administration, IT professionals, identity management, networking, storage, compute, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, IP addressing, name resolution, DHCP, Hyper-V, server virtualization, security, best practices, Windows client operating systems, PowerShell, core administration components, update knowledge, skills, preparation materials, exams, service desk, server maintenance. WIndows Server 2019 administrashun IT profesionals identiti managment netwroking storge comptue Active Directory Domain Servises IP adresssing name resolushion Hyper V server virtualizashun secutiry best practises Windows cilent operating systems PowrShell adminstration components updat knowledge preperation materials exmas servise desk server maintanence Windows Server 2019, administration, IT professionals, identity management, networking, storage, compute, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, IP addressing, name resolution, DHCP, Hyper-V, server virtualisation, security, best practices, Windows client operating systems, PowerShell, core administration components, update knowledge, skills, preparation materials, exams, service desk, server maintenance. Windows Server 2019 administration IT professionals identity management networking storage compute Active Directory Domain Services AD DS IP addressing name resolution DHCP Hyper-V server virtualisation security best practices Windows client operating systems PowerShell core administration components update knowledge skills preparation materials exams service desk server maintenance
Online or In-class -
Enhance productivity with our half-day course on Microsoft Copilot. Learn to streamline workflows and boost efficiency using AI-driven tools.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from £475 -
Learn to write complex, powerful SQL queries, apply joins & subqueries, & select the most efficient solution to complex SQL problems in this 1-day course.
SQL, SQL Server, queries, writing queries, powerful queries, complex queries, query formulation, query optimization, query errors, query pitfalls, database retrieval, database content, SQL training, SQL course, SQL development, SQL users, Microsoft SQL, SQL library, on-demand courses, Windows, Exchange, SQL writing, SQL programming, SQL syntax, SQL commands, SQL statements, Sequel, Sequel Server, quires, witing, powrful, compleks, optimisation, pitfals, retrival, conten, develpment, usrs, Ms SQL, windos, excange, SQl, SQl programming, SQl syntax, SQl commends, SQl statments. SQL, SQL Server, queries, writing queries, powerful queries, complex queries, query formulation, query optimisation, query errors, query pitfalls, database retrieval, database content, SQL training, SQL course, SQL development, SQL users, Microsoft SQL, SQL library, on-demand courses, Windows, Exchange, SQL writing, SQL programming, SQL syntax, SQL commands, SQL statements, Sequel, Sequel Server, queries, writing, powerful, complex, optimisation, pitfalls, retrieval, content, development, users, MS SQL, Windows, Exchange, SQL, SQL programming, SQL syntax, SQL commands, SQL statements.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £689 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day, hands-on Writing SQL Queries course for an introduction to the SQL language used by all relational database products.
SQL, queries, writing, data retrieval, SELECT statements, relational database, technology, Microsoft, on-demand courses, Windows, Exchange, review sessions, programming, database concepts, Sequel, querys, writting, data retreival, SELECT statments, realtional database, technolgy, Microsft, on-deman courses, Windwos, Exchage, reveiw sessions, programing, database concpets SQL, queries, writing, data retrieval, SELECT statements, relational database, technology, Microsoft, on-demand courses, Windows, Exchange, review sessions, programming, database concepts, Sequel, queries, writing, data retrieval, SELECT statements, relational database, technology, Microsoft, on-demand courses, Windows, Exchange, review sessions, programming, database concepts.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690 -
Learning Tree
Learn to leverage SQL Server Management Studio to write SQL queries in this 1-day hands-on course. Attend in-class or online from anywhere.
SQL, SQL Server Management Studio, queries, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, Query Designer, Query Window, learning curve, starting point, training course, skills, graphically designing, formal prerequisites, learn, basics SQL, SQL Server Management Studio, queries, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, Query Designer, Query Window, learning curve, starting point, training course, skills, graphically designing, formal prerequisites, learn, basics. No translation needed as both versions of English are the same.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from £690